
The Warmth of Others


10-03-2013, 08:36 PM
It was midday, and the beast was engulfed in a heavy sense of boredom. It wasn't often that the creature found himself with a lack of things to do, but with a full belly and a good night's sleep, his aspirations for the day were rather low. He typically did not seek out company ? he often avoided it, in fact, for lack of desire to socialize or gain any sort of attachment with others ? but frankly he couldn't think of many other ways to fill his time.

His nose gave a light wriggle to see whether or not anyone was nearby before he lifted his muzzle to the sky and let out a gruff howl into the wind, hoping it would carry far enough for a few wolves to hear. It was a dangerous thing to let out a howl so close to pack borders, but even so, he didn't quite mind. If any pack wolves came to chase him off, he could run well enough to escape them. Besides, at least running from guards was more entertaining than sitting here staring at the snow.

Stretching out he lay down to wait, giving a light yawn and settling down with half his body buried into the deepening white powder. His tail gave a few light sweeps behind him, like a child's arms making a snow angel, as he watched his surroundings for any signs of life beyond the skittering of squirrels and the sniffles of rabbits, copper eyes interested and slightly hopeful that someone might choose to relieve him of his boredom.


10-03-2013, 08:47 PM

Arietta was nearing the pack borders, though she was sure she still had a little while to go. Snow crunched under her aching paws, as, once more, the she-wolf questioned if staying in the North was such a good idea. If she managed to join this pack then she would have more safety... right? Her mother had talked about packs when she was younger, and how that being part of them would make her a part of something bigger than herself.

The femme would lift her head as a howl reached her ears. It sounded... fairly close. Was it one of the wolves that lived in the pack near here? Arietta's heart began to race, and, abandoning her further caution, she raised her muzzle to the sky and let out a short, high pitched howl in response to the other wolf, announcing her presence to him.

Arietta's paws lead her into the view of the male a short while later. Her soft blue eyes gazed over him. He was laying down, and didn't seem to be all that threatening. She slowly approached him all the same, part of her fearing he might get up and charge at her, ready to attack. But as she got closer she manged to calm her nervousness down.

"H-hello there. I hope you don't mind me coming to answer your call." Arietta took a breath and steadied herself, her body slipping into a more relaxed position.

"Are you from the pack near here? Or any pack for that matter?" Her soft blue gaze lifted to meet his own.



10-11-2013, 07:00 PM
The male rested for the time being, keeping his ears and his nose alert for anyone who happened to answer his call, but his golden eyes shut, head nestled down into the subtle crevice between his forelimbs. The darkly tinted nose that set in the end of his snout gave a slight wriggle as the scent of a young woman reached him. His head lifted with slight reluctance before he reminded himself it'd been he who had called. He had no right to be even the slightest bit irritated at anyone interrupting his little nap.

Not much after the scent hit his nose did his ears stand erect at the sound of a short, higher-pitched howl in response. The woman moved towards him, entering the small clearing he lingered in. He stood, shaking off bits of fur that clung to his chocolately coat.

?Don't mind at all. Was growing a bit bored on my own, figured I'd look for a bit of company.? he said with a light shrug, golden eyes gazing at her with a bit of curiosity. He have a tiny laugh at her words, shaking his head to them. ?No, no pack. 'Fraid not ? sorry to disappoint. And yourself? You don't smell much like a pack wolf.? he commented, hoping not to offend. Small talk wasn't exactly his forte. Still, most pack wolves reeked of a muddled scent of wolves. Those who traveled alone only had their own to share.


11-04-2013, 11:07 PM

The femme was rather glad that the male had rose. A gentle smile spread over her maw, though there was a hint of uncertainty behind it. Since meeting Io the femme had become more determined to find a pack to reside in, though she was still having trouble deciding where she wanted to live. The North was getting caught up in winter, cooling the lands to prepare for further falling snow. Snow was a beautiful thing, so pure and white, though horridly cold. She was definitely glad that, while she was in the cave, she at least had warm fur covering her entire body. She couldn't imagine being a smaller creature, whose body would be more suceptiable to cold.

Arietta dipped her head at the male's words. "Yes, being alone can be quiet boring at times." She was a little disappointed to hear that he wasn't part of a pack, though she probably should have guessed that he didn't belong to one. Lone wolves have few, if any, other scents mingling with their coats. Arietta shook her head, her ears dropping a tad to reflect her saddened thoughts. "No... I'm not apart of a pack either." Arietta let out a soft sigh. "I am searching for one, however. It's just a tad hard with all these different packs and what not." The femme paused before speaking again.

"My name is Arietta. May I have your name...?"
