
Hello, hello again.



6 Years
09-19-2013, 11:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 12:06 AM by Alamea.)


She was grateful that, even if he was impatient he did not show it. It would have made her deliberation all the harder. Alamea was not one to rushed, especially not when the decision was as important as this one. She accepted his loving lick with a small smile. She felt him curl around her form, it was comforting, and so were the kissed he was gently placing upon neck and shoulders. She buried her face further into his fur, breathing him in. It was an odd turn of events for her. Alamea had always thought she would be more careful, more protective of her heart. After all her mother had told her many times that she had loved her father. And yet? here she was.

Pushing that from her mind she forced herself to remain focused on the present. To feel him as he shifted ever so slighty, to lick her neck, her cranium and her muzzle. She knew what they meant and accepted them happily, lifting her head some to lick the bottom of his cheek before burying herself into his fur again.

The worry was persistent however. She gave him a few more kisses upon his cheek before pulling away ever so slightly. Forcing a weak chuckle she gazed up at him, wanting nothing more than to rush back into their embrace. She had to ask however, because as much as she didn't want to, at some point they were going to have to go back, and she needed to know. "So? now what?" She hoped he knew what she meant. She quickly stepped forwards to lick his muzzle again before retreating.

Rune I


5 Years
09-20-2013, 02:25 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

He was practically giving himself over entirely to what he was feeling, letting the little rosy-eyed white wolf before him completely captivate his senses. Her scent was so sweet and potent, the feel of her fur brushing against his cheeks like a balm, the rasp of her tongue as she returned his kisses causing his skin to tingle beneath her touch. She might have been a small thing, but her effect on him was great. He wanted nothing more than to stay this way with her, to forget time, duty, everything except the feel and scent of her right next to him coupled with the encouraging vocalizations that she would occasionally make.

His thoughts were still distracted in this manner when she posed a question of him, drawing back just enough to make him feel the minimal distance between them as if a great chill had moved in to fill the gap. It only made him want to close it, and he did a little. He leaned toward her, muzzle brushing alongside hers, body yearning to follow, as he sluggishly tried to formulate a response. What now? Well, he really only had one idea at the moment, to memorize all he could about Alamea before she needed to fully draw away from him. Her scent, her sound, how well she molded to him, the little fluttery motions she would make as he kissed her neck. Not yet did he want to push things too far, but he was tempted to at least test the boundaries, just to see if he could get another whine out of her.

But as he found himself leaning into her further, muzzle brushing up past her cheek and toward her neck again, it dawned on him that this was not what she meant and gave him a moment of pause. Perhaps she meant in an overall picture, after they parted ways, after knowing what they did about each others' feelings. It did seem rather important. There was no way he could just leave things be like this, without any intentions of seeking her out again. As he sighed into her pristine fur and drew back enough to meet her gaze with his frosty blue eyes, he was already plotting a venture toward her home territory though he knew no specifics and only a general direction in which to travel.

"Now you tell me where exactly Valhalla is," Rune answered boldly, expression serious though his voice was colored with a slightly unexpected teasing quality. "I don't want to miss out on time spent with you because I got lost wandering around the west." Surely it was tricky, what he proposed, keeping their fledgling relationship alive with visits and stolen hours together. He couldn't very well ask her to give up the home she had only just been accepted into to move to Tortuga, nor could he leave his mountain home. But what he felt was so new, so strong, so exciting, that to give up on it before giving it a chance felt like a sin, and he was willing to try and make it work.



6 Years
10-02-2013, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 12:07 AM by Alamea.)


She did not pull away as he closed the gap again, maybe it wasn't time for this talk. She leaned into his touch as he brushed past her cheek, heading for her neck. She closed her eyes, just content with being in his presence. He stopped, and she slowly opened her eyes again, wondering what could be on his mind. Then he sighed and drew away meeting her gaze. He seemed to think again before speaking. "Now you tell me where exactly Valhalla is." She was suddenly very tempted to deny him, to pull away further and not betray her pack... if that was indeed what he was asking.

Instead she forced herself to look at him, searching, looking for his intention. He spoke again and she gave a little nod. "Head east..." She trailed off mentally retracing her steps. "Among the valleys, but don't head towards the desert, if you see sand circle round it. It'll take longer that way but the desert is treacherous. It wouldn't do to lose you in it." Her last words were meant to be light, joking.

Rune I


5 Years
10-10-2013, 01:08 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

He could almost feel the hesitation course through the small wolf's frame beside him as he made his request, blue eyes watching closely her expression, and he thought he knew why. Alamea had been careful with her answers up until this point, divulging no more information about her new home than was truly relevant to the both of them. This, informing him of exactly where it was located, was likely to be seen as a breach on her end, even if only to herself. Though he did not presently think it, Rune did believe that all the leaders had a general notion of where the other packs resided and could, at any moment, send off scouts or spies to watch these neighbors. For the moment, though, his inquiry was purely personal, only as a means to see the pretty little wolf he had grown sweet on.

The pause had been relatively small overall, but it had been noted nonetheless. When the pink-eyed wolf finally deemed him worthy enough of a direct answer, the boy's lips quirked upward along one side into a half grin, delighted that she had seen it fit to give him directions after all. East, he wondered, silently committing the words to memory. Within the valleys. Mind the deserts. Simple enough. Direct enough, he hoped, that he could easily follow them when the time came for him to make the trip. Likely he would simply need to steal away in order to do it, but that would be a risk worth taking.

And already he was eager to make the journey, even with her presently so close to him and so enamored herself that she should go against her conventions to tell him information she might have kept close had he been a mere stranger. "East. In the valleys by the desert. Got it," he repeated just to test the words out for himself and receive confirmation from Alamea. "You won't lose me," he assured her with a confident smile, reaching forward to brush his muzzle alongside hers and sneak in a quick kiss against the side of her lips. "It'll take more than a couple wrong directions to do that. I'm a good tracker, remember?"