
Round Two

Rune I


5 Years
09-23-2013, 06:15 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

A month or so had passed since his last attempted spar, and though he still had much to learn he was feeling more confident. He had gotten in some much needed training trying to match the strength and skill of the Valhallan Beta Cormalin, and the damages he had sustained had more or less healed. The open wounds were closed and smooth again, the more serious ones still slightly visible, and the bruising had gone away. Mobility was back, and now that he was feeling like himself again, ready and able to move the same way he knew he would need to to fight, Rune was all the more ready to give it another try.

He found himself yet again wandering through the Battlefield, a chilling wind sweeping across the sparse landscape and kicking up occasional patches of dust to swirl upward off the ground in the places where the hardy grasses grew less consistent. Summer had been harsh and left dry patches, but overall it was still ideal for its purpose. The determined youth would only squint his pale blue eyes against the dusty haze, however, unwilling to be turned around by a rogue breeze and some unstable earth. If anything, he hoped the conditions might only strengthen his learning experience and make him that much more ready when he finally decided to put all of his training to good use.

Finding an open spot amid the grasses, letting his restless black paws fall still, the light grey wolf let his frosty gaze scan the length of the field that could be seen, attempting to spot an opponent who might be willing to challenge him and, in effect, enhance the skills he so longed to hone. Eagerly, Rune lifted his muzzle and called loudly within the air in an impatient howl, ending it rather abruptly as he went back to watching his surroundings for the arrival for an answerer to his summons.


10-01-2013, 10:31 PM

Jovial tune that floated from the seductresses throat seemed misplaced in such a dark setting, as did her long legged stride that seemed more like a dance then a walk. Dainty frost tipped paws propelled her through the bone scattered territory, sharp yellow gaze moving over each and ever skeleton she noticed, expression strangely somber in comparison to the tune she hummed. The red pelted woman had no clue why she was here today, but after her rather brief showing at the pack meeting and then even briefer meeting with the new Tortugan alpha there was something off, something had brought her here. It felt like a heavy weight had settled into the pit of her stomach, dropping a lead weight into her legs despite her light step. Everything she had ever known, the whole reason she had stayed in Tortuga was gone, it had been ripped away. The last alpha had at least had a fire in her heart, a reason that she had claimed the mountain. But this male was not unlike Desdemona, not unlike the weaklings who ruled the rest of the packs. She was sick and tired of peace, sick of doing nothing but sit around and wait for something to happen. Vi had never been patient, never been one to sit around and wait but for two years she had done just that. Nnoitra's rule had been the best, it had left them with a freedom but with certain rules. Kaien had been useless, trying to balance things and failing miserably. Desdemona had simply made the woman want to puke, her morals had been laughable. Morphine... her true queen had failed. The last queen Vi had honestly never met, the russet pelted woman had lived in the territory during her rule but had never formally requested a position within the pack. And now here came Taurig, all high and mighty...

What was even the point anymore? Why was she still here? She knew of the other packs, knew of their morals but honestly, what was the point? They were all too good, too perfect for her taste. She had heard of some leadership changes recently with Amenti but did she want to abandon ship and run off to join them? Could she give up her home that easily?

Tune never once stopped, even as these doubts and insecurities crashed down around her. Even as a familiar howl clawed its way out of an even more familiar throat her tune wouldn't falter. Instead the temptress would simply change her course, lazy trot being picked up into an easy lope. Stream lined body had no issues as she hopped the bones and rocks, occasionally swerving to miss obstacles, other times just for fun. Anyone who saw her might think that she was simply out for some play time by herself but her gaze was sharp and set on her target. He appeared as a blob first, her nephew's simple black and white design being nothing that stood out in this desolate place but she still recognized him instantly. He had always been her favourite, probably because of his undying loyalty to both Morphine and Tortuga but also probably because he wasn't a stupid head like his mother. Obviously he got his brains from the Sovari side of the family...

A smile would slither across her features, sly as always but there was something more genuine about it was she slowed to a trot and then a walk as she drew ever closer. Black lined eyes narrowed slightly but smile grew wider as she noticed that he was calling for a spar. "Dear nephew, you can't imagine how good it is to see you!" Her words were a purr, a tone that was normally reserved to spin silken lies to unsuspecting victims but not is seemed that she could rarely dredge up genuine emotion. How long had it been since she had last seen her family? How long had it been since she had seen someone she cared for? "Don't tell me your father never taught you to fight! Shame on him, if you like I can lend a hand, just no scars or I may have to kill you," she chuckled, still smiling but there was an honest threat in her eyes. Scars were not her thing, she would rather die then ever be seen with a scar. "And I would like to have a chat with you about our home pack... Whether we talk before or after the spar I'll let you decide dear." That honest tone she seemed to be lacking seemed to come out of nowhere, a seriousness sweeping over her suddenly as she stood before her nephew and studied him with appraising eyes. She had a proposition for him, maybe he would take it, maybe he wouldn't and she would just have to find someone else to take her up on it. But she had a feeling that Rune had it in him. He had a good head on his shoulders and if he learned to fight then he might just suit her needs perfectly...


Rune I


5 Years
10-02-2013, 01:22 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Of all those he had anticipated answering his summons for a spar, his aunt had never once crossed his mind. He had always assumed her busy wherever she was, possibly even with Morphine in whatever location the once-Tortugan Imperial had disappeared to. She had shown a strong loyalty when they had been part of a pack together, though he was still unsure just how strongly those ties held now that their pack was no more. Still, when he saw the red figure slowly drifting toward him across the distance, faint at first and coming into slow focus the closer she got, he immediately felt better, a touch happier at recognizing her. How many others sported such a red coat like that? Only the one relation to him, as far as he was aware.

He stood waiting at attention as the golden eyed female drifted nearer, catching the smile upon her face and feeling a slow answering one start to form upon his lips. He had always had a good relationship with his aunt, even with as distant as she tended to be going about her own business. Perhaps it was the fact she was not a parent and therefore not a heavily authoritative figure that allowed him to feel relaxed around her, but whatever the case his tail still wagged in a subtle but friendly greeting to let Viridiana know he was happy to see her after their time apart.

She seemed pleased to see him, and he returned the sentiments. "It's good to see you too, Aunt Vi," he answered, using the shortened nickname he had grown used to referring to her as, even when she was not around. To his surprise, she teased his father's training and promptly offered her own, with only the stipulation that the scarring be left to a minimum, meaning none at all. The edges of his lips twitched slightly at the remark, hinting that he wished to smile wider with amusement though he would refrain from it. He had always noted that Viridiana kept herself in an impeccable appearance, rarely ever disheveled or dirty, but he had not known her vanity to go so far as to abhor scars as well. He nodded slowly to buy himself a moment to ensure he was composed when he spoke and answered with assurance, "No scars." How could he possibly pass up an opportunity to train with family for a simple stipulation as this?

He had not yet set himself into the proper stance, still relaxed and comfortable as he stood across from the red woman, but at the mention of their home he felt himself tense just a little. Ears perked forward, Rune's pale blue eyes became suddenly more intense, the smile about his face taking on a sudden subtle rigidity. Our home pack? It had been so long since he had heard news about Tortuga, since they had been disbanded seasons ago. He had no idea what the new leader was currently doing to his old stomping ground, the resting place of his mother, the home that had been stolen from him. Of course, he could not possibly wait until after their spar for the news of their old pack, and so answered with forced patience, "What about our home pack?"


10-02-2013, 02:12 AM

She still remembered the last time she had seen her brothers children all gathered. Vixe carried so much rage towards his mother where Maia carried so much rage towards her father. Rune had been the middle child, she didn't know if he was actually born the middle child but he was the perfect balance of his parents. He had been the calmest of the bunch, not screaming or shouting or talking over her. She could appreciate someone who didn't talk over her. Now she wasn't exactly about to drop everything and worship him in the same way she had worshiped Morphine but she felt a particular pull towards him. The same one she had felt towards Nnoitra. Nothing sexual, that would just be weird, but a kind of companionship. She enjoyed his company when she had it and she felt like he might be a great leader some day. Whether he had any ambitions to lead she didn't know but she would steer him in that direction if she had to... She wanted him to lead...

His greeting was easy, a smile and a slight wave of his tail at his heels to accompany his words. Her smile lost a bit of its slyness as she noticed that he was truly please that she was here, sweetening slightly and her eyes loosing a bit of their hardness. She noticed his hidden smile as she mentioned no scars and she couldn't help but let the threat slide away, a chuckle bubbling up her own throat. He was young but he was bright, she liked him. He seemed eager to learn as well, willing to agree to her terms no matter how simple they were just for a chance to be taught. Now she wasn't much of a fighter herself, more of the sneak up behind you and stab you in the back type then an open sparring type. But she had sparred with her brother for years, helping him home his skills and in the process learning a few tricks of the trade along the way.

So they were talking now hmm? His interest was perked but her smile fell away as she settled into her more serious tone, taking a moment to sit. She folded her haunches beneath herself and pulled her forepaws close to her and then flipping her tail over them. Winter was close and with it came her nephew's and niece's 2nd birthdays. "I haven't seen you around since Morphine left. The former leader of Amenti, a huge black female, came and claimed the mountain. But she left too. There's a new leader. A former Glaciem heir I've heard through the grape vine. He seems to have similar morals as Desdemona and I must say I'm not too impressed..." She wasn't sure if she was unimpressed with him in general or his morals or the fact that she couldn't find a place in this new pack of his.

"What are your plans nephew? Because I'm sick of outsiders having a hold on my pack. I'm not a leader... I won't say that I don't enjoy commanding others but I enjoy following as well. But I want to see a Tortugan in charge." She paused and let those words sink in, eyes unwavering as she studied her nephew. She would see what he had to say to that and then go from there. She was frustrated with Morphine and Nnoitra was gone. If Rune was willing to step up she was willing to do whatever she could to put him in the throne. Whether that meant training tirelessly with him or killing the new king she didn't care. She needed something to believe in, needed someone to follow and if she had to pick and place her leader she was fine with that.

Rune I


5 Years
10-09-2013, 07:58 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The playful, easy expectancy that had grown within at the prospect of being able to train with his aunt dissipated into nothing when he saw the sly grin upon her lips smooth itself into a mere line, the tension building somewhere along his shoulders. Whatever was to come, he could sense a seriousness about it, feel the weight of the words before they were even spoken. And he was very eager to hear what it was that his aunt had to tell him. There was so much that he had missed, so much that he was still currently missing, by keeping himself distant from his once home territory, training and busying himself with spars and necessary hunts. What was it that Viridiana knew? What was it that made her typically smirking face become so stoic? As she sat, he listened.

Just a little the muscles around his eyes jumped when Vi remarked upon seeing little of him when the pack had been disbanded. There's been nowhere to be around since Morphine left, his thoughts testily responded, but he kept any verbal remarks to himself. He was far too interested in what she was already saying next, about the once lead of Amenti swooping in and taking the territory herself, only to lose it swiftly after. Rather pathetic really. The news nearly made his lip curl upward in distaste, though the movement was stilled as the current leader was mentioned, someone hailing from the north. It mattered little who he was - the fact his ruling resembled Desdemona's was even insignificant to him. What bothered him most was that it was another outsider coming in to claim his home. Another ignorant wolf ready to tarnish the lands that he had already claimed in his heart.

By now he was agitated, upset further by knowing that the place he had always thought to be a safe haven was being turned into a farce. How could this be? How could fate continually abandon Tortuga like this to the hands of the selfishly incapable? A deep set frown had fallen across his features as he pondered the news, frosty blue eyes staring somewhere at the ground between the two of them while he lost himself in a mixture of thought and the provoking words that Viridiana uttered. She hated the state of things as well. She wanted to see a rightful Tortugan upon the throne of the pack. Just like him.

"So do I," he answered readily, his stern gaze rising finally to meet her own. "I'd been hoping Morphine would step up, try to fix this. It's disappointing that she's gone under the radar." And of course Aunt Vi had stated herself that she had no intentions of going for the leadership role herself, despising the figurehead position. But had he not already been considering it? Was that not the reason he had been making a point to train, to strengthen, to prepare for the day he would return to his homeland? He had spoken of it only once, in confidence to Alamea when he had sought out her companionship and compassion, but it seemed now was as good a time as any to further his resolve and further set himself along the path he had already chosen. "What's this "king" like? How much of a chance would I have against him?" Rune questioned directly, assuming his phrasing might answer Viridiana's question and ask his own in the same move.