
Tools of the trades

Shelby <3



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 11:43 AM

It was mostly a flight of fancy, Desponia still wasn't totally sure how she felt about... Everything. She needed something to keep her mind busy. She'd gotten a tiny little thought in her mind and though she wasn't really sure how she was going to go about doing it the woman had gathered up some materials she thought she might need, fresh sap wrapped in some scrap leather, a long thin strip of metal she's managed to scrounge from the shores of the island, where it had come from she did not know. A small chunk of wood and finally a sharp blade to help shape the chunk.

Technically there was more, the woman had built up a decent-sized fire, and had a small collection of stones nearby of varying sizes. Just because she didn't know how many she would actually need. Desponia sighed and settled herself near the fire, not really sure where she should even start, she was hoping to make an awl.


Image by ArtByBeta


06-29-2022, 12:17 PM
Slowly it seemed like winter was loosening its hold on their northeastern island as the cold became more mild and the snow began melting in the places where the sun shone on it more throughout the day. She was beginning some preparations on the garden that had mostly gone untouched throughout the winter and her work caused her to make trips back and forth between the stretch of flat land where the gardens were situated and the dens they kept among the mountain range. On one of those trips she spotted a thin trail of smoke from a camp fire near by. It wasn't like a campfire was necessarily unusual, especially in the colder months, but she was still slightly curious. She was still getting to know everyone in the pack and she was eager to be able to tell Merrick that she had successfully done that.

Leaving her work in the garden for a bit, she walked toward the trail of smoke curiously until she found the purple-hued, galactic woman that she had caught glimpses of here and there that she thought was related to Manea in some way. A large majority of the wolves here were related to her anyway so that wasn't a stretch of a guess. She spotted the materials laid out in front of Desponia and her curiosity grew, now more interested in what she was working on rather than the woman herself. "Hello," she greeted simply as she approached, giving a small dip of her head. "Would you like another set of paws to help? It looks like you have quite the project ahead of you."




Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 12:49 PM

Desponia pondered for a moment longer, unaware of the approach of a stranger. She supposed heating the metal might be the best first step? Doing so early would mean she could let the metal cool before she needed to handle it? The woman tilted her head, jumping slightly when the voice called out to her. Desponia was hardly a trusting wolf, her time spent here had only really made her distrust worse. Eyes narrowed she snapped her head around to look at the smaller woman. Desponia had seen her around in passing but knew little to nothing about the woman.

She glanced back at her materials, considering how best to respond. Maybe it was best to seek help, she certainly felt out of her depth. "Well I won't turn away help." She shuffled back to give the woman a clearer view of what exactly was happening, which wasn't much yet. "I was thinking an awl might be a good tool to have on hand. I'm mostly trying to figure out how to shape the metal tip with the fire... The wood is for the handle and the sap for a connection. I'm open to any suggestions though." He tone wasn't exactly friendly but not hostile either, she did not know the woman but maybe she would know something Desponia did not.


Image by ArtByBeta


06-29-2022, 01:33 PM
The other woman didn't exactly seem to appreciate her presence at first, but relented quickly enough. Keelin wasn't unused to the ire of others so it didn't exactly phase her. She simply waited to see if she would be dismissed or invited in. After a moment she did indeed accept her help and Keelin stepped closer so she could take a better look at the materials that had been collected. At first she couldn't guess exactly what the goal here was, but once it was explained to her she could better understand what the different pieces were for. "Ah, I see," she said with a nod, settling down on her hunches. This wasn't something that she personally had a lot of experience with, but she had seen all number of different projects and crafting on the ship so she at least had an idea.

"Since it doesn't have to be sharpened along the whole length of it like a blade it shouldn't be too much trouble," she said in relation to the trouble she was having over shaping the metal. "From what I've seen at least, you'll just need to heat it long enough to get it pliable and then you can just form it against some of these rocks you have here." Turning her attention to the wood, she mentioned, "I have a bit of experience with carving pieces if you'd like for me to begin working on that while you figure out the metal."




Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 03:15 PM

Desponia listened as the dappled woman spoke. For all her big ideas she had little practical crafting history so she certainly wouldn't turn her nose up at the woman's explanation, she nodded idly. Then when the stranger asked if she could help with carving the handle Desponia nudged the block of wood and the blade towards her before turning her own attention towards the metal at her paws.

In the end it would take her two tries, luckily the piece she had was long enough that she could easily break the piece in two if one end ended up not working. Which it didn't the first time. It had taken some shifting to find a place where she could comfortably hold the poker in the fire while not risking singeing her fur, then when she'd thought it had turned red enough that the metal was malleable moving it towards the rocks had proven a little hard, then it had just taken figuring out the right combination of pressure and striking to shape the end, though when she'd finally figured it out the end had turned into an uneven mishapen point, so she'd tried again with the other end. Though only after sticking the end into the snow to cool it so she could grab it safely. The second try was better, she took her time, focused on the task at hand and this end of the shaft looked much more even, not perfect but she could accept it. Cool that end and then she shoved the first end back into the flames, deeper this time waiting until the metal was red again and then shoved it directly into the snow which caused a hiss and steam to rise, with that end now brittle she managed to break it off, not totally evenly but easy enough to file with one of the stones.

Then and only then would she lift her gaze to see how her helper was getting on, all conversation having fled her mind while she'd been concentrating.


Image by ArtByBeta