
The Point of Return


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
07-24-2022, 07:22 PM

It felt like she was here a lifetime ago…

It had been well over a year at the very least since Memento Mori had stepped foot in any of these lands, leaving to search for herself. The young woman wasn’t sure she had found what she wanted to find but, on the way, she had discovered two new friends in her companions. Jacques and Rein were like brothers to her, bringing some much-needed light to her life. Not that her uncle hadn’t tried, bless him. Ulric had fought to keep a family that had been falling apart together… and she hoped that, wherever her uncle was now, he was happy. He deserved it for everything he’d gone through and the effort he put in to try to help those he loved.

The land they found themselves in had a smattering of the remnants of stone foundations. She walked among them now, alone, as the boys went out hunting. The entire area was choked with herbs of all sorts and fresh, green grass. Despite it being “autumn” here the warmth and sunlight had the vegetation holding on strong to life, and for that Meme was grateful. She was not keen on the colder weather so if the lands could hold out against it; good.

Her pale silver-blue gaze swept over the stone that lay on the ground, almost seeming to be arranged neatly and, for the most part, flat. Here and there cracks in the stone gave way to plant life but Memento Mori stepped onto it without fear. It didn’t bother her. Her goal was to make her way into the shade nearby and rest for a bit while she waited for Jacques and Rein to return. She had little else at the moment to occupy her time, after all.
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-26-2022, 01:37 AM
It wasn't all that often these days that Ezra left the pack lands, much less on his own, but hunting did have to be done for the pack and he hadn't managed to find any of his usual hunting partners so he went out to see what he could find on his own. It was getting a little easier to be away from Syanna for stretches of time. Slowly she was showing some improvements and every day that she got better was a day that he didn't feel like he needed to worry so much. He didn't have a real destination in mind when he walked away from the castle and headed out of the pack's claimed lands and simply decided he'd go out into Auster until he found something to hunt or at the very least something interesting.

He was crossing the familiar land of God's Garden and wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to his surroundings other than looking for signs of prey. He ended up catching the scent of another wolf instead of a prey animal, however, and it made him refocus on his surroundings with a few surprised blinks of his pale blue eyes. When he looked up from the path in front of him he saw the woman marked with white, brown, and yellow that was maybe a dozen feet from him that had unusually long fur flowing from the top of her head. It looked like in his fixed focus of trying to look for small prey to gather up he had ended up walking right toward her without realizing.

"Ah, sorry!" he said with a guilty grin, stopping where he was so he wouldn't intrude on her space any more. "I guess I just wasn't paying attention. Probably not a good thing to do while hunting, huh?" he questioned with a chuckle and a lopsided, goofy grin. She didn't seem to have any kind of pack scent mixed in with hers and she didn't look like anyone he recognized, but her eyes were very similar to his father's which was a pretty unique color when it came to eye colors. He didn't really think much of it though and just told her in his attempts to be friendly, "I'm Ezra Adravendi, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Ezra Adravendi"

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
07-26-2022, 08:49 AM
Memento Mori had gotten to the spot she was going to lay down when she glanced up at sudden movement. A stranger had been walking towards her, and, just as she noticed him, he seemed to notice he had been walking up on her. Either he’d been spaced out or that was the smoothest catch to avoid getting snapped at she’d ever seen. Not that she would yell at him, but he didn’t know that. She took a moment to examine him as he apologized, taking note of the browns of his coat, the appaloosa-like patch on his rump, and the antlers on his head. She couldn’t help but smile at him; what a goofball.

“Either you worry too much, or I don’t worry enough,” Meme said with a soft chuckle. “I think you’re fine. Though you’re probably right; spacing out and not paying attention isn’t really the best thing to be doing when you’re trying to hunt. Prey take advantage of that.” Well, at least she was in an amused mood, right?

She noticed something else… a pack scent on the stranger that was almost… familiar. She couldn’t put her paw on why, but, as she looked at him, she couldn’t help but get this sense that she should know him. Well, maybe not him per se, but someone related to him maybe? He looked so dang familiar… it caused her to furrow her brow slightly, especially when he mentioned his name. “Adravendi? You don’t say!” Now she was really curious.

“My grandmother and uncle went by that last name. It was different from my mom’s but no one seemed to mind.” Memento Mori canted her head to the side. “Name’s Memento Mori Lore. If I can be so bold as to ask, Ezra, who are your parents?” Could it be she was speaking with family and didn’t even know it yet?
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-27-2022, 11:08 AM
Ezra chuckled and nodded as his new acquaintance agreed that spacing out was not good for hunting and mentioned how prey would take advantage of that. "Yeah, that's for sure." Usually he was a lot better about being aware of his surroundings and paying attention as he looked for things to hunt, but his mind was a bit more distracted than he realized. Luckily, it didn't seem like he had bothered this woman too much with his accidental intrusion. She seemed friendly enough, but he honestly had just expected to maybe exchange a few pleasantries just in case they happened to run into each other again and be on his way. Those plans changed slightly when she responded to his introduction by questioning his last name with surprise, clearly recognizing it from somewhere. He knew from what he had heard from his father that the Adravendi family had been quite large at one point, but he hadn't really met any relatives outside of his siblings yet.

His brows lifted with surprise when she informed him that her uncle and grandmother both had the name Adravendi as well. Well, that meant that the two of them were at least related in some shape or form then! He didn't know how closely related yet, but considering this was his first time meeting another relative in the wilds like this it was pretty exciting! It was interesting that her mother didn't use the name Adravendi if her uncle did, but he knew families and names and all of that could get a bit tricky sometimes. She introduced herself as Memento Mori and then asked who his parents were. "Ulric and Azariah," he replied easily, having no problem sharing that information with her. "Though my father, Ulric, is the one that the Adravendi name came from." He was interested to see if that helped her connect the dots between them or not. He had heard some other names in his father's stories and explanations of their family so if that didn't do it maybe he could dig some of those out of his memory.

"Ezra Adravendi"

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
07-27-2022, 08:32 PM
He seemed surprised that she recognized the last name, and that she had relatives by that surname as well. The more Memento Mori looked him over, the more she started to get a hunch. His next words confirmed it though; Ezra was her uncle’s son. She didn’t know the mother, nor did she recall the name, though it was possible he had mentioned it to her at some point. “Well it all makes sense now,” Meme hummed. “You and I are cousins, Ezra. Ulric Adravendi was my uncle. Don’t know if you have any siblings, but we’re all related!” Her eyes were shining a bit now, happy. “It’s good to know he settled down. He… tried really hard for my mom and me.” The girl’s pale eyes softened.

“I’m afraid I’ve never met your mom though. I don’t know if he is but… is there any chance my uncle is still in the pack with you guys?” Meme asked. She had noticed the pack scent lingering on Ezra's coat and could have sworn her uncle had mentioned some pack or another last time they met. “I never really got a chance to thank him for everything… I just hope he doesn’t think I took it for granted.” She wouldn’t blame him if he did, however. She had been a bit of a wild kid, to say the least. On top of wanting to find out if Ezra knew where her uncle was currently she also wanted the chance to get to know him better, should he be willing.

She didn’t have much in the ways of familial ties left and didn’t have as much value in them as she probably should have, but it felt like the right thing to do. Meme had the boys but at the end of the day, they were jackals, not wolves. And as much as she might try to pretend that she didn’t want to interact with others of her own kind she was a social creature at heart… she had just changed the way she approached and thought about things. Besides, maybe Ezra was the hope she needed for family in the future. Someone to remind her that, no matter what, blood was blood.
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-28-2022, 12:09 AM
Apparently his father's name had been enough after all and he saw the recognition in her expression as soon as he said it. She revealed them to be cousins and he grinned at that fact, marveling at how small of a world it sometimes was to randomly run into a relative like this. "No kidding! That's amazing," he replied with gentle wags of his tail. He moved a bit closer so they could chat more comfortably and settled down onto his haunches. She mentioned how she was glad that his father had settled down and how she had never met her mother. His expression shifted slightly at that, his smile not quite as bright, but he didn't interrupt her, letting her go on as she asked about his father still being in the pack and saying how she never really got the chance to thank him. He had never really asked much about his father's life before his mother came into the picture and now he kind of wished he had so he would have some kind of idea about what Memento would have to thank him for, but he hadn't exactly been eager to spend time with his father when he was younger.

He gave a little shake of his head and replied, "No, Dad doesn't live with us any more. My mother... she disappeared when we were really little. We still don't really know what happened to her. My dad raised us on his own in the pack. He does have another mate now though. Eska is her name. They decided to leave and go adventure and explore on their own once me and my siblings turned two. Some sort of retirement, I guess." He chuckled and gave a little shrug. "He's happy though so I'm happy for him. A couple of my siblings are in The Hallows with me. Jane and Emile. One of our sisters, Everlyse, disappeared with our mom. Another, Lillith, used to live with us, but she went through some hard stuff a while back and decided to go explore the world with her boyfriend for a while." It did feel a little bit like their family had fractured and splintered until there wasn't much left, but he felt just as attached to the pack as he did his siblings and Artorias was practically a brother to him so all wasn't really lost.

"I don't think he would have thought that you took it for granted," he assured her after a moment, giving her a warm grin. "Dad always just likes helping everyone so whatever happened I'm sure he was happy to do it." He gave her another small shrug, hoping maybe that would comfort her at least a little bit. He had noticed that she didn't have any kind of pack scent or the like on her or even really any other wolves scents mixed with hers at all and he gave her a curious look, asking, "Are you just out here by yourself?" He knew not everyone necessarily needed or wanted to live in a pack or even in a group, but if she was alone and wanted somewhere to go he could probably make that happen.

"Ezra Adravendi"

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
07-28-2022, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2022, 02:57 PM by Memento Mori. Edited 1 time in total.)
It seemed Ezra was just about as thrilled with the news of their relationship as she was. She was sad to hear that Ulric didn’t live with them anymore, and was surprised to hear that like herself Ezra grew up without his mom… though it was a different case, with his mother disappearing when they were little, and Meme’s mom falling apart and then disappearing, well… that was that. At least her uncle had a mate again, however, and they were on their own kind of adventure now. He was happy and, for Memento Mori, that news came as a relief. She had wanted so much for her uncle to be happy, and it seemed he already was. She could smile at that.

She was pleased to hear that there were a couple of other cousins still in the pack, The Hallows, alongside Ezra. There had been two others but one cousin had disappeared with their mother while the other went to explore the world alongside a partner as her uncle had. She made a mental note of the names of Jane and Emile just in case she ever came across them as well. The femme was curious about them but there would be a time to sate that curiosity. Right now she had Ezra here, and he would get her attention in full.

Hearing Ezra reassure her soothed Memento Mori’s worry. “That sounds like him.” She chuckled softly. “He tried so hard for mom and me but I think by the time he came back mom was too far gone.” She shook her head. Though she wasn’t sure if he had come back into her mother’s life earlier if it would have made a difference.

Then came a question about herself. Memento Mori smiled slightly. “Well, no, not really.” She chuckled. “I’m not part of a pack or anything but I have a pair of traveling companions. They’re jackals but two of the best companions a wolf could ask for.” She perked up at this, finally lowering her own haunches to the earth to get more comfortable.

“It’s funny…” She began.

“My mother had always expected me, her miracle pup she called me, to become this great alpha that would take down the Abraxas family. Follow in the pawprints of my father and avenge my grandfather and all this junk.” Meme shook her head. “I had no littermates so I guess her hopes were laid in me… but… it was never my battle to begin with. I don’t think she ever told me the whole story of why he died, or why my father and my mother were so adamant about fighting them either. But… I feel it was all pretty pointless.” Memento Mori shrugged at this.

“My father disappeared before I was even born. My mom had a litter before me but with the exception of one who passed away, they disappeared too. Turned out my older sister was with uncle Ulric and granny Roza though. I would have thought that seeing them would have made my mom happy, and sway her crazed ambitions.” Meme lifted her muzzle skyward and focused on one of the clouds above them.

“I had an adoptive father back then too. A rainbow marked man. He was kind. But when as mom started to deteriorate and be gone more and more… I started to wander. I got in a bit of an altercation when I was young. Ironically with who I believe was an Abraxas. And he kicked my ass.” Memento Mori laughed at this. “I kind of deserved it though. I was being a little shit and talking big and bad. I shouldn’t have harassed a stranger, really.” He hadn’t asked for an explanation of her story but here she was, laying it out. Maybe it was just something she needed to get off of her chest after all this time.

“My uncle tried so hard to hold us together, but I think I needed to find out who I was and stop trying to live up to some crazy expectations of my parents. Turns out I didn’t really want to lead a pack at all. If I’m being honest, the idea of it right now kind of turns me away.” She looked back to Ezra. “I don’t see myself leaving Auster much that I’m back but… I haven’t picked out a place to settle yet.” Her smile brightened a little. “Maybe that’ll change at some point, but for now, I’m happy wandering. It’s freeing.” She tilted her head to the side, her hair-like fur shifting as she did so.

“Since you’re out here I imagine your pack, The Hallows, must be out here too, right?” Meme asked. “...It’s not weird if I’d want to keep in contact with your, right?” Her smile became sheepish. “Haven’t really had the chance to know my kin up til now. It’d be a shame to let one of the last around slip through the cracks.”
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-12-2022, 11:12 AM
As Memento Mori explained that she wasn't entirely alone and that she had two companions that traveled with her that at least made him feel a bit better about the situation. Like his father he was always worried about his family and their well being and even though he had only just met her she was still his family so she fell in line with that for him. She settled in as she began to speak and tell her own story so he did the same, smiling softly as he gave her his full attention and enjoyed catching up with a long lost cousin that he was happy to have found by surprise. His brows lifted a bit with surprise as she talked about her mother and her expectations, mentioning the Abraxas family and revenge, and it began to make him wonder how much his father hadn't told them about their family and his life before he met their mother. It seemed like maybe Memento was in the same boat though as she said how her mother had never told her why they had been so set on such things so it seemed like it would all remain a mystery.

Listening to her talk about her older sister being with his father, how they had come back to her and her mother with their grandmother, it was like getting a glimpse into a side of his father he had never really known. It amused him a bit when she told him about how she had gotten herself into trouble when she was younger only because he was also a problem for himself when he was younger too—much to his father's dismay. It seemed like they both had to find themselves a bit, which she confirmed as she explained how she had come into her own a bit with her wandering. It was almost hard to picture her as some kind of rebel that would harass a stranger just from his initial interactions with her since she seemed so nice and well spoken, but she probably wouldn't have guessed that he had retaliated at his father the way he did when he was younger either. Everyone had their bumps in the road and it was just good that they were rolling past them.

He was pretty happy to hear that she didn't plan of leaving Auster now that she was back. That meant he'd probably end up having a chance to get to know her better and maybe even introduce her to the rest of the family—or at least what was left of it. It was like she was reading his mind when she brought up The Hallows probably being near by and questioning whether it would be weird to stay in contact with him. He grinned and replied, "I wouldn't want you to slip through the cracks either. It's not weird at all! I was actually going to suggest it if you didn't. I've never met any family outside of my siblings so it's really fortunate I happened to bump into you out here." He glanced back the way he came, pointing out the castle in the far distance on a hill top behind him. "My pack lives in that castle way over there. You're definitely free to visit and stay there whenever you want. We're very welcoming to visitors as long as they agree to stay peaceful while they're there." Bringing is pale blue gaze back to her again he gave her a wider grin, adding, "I'd love for you to come visit sometime. I'll give you a tour!"

"Ezra Adravendi"

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
08-14-2022, 05:54 PM

At least it would seem that the feeling of wanting to keep each other around was mutual. Ezra didn't want her slipping through the cracks either, having not really met any family outside of his siblings. Maybe, Meme thought to herself, this could be the start of her learning what family was again. Learning how to interact with kin the way one should. It almost felt as though she’d been in a time warp of sorts, getting older but not learning anything new. It was… scary in a way. To know how far she’d come yet have nothing to show for it. Meeting Ezra had given her a chance, and though some small part of her mind pushed for her own survival first, she knew she didn’t want to ignore that opportunity.

Her gaze followed his motion to the castle in the distance, a whistle leaving her lips. “You stay there? Pretty fancy.” She had never visited a castle before, though she had seen it in passing. It was huge, with solid walls like a cave and yet, at the same time, much different from what she’d heard. Her gaze shifted back to him and she returned his grin. “Maybe I will have toi visit sometime and take you up on that! Wandering is bound to get tiring sooner or later.” Right? Or maybe she’d just want to relax for a time after poking around Auster. She wasn’t sure how Rein and Jacques would respond to being in a castle though.

“My companions would come with me for certain. I think you’d enjoy them… Rein at least.” Meme chuckled softly. “They’ve been like brothers to me. Company when I wasn’t ready to face other wolves.” Memento Mori’s gaze softened. “It’s taken a lot of time to become okay with the idea of interacting with my own kind. Maybe that seems silly… but… I’m still figuring out what I want out of life, and what the best course of action is to get it.” Meme shifted a little on her paws and sighed. “I don’t know if I’d ever really be happy living in a pack, for example. Their rules feel so… rigid… and I’m worried that my beliefs may not align with theirs.” She frowned.

“Yet, in meeting you, I know I’d still be willing to visit. I don’t know what it’s like to be able to rely on your kin the way Uncle UIric wanted me to… but I want to learn how to. I don’t feel alone with Rein and Jacques but I can’t help but feel like something is… missing.” She focused on Ezra again. “Who knows? Maybe The Hallows will be the pack that breaks this mold in my mind and shakes away the wordy I have about packs… or maybe I’ll even find a band or something to join.” She flicked her ears thoughtfully. “At least if I went there I’d have my guide!” She came back around, her tone becoming a bit teasing as she spoke to her younger cousin. There was no reason to make their meeting feel melancholy. This was meant to be a positive moment, and she would shift the focus as needed to keep herself from starting to feel down.

“And maybe, if you’re up for it sometime, we could spar or something too.” She winked at him. “You’ve probably had more practice than I have, being in a pack and all, but don’t expect me to go easy on you!”

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.