

Cad, Cia


06-07-2022, 07:58 PM

After their stint in the cold, Ouroboros and Caduceus made their way steadily south, stopping here and there for a bit of fun and heavy petting. In time they rejoined their sister and soon all three of them ended up at a the hot springs. The place was a little smelly, but it was agreed that it would do wonders for their frozen bones. The brother's had spent enough time in the frozen snow over the past few days and they were both due for a thawing.

The slate colored giant sank into one of the steaming pools with a sigh of pleasure. It was a bit too warm, but he would adjust after a few minutes. The heat made his flesh tingle as he sank down to his chin in the water. A yawn of contentment pulled from the brute, maw opening wide to flash teeth momentarily before they were sheathed again within the cavern of his mouth. After that, the man's icy eyes drifted closed and he gave into relaxation.

As always, there were no real plans for the trio. The general schedule for any given day was walk, look for something with legs to take advantage of, take advantage of one another, eat, sleep, repeat. They were never hard pressed to get anywhere fast, so they could enjoy the warmth of the springs for as long as they wished. Perhaps they would make their way to the southern continent. It should be warm there this time of year. With yet another sigh, Ouro continued his soak without a care in the world.



06-08-2022, 11:18 PM
Making their way back toward the southern half of the continent was certainly much more agreeable with him—not only because of the weather, but because it brought the pair back together with their sister and rounded out their trio again. Once that was accomplished all of his needs had pretty much been met. Between his brother and his sister he had all the pleasure he could want and now that he wasn't frozen solid he really didn't have any complaints. If they managed to snag a little someone to join in on the fun then that was always a bonus, but if he only spent the rest of his days between his monochromatic better halves then he would certainly be one happy camper.

The three of them made their way to the hot springs, the warmth of the water far too tempting to the males who were very much in need of being thawed out. The scent of the springs wasn't all that pleasant, but after a few minutes he hardly noticed it. Ouro was the first to sink into one of the large, steaming pools and he chuckled as he watched his dear brother relax fully into the water. He glanced over at Cia, giving her a grin as he leaned down to give her near a teasing nip. "Well, we can't let him have all the fun, can we?" He stepped over the lip of the pool and into the warm water, sighing happily at the warmth that immediately started to seep into his limbs. The drastic difference between the hot water and the cold air stung his skin for a moment, but as he slowly eased into the water he quickly adjusted to the difference in temperature he was able to get settled in to the pool.

He floated over to where Ouro was relaxing with just his head above the water, hooking his foreleg around Cia as he went with a chuckle, bringing her out into the pool with him. He held on to their smaller sibling and let her use him to stay above the surface of the water easily as they moved into the deeper parts of the pool. Once the water was up past his shoulders and he was floating with his hind paws lightly touching the bottom, he leaned gently into Ouro with another content sigh. This was truly the best life he could've hoped for. Wandering and exploring the world, fucking to their hearts' content, following nothing but their desires. What more could he possibly have asked for? He tipped his head to swipe an affectionate lick over Ouro's ear and then turned his head to give Cia a light kiss, enjoying having the both of them around him again.



06-10-2022, 02:54 AM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2022, 03:11 PM by Shelby. Edited 1 time in total.)
Snow and ice, that was all the small fae had been able to find. While her big brothers had been occupying themselves fooling around with one another, Circia had been scouting the nearby lands, both for resources and also for other wolves for them to take advantage of. Unfortunately, she'd found neither, the hostility of winter in the northern part of the continent making conditions harsh for even the most adaptable of creatures. So she'd trudged back to where she'd left the two brutes, meeting up with them soon after and following their lead south. All three of them seemed chilled to the bone and in need of some R&R, so when they made their way towards the volcanic hot springs, Cia was more than a little relieved. Not only would she get a chance to warm up her frozen bones, but she'd have the opportunity to clean her coat and show off to her lecherous brothers too? Now today was shaping up to be a veeeery good day indeed!

The trio arrived to the springs in due time, the air thick with the pungent stench of sulfur from the volcanic activity that heated the natural hot tubs of steaming water, but it was far from the worst thing she'd ever smelled. Besides, after a few minutes, you didn't even notice the smell! She did, however, continue to notice the radiating humidity and warmth in the air, a welcome change to the bitter cold. In typical fashion, Ouro showed no hesitation in going in first, slipping into a large pool of steamy water and setting right to relaxing. She smirked a crooked little grin and shook her head; their brother was so incorrigible! And speaking of incorrigible, the sudden brush of fangs on her ear drew a breathy gasp from little Cia, who turned to shoot a pointed look up at Caduceus, swatting a paw at his muzzle with a playful leer. "Who said anything about letting him have all the fun?" she remarked, sauntering up to the edge of the pool with a confident swagger that became her. "How's the water, Ouro?"

Without waiting for his answer, Cia began to slip into the water one long, slender leg at a time. The pleasant scalding of the hot water made her gasp as it chased the chill out of her body, and the more she slowly sank into the hazy water, the better it felt. All at once she could feel the tension and stiffness melt out of her muscles, a quiet groan of delight slipping from the fae's lips without her realizing it. Circia wasn't given long to enjoy the moment, however, as Caduceus was abruptly hooking a foreleg around her to drag her through the water with him as if she weighed nothing. "Cad, you jerk, let me go! I am capable of swimming, you know!" Cia huffed and pouted, but really she loved being swept up in Cad's arms. He made her feel petite and feminine compared to both of her brothers' massive sizes. A funny little quirk in their genetics, how they wound up as dires while she barely touched the two foot mark.

Circia sighed and relaxed into her brother's hold, drifting along in the hot water with him to join Ouroboros in the deeper part of the pool, floating lazily alongside her brothers. She'd almost closed her eyes to drift off into a nap when Cad leaned in to plant a light kiss on her lips, making the debased fae grin. Before he could pull away from her, a dainty russet-socked paw shot up to catch Cad by the cheek, guiding his mouth back down to hers where she gave him a much longer, slower kiss for a few seconds before letting their muzzles part again. "I'm gone for a couple of days scouting and that's the best kiss you can manage for me? For shame, dear Caduceus." Cia shot a wink up to her sibling, once more relaxing to float in the water in Caduceus' hold. She turned her head to peer up at Ouroboros then, giving him a smirk before asking, "He didn't give you too much trouble while I was gone, did he, Ouro?"



06-21-2022, 06:18 PM

Giggling peeled the brutes lids back once again and he watched as Cia and Cad joined him in the water. He particularly liked the little sigh that pulled from his brother as his chilled flesh adjusted to the heat of the water. The gasp that his sister emitted brought a rumble of pleasure from the slate and white brute. He hadn't answered Cia when she'd questioned him, instead letting her find out on her own just how nice the water was. Caduceus was submerged a moment later and, with a bit of manhandling and giggling, the trio were soon tangled up in one another.

Cad placed a lick to Ouro's ear and the man turned just in time to slide his tongue along that of the other man. The trio were never shy with their affections, nor stingy either. As brother and sister kissed, Ouro was already reaching out with one wide paw to snake around the daintiest of them, that paw gliding down her belly to rest dangerously low. The other hooked around Cad, pulling him closer still, the water making them all more lightweight than they normally would be.

Cia's words brought a soft chuckle from Ouro and his teeth found the fae's cheek, nibbling the woman's damp fur. "You should direct that question to Cad. We all know that I'm the trouble, dear sister." Of the three of them, Ouroboros was the most likely to get into trouble. Often his anger got the best of him and either his mouth or his actions would pull him into a tiff with some beast or another. That anger was never directed towards Caduceus and Circia, however. He loved them too much.

With his paw still gently stroking over Cia's lower belly, he questioned his tiny sister. "Did you find anything while scouting?" They hadn't found a damn thing while out in the cold. It would have been better had they just stayed together and spent the time fucking. Couldn't reverse time though. "We heated up a snow storm, but didn't find anything." Icy eyes met the similarly colored pools of his brother and the scarred brute smirked as he remembered their roll in the snow.



06-22-2022, 03:41 PM
Caduceus grinned and chuckled as Cia protested his manhandling, but didn't let up his firm hold around her because he knew how much she actually loved it despite her words saying otherwise. "Capable, sure, but isn't this far more fun?" he questioned against her neck as he nuzzled and nibbled lightly along her skin. The light kiss he gave Cia was quickly followed with a deeper, more insistent one which he was all too happy to return with a soft rumble in his chest, a sly grin pulling across his lips when she pulled away and scolded him for not giving her a better kiss. Soon enough though the trio was tangled up together once more as he felt Ouro's tongue against his own ear in return and his brother's paw slipping around him and pulling him closer. It made it hard to tell where one body of gray and white ended and another began under the surface of the water, just the way Cad liked it.

He never felt more complete than he did when it was just the three of them freely sharing their affection for one another the way they had for as long as he could remember. He leaned into Ouro's slightly larger frame and kept a foreleg wrapped around Cia though he felt Ouro's paw brush past his foreleg as it moved further down toward more sensitive regions of their sister's frame, a little smirk tugging at his muzzle. Cia asked Ouro if he had behaved and Ouro quite accurately named himself as the trouble between the two of them. Cad grinned and gave a bit of laughter as he replied, "Well, I can't say he's given me any trouble... He's given me a lot of something else though." He gave Ouro a sly glance with a smirk, tipping his head to give his larger brother a teasing lick across his chin. That was all he really needed if he was being honest. Just his siblings and the freedom to have their way with one another.

While Ouro questioned Cia on the results of her scouting he kept one foreleg wrapped around their tiny sister, holding her steady with her back to his chest, while his other paw started to wander and tease them both lightly while they talked. Over Cia's stomach and chest, along her side and hip, shifting over to brush Ouro's inner thigh and lower belly. Very clearly his mind was already on something else while Ouro and Cia discussed a bit of business—or at least as close to business as the three of them ever got. He only really tuned back in when Ouro mentioned how the only thing they had actually accomplished was keeping each other warm in a snow storm and he grinned, turning his gaze back up to Ouro's. He chuckled softly and gave Ouro's inner thigh a little squeeze as he tipped his muzzle up to give his brother's jaw a teasing nibble.



07-26-2022, 01:50 AM
Her kiss to Caduceus had its desired effect, and Circia watched with sinful delight as the brute blinked in surprise but quickly succumbed to her influence and kissed her back just as eagerly. Brutes... so easy to manipulate! No sooner had the thought left her mind, Cia felt a large, strong paw wrap around her slender side and pull her away from Caduceus, making her gasp as her lithe form was tugged effortlessly through the steaming water and into the hold of her other, larger brother. That same paw then began to snake its way down her taut belly, resting dangerously low along her waist as she was manhandled and cuddled close by both of her bigger siblings, their coats appearing to blend seamlessly together in the water in one massive cluster of white and toned grays. "Hmm, getting jealous there, Ouro?" she teased him with a coy bat of her eyelashes over light cerulean jewels, her body reclining in the water to rest up against Ouroboros' broad chest while she peered up at the two men that dwarfed her in comparison.

The petite fae watched while the largest of the trio pulled the middling into his embrace as well, the two of them now securely wrapped in their big brother's strong arms. Ouro chuckled his rich, deep laugh and replied that she should ask her question to Caduceus instead, drawing a knowing hum of laughter from Circia as well. "We've known you were the troublemaker since you were three weeks old, Ouro," she remarked with a peel of laughter while he nibbled at her cheek. "But I also know our sweet brother here isn't all saint, especially when he's been hanging out in your company. And we all know what kind of an influence you are..." Circia punctuated her flirtatious remarks by letting one dainty paw dip beneath the water until it rested on Ouroboros' inner thigh, delicate claws extending to gently comb and drag across the sensitive skin there right where his leg met his hip. Was she being an awful tease just for the fun of it knowing how it'd rile her ornery brother up? Yes, yes she was.

As if on cue, Caduceus commented on how he'd been given no trouble—but he had been given a lot of something else. Circia did little to hide the lewd grin on her muzzle while she fixed her sultry gaze on Cad, practically purring as she envisioned what the two of them had gotten up to. "I knew it! You two were off screwing each other's brains out while I was doing all the real work!" Cia's tone was lighthearted and airy all the while; she knew she could poke fun at her siblings and they'd take it in good nature. The three loved each other far too much to think any differently. The banter they shared was second only to the more rigorous physical activities they all partook in—some more than others it seemed. She had some catching up to do. Cad shifted her about between the two brutes then, moving her so her back was resting on his chest while both he and Ouro had their paws running along her underside and belly. Their combined touches drew breathy gasps from the woman, her toes curling and body squirming subtly into their eager paws, a wicked grin of anticipation lingering on her lips. Oh, they wanted to play games, did they? Well, she could prove she could keep up with the boys too.

Ouro wanted to know if she'd found anything in her scouting. "Oh, just a couple packs here and there, a rogue wolf or two out in the snowstorms... Nothing worth our time," she explained, both of her forepaws now beneath the water, one tracing the upper part of Ouro's thigh and hip while her other did the same but to Caduceus, drawing ever so close to their most intimate parts, yet agonizingly never making contact with either of them. "There's two packs up towards the north, one way up in the mountains, another off the coast on an island. They don't seem hostile, but neither seem overtly friendly either." She shot Ouro a wicked grin then as she recounted another tale to her brother as she tormented him with her feather-light touch. Cia let her claws press a little more into Ouro's thigh, knowing he had a taste for the rougher kinds of intimacy while she kneaded at his muscles. "Now, are you two going to keep teasing me about all this fun you two had while I was at work, or are you going to start making it up to me?" She batted big, bright eyes up at both her brothers, putting on a sweet, feminine smile for good touch, despite the places her paws were currently wandering while she enjoyed floating in the hot spring being manhandled by her two lecherous brothers.
