
Basking Lizards

Revenant <3



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-03-2022, 12:28 AM

The earthen-hued Athena is at it again, patrolling the island and taking one of Chimera and Aliana’s brood with her. Since the hot afternoon sun has made the air stuffy and almost unbearable, she has decided to patrol along the water’s edge where a gentle breeze softens the summer heat. As they move, she points out some little, trivial things to the tall pup, the sound of gulls, the way the wind shifts… little things. As they near a small cluster of palm trees, Athena signals for the pup to halt and lefts her head to scent the air. While doing this, the earthen wolf informs Revenant that is a spot where many predators like to come ashore and, sure enough, there is a foreign smell on the breeze. Quickly, thepair move to incept it.

Soon the sight of saltwater crocodile basking on the beach greets their eyes and the earthen wolf once again signals to stop. Looking to Revenant, Athena softly says, “Okay, I am going to keep the creature’s attention on me. Make it angry and annoyed, show it why it does not want to come back here. But, no matter what happens, stay safe.” Amber eyes catch the pup’s gaze for a moment before she turns toward where the crocodile lays. After a moment, she rushes forward, snarling loudly so that the beast will focus on her. Its huge mouth opens as a deep growl makes the ground vibrate. Athena feints an attack at the crocodile so that it snaps her and turns to follow after her when she trots around it, giving Revenant an opening.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-03-2022, 06:10 PM

If there was one thing Revenant hated the most, it was patrolling. Not that the prince thought he was above the menial labor, of course. It was more that nothing ever happened and it was soooooo boooooring! Following alongside Athena, the taller lad towered over the shorter warrior, his multihued eyes swaying this way and that to follow what she pointed out to him. The cries of the gulls drifting lazily in the warm summer air, the shift of the cool oceanic breeze, the dense line of palm trees along the beach where predators could hide. That was all well and good—except there were no predators on the island. His father made sure of that. It took all of Revenant's self-control to keep from rolling his eyes at how painfully dull and tedious this whole process was. What exactly was he learning here anyway? How to walk on the beach?

His grumpy sulking was interrupted when Athena pauses them to scent the air again, her expression stiffening as she found something. "What-?" Revenant started to ask, but Athena was already leading them off down the shore to intercept whatever she had discovered. Further on down the waterfront they found it: a saltwater crocodile lounging about in the summer sun. Revenant's eyes lit up with excitement; finally something to fight! Athena motioned to halt and Revenant obeyed, looking to the more seasoned fighter as she explained their strategy. He nodded his head, eyes steeled and focused on their reptilian adversary. "Got it." Then they charged across the sand at the crocodile, Revenant swerving around to the reptile's rear while Athena took its attention from the front. Revenant bared his fangs and snarled as he lunged for the croc's tail, snapping into the thick, leathery skin of the creature. His teeth found purchase, but his jaws weren't quite strong enough to pierce the thick hide of the crocodilian. All it did was earn him the ire of the beast, who rounded on him with a hiss and a snap of his jaws at Revenant, going for the pup.




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-03-2022, 10:21 PM

The tall pup seems bored with the patrol and Athena does her best to liven things up, teaching what she can where she can. However, nothing energizes a patrol like the appearance of a predator and luckily a saltwater crocodile had decided to lounge on their beach. Time for them to chase it off.

Revenant seems eager as they charge toward the reptile and Athena grins as she lunges forward to snap at the crocodile. The pup feints around, biting the tail but is unable to draw blood. The angry creature turns to snap at Revenant and Athena rushes in to draw its attention back to her. Teeth graze the croc’s neck and the earthen wolf has to quickly jump away to avoid the snapping mouth that follows after her.

This reptile does not show any signs of wanting to leave the hot sand, so Athena shouts to Revenant, “What do you say we switch things up? The belly is their soft spot, lets flip this bad boy over and end it!” She continues to keep the beast’s focus while waiting for the pup to answer. If the reptile doesn’t want to leave, then it can become part of their growing pile of pelts. Who knows, maybe the pup would like it for armor.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-15-2022, 11:47 PM

It only took the split second for Revenant to realize his teeth had done no damage to the crocodile for him to realize he'd fucked up, and seeing the massive prehistoric reptile rounding on him made his blood run cold. "Oh jeez!" exclaimed the surprised pup with a yelp, managing to leap back at the last possible moment before massive predatory jaws snapped down where his leg had been moments before. With his heart pounding and adrenaline racing through his veins, Revenant regained his composure and gazed in wide, shellshocked eyes at the lizard that had almost ended his life. Athena jumped in quickly, drawing the crocodile's attention away again long enough for him to swallow a few deep breaths and clear his head of the fog.

It was becoming apparent that the crocodile didn't see the wolves as big enough threats to chase it from its basking spot. Ordinarily, Revenant's lackadaisical attitude would have just let the crocodile be instead of bothering himself with it, but the beast had tried to kill him and would no doubt be a threat to his other, softer or less cautious siblings. Yeeeeeah, no, this thing was gonna die. Athena made the suggestion of rolling it over to get to its soft underbelly and the Klein prince shot an exasperated look over to her. Oh yeah, sure! Let's just flip the giant prehistoric killing machine like a turtle! No big deal! Was this lady absolutely crazy?! Well, actually maybe she was, since everyone in Fenmyre seemed to be at least a little insane.

Thinking on his feet, Revenant looked around for anything they could use to flip the crocodile over. Spotting a beached limb from a tree, the pup ran over and yanked it out of the sand. It was heavy, but not too heavy that he couldn't drag it over to the croc. Huffing and grunting, Revenant swung the tree limb towards the reptile. To his surprise, the crocodile just took it, letting the limb bonk it on its scaly snout. Revenant was perplexed—until the beats struck with lightning fast reflexes, champing strong jaws on the wood and crunching it like it was nothing. Revenant yelped as he was nearly dragged off of his paws, but it gave him just enough leverage on the croc to push all of his weight down on the opposite side of the tree limb. The croc was heavy, but the weight of the young dire wolf was just enough to raise the croc by its jaws and topple it onto its side. Dropping the limb, Revenant rushed over and threw himself into the sideways lizard, finishing flipping it over to expose its soft underbelly for Athena to deliver the killing blow.
