


09-21-2013, 10:50 PM

Illness consumed the ardent wraith, but the malady that forced her lurching stomach to empty its contents every so often was not the common virus she experienced, nor was it an infection that she hadn?t previously been acquainted with. She had reached the unpleasant conclusion and only warranted explanation for her body?s abrupt malfunctioning, realization striking her that her wanton rendezvous with Lucifer?s hellion had resulted in so much more than a brief encounter with ecstasy. It was a daunting consequence and one she had not made preparations for or desired unlike the previous experience, but the ice queen would be left with no other option than to accept the fate that had been bestowed upon her and follow through with the grueling process of pregnancy. This time around, however, the damned brute that implanted his seed within the confines of her fruitful womb would be forced to play a key role in the upbringing of their spawn no matter if he desired to or not; refusal would only result in the removal of the prized possession that put the viper in such a vulnerable state in the first place. The newly-pregnant witch would disallow the raising of unplanned and bastard children, so abandonment was not an option in her eyes.

With ears pasted flatly to her crown out of pure aggravation, the petite ex-sovereign sauntered with as much poise as she could muster despite the pangs made to her abdomen in the direction of her previous encounter, breaching the southern region of the island in due time and navigating with little complication towards the enigmatic wood where she had last met with the brute. Instead of immediately locating the gargantuan fiend, however, the wraith happened upon the vacant clearing where they had sealed a rather violent deal, propelling herself towards it and settling back against her favored tree gently, taking great care to her body despite the fact that she was hardly pregnant and with children she had no desire to have. Once she had adopted a position of comfort, the babe tilted back her muzzle and unhinged her jaws, allowing a soprano howl to slither through the gap in summon for the pallid behemoth, vocals maintaining a sultry tone rather than an enraged snarl so that she may better convince the male to appear. After all, what sinner would dare pass the opportunity her howl falsely promoted? Surely not the male who had practically bled lust.


10-05-2013, 06:03 AM
His time with the ivory dame had been erotic, wonderful, and absolutely meaningless to him. Would he do it again? Without hesitation. One could imagine his surprise when a familiar voice reached his ears, from the small meal of a hare he had been enjoying, his head would rise, looking off into the distance that it came from. Sighing, he glanced at his meal, and finished off the last couple of bites before pushing himself to his paws, and sauntering towards the sound.

His eyes weren't dissapointed by the beauty, and a chuckle grew on his jaws. "Did you miss me so much you called again so soon, my dear?" His words would be low, the tone pitching for seduction as he stepped towards her, coming in an attempt to come up beside her, winding his ivory pelt alongside her own pallid features. He took a deep breath, aware that something was off about her scent, though he couldn't quite place it.


10-06-2013, 07:06 PM
kinda short and lame cause im posting from an iPad.

Lucifer would come on swift paws as she had assumed he might, a singular corner of her velvet lips rising upon her cheek to contort her lovely countenance into a feigned smirk as he approached her side, blissfully unaware of the current circumstance. A soft purr would rattle her vocal chords at his pretentious inquiry, granting the brute the opportunity to close the gap between them as he attempted to press the entirety of his masculine form against her side. "Something like that," the ice queen responded with a wink, her vocalizations maintaining their sultry tone despite the fury that had enveloped her interior upon his manifestation, still in a state of disbelief that their fling had resulted in something far more permanent and totally undesired.

The hellion would be left vulnerable as he affectionately ran his figure along the dainty length of her own, his neck completely exposed to her, yearning to be vehemently grasped betwixt her ruthless and eager jaws. The babe would allow her muzzle to dig into the tender flesh of his neck as she tested the waters, hoping to earn his trust before she'd abruptly unhinge her jaws and attempt to ensnare his jugular, gluttonous incisors intending to penetrate far beneath his flesh in a threatening manner. Should this violent maneuver prove to be a success, the hormonal wench would release a muffled growl to indicate that this encounter was not for play, but rather business. "If you want to live," the pregnant fiend began with an eerie calmness, "I suggest you listen and listen well to what I have to say, my dear."


10-08-2013, 07:22 AM
lame post is lame, but I don't want all the time to lapse b/c I'm in such a horrible mood.

So easily had be fell into the grasps of the albino?s rage, so often had he found himself in such positions. Compromised integrity, yet such a feeling of ecstasy, faced in the jaws of death itself. Her words, though a threat excited him, sending a longing quiver through his bodice, the neurons at the end of every muscle firing, nearly sending him into oblivion right then and there. As he stood, he froze, and a chuckle emerged from his throat and could nearly feel her canines vibration along his jugular as he laughed. Lo, he laughed at her, not a bit worried that she may make good on her threat. After all, if he wanted out of it, he could, no one could stand against him. So many had died trying.

?Ah, perhaps you are more kinky then I imagined, my dear.? His voice rumbled in his chest, and he wished that he was in the position to turn his head, to see the expression on her face. Hell, he might as well appease the fiery wrench. Go on love, what is it you want to say so badly.? Perhaps she would proclaim her love for him, her desire. It would matter regardless to him, he didn?t need buy into the whole concept. A good fuck however, well, obviously, he was all over that.


10-09-2013, 11:08 AM
posting from the iPad, I also would like to get this wrapped up before she gives birth c:

Incisors penetrated the tender flesh adorning the hellion's neck, causing a rumble of satisfaction to reverberate the ex-sovereign's larynx as the metallic tang of blood graced her eager taste-buds. Limbs instinctively bent at the knee to enable swift movement in preparation for the worst-case scenario should the goliath attempt retaliation, but the defensive mechanism was all for naught for the brute insisted upon stiffening at her bite, growing rigid in stance rather than loose as the wench assumed he might have. Triangular ears swiveled backwards out of sheer confusion as a throaty cackle breached the atmosphere, sending vibratory waves along the length of the babe's submerged canines, indicating that it was her victim who had emitted the blood-curdling chortle. In an attempt to cease any further vocalizations from the male and to instill fear within his very core, the babe allowed further pressure to build up within her jaws, intending to tighten her grasp upon his throat to remind the bastard who was dancing on the edge between life and death and exactly who was the deciding factor in the other's fate.

Still he persisted, this time allowing words to vacate the premises of his mouth rather than cruel laughter, irritating the viper all the more as she registered his speech. Mercury eyes rolled in their sockets and her jaws slackened to relinquish her grip to his jugular, tossing her skull to the side while she discarded him in hopes of lacerating his throat just slightly out of pure spite. Serpentine limbs propelled the pallid fiend feet away from the male to widen the distance between them, hoping to grant herself with enough leeway to flee the scene in the case that the brute's actions should warrant it, turning back to face him as he permitted her explanation. "Congratulations are in order, my friend," the wretched woman smirked as she tipped her skull in his direction, a devious gleam dancing across the surface of her metallic depths as she surveyed him. "You're going to be a father, and more importantly: a dad."


10-09-2013, 11:31 AM

His eyes widened slightly, excitement glittering in his eyes as he felt her canines puncture his skin. The stinging of the bone, as it tore through his fur shot through him, shooting endorphin through his body and a rumble of pleasure came from his jugular. He felt a shiver of delight as the ivory witch tightened her jaws, attempting to remind him of the delicate position he was in, but he could already feel the lower member of his body reacting to the eroticness of the scene he now found himself in. As the witch suddenly pulled away, he felt her teeth dragging, and stepped into the drag, so as not to pull back so she wouldn't rip his skin too much. He may have adored the feeling of her inside his flesh, however, he preferred having his neck in tact.

The witch leaped away, carefully putting distance between them, and he could see the traces of his blood on her jaws. Lightly shaking his neck, he felt the burn of the wounds she had inflicted, and let out a low snarl, as he faced her, his eyes raking across her form, but most importantly landing on her haunches. Her words would come, peaking his interest. Congratulations? What was she... Oh fuck. Suddenly, he wasn't feelings as aroused has he had been. Like a limp harry, his body relaxed.


A father? That was nearly laughable. He was far from what any creature would want in a father. Far from it. A guffaw of laughter escaped his jaws, and he looked at caught between expecting it, and also expecting to see a difference in the small wretches frame. Taking a deep breath, he smelt it, how had he missed that? Pregnant. His meaningless, one night stand, was pregnant?! Fuck. One word slipped from his jaws, as he stared at her, shock visible in his expression.
