
Goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and go




Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-15-2022, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2022, 03:22 AM by Lucette. Edited 1 time in total.)

Our lives are made in these small hours

Lucette had started to wander again and this time slipped a little further from The Range. But it was okay, she wasn’t alone! Ink was with the small girl, padding along with confidence as they made their way through the grassy herb-filled area. Lucette had never seen somewhere with so many different plants; it was amazing! Her ears twitched thoughtfully as, while she walked, she tried to pick out the ones that she recognized. Her body was quivering with excitement, and small ways in front of her, pouncing after little bugs that caught her interest. It felt like the kodkod had been meant to always be there.

She had met some interesting wolves thus far too, and, for the most part, none of them seemed all that bad. Still… she couldn’t help but worry about what might happen when Bae-Syl’s cousins reared their heads. She didn’t doubt that they would someday… wolves that would want to hurt her. Kill and eat her. The idea made her unsettled but Lucette vowed she wouldn’t go down without a fight. It didn’t matter what came after her and Bae… she’d fight. She’d fight to protect them both. Bae-Syl was the one normally taking her… but she could take care of him too!

“Get back here, dumb fly!” Ink bounded forward, swiping at the air in front of her as she tried to get the fly hovering right before her face. It was about to be a protein for her! Lucette couldn’t help but chuckle as she looked up at Ink. Silly cat… she was so easily amused. It was hard to think that someday soon they would be doing battle training together.


1 / 3 Navigation ;; Fern Gulley

"Talk", 'Think.'

These little wonders these twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-16-2022, 09:35 AM

Searching once more for herbs, Eden's paws drifted to the Fern Gulley. She was careful not to stray from the border, heavily pregnant and wary of others. She wanted the pups to already be here, safe in pack's lands... Alas, even the Plunder was not free from their own problems. The dark man who assaulted Sparrow and the others was on her mind. She barely noticed the kodkod as it wandered a bit close to her. Eden stepped back as she felt little paws brush against her, chasing a fly that had landed in front of her body.

"Oh!" she gasped, hyperaware and protective of the unborn lives growing in her. She couldn't raise her lip at the little cat though. Eden stumbled back, sitting her rear on the ground "c-careful" she cautioned mostly to herself. It wasn't her place to tell a little animal not to play. Noticing the russet yearling, she forced a smile. She was still cautious, but didn't touch the girl's apparent companion "h-hello, dear." She said to them, wondering if they'd yell at her for getting too close.

1/3 - met new wolf

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-18-2022, 03:37 AM

Our lives are made in these small hours

There were definitely some interesting plants here, Lucette couldn’t help but notice. Boneset was one such herb she recognized, something her father had given her when she had fallen ill after a thunderstorm. She had sworn never again to be so careless about the weather; it wasn’t worth getting sick like that again. It wasn’t as common as some plants here, she noticed, but she had definitely seen it here. Horsetail too, which bound open wounds when applied topically, had been spotted here and there. Even the lavender her father had gathered for her mother. Her brow furrowed as Bae-Syl’s warning surfaced again. Should she gather some for him, too?

The kodkod hadn’t noticed how close she’d gotten to another before her tiny paw brushed against fur. The feline doubled back, just as startled as the woman that was in front of her. Ink’s ears fell as she looked up at the she-wolf that was bigger than herself or Lucy. She frowned a little, murmuring a quick apology. “Sorry about that!” The kodkod certainly hadn’t meant to do the woman any harm. “I hope you’re okay…”

Lucettte drew closer, though she was mindful to keep a little bit of distance between herself and the clearly pregnant woman. She didn’t want to alarm the mother to be… she already sounded a little on the anxious side. “Hello! I hope we didn’t startle you. I was kind of zoning out… It’s amazing how many different herbs there are here!” The femme chuckled softly, her tail wagging behind her. “Are you out here looking for herbs to help uh…” She stumbled over her words. Now it was her turn to become embarrassed. “...for the um… babies?” Okay, well now this was becoming more awkward.

Way to go Lucy.


2 / 3 Navigation ;; Fern Gulley

"Talk", 'Think.'

These little wonders these twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-18-2022, 02:21 PM

They both were quick to apologize, making her feel a bit bad for the caution. She smiled politely when the girl told her she was excited to see the herbs here, all different kinds. "Yes, for the babies" Eden began, giggling at the other's obvious embarrassment. There was no need for it, considering maybe one day the girl may end up pregnant. Or not, but she opted not to assume anything about fate when Sparrow had been, ah, 'knocked up' as she had been "I'm due in another week, if I had to guess." There was nothing wrong with the situation, even if she was nervous.

First-time mother jitters. "My name is Eden" she continued "I live, ah, back there" if she had a tail, she would flick it. But the woman merely turned her head and gave a tiny nod to the beach behind them "in a pack. It's called Pirate's Plunder." The girl hadn't introduced herself but that was fine. She also was aware she didn't look anything like a pirate. Her earthen tones were suited to the woods instead of a beach and waves. She had her reasons for joining the Plunder, and she didn't feel embarrassed by her ambition to become a great healer.

2/3 - met new wolf

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-19-2022, 01:14 AM

The woman didn’t seem to mind her awkwardness, even giggling a little as she confirmed that she was looking for things for the babies. It just felt strange to her, especially since she was still too young to consider a family… even if it might happen one day. Right now she wasn’t thinking about a family though, only about hanging out with her best friend and trying to stay safe from the cousins of his that threatened their safety. Had she been a little older, however, that might have changed. She might have even started to realize that she was developing more feelings for her friend than just looking at him as a bestie, even.

The woman stated she was due soon as well and Lucette frowned thoughtfully. She didn’t know anything when it came to babies, or what to do to prepare for a litter. At least this mother-to-be was trying to be proactive about it though. She went on to introduce herself as Eden, even motioning to where she lived, and a pack. Were these the Pirates that Azure spoke of? Suddenly Lucette felt a bit uneasy. Eden didn’t seem to be bad but what if they were using her as bait or something? No, Lucy quickly scolded herself. She didn’t want to think like that. She couldn’t afford to start becoming paranoid and suspicious of every stranger. She’d stop enjoying life if she started living like that!

“It’s nice to meet you, Eden. I’m Lucette and this little one is my friend, Ink.” At her introduction the melanistic feline waved a paw. “Forgive me if this is a touchy subject but um… I was kind of… warned about your pack…” Her ears fell as she continued on. “I was told by some man that his mate was kidnapped by them… and that I should be careful in case they er… wanted… a replacement.” She continued to frown. “I don’t want trouble. I live with my bestie near here and… I’d rather stay free if I could.” She didn’t want to assume anything about the woman, least of all a pregnant one, but still… she didn’t want to take chances either. She enjoyed her freedom, and she certainly wouldn’t let them take her, if they chose to, without a fight… she just hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-19-2022, 02:46 PM

"That man" if he can even call himself that! "attacked our pregnant alpha, knowing she was and tore her ear off regardless of her condition" Eden puffed her tiny height up, defensive of Sparrow's predicament "he proceeded to maim everyone who defended the territory and our alpha" she seethed, raising a protective paw over her belly "there was bad blood between that man's mate and our alpha, but she was let go. She was not harmed. She was given a choice to leave." Eden was not going to spill Sparrow and Hanako's spat over the whole of Boreas though.

"That monster can play the good boy if he likes, but he is the devil" This time, she growled lowly "Sparrow would not kidnap children, nor punt them across a beach - as that man did too" Eden looked away, pinned ears against her skull. She didn't want to scare Lucette... "our pack believes in free will and freedom; I know that can be confusing, considering Sparrow did kidnap his mate... I will not air the dirty laundry between them out, forgive me. It is not my place. Sparrow meant to do it alone - not as an alpha, but as a woman." Eden glanced back at the girl, frowning.

"He did not need to trespass into our land, call out a pregnant woman to fight, and proceed to maim her as she gave birth" She did not want the Plunder to be seen as evil "he could have fled after doing such a thing. He could have even done it another time, realizing the brutality of attacking a mother-to-be. But he made a bloody mess and did not care. His reasons were malicious. I would advise not running into him again..."

3/3 - met new wolf

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-20-2022, 03:00 AM

The woman got angry. Lucette hadn’t expected such a reaction, but as Eden told the tale of the pirate’s side of thing Lucette started to feel silly. Maybe she really was too trusting of everyone from the get-go. This man, Azure, didn’t sound very pleasant at all. Her shock showed on her face and in her eyes, mingling with a look of disgust. Who would attack a pregnant woman? Even maim her? Then when her allies came, trying to defend her and the territory maimed them as well? Lucette could feel her stomach churning and even Ink was silent, the kodkod’s eyes widened.

“Divinities above…” Lucette drew in a breath. He sounded just… plain evil. If he had done these things against the pack for what their alpha did then wasn’t he the bad one too? Sure the woman shouldn’t have kidnapped his mate but to do all that in revenge? That wasn’t the way! She shook her head bitterly, seeming to become angry that he’d fooled her with cool words and acting justified. The fur on the back of her neck rose and she scoffed. “I don’t blame you for being angry,” She began. “Any man that would attack a pregnant woman and physically harm her should be damned by Nox himself! And children too!” There was a look of disgust on her face.

“He didn’t even do it to get his mate back but for revenge?! It should have been between the two of them.” Her gaze narrowed. “Makes me wonder what other lies he’s spewed from his maw…” Ink pressed again Lucy sympathetically.

“The way he spoke to Lucy seemed… I don’t know how to put it. It was calm, yet patient the time I was there with them meeting. She had met him once before though.”

Lucette gave a nod of confirmation.

“He tried to warn me that living in the range was dangerous, and yet, despite his “warnings” I’d never seen a pirate before today. And no offense, Eden, but you don’t strike me as dangerous at all. Nor do you give the impression you have anything to gain by lying about what happened.” Lucy’s tail lashed back and forth.

“I’ll be avoiding him in the future. There are enough problems at paw to worry about without dealing with a liar on top of them.” She frowned. “Well, maybe not necessarily a liar… but he twisted the truth to make it look like your pack was the bad guys alone. He left out the part about kicking kids across the beach and maiming a pregnant woman.” And Lucy didn't like that, at all.

“Your alpha… was she treated? I’m not as good a healer as my dad but if she needs help I’d be willing.” Her gaze softened with worry not. “And the pups, are they… okay?” She asked that question quietly as if fearing the answer.

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-20-2022, 02:34 PM

It upset her to know that the man was spreading lies and such about the Pirates. Eden sighed, raising a paw to her brow briefly and shaking her head. "Yes, he came back after his mate was able to leave. It makes me wonder if she prompted him to do it - but if so, he isn't innocent either." Hanako had a right to say she was kidnapped but she didn't have the right to tell her husband to go seek revenge for her. Eden felt Hanako was a coward at the moment, unable to fight her own battles. Hiding behind a man... Was that what others saw her like, with Ignis? There was a choice though. Eden preferred not to fight to harm others. Hanako used her wiles to make men fight for her.

"Thank you, Lucette. I will tell Sparrow that he's spreading lies about us. The Plunder does not claim to be innocent, but we are also not malicious... They have been good to me, and others. They're just a rowdy bunch" Eden smiled fondly at her words "our alpha - our King - is well. I have been tending to her around the clock. The puppies are also safe, all things considered. All very healthy" Thank goodness for that "I would ask you to come with me, to meet Sparrow and let her know... but I do not think it wise. Considering what happened before" she frowned "I will pass along the information though." She was grateful for any weapon to use against that dark man.

The mention once more of being a healer caused the woman to smile. "If you like, I have time... To repay you for the information, I could... teach you a few things?"


ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-20-2022, 10:21 PM

Lucette didn’t understand it. Why would you cause even more of a storm after you were let go, unharmed? She sighed, feeling the other woman’s stress. She knew if she was kidnapped Bae-Syl or her parents would come to help her, but to go back if she was let go unharmed? That was madness! She couldn’t picture any of them doing that. But the idea of hurting others was just… strange. She knew there was a chance she might have to fight eventually, especially if Bae’s cousin’s caught up to them and she wasn’t able to run but… If she didn’t have to fight she would definitely prefer not to. She preferred treating injuries, not making them, and even then it’d be better if she didn’t need to treat anyone at all.

“I’m sorry you had to find out about this information this way… but I’m glad I could help. I know there can be a little darkness in everyone, it’s in the teachings of Foi, the religion my family believes in. It is natural and must be, in order for there to be any sense of balance. There is a line going too far though, and it sounds like Azure has well crossed it.” She glanced towards Ink. She’d been telling the little feline about the teachings of Foi, and how everything was paired together in life. It was what made twins of any sort seen as a blessing in parents.

She was relieved to hear that the King was alright and that the puppies were safe and healthy. She breathed out a sigh of relief. “I’d rather not bring about further distress, either. I’m not really a fighter, but I can’t imagine that information would be well received by your King or your pack. I can’t blame anyone for it though, given what I know now.” She twitched her ears thoughtfully. “...and truthfully my… bestie and mom are little quick to jump… I’d rather not get them into something over a misunderstanding either. As I said before, there are enough problems going on without potentially creating more.” Especially her mother. She offered Eden a smile.

“But please don’t worry! Bae would never attack someone like you unless I was threatened or calling for help. He’s a big softie, really.” Her spirits brightened as the she-wolf brought up teaching her some things as payment for the information. She chuckled. “I was just wanting to be honest is all. You don’t have to pay me for it. However, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in learning!” Her tail had started to wag back and forth and she hadn’t even noticed Ink moving away from her side off to chase more bugs.

“Bae shouldn’t miss me for a couple more hours yet, so long as I return back by then. We have time.”

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-20-2022, 10:32 PM

She nodded, agreeing with the girl. "But we cannot have the pirates be attacked needlessly due to a few vile rumors... I will have to have a difficult conversation with our King, alone." It was about all she could promise to do... Whether Sparrow would take it seriously was beyond even Eden. The King tended to go with the moment, but... regarding Hanako? She had been personally hurt by the koi woman. Eden didn't blame her if Sparrow was upset.

"The lesson will be brief, do not fret" she smiled kindly "I shall teach you about poultices - a wet bandage" she paused "and a few nice herbs to use for an effective one. Bark, in particular, can be crushed into herbs, adding water, to make a good and sturdy paste" She felt herself shuffle, sitting as the pregnancy became too much "or if you cannot find water, spit works." She smirked, amused if Lucette was disgusted by it.

Young healers could become disgusted easily.

"What do you think are good herbs for binding wounds?" Let's start there.

1/3 - teach lesson

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-20-2022, 11:20 PM

Eden told her she’d be the one to have the conversation with the Pirate King alone and that was probably for the best. For now, however, they moved to the lesson, and Lucette focused on what the woman had to teach her. A lesson of poultices - a wet bandage? She knew about crushing up herbs to apply them to a wound… was this a more advanced version of just applying an herb mixture to an injury? Her ears flicked thoughtfully, a face made as Eden mentioned using spit to make a paste. “Not really fond of that idea, but if a patient needs help, you do what you have to do.” She spoke honestly. Some things tasted far too bitter for her liking.

“I know it’s not really a binding herb, but I know Lamb’s Ear can be used on scrapes because of how soft it is. Horsetail is a good one though! I’ve actually seen some here in the Gulley too. Looks really strong and sturdy.” She had learned about Lamb’s Ear prior, and, in a pinch, had tried using it over Bae’s wound. Though used incorrectly, she had some small hope that at least covering the wound until her dad got there had helped save it from getting dirty and infected. Horsetail was one Gav had taught her about too one time when her mother had gotten injured when hunting. “My dad has used it to bind my mom’s wound before after putting herbs on it. I didn’t really see what he did before applying the horsetail though.”


Received a healing lesson from another character (Eden) - 1 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-20-2022, 11:32 PM

Eden giggled. "Chew the herbs or crush them then spit if you lack water. If you chew the herbs, you may already have some critical potency in your mouth that is lost if you do not spit them out" She preferred to keep her mouth and jaws clean for this particular technique; a good reason she did not fight or hunt sick prey "and if you spit them to the side, the essential potency is lost. Any bit helps with a poultice."

She nodded. "Both are good choices" she said warmly to Lucette "I use horsetail and lamb's ear for a poultice in major or minor wounds. Adding in a bit of bark to make the bandage sturdy. But it is important to wash the wound thoroughly before applying any herbs. If you do that, the poultice will stick better. A poultice will always clean the wound and keep it clean naturally, but I like to make sure infection hasn't set in before then."

She paused before adding. "Some rare herbs like Trillium are good for cleaning wounds free of infection. Again, they are rare... I do not pick them unless there is an abundance of them in the location."

2/3 - teach lesson

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-21-2022, 12:07 AM

Lucette gave a small nod as Eden explained to chew the herbs, crushing them before you spit if you lacked the water. It made sense that if you didn’t spit it out you were losing some of the herb’s potency. She had done that with the Lamb’s Ear with Bae, spitting the herb directly onto him. Gross, but effective. She made a note to never waste any bit of the herb, even if it seemed a bit gross. But it seemed the bark is what made the poultice study. Had… had she essentially already made a poultice of sorts then when treating Bae? She had cleaned his wound, chewed up some lambs ear, and then spit onto his wound. Even used more lambs ear to cover the wound. But maybe if she’d used some bark to keep it sturdy she wouldn’t have even needed to do that.

“I think I did something similar to what you’re describing, though without the bark so it didn’t feel sturdy. Very slick… The lamb’s ear was the only herb I had on paw though, and we were in the range… it was raining pretty heavily too so I didn’t exactly have a lot of options to go get a different herb at the time.” Lucette furrowed her brow a little. “I know some herbs are rarer than others. Dad had been trying to teach me about some. I’ve never heard of Trillium though. What does it look like? It sounds useful, so long as there is a decent amount of them in the location.” She then added.

“And you say it’s good for cleaning wounds that aren’t infected… are the herbs you can use when infection starts to set in to try and reverse it?”


Received a healing lesson from another character (Eden) - 2 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-21-2022, 12:18 AM

She listened intently to Lucette, frowning and furrowing her brows. "If it doesn't stick it usually isn't classified as a poultice. A poultice is a wet bandage but will dry and harden over hours. It will then protect more dirt from going into the wound and if you use the right herbs, it can fend off infection. A poultice is supposed to stick even when wet, rehydrating the wounded area, and it falls off on its own later on. Perhaps even a week later."

Eden perked up at the mention of the trillium. "It is a flower with unique petals. There are always three white petals" she bent down to scratch the flower's features into the dirt for Lucette " and yes - you can" She raised her neck "but there are a very olden used herb called enchinacea which can prevent infection and also reduce the duration of infection. Tribes of wolves used to use it for infected and open wounds. It is also anti-inflammatory."

But it was also rare. Rarer than others. Even Trillium. "Thyme is more common; even if it is more widely known for coughs and shortness of breath. You can use the oil to soothe an infected area. Bith Echinacea and Thyme are good for wounds as well."

3/3 - teach lesson

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-21-2022, 01:22 AM

Eden clarified, thankfully. Maybe the Lamb’s Ear had gotten too wet for the amount she was using? She supposed that depending on the amount of wetness it could become over-hydrated and become slick like that. Done properly it would cover the wound and wouldn’t need more placed over it then? Sticking even when it was wet to help clean and treat the wound. The yearling gave a couple of nods. It seemed like it would be a lifesaver with Bae-Syl especially. Then maybe she could treat him without worrying about the wound getting infected at all. That would be a relief… she hated having to restrict him from leaving the den.

Lucette focused on the sketch as Eden drew it. A flower with three white petals, huh? Sounded like a strange number, but she started at the picture for a long moment, burning it into her memory. As well as the information about echinacea and thyme too. Thyme seemed like it would be the best bet if there was a sign of infection as long as she caught it early. She breathed out a little. “Thank you so much, Eden.” She lifted her gaze to the pregnant healer.

“Knowing about Thyme’s other use is a relief… I… my bestie got hurt a little while back. He’s not fully healed from it but he was trying to take down a bison calf by himself. Well, he did, but the mother got him. He was lucky he wasn’t gored.” She lowered her ears. “I used the lamb’s ear on it at first after cleaning it… It wasn’t the best herb for the job at all, but I was desperate. I didn’t want to risk it becoming infected…” The whole ordeal had scared her. It still did. “I’d… never felt so frustrated with my lack of healing knowledge before. I was scared for him… then we both ended up sick from the storm… thankfully my mom and dad came by to check on us and got us back on our feet.” Lucy’s brow furrowed again.

“I had no idea what to do if it got infected… I… was scared I could lose him. I’d never been worried about death or anything like that before but… the thought it’d be just me, instead of the two of us…” She gave a sad smile. “A-nyway… Thank you so much, Eden. You’ve been an amazing help.” Her words were sincere. “Maybe we can meet again sometime? If you’re willing to give me another lesson that is.” It wasn’t often she ran into another healer, let alone one so kind. She liked Eden. Maybe they could be friends? Was it weird being friends with an adult?


Received a healing lesson from another character (Eden) - 3 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
08-21-2022, 01:31 AM

None of the pirates seemed to have a capacity for healing. Eden had watched and waited, hopeful Sparrow would assign a young one to her... Maybe it was because she was, too, learning? But she could feel it. The knowledge, the ache to teach once filled... Lucette spoke of her friend, scared of losing him. Helping him despite her lack of experience. "A healer's duty is to their patient" she said slowly "it can be hard to distinguish a friend from a patient." The number of times she had patched Ignis up, watching him stumble back to the Plunder...

She had to calm herself a lot.

"The important thing is to be calm and collected; if a patient sees you panic, they can become distressed" she advised the girl "it is especially personal - and hard - when you see someone you care about hurt" She sympathized with Lucette's position "sometimes it is best to distance yourself emotionally until the job is done" Which did help a lot. Especially if it didn't go the way she wanted. Eden had not lost anyone yet but she would try not to panic when that time came "it's also important to respect the natural order. Death and life... A delicate balance. One cannot exist without the other."

The girl stumbled through, asking if she could see her again. A polite, kind, and warm smile flickered across her lips. "When I am able to leave my pups, yes" She saw no reason not to "they will be due soon, so if you do not see me... I am probably nursing them within the Plunder. Wait a week or so, and call me at the border?" Her stomach did a nervous flip at the upcoming birth but she pushed it down "until next time, Lucette." she adds, removing herself from the earth and walking back to the border.



ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-21-2022, 02:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2022, 02:25 AM by Lucette. Edited 1 time in total.)

Eden spoke, offering gentle but helpful advice. She wasn’t wrong, it was hard to see the differences between a friend and a patient. She hadn’t been able to stay calm at all… and though Bae had remained calm that time what if she broke down like that again when she was treating him? She needed to be strong, to show her strength for both of them. She couldn’t let her feelings get involved until the treatment was done… easier said than done, she was sure, but it would help her if she could master it in the long run.

She knew Eden was right about life and death too… even in Foi the two twins of life worked hand in hand with the twins of death. They could not exist without each other, but the idea of losing Bae… she drew in a breath. It was okay to worry and be afraid, she told herself. But everything had a time and a place. Breaking down while she was treating him wouldn’t help either of them. Stressing about it now wasn’t necessarily good either. She tried to reign herself in, focusing instead on Eden’s next answer.

She said yes! That made Lucette feel a little bit better. She knew as a soon-to-be mother though that Eden’s duty was to her children. She respected that. “I’ll do that then, Eden. Until next time, be well, and may you give birth to some healthy little ones.” She smiled after the woman. She watched Eden head back toward the border before she turned around, searching out Ink. The feline was over near some marigold - ah, a good plant for insect bites and stings. She padded over the kodkod as her smile widened. “Having fun?’ The feline had rolled onto her back, enjoying the sunlight.

“Yes.” Ink purred happily before swiping at the air. Lucy chuckled, looking around to take note of any other important herbs in the area. She made a mental note of yarrow, something that could be used to reduce bleeding from a minor wound, as well as a small, leafy green plant she wasn’t sure of the name of. If her father had been there he’d have been able to tell her it was watercress. With a hum, she figured she’d linger a little longer to discover what herbs she could before returning back to the range with a plan to grab the ones she knew of.



3 / 3 Navigation ;; Fern Gulley

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.