
Not My Brother Bear

Predator fight


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
08-26-2022, 06:32 PM

She had taken a trip over to the creek that lay just south-ish of the Hallows. She hadn't been to these parts of Auster yet, and it was high time that she explored them. Tan flew ahead, soaring just over the tops of the sycamore trees that grew over the area, while she walked alongside the creek. She could hear ducks quacking, crickets chirping, and the croak of frogs. Creatures rustled among the cattails as she passed them by, and up ahead she saw the flash of silver as a fish leaped from the water in its hunt for whatever bugs that dared to buzz too close to the surface of the creek.

She walked along for a few more minutes simply enjoying the peacefulness of the area before she stopped to rest. She took a drink of the cool water before settling down, dappled sun and shade on her back as she felt at ease here. The Hallows was a lot of hustle and bustle in her opinion. There were a lot of wolves and a lot going on, and she still wasn't quite used to being so social. She took a deep breath as she relaxed, lowering her head onto her forelegs.

Everything was peaceful for a few minutes before she heard a heavy rustling in the bushes behind her, causing her to look back and come face to face with a grizzly.



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
08-26-2022, 06:57 PM

Heading back to Tojo-kai after a brief trip through Boreas for herbs, she found herself in a quaint area. One would say a little off course from the southern regions of Auster but would be worth it nonetheless. The creek burbled softly off to the side as she followed it toward the sea. Wanting to finish her journey home with a coastal walk, she paused suddenly. A scent caused her body to be put on full alert. Ears perked, hackles raised, and lips trembling in a growl as her piercing blue eyes searched her surroundings.

At first, she spotted the grey female wolf but that wasn't the specimen that made her go rigid. Facing the girl directly was a large grizzly with a mouth of slobber and two beady eyes staring straight at her. A sense of panic sizzled in her limbs as the mountain woman moved into action. Unlike smaller bears such as the brown or black, grizzlies were known to be aggressors. Not wanting to risk anyone getting injured, Tenshi dashed around the woman and lunged for the bear. Aiming to jab him in the shoulder with her horns to direct his attention away, she hoped it would be enough to save her.

large predator fight (Grizzly) - 1/3


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
08-26-2022, 08:37 PM

She was frozen in place. Having never been this close to a grizzly before, much less on her own, her heart hammered in her chest but her legs were frozen in place. She didn't even have the time to stand up as it roared at her, sending spit and its smelly breath into her face. Her ears flattened as panic settled in, and it was unlikely that she would get out of this unscathed. It lifted a paw to swipe at her, but the moment that paw lifted from the ground, it roared in pain and its head turned to find another wolf attacking him. It happened so fast, but Claire managed to scramble to her feet and get out of the way as the paw that was initially for her, went swinging at the stranger. She divebombed to the bear's other side, hitting the ground with a hard thud that knocked the breath from her lungs for a moment.

She had been completely unprepared for this, but it seemed that with the commotion, her mother's old goshawk would come crashing through the trees as it bombed straight towards the bear's head. She screeched as talons raked at its ears, distracting it enough to get its attention off the wolves for a few moments. Claire took the opportunity to get some distance away from the bear's front end, aiming to get her teeth on its ankle and hoped to incapacitate it enough to slow its movements.



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
08-26-2022, 08:49 PM

Tenshi would not blame the girl for freezing in fear. The first time she had ever encountered a beast this large, she herself had nearly gotten killed in the process. A good thing about Grizzlies was that they were slow and somewhat stupid. Easily distracted and always one step behind its faster attackers, Tenshi pulled away as her horns sunk into its flesh. Listening to the deafening roar as she quickly folded her ears against her crown, she shot a glance at the girl to ensure she hadn't been knocked unconscious.

Pleased that the girl had gathered her wits when a hawk came crashing onto the scene to once against distract the bear, Tenshi rounded to the other side. Keeping her center of balance lower to the ground to avoid being decked by a paw, she lunged in closer. Muzzle closer to the ground, head tilted to the side, she aimed to get a good bite on the bear's opposite ankle. Groans and fierce roars made the ground tremble as blood began to seep into the grass. Thankful that the companion had come to help, she wondered for a brief moment where hers ought to be.

Keeping her focus on the issue at hand, Tenshi reeled back. Coiling her muscles to prepare for another lunge, she went in for the thigh. Slow and steady to continuously injure the bear would be their best option. Its fur and skin would be too thick to pierce fast enough for a quick kill. Yet, if they could make it bleed out they could surely be successful.

large predator fight (Grizzly) - 2/3


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
08-26-2022, 09:01 PM

The other woman seemed to have experience with this sort of thing, or at least that's how it appeared to Claire. She had only ever fought one other grizzly before this, and that one she had fought with a packmate after catching it unawares. But this one? It had found her. It didn't seem happy at all, and she didn't know if it was because she was maybe trespassing on its territory or what, but had it not been for the antlered woman, she would've probably gotten seriously injured, or perhaps even dead.

The larger woman came around to join her in the back, hitting the other ankle as well as the bear's thigh. The bear roared in pain as the wolves assaulted it, making it bleed as they shredded its hindlegs. She didn't know if they should kill it or not, but whatever the decision was, she was fine with that. After all, if the bear was aggressive from the start, who was to say the next wolf coming through wouldn't get killed by it? It was a problem, and probably better to deal with it now than deal with it again later. Releasing her hold on its ankle, she mirrored Tenshi as she too went for its thigh. Though a little further down closer to the knee, keeping her weight centered and lowered as the bear twisted and turned trying to reach them, it was too slow and too fat to get at them from where they were. It was likely the wolves would succeed, tire it out before it bled out. And as they attacked and tore into it, she could see and smell the blood that stained the grass.



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-06-2022, 07:24 AM

Blood quickly covered her chest as the impaling wound open up thick fur and skin. From the corner of her eye, she could see the other girl mirroring her movements. Thankful that she wasn't frozen in shock or running away, Tenshi pulled away to reassess. The grizzly was roaring in pain by now. Falling onto all fours as the injuries to its rear legs continued to drizzle blood over the grass, Tenshi took this as her opportunity.

Quickly dodging a furiously swiping paw, she made a semi-circle around its shoulder before moving in. Lunging with mouth wide open, Tenshi aimed directly for the side of the bear's neck. Ears folded, eyes wide with determination, the mountain woman grabbed ahold of the bear's scruff. Blood, once more, filled her mouth as she held tight. Shaking her head back and forth to dig her teeth in deeper, she felt the hefty swat of a paw against her own side. Ignoring the battering of hits from the grizzly, she knew she couldn't let go until the bear was lifeless on the ground.

large predator fight (Grizzly) - 3/3


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
10-12-2022, 06:57 PM

The trio battled it out, and it seemed the two wolves were winning. The antlered woman had released her hold on the bears rear leg, drawing its focus to her as she circled around to attack the front. The antlered woman had more of an advantage compared to Claire, after all, she was a few inches taller and she had antlers and what seemed like a couple other things Claire did not possess. That was fine, the Ancoran woman managed to make it this far without all of that! As Tenshi attacked the bear from the front and got hold of its scruff, Claire decided this was where they were going to end it. The decision had been made by fate, so she released her hold on the back leg as well and darted around to the side, keeping some distance between her and the bears flailing paws as it tried to make a last-ditch effort in throwing off its attackers.

Once Claire found the opportunity, she raced in and launched herself at the bear's throat, teeth gripping hard enough to make a chokehold. The bear's heavy paw smacked her, causing her to lose her breath but she dared not let go until its movements slowed and it could no longer fight. After what felt like an eternity of fighting the beast, it finally slumped to the ground, practically crushing Claire beneath it. She released her grip and slipped away from the bear, breathing hard from the effort of that fight. "T-thank you for your help. I've never really fought one of those before...but I appreciate the timing in which you arrived." She drew in a deep breath to try and steady herself, "Claire Ancora, a pleasure!"
