
Family (pre-elysium claim)




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-21-2022, 10:32 PM

(set shortly before Elysium had full claim on land)

The scent of Elysium wolves was obvious here but, it was of there coming through the area more than the laying claim to the place.  Kotori was getting a feel of the land between this one and where his own would potentially be.  Would this land be free or would Elysium soon claim ownership of it?  Kotori acknowledged the view was nice at the lake but Kotori couldn’t say he held any fond memories of fireflies.  These weren’t the same as the ones that had come during the sickness but they were a reminder of it.  A reminder of watching Ikigai lying stuck to the earth expecting death.  This was one spot he could do without owning.

On top of that, the thicket nearby had plenty of birds and hiding spots but he wasn’t a fan of all the brush there.  If he chose to own more land around the rapids perhaps he wouldn’t do the thicket as the prior wolves had.  The open territory between the two packs wouldn’t be a bad thing.  It would allow prey to feel more free to roam in a spot between the packs which would be beneficial for both.

Kotori looked beyond, to the Elysium official border that he could just barely make out.  Ikigai was over there.  His future pack mates were also.  Kotori let out a resigned sigh.  He needed to not think of her anymore.  He needed to not care as she wasn’t his and never would be.  Anyway, Kotori acknowledged there were more important matters on his mind.  Forget the future he would not have and plan the one that was possible.

Asla and Indigo and Mortis would all be part of his pack.  The idea of leading a pack filled with most of his older siblings was more than he’d ever imagined.  This meant he better do a damn good job to prove himself worth their trust.  They didn’t need Kotori but, he planned to create a pack they could enjoy being part of.  He still didn’t know Asla or Indigo well but, as soon as his pack was up and running that would surely change.  There was a bright future ahead of him and Kotori would seize it.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
08-24-2022, 10:51 PM
Arcturus tried to busy himself the best he could on the rare days that he wasn't hanging out with Vanille so he put himself to work helping out Elysium with a bit of the work they were doing to claim this land where the firefly-laden lake stood. There had apparently been a bunch of sightings of larger, more dangerous predators around so he came out here to do what he might loosely call patrols to make sure that the ones they had driven off didn't get any ideas and try to come back. He knew that his mother had started making the preparations to leave Elysium after spending all of the winter and part of the spring season here, but he could at least help out while he was still calling this place home. The memories he had of living in Armada had grown pretty vague and a lot of them were marred with the grief he had been dealing with after his father's death so the idea of living in a pack had always been an odd subject for him, but being in Elysium had reminded him that living in a pack was actually pretty good and made him wonder if he should be considering that for the future.

His mother and uncle had mentioned how they had met up with one of their younger siblings—his uncle, he supposed—and were planning on being in his pack when it was formed. The conversation had made it pretty clear that his mom was leaving it up to him and his sister to decide if they wanted that or not since they would be crossing over into their second birthdays by the time this happened so it was something that Arc was still considering. He didn't exactly want to separate from his mother or his sister, but he got the feeling that Satira would more likely keep wandering on her own once they left Elysium so it felt like he wasn't going to have the option to keep them all in the same place any more. Of course he'd have to consider what Vanille might want to—assuming she still wanted to be with him and their relationship continued growing as it was. It was all a lot to consider and think about and made him very distracted as he wandered around the lake.

So distracted, in fact, that he almost didn't notice the brown-hued, spotted man that was lingering in the area. He noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye and he glanced up, his sapphire gaze blinking with surprise as he lifted his head and paused where he was to look at the other wolf. He was so oddly familiar, but it felt like maybe he had only seen him a couple of times here and there in distant memories. Still, it was enough to make him pause long enough to realize the similarities that all of their family shared in their scents. Curious, he turned toward the other wolf, giving him little nod in greeting. "Hey," he said simply, waiting to see if maybe he noticed the familiarity as well.

"Arcturus Indarra"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-28-2022, 06:57 PM

Kotori raised his head, a scent in the air sticking out as it grew closer and then a form coming with it.  It had been a long time since he’d seen his nephew and he’d certainly grown and changed in appearance.  He’d paid little attention to the boy when Arc was still in the armada.  Kotori had been more interested in his own little piece of the world than any kids younger than him.  Between the scent and markings that resembled Aslatiels, the horned wolf could easily figure out the relation.

It seemed that the boy hadn’t noticed him for a bit but after Kotori watched him for a moment the boy looked at him and offered a simple greeting. “Arcturus I take it?” The other pup had folded ears if Kotori recalled correctly.  Kotori dipped his head in a polite nod, noticing how the boy had gotten the same height as dad and some of his other siblings.  

“I’m Kotori Fatalis, your uncle.  I was looking forward to meeting you at some point.  Did I interrupt you at anything?”  Time to get to know his nephew and see how he’d grown.  

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
08-29-2022, 10:55 PM
It seemed the other male had some more clues to pick up on or perhaps a better memory because as soon as Arc greeted him he confirmed who he was and Arc gave a nod in agreement and stepped a bit closer now that he knew that this was someone that at the very least knew who he was. The odd familiarity made more sense after Kotori introduced himself, explaining that he was his uncle. It seemed that life had decided that the exact man he had just been thinking about meeting just so happened to be in the right place at the right time for him to do that. For a second he was a little surprised in the fact that Kotori had had been looking forward to meeting him, but he realized that his mother had probably mentioned him and his sisters in their conversations about her joining up with the man's future pack so it really wasn't all that surprising once he had the rationale behind it.

He gave a shake of his head when Kotori asked whether he had interrupted anything and replied, "No, not at all. I was just doing a quick patrol around the lake." He gestured behind him toward the pack that was waiting in the distance and explained, "Elysium is working on claiming this piece of land so I was just making sure the predators we drove off were still gone." He gave a little shrug and smiled softly. "Even if we're leaving it soon I figured I could at least make sure this project of sorts was finished before we left." Elysium had been a good home if a temporary one... which brought up his thoughts about the future and what he might do after this yet again. "Mom mentioned you were planing on making your own pack," he brought up conversationally, his gaze curious as he stood across from his uncle. "Is that true? Do you think you'll be doing that soon?"

"Arcturus Indarra"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-02-2022, 09:41 PM

Kotori gave a small nod to Arc’s words, his attention much more focused on his words now than on earlier thoughts.  It was natural Kotori would be curious about one he was planning to invite into his pack.  These first wolves brought in would be the foundation, those who would shape the future or what was to come.  The fact almost all of the initial wolves would be Fatalis was a great start but in turn, the horned wolf had to admit he didn’t know any of them well.  There had been some disappointments in their blood, Ophelia hitting the top of the list.  

The young man before him certainly took good care of himself, appearing physically fit.  He was also doing work for a pack he planned to be leaving shortly instead of slacking off.  Those were both excellent qualities he’d expect of one in Valta. “I’m sure your work there has been appreciated.”  

Kotori turned his head just slightly, seeing in his mind the land he intended to claim.  Would anyone try to take it from him before Kotori started building his new home? It was a beautiful spot of land that another pack had owned for many a year.  It was possible others would rush to the chance to grab it.  That still hadn’t stopped Kotori from choosing it over something easier to obtain.  “She’s right.  I’m attempting to claim the rapids are not very far away.  I announced my plan to all in the hearing range of my call.  I’m waiting to see if anyone wishes to fight for the land before I truly declare it mine.  It will primarily be a pack for those of more noble blood to learn all they can become and should be.  We will accept in others, of course, those who can meet expectations and desire to achieve more in life.”

Kotori was still working out all the fine details of how his pack would manage what he hoped to achieve.  No matter how he envisioned his pack or thought of those in it, he would also need to make it special enough for those not in the pack to realize it was special.  Kotori never claimed humility.  When one of his wolves roamed about the land and said they were from his pack it should mean something to those they ran into.  Greatness wouldn’t come from his imagining it, there would be continuous work to make it happen.

“Starting up a foundation I need wolves I can count on.  You choose to work without being told for those you won’t be staying with and your bloodline itself has meaning.  You are in good physical condition.  Arcturus, will you be joining my pack as well? I would gladly welcome you in.  Right now all positions are open of course, from warriors and hunters to healers and crafters.” Kotori watched his nephew, curious of his answer, hoping he did indeed joining and add to the numbers that would be in Valta.

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-03-2022, 01:34 AM
Kotori confirmed the fact that he was going to be forming his pack, listing the near by rapids as the site of his pack. Of course he was sure the pack would eventually expand out to other lands too since packs usually did that sort of thing, but that seemed like as good a starting point as any. He listened while his uncle explained some of the philosophy about the pack and how it was mainly for what he called "noble" blood and for anyone outside of that to earn their way up. He assumed he was talking about the Fatalis family since that was the only thing that would really make sense. He didn't know if he really felt that strongly about their bloodline specifically, but family was really important to him and being around his family permanently again did feel pretty appealing. He definitely didn't regret leaving Armada with his mom and sister, but he was enjoying being in a pack and if his mom was going to join up with Kotori's pack then his decision was really a no brainer. Kotori mentioned the work he was doing and his physical condition, praising him for those things before inviting him to join his pack as well. "I'm happy to go wherever my mother does so if you'll have me then yes, I'll join your pack when it's ready." He gave Kotori a little smile, glad to have that arrangement settled. "I can hunt or fight, but I think I'd prefer to be a hunter if that's alright with you."

"Arcturus Indarra"