
Our Kind of Beach Day




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-17-2022, 06:16 PM

Ruga knew that pulling him away from his work at his forge was a difficult task, but when Keahi tempted him with a day for just the two of them at the beach he felt like he'd be an idiot to say no. It was later in the afternoon when they set out from the col to make the short loop past the mountain ridge to the obsidian sand beach on the other side. He was carrying a small pack of supplies with a simple dinner and a fur or two for them to lay on if they wanted. The water was bound to be too cold to swim in given their new northern climate so he didn't bother to bring anything to dry off with, but he figured that he might as well bring something to lay on in case they didn't feel like walking back after their day at the beach—or maybe if they were too tangled up in one another to do so.

That thought made a slight smirk pull across his features as he glanced over at the red-hued woman beside him. The dramatic shift their relationship had taken after he started out messing with her like the asshole he was had certainly surprised him, but that surprise was a very welcome one. He flicked her hip playfully with his tail as he tossed her a grin just as they stepped onto the shifting sands of the cove, chuckling softly before guiding her over to one of the large, sturdy palm trees that surprisingly dotted the northern beach. He dropped the pack he was carrying at the base of the tree and then slid down onto his stomach, stretching out on the soft sand with a pleased groan, stretching his front legs out ahead of him with flared toes.

He sighed contently and then looked over to Keahi as a mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, only giving her a second to notice before he reached up to try and catch her by wrapping his forelegs around her sides so that he could pull her down to him. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he pulled her smaller frame into his, resisting any of her struggles if she had any and pulling her body against his as he went to nuzzle into and nibble along the side of her neck. Ruga had always been insatiable in his desires, but being with Keahi on a more regular basis had reminded him of what he had been missing out on since he had decided to settle in with Armada. He had thrown himself into his work and hadn't really thought about much else, but Keahi pulled that more affectionate, lustful side of him back to the surface and it made him feel like he had when he had just crossed into his second birthday and discovered the joys of being with a stunning woman and getting to ravage her to his heart's content.

"Ruga Amanto"


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
09-27-2022, 09:41 PM

Since the red woman had been promoted to Diplomat, the call to travel has been stealing her days and forcing her to roam away from Armada lands and the blossoming relationship she is enjoying with a certain blacksmith. Ruga is a man dedicated to his craft and Keahi loves to watch him work but today, she wants to do something special. Sweet words and a promise of a… special reward are enough to pull the tall blacksmith away from his forage for the rest of the day.

The sun is already moving toward the horizon, having reached its zenith some hours ago, as the pair make their way out to the black sandy beach. Despite the chill that lingers in the air, the red woman is without her armor as they walk to the cold coast, knowing that they would be using other ways to keep warm. Before stealing Ruga away, Keahi had taken a warm bath that she infused with some hibiscus flowers. They had been difficult to get ahold of but she hopes the gentle floral scent will have its desired effect on the tall blacksmith.

Keahi had actually put a lot of planning into this, going so far as to comb out her fur and dab some oils around her neck. Hopeful the floral undertones of the hibiscus flowers will pull out the sweet scent in the rose oils and help enhance Ruga’s enjoyment with her. Ocean blue eyes slide over to the red man’s form, catching his gaze as he glances to her and offering him a teasing smirk. His tail flicks her hips and she chuckles at his grin, stepping close to him as they cross onto the beach and absently rubs her red coat against him.

Tossing him a playful wink, they make their way to a large sturdy palm tree where Ruga drops the pack he had been carrying and immediately drops to his stomach to stretch. As Keahi tuts at him, she moves to grab the fur from the pack and spread it out for them. As her paws smooth out the plush fur, a mischievous grin catches her attention and she lifts her head to look at Ruga, just as the blacksmith catches her with his strong forelegs and pulls her down to him. He chuckles as she smoothly falls onto his chest, only half-heartedly struggling against his strong embrace.

As he begins to nuzzle and nip the side of her neck where she had soaked some of the rose oil, Keahi gently laughs and says, “Now, now Ruga. We don’t want to spoil our appetite, hm?” Joy dances in her blue eyes as she leans in to capture those wandering lips, giving him a heated kiss with the promise of more to come soon. Breaking their lips, she catches eyes and says, “Well, maybe we could just skip to desert…” Eyes dance, she leans in again to catch his lips quickly, running her tongue along his teeth before detaching herself from the handsome Ruga and moving to sit on the fur. With a gentle pat of her paw, the red woman invites him to join her… for dinner or desert first. The option is left up to him.

"Keahi Mogotsi"



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-09-2022, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 01:05 PM by Ruga. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Ruga nuzzled into Keahi's fur the sweet, floral but still light scent filled his nose and he grinned, humming quietly with appreciation at the extra little efforts that Keahi obviously went through for him. He had never been in any kind of committed relationship and had only been with certain women for brief stints of time—and sometimes with multiple at a time. This was the longest he had consistently been with one woman and he had to admit that he was kind of liking the little things that allowed like her learning the things he enjoyed and him being able to learn the little intricacies of her personality. It was a new experience for him and something he had shied away from for so long, but now that he had accidentally found himself in this situation he actually kind of liked it.

He grinned and chuckled as she teased him for wanting to spoil his appetite, lifting his muzzle from her neck to tell her that was exactly what he wanted to do, but before he could she caught his lips in a heated kiss that pulled a slightly surprised, pleased rumble from the larger brute. When she pulled back again his seafoam gaze found hers with a familiar interest and fire lingering in them as an amused and infatuated grin lingered on his lips. The promise of skipping straight to dessert was definitely something he could agree with, but with another quick, sultry kiss she was gone, escaping from his grasp and making him give her a playful pout. That didn't last long though as she moved over to the furs that she had rolled out while he had been too impatient to do so and patted the spot beside her, inviting him to join her on their makeshift bed. Ruga gave her an eager grin as he rolled to his feet and hurried to do just that.

"You already know what I'm going to pick..." he rumbled with a grin as he caught her lips in another heated kiss while he hooked a strong foreleg around her shoulders, supporting her as he turned her and lowered her onto the ground, laying her onto her back on the furs without breaking away from her lips. He shifted to stand over her, easily melting into a passionate kiss against her now familiar lips with quiet rumbles of desire sounding in his chest. He kissed her passionately and savoringly for several long moments before he finally let his lips pull away from hers, giving her a grin as he settled his body over hers so that he could slip his forelegs around her lower back and rest his head almost on her chest, breathing in her sweet scent at the crook of her neck.

"You always seem to know exactly what I like," he told her with an amused chuckle as he kissed the side of her neck and then brought his gaze back up to hers, simply admiring her for a moment while the warmth of her body under his and her soft, scented fur filled his senses. "What do you see in this old bag of bones, huh?" he asked with a humor and a genuine curiosity. It wasn't beyond him that she was significantly younger than he was so now here he is, a jaded blacksmith with issues committing to anything beyond his work, somehow earning the affections of a stunning younger woman. It did make him wonder just what she saw in him when in reality her options were wide open. Of course he also knew they hadn't settled into anything committed or official—at least not yet—but his curiosity still stood.

"Ruga Amanto"


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
01-05-2023, 03:55 PM

Keahi softly nuzzles the fur on his cheek as she teases him about spoiling his appetite, letting her breath gently ruffle his fur as she speaks. Ruga may be a strong man but the smaller tropical wolf thoroughly enjoys catching him off guard and she manages to do just that as she captures his lips in a passionate kiss. Fire burns in her bright, ocean blue, eyes as she pulls a pleased rumble from the blacksmith. But the fun is yet to come as she breaks the kiss, murmuring to him about skipping to dessert before leaning in to give another quick, heated kiss before pulling away.

His playful pout pulls an amused laugh from the red woman as she moves the short distance to the furs to continue their play. As Ruga’s voice rumbles out, teases her about knowing what he will pick, Keahi lets out a soft melodic laugh and nods. He approaches and catches her lips with his own while his strong foreleg wrap around her shoulders. She allows him to tip her backward and lay her down so that her belly faces up and she returns the kiss with as much passion and lust as he gives while quiet rumbles of desire pour from his chest.

One dark red paw lifts to gently brush the fur on the side of his cheek before she uses it to leverage herself up and deepen the already fervent kiss. The familiar desire burns brightly in her as he pulls away to settle his body over her and he slips those strong forelegs around her lower back and head. She gives a soft hum of pleasure as he breathes in her scent and she places a gentle lick by his ear before slowly rubbing the floral scent she had taken time to cultivate into her fur along the side of his neck.

Keahi enjoys the moment as she rubs her head against him, chuckling gently at his statement about knowing what he likes. Tongue darts out to lick the back of his ear before her teeth follow behind, gently nibbling the fur along the side of his face. Her own forelegs move to gently encompass his neck as he moves back to cast his gaze over her while the red woman looks back up him, lovingly. The question he poses her has the younger woman’s eyebrows raising, wondering if he thinks himself unworthy of the love of a younger wolf.

From her position underneath him, Keahi uses the legs wrapped around his neck to pull Ruga down into a deep, zealous kiss, taking a moment to run her tongue along his teeth before gently breaking the kiss. Her blue eyes burn with lust and love as she catches his seafoam green gaze and softly says, “Maybe I do not see an ‘old bag of bones’. Maybe I see an experienced lover, great friend, and kindred spirit. Age is only a number and has nothing to do with what I feel for you.”

Keahi’s smile is genuine, soft, and warm as she looks at him before she teases, “Now, are you going to make me beg you to finish what your hips are promising?” Heat is building in her body and her abdominal muscles are beginning to twitch from the anticipation of things to come. Releasing one of her legs, she uses the paw to trace the muscles from his chest down and underneath his body, until her claws are gently ghosting over the tender flesh of his abdomen while she grins devilishly at him.

"Keahi Mogotsi"



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-23-2023, 02:37 AM

The genuine surprise he saw from Keahi at his question intrigued him, but before he could add any follow up questions or comments, her slender limbs wrapped around his neck and pulled him back down into a heated kiss, catching him off guard and pulling a pleased hum from him. He returned that fervent kiss eagerly, letting his own tongue glide across hers as it ran along his teeth. All too quickly the kiss ended and he blinked open his eyes to look down into the bright, clear pools of hers once again. The way she described him and gave him her view of his traits, he couldn't help the grin that pulled across his lips, his own expression warming with the same lust and love that he saw in hers. So much of his life had been spent hearing his shortcomings, hearing how he was letting down one wolf or another, and failing to live up to the expectations that had been put ahead of him. He had purposefully kept others at a distance, kept his relationships short and fast, and never tended to stay with one wolf for more than a few weeks at a time just so he could avoid growing attached to anything that would only end up being disappointed by him. Somehow Keahi had managed to slip past all those uncertainties before he even realized what was happening. Maybe he was just getting softer with age, but it was hard to imagine living without this beautiful spirit in his life now.

Too speechless to respond, he readily gave in to the teasing she gave him as she questioned whether or not she was going to have to beg for what his body promised. Her paw that traced his body sent a small shiver through him and he chuckled as he grinned down at his lover and his foreleg that was wrapped around her waist tightened to pull her tighter to him. "No begging needed, beautiful... Not this time at least," he rumbled with a cheeky grin before he claimed her lips in another eager kiss. He brought his hips to hers, joining them together and giving them both the relief they needed, and took her like a love struck adolescent on the abandoned beach with just the sound of the waves crashing near by to interrupt their shared sounds of pleasure. Had Keahi not walked into his life he likely would have felt content continuing to live as he had, but she made him feel like he really could be all of the things she seemed to think he was and that alone was a heady feeling.

- fade -

"Ruga Amanto"