
if the shoe fits




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
07-07-2022, 04:59 PM
However preoccupied and busy the Empress might be she would have had to be blind not to notice all of the work that young Celeste was putting into her duties and her pack. There weren’t many who could boast such devotion, and Venom wanted to offer a more tangible piece of evidence to that fact.

The Empress made her way to the shrine that evening. Venom had a long patrol in mind, and intended to invite the young woman along with her so they might be able to talk while being productive. Keeping one’s paws moving made it difficult to focus on any anxiety, not that she wanted to make assumptions about how Celeste would react to her.

White gloved paws carried her to the glowing waters. The sun hadn’t quite touched the horizon but it was getting close when Venom tipped her head back and asked for Celeste to meet her here within the white forests.


[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
07-07-2022, 07:10 PM
She had recently returned from her venture out to the Hot Springs, feeling refreshed and new. The harsh winter had done a number on her coat but had not deterred her from keeping busy. Whether it was hunting to help keep supplies full, spending time with new friends, attending the pack meetings, or keeping warm snuggled in Kuroki's bed, Celeste was indeed a busy woman. A nice soak had been warranted and her absence had been short. Now that she was back in the lands of Ashen, she wondered if it was a good time to schedule training with Shuriken.

As dusk began to settle around the horizon, a familiar howl distracted her from her to-do list. Surprisingly, as both her ears perked up, it was from Venom and not for a group meeting. Leaving her feline companion tucked away in the room, Celeste didn't delay answering the request. It wasn't every day that the Empress herself requested one on one time. Making her way on dainty paws and long tail brushing the damp ground, she began to feel a tingle of anticipation. Not so much anxiety, but curiosity. Doing her best to keep her breathing steady and head held high, Celeste approached the long-legged and white-gloved Empress.

Dipping her ivory chin as a respectful greeting while she approached, she had to look up with her aquamarine eyes. The height difference would possibly be daunting for some, but she was used to it by now. "Evening ma'am. What can I do for you?" Celeste's tone is even and interested as she shifts her weight from one side to the other. Was something wrong? Was Kuroki in trouble? Questions filtered through her mind as she tried to keep her pulse normal.

Celeste Akizora



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
07-08-2022, 07:24 AM
Venom lowered her features as her call dissipated into the changing color sky. She wasn’t aware that her quarry was away for a few days, but she was lucky that the woman was just getting back. Had she been aware Venom wouldn’t have bothered the girl as she just returned home. Even still she didn’t force Venom to wait for very long. Sunset eyes lifted from the mirror like water as the demure she wolf appeared through the white forests. She didn’t seem nervous at all, but there was a curiosity over her features as she approached and greeted them Empress.

The Queen gave her a respectful nod as she said hello and asked about her summons here tonight. "Good evening, Celeste.” She returned softly as she lifted herself to her paws after a brief sit. She asked what could be done for the Empress tonight. "Would you patrol with me?” She asked, not really waiting for an answer as she led the two of them towards the border. Celeste already offered her services so Venom wouldn’t patronize her by waiting and wasting her time.

As they began to walk Venom drew herself up, debating how she would speak her offer. Where she had seen Cel’s good works, she didn’t really know the lengths of the relationship she had with her son. There wasn’t too much to sneak past the Empress’ attention, she knew Kuroki was sharing his den with her. "I’ve noticed how much you have been working for the betterment of the pack. You have done much to keep our larders full.” Venom started as they walked, her gaze shifting from Celeste to their surroundings as she kept alert. "Mostly I have asked you out here to see if you would accept the position of Renja.” She finally asked.


[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
07-11-2022, 08:43 AM
The gentle tone of Venom helped relax Celeste on the inside. From the appearance of her Empress, there didn't appear or feel as if anything was terribly wrong. It began to set a vibration of anticipating through the petite fae. She could barely even get a word of agreeance out, only a nod as she moved to trot alongside Venom. It was quiet for a few moments and she tried to not let her brain get carried away. But what possibly could Venom want? Celeste had simply only been trying to keep herself busy and not caught up too much in menial things.

Making sure to glance around their surroundings and enjoy the scenery in hopes it would clear her thoughts, her ears perked when the Empress began speaking. Glancing up at the larger female with her aquamarine eyes, Celeste smiled nervously. She had been noticed? Her efforts hadn't gone with the wind? Not that she had been expecting any sort of recognition. She'd actually been having a bit of fun, whether it was playing with Seere or hanging with the doves; Celeste had been trying her hardest to make herself feel at home in Ashen.

It was the next sentence that caused her paws to falter for a moment. Forcing her jaw not to drop, Celeste quickly looked away into the shadows. Renja. She wants to offer me to be Renja. She wasn't sure how to react. Excited? Happy? Confused? Wasn't there someone else more capable? Or was she truly good enough? Her skills had immensely improved over the time she had arrived in Boreas and no longer did she care to seek help from larger wolves in taking down good-sized prey. Even her sense of where things were in Boreas was better as well. She could easily make her way anywhere and find her way back without trouble.

"I-," Celeste began as she finally brought her gaze back to Venom. Trying to concentrate on not tripping over herself, she smiled. Couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto her ivory lips. "I will gladly accept your offer! I would be stupid not to. How can I thank you?" Her tone is a multitude of emotions as she fought back so many questions she wanted to ask. Inhaling a deep breath, she released it to help calm herself. Knowing the meeting was for something good made her heart finally begin to relax.

Celeste Akizora



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
07-12-2022, 07:34 AM
There was only a brief silence before Venom offered her promotion to the young woman. Her skills had indeed increased greatly since she had arrived even in Ashen. Her coat had grown back fully, and the woman was an independent and accomplished young wolf. She deserved the opportunity to prove herself further and Venom would offer that to her. When she finally spoke her peace Celeste seemed to take pause in surprise as she tried to decide how to feel exactly about what was said.

Venom slowed their pace for the young girl to recover, she was patient, this was quite a heavy topic to be breaching with no warning. Eventually though, Cel did finally begin to speak. She started slowly, her speech broken as she debated how exactly she desired to give her answer. Venom’s sunset gaze rested lightly on the young huntress, she didn’t wish to offer and pressure. She could accept or decline with no pressure from the Empress.

The she grinned, confident in her words as she gave her acceptance of her new rank. Venom returned her smile and nodded in return. Celeste went on to ask how exactly she could thank the Empress for such an opportunity. Venom shook her head. "There is no need, thank me with your efforts in your new rank.” Venom concluded gratefully, perhaps almost excited as the young woman to see what she would do with her vaulted rank.


[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
07-20-2022, 02:45 PM

A gentle wave of relief washed over her when Venom offered that there was no need for thanks. It was the next sentence that changed how she felt. Keeping her expression calm as she continued to walk with the Empress, she smiled. "May I ask what all entails in my new title's responsibilities?" Celeste felt it was a fair question and would help keep her worries at bay. If she knew what exactly was expected of her then she couldn't possibly disappoint anyone. Glancing up at Venom for a moment, she wondered how the dire woman handled it all alone. Growing children, new pups, a budding pack that seemed to be taking a new direction, how did she do it? It would be a question for another time she supposed.

Celeste Akizora



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
07-23-2022, 05:05 AM
Venom had a little trouble reading the young woman but she seemed to accept the role that the Empress wished to give to her. She felt like she could trust the woman with her vaulted title. Time would tell if the decision was the correct one but Venom was confident. As they walked Celeste asked what exactly her duties were going to be now that she was the Renja of Ashen.

”They are relatively simple, nothing I don't believe you can’t handle.” Venom offered with a chuckle as white gloved paws carried her onward on the dual purpose patrol. ”You will be considered the lead huntress, you will be in charge of the larders and their stock. More importantly though I task you with overseeing the education of the rest of the pack.” Venom proclaimed as her sunset gaze shifted to the younger woman. ”I expect you to make your own patrols, around the pack but also beyond our borders. I may look to you for guidance when the time comes to expand those borders.” Venom told her with an encouraging grin.
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
08-02-2022, 09:02 AM

As they moved through their patrol, Celeste wondered how Venom had raised a boy like Kuroki. Still listening to her details listed about her rank, it was that nagging thought at the back of her mind that made her want to ask. Would it be rude? It just... seemed so odd that Kuroki wasn't like the others. Not that it was a bad thing, but his siblings appeared so laid back and not... like a bunch of punks? Celeste couldn't hide the smile as she nodded to Venom. Both at her thoughts and at Venom's reassurance that the tasks would be easy for her to handle.

"That all sounds simple enough," she pauses as she steals one more glance at Venom. "I'll try to get a hunting lesson together for anyone who's interested after I get the larders sorted," her tone is professional as the question continues to itch at her brain. Her feelings were more than pleased. Having a job was more than enough to make her feel a part of the pack. Boredom made the mind crazy, you know? Plus, keeping herself busy meant not having to wonder what Oki was up to at all times of the day. Ugh, not that she should care anyway, right?

"Let me know if I'm crossing boundaries here, but I do have another question," okay so maybe her voice hesitated at this point as she gives Venom a sheepish grin. "Kuroki... he, uh, seems off lately. I guess my question is can you give me some insight into him? He's not big on sharing specifics," Celeste lets out a laugh with a shake of her head. How silly of her to be asking his mother for advice when she wasn't even sure how he felt about her. Yikes.

Celeste Akizora



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
08-05-2022, 08:03 AM
Celeste took on her responsibilities easily enough, accepting her tasks with little nods of her horned head. Venom felt confident in her decision here, the young woman would rise to the occasion just as she had the lesser duties she had previously. She had a much more lofty title, and Venom was proud of her. She would give Kuroki some of the credit for bringing her to Ashen. But Celeste rose above of her own ability. The girl gave her pledge and plans, bringing a nod from Venom’s features. She was already exceeding in communication. Venom grinned, already happy with her decision here and that the young woman had agreed.

Venom would have left her to get started but Celeste went on, obviously changing the subject as she began. She could be shot down if there was a boundary being crossed. Venom lifted her brows curiously as Celeste continued cautiously, bring up the subject of Kuroki. She mentioned him being off recently, and wanting to know if there were any clout to that claim.

In all honestly Celeste was likely closer to Oki than his mother. Venom was a busy woman, and the rebel of a boy couldn’t be fussed to hang out with his mother. She would give the girl whatever answer she could though, not that she believed it would be any help to her. "You may speak freely in all things with me, Celeste.” Venom began softly. "My first thought is he is dwelling on recent events. Ikigai’s departure to Elysium being one of them.” Venom tried to hide her own emotions on the matter. "Deeper than that though…” Venom sighed, but offered up her honesty to the girl. "I wonder if his animosity towards his father still lingers within his everyday psyche.” She warned, the second guess that had persisted from his puphood.


[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
08-10-2022, 01:06 PM

She was secretly glad that Venom was willing and open to talk about such topics with her. Being led by someone who wasn't closed off to the pack was a nice change of pace compared to her past. While it was beyond Celeste's knowledge that Oki spent little time with his own mother, there were other parts that would factor into his behaviors. Behaviors only a mother would understand.

Celeste cast her gaze upon Venom as she listened with ears perked. Ikigai, the princess she had met briefly, had left for Elysium. Yes, that Celeste knew since it had been made aware to the pack. Unfortunately, she didn't realize that Kuroki had given Ikigai enough care to really fret over her leaving. Siblings or not, she was probably the one he mentioned the least.

The next bit of information would put her off though. It had not been brought to her attention that Kuroki felt any animosity toward his father. Had she even cared to ask where the man was? Blinking a few times, she frowned slightly. "Forgive me, but Oki has never spoken of his father with me," realizing this made her understand that the animosity was probably deeper than anyone realized. Her lips parted before closing again. Really looking at Venom, she halted any other questions she had. Since this mysterious figure had never shown himself since her arrival, she didn't want to stir any feelings in the Empress.

Celeste Akizora



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
08-15-2022, 06:40 AM
As far as progress went this conversation with Celeste was productive, she now had her Renja and some weight lifted off her shoulders. She was eager to see how well the young woman would come into her position. More than that though Venom saw the responsibilities of Ashen truly begin to shift towards the next generation. She was not an old she wolf, there were many more years for her to rule. The Empress wasn’t blind to the youth climbing the ranks around her though. She wouldn’t be ready to relinquish the throne for a long time, which gave her young crown princess time to fully develop.

Perhaps Hattori’s missing presence had something to do with her daughter taking so long to come into her own. Their father abandoning them had affected each child in different ways. None of them but Ikigai had spoken to her on the topic, and perhaps that was part of it. She couldn’t and wouldn’t blame Hattori for every grievance within Ashen, that wasn’t fair to him or the wolves of the pack, but his actions did leave lasting effects.

Celeste halted, and Venom’s features shifted towards the newly appointed Renja as she spoke quietly. She had no knowledge of Hattori or his presence here. It was hard for Venom to remember that the woman had arrived so recently in the scheme of things. The Empress averted her gaze and gave a stress relieving sigh. Hattori was still a sore subject despite the time and everything that happened her chest remained tight with his memory.

"After the Long Night Hattori made the decision to leave us.” Venom started simply enough. "Even before that though he and Kuroki were always at odds. I would have assumed his father’s departure would be a relief but…” Celeste’s words disrupted those thoughts.


[Image: ven-sig.png]