
love like this



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-12-2022, 06:00 AM
Indigo felt like he was a whole new wolf as he watched his daughter grow from little jelly bean to a real roly poly puppy. She was the tiniest thing, some kind of fluke to be born to a family of giants, but Indy was assured of her perfection anyway. He hadn’t loved anything so much as he loved that innocent little girl and her incredible mother. The new parents settled into this new life together with relative ease. Aia wasn’t a difficult baby, and even when she was fussy Indigo cherished the opportunity to rock and soothe her in his strong arms. He vowed every night he wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her. He promised to teach her everything, to show her an incredible world, and do his best to shield her from its horrors until she could take them on herself.

Aia was the apple of his eye, his hope for the future and the balm to his past. Like his heart had been born into the world. There was no secret how much he adored her, and his efforts in the pack were doubled as he patrolled extra to keep her safe. Mostly though he was excited for this day. She was finally weaned and now old enough that he could safely take her from the den and her mother’s breast. Aslatiel would finally get a real break, but Indigo had no doubt mother adored daughter as much as he did. She was never a chore, and Indigo was grateful for every moment, obviously pleasant or not.

This morning he picked up the tiny girl and settled her into his mane. They were going on a patrol together, her first real exploration outside the den. A day he had been waiting on for far longer than she existed. He grinned as he stepped outside to reveal the big wide world to her, slowly at first so she could get her first real glimpse before he started into the real fun. It was early in the morning so they might watch the sun rise together. Or at least have it as a nice backdrop as they played together. ”Are you excited, Aia?” He asked her as massive black paws carried them towards Elysium’s  border and the newly claimed lake.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.


07-12-2022, 06:33 AM

Life was easy. As far as the tiny purple pup knew, anyway. She got to eat, sleep, snuggle with her parents. How could it get any better? Well... she wanted to spend time with her brother and sister. There was a great desire to follow Satira around, but so far she'd been told that it wasn't time yet. Aia was ready for the time to come! She wanted to be out and doing things!

Aia had no idea how small she really was. How could a child gauge their own size in a world that was so big? Her parents were giants. Everything was giant! It was all so wonderous and fascinating to the girl. Every day started with excitement and happiness. It didn't seem like there was a time when her little tail stopped wagging.

It had been decided that today was the day. She was going to get to go outside with her dad! Indigo picked her up, putting her easily in his mane like always. Aia nestled in, curled up like a tiny purple kitten, minuscule paws holding on to little tufts of her father's fur. He asked if she was excited and Aia practically crowed with delight. "I'm ready, Papa! Let's go see things and do stuff!" The child gave a little bounce of excitement accompanied by a sweet little giggle. She was ready for the world.

"Aia Indarra"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-12-2022, 06:55 AM
Aia was the joy that his life had been missing for so long, since the heartache he endured losing his first litter. He hadn’t felt complete since hithe tragedy. Aslatiel’s return to his life helped immeasurably, but he didn’t feel anything like he did when Aia entered his life. The moment he had seen her tiny form Indigo was smitten. She had her wrapped around his little toe before her beautiful blue eyes even opened. As she grew her innocent happiness did as well, and made Indy’s heart swell with love and joy. He was always smiling now, he had purpose again. He had his daughter, she healed his heart like nothing else could, and there was no greater aspiration than to preserve her childhood innocence.

Her excitement for the day had been apparent for a while now, despite the child’s limited understanding of tomorrow she was ready and eager when the hour came. He didn’t have trouble waking her, and as always she wore a big grin and her dark tail wagged eagerly at her hips. Indigo couldn’t imagine a more perfect picture than her. She settled into his mane easily, it was the usual place he liked to keep her even within the den. If she never left that spot Indigo would forever be happy.

Aia squealed in happiness as he asked if she was ready. She bounced up and down in the thick fur of his mane. Her joy and excitement were infectious despite his many years he already had to explore the world. He was eager to see her reaction to everything new she had to see. ”Alright, hold on tight!” He grinned up at her and started to head off. His pace was brisk, enough to excite her but not enough she would be in danger of falling. ”Fast enough?” He asked her as they headed towards the lake. They were early enough the fireflies would still be lingering around the edges of the forest.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.


07-12-2022, 07:11 AM

Aia held on tight as her father told her to do. He began to lope and the little sprite of a girl laughed merrily. The gentle wind whipped through her lavender and charcoal fur. She had yet to acquire the stripes that her pelt would some day hold, but already the color of her fur had begun to change, splitting into blacks, silvers, dark indigo and other shades of purple. The white marks around her eyes were vibrant and had been so from the moment she was born.

Indigo asked if the pace was fast enough and bright blue eyes widened, though he wouldn't see. "You can go faster?" Her papa surely was the strongest wolf in the world! "Faster, Papa, faster!" There was little risk of Aia falling out of his mane. She had pawfuls of his fur and was hunkered low. Could they go as fast as the wind? As fast as birds? As fast as Ashur when he zipped around and chased her moms falcon?

When they neared the edge of the lake, Aia was in awe. "Whoaaaaaa..." the girl whispered, eyes wide with wonder. Fireflies, more than she could count, danced around the lakes edge. It was unlike anything that a tiny puppy like her had ever seen or even dreamed of. With a dreamy little sigh, Aia placed her chin on top of her fathers head right between his ears. "It's so pretty."

"Aia Indarra"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-12-2022, 09:02 AM
He could feel her little paws grasp tighter to his thick fur as he told her to and the two of them set off. He could feel the way her tiny form balanced on his neck, and he could react swiftly if she happened to come into danger. He would never let her hit the ground. Indigo heard her excitement as she question if he could in fact go any faster. He hadn’t gotten near this fats with her on his back, and little did she know he could pick up a much greater amount of speed. This was their first outing though, and while he was confident in his ability to keep her safe and from harm, he was cautious. He wouldn’t forget the pain of losing a child, and he would surely perish if anything happened to Aia. Indigo wouldn’t ever let his guard down.

Then she was egging him on, in her bright innocent voice she urged him to go faster, and his heart soared as his paws began to move faster. Indigo picked up his pace, noticeably faster for her, but still not near the fastest he had ever moved. ”I’m fast, but I be someday you’ll be way faster than me.” He grinned up at her as they went, finally ending up at the lake where he intended to spend the day with her on the water. He didn’t particularly enjoy getting wet, but he knew how messy puppies liked to be and there was plenty of mud here.

Their speed was forgotten as Aia’s gaze was taken by the beautiful view of the lake. The lightning bugs sparkled over the water as the sun’s first few colors began to streak across the sky above them. It took the young girl’s breath away and stole his heart again. She lowered her head between his ears as quieted as she enjoyed the view and he enjoyed this special moment with her. ”But not as pretty as you,” he teased her as he lowered himself to the grass. ”Do you want to walk around?”

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.


07-13-2022, 08:36 AM

Her father was sure that some day she would be faster, but there was no way. He was big and strong and unstoppable and nothing could be faster than her dad. Aia was even more convinced of this when he began to run faster. The wind pulled through her soft, fluffy coat and Aia giggled joyously at the wild ride.

When they stopped, Indigo crouched and he'd barely asked if she wanted to walk when she was sliding to the ground with an awkward little puppy roll. Once on her tiny paws, she moved to the edge of the lake where the grass was thinner and looked out over the darker portions of the water on the opposite side of the horizon. "What are all the little lights?" She'd never seen fireflies before and was quite curious about them. "Are they flying stars?"

From behind her, the sun began to rise and the girl instantly felt the warmth of it seeping into her fur. She turned her attention to the sunrise and was in awe yet again at the plethora of colors playing over the sky. Aia went back to her daddy and sat between his giant forelegs. The tiny girl leaned against the thick fur of his chest and silently watched the sun rise with her papa.

"Aia Indarra"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

07-13-2022, 07:13 PM
The sounds of Aia’s laugh made his heart soar far higher and brighter than the soft clenching he felt. Fate was kind enough to give him this little echo of hope, a reason to be better, a blessing to be loved and protected. Her innocent giggle was the sweetest sound he had ever heard, and Indigo wanted to make his daughter laugh every day. Every hour, forever, because there was nothing so beautiful or pure.

He took her for a fun ride, but the speed was easy to forget as her attention was caught by the beautiful of the lake and the fireflies around it. She eagerly left his mane and rolled forth onto the ground. Indigo knew he couldn’t shield her from every tumble and this was the proof of that. Aia wasn’t bothered at all though and her little paws carried her to the edge of the water. Indigo grinned and shook his head, amazed at how well puppies bounced back.

”They’re actually glowing insects. Fireflies or lightning bugs, I’ve heard them called both. They make things magical don’t they?” He chuckled again. ”I think flying stars is much better than bugs.” At that moment the sun finally rose over the horizon to fall on their backs. The warmth seeped through his fur, and more than that caught Aia’s attention.

Her jaw fell as her pretty blue eyes looked up over the sky, she moved to sit at his feet then. Taking in the new sights and sounds around her, overwhelming her to a quietness as she leaned into his thick fur. Indigo curled his arms around her, protectively as much as affectionately as they watched the sun rise together. His heart was warm and content. This was what he was supposed to be doing, and finding the right path was an indescribable feeling.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.