
Caged Bird



03-05-2014, 07:28 PM

She had never been to the gorge before, so on a rather drag and cloudy day, why not check it out? She knew it used to be a river but was completely dried up and left behind natural tunnels and caves. The grey sky was a relief to the dark woman, able to visit this dry place without overheating due to sun exposure. Carefully she made her way down the main path where the river must have flowed. Standing there she looked about. What could possibly live here? Why had Erani claimed this land? She supposed the many cave and tunnels could be useful when under siege, fleeing enemies, and ambushing them. But would she find plant life here? Trotting one sky blue eyes scanned the area.

But oh how quickly the mind can switch to something she wished not to think about. Where was Cael? Why did he leave her? Would she find his body in one of these many tunnels? The thought of it was horrific! She shook her head as the first drops of rain fell. Lifting her head up to the sky she sighed. Perfect, the weather seemed to match her mood. Yet she was grateful, knowing the land needed the rains. She looked about for an alcove to climb up on and shelter from the rain that was starting to come down harder. Finding one she easily jumped up and settled down to wait the storm out. Oddly enough this place was peaceful, silent, and empty. A place she could wallow in sorrow without anyone seeing her.



8 Years
03-05-2014, 09:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2014, 09:10 PM by Valerius.)

In his brief time with Valhalla so far, he had spent a fair bit of time exploring the plains, but his restless paws carried him to other parts of the Valhallan's lands. The moment he stepped into the gorge, he had been intrigued by its, shape, vastfulness, and most importantly the use. He couldn't fathom why the pack had claimed it, until he realized that it was a strategical dream. There seemed to be tunnels everywhere that burrowed into the sheer rock on both sides. Easily, the wolves could ambush others and escape. It was genius. He had amused himself ducking into small caves thus far, exploring a little before wandering back out into the depths of the gorge. Some of the caves had seemed to connect to tunnels, and he was a bit wary of exploring them alone, though his paws itched to tour their depths. A drop of water splattered against his nose, and he looked up curiously, to see a few more drops cascading down, followed by the downpour, he picked up his pace, looking for an alcove or cave to duck into to take shelter from water when he spotted one.

Leaping up, he pulled himself onto the ledge of alcove before stepping inside. It was once he was inside, that he realized he wasn't alone. The scent of another was over-powering, and he paused immediately at the edge of the alcove, his eyes landing on another. His own eyes widened with surprise at the sight of another wolf out here, but quickly his expression shifted. "I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't realise you were up here." He apologized quickly, formally. He'd then go on to ask, "Are you alright, ma'am? You look kind of blue." He said, with a concerned frown. While speaking, he had backed up a little, ready to leave her if that is what she wished, but if she wanted company- an ear to talk too, he'd be willing to listen as well.



03-06-2014, 01:59 AM

She laid her head on her paws, eyes seeing things far off, memories and images her mind made up. She would never have the kind of family she desired for, never have a mate, never have the comfort and love devoted just to her. It seemed life just didn't have those things cut out for her. Sure Erani's family was very much like her own but it wasn't the same. She had no blood relatives here. She had no one that had known her for years, who had been there her whole life. All she wanted in life was to have someone to love and be loved back, to make her own family. What had happened to Cael? Was he sick or hurt somewhere? Did he run off, changing his mind about her? Her dark musing would be interrupted though.

The appearance of the brown male, whose name she could not place jumped into the alcove. She sat up, shaking herself clean of her depression as much as possible. But was she too late to cover it up without him noticing? She smiled softly, weakly at his apology and shook her head.No, its fine, come in out of the rain. She would scoot over to allow more room for him, her blue eyes never staying on him for no more than a few seconds. She knew if he got a good look at them he would surely see her pain and sorrow. His question had her head snap up and looking at him. Silence followed for a few heart beats.I'm more grey than blue like this weather...But i'll be fine..eventually She said softly, almost in a whisper. The statement was meant more to herself than to him. Laying back down she sighed softly.I don't believe we've officially met. I'm Imena, the primary Theta. She turned her face to him but her eyes roamed about, anywhere but at his eyes.



8 Years
03-21-2014, 04:22 AM

On the ledge he watched her, he could nearly see her throw up mental walls but he didn't miss the despair in her eyes. What had happened to make her so sad, he wondered. He blinked slowly, trying to keep his face neutral, but polite- it was unlikely that she would want to talk to a complete stranger about whatever it was that was bothering her. Her head had snapped up at his question, and he felt his expression soften, though a slight chuckle would bubble in his chest at her words- they were a frail attempt at being light hearted. She laid back down, moving to share the space, and he slowly, moved into the alcove, lowering himself to the ground to rest near her, but to give her plenty of space. She introduced herself as Imena, the primary Theta, of Valhalla. He nodded at her introduction, taking her name in- remembering it. "I'm Valerius Adravendi, a recently added Gamma." He introduced and explained lightly, his eyes glancing away from her before coming back to her face. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it to a stranger, but if you need a friend- or just someone to hear you out, I'll listen. I know what it's like to have no one to talk too." He would say, his latter sentence nearly a reminder for himself. "I'm sorry if that was out of line." He added quickly, kicking himself mentally for speaking so freely with wolves he didn't know. Valhalla didn't strike him as militant pack, no, they were more a family- from what he had seen but he still didn't want those of higher ranks thinking he was a free talker.