
En Garde!

Spring seasonal prompt - Y18



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-17-2022, 08:15 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She made her way to a more secluded area of the Moore. Her coat glowed semi-brightly as she used it to guide herself across the darkened grounds, the moon hanging overhead but the mists making it difficult for its rays to shine through. She held a wooden staff of sorts in her jaws, something she wanted to try and practice with. She had never fought with any sort of weapon or used any sort of armor that wasn't a part of her. Teeth and claws were the only things that she had ever used to fight, and so had been enough. But would it always be? She often saw many others using things to help them fight. Some sort of weapon, armor, companions even...she had managed to hone her use with her saber fangs and claws, and now she had to learn with the pair of antlers that had grown on her crown over the spring season. It was still something she was getting used to, and she wondered how she could use them to her advantage either offensively, defensively, or both. The only problem was...she needed someone else to help her practice. A tree or other inanimate object only helped so much, and she'd feel silly trying to whack something that wasn't a living target.

As she reached her destination, she spotted the familiar form of Amorielle. The cream and russet girl seemingly musing about something as she stood in front of one of the strange stones that sat hidden in the mists of the Moore. "Hey Amory, are you busy?" She approached, placing the staff on the ground as the other girl turned to greet her.

WC: 279/1,500




Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-17-2022, 08:24 PM
Amorielle Adravendi

It had been some time since she came around these stones to study them. But it seemed that no matter how many times she did, they would still remain a mystery to her. Nobody knew where they truly came from, how long they'd been here, or what their purpose was. All anyone knew is they had been here for generations, and yet, nobody had figured out their mysterious purpose. Assuming, of course, there was any. As she studied the stones, she heard someone approach. A brief sideglance told her it was either her mother or Tel. Though the dampened footfalls and scent told her it was the latter. She knew her mother's footsteps and scent well enough, even through the thickened fog that constantly blanketed this part of the land.

When Tel's question was heard, Amory turned to look at the beautiful fae, a smile gracing her lips. "Not at the moment, what can I help you with?" She asked curiously, noticing the staff that Tel had put on the ground. Dual-toned eyes glanced up to Tel, realizing it had been some time since the two of them had properly done anything together. Amory was often out and about with the Nomads, but she was eager to better get to know her brother's friend and packmate. Like Tel, Amory had never used anything in a fight. She had never been in a true fight herself, but she knew that someday, it would come.

WC: 522/1,500

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-01-2022, 11:25 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

"Oh good! I was hoping to catch you at a time when you weren't busy, so this is perfect!" She flashed a grin, her fur pulsing brightly for a moment as she placed a paw on the staff. "You have an interest in fighting too, right? I wanted to ask if you wanted to train with me today. I'm used to fighting others about the same size as me, but I've little experience fighting others that are smaller," Amorielle was significantly smaller than she was. Other than Noelle, maybe a couple of others, but as far as she was aware, Noelle wasn't a fighter. The partially blind woman preferred a healing touch, not a harming one. She had made weapons and armor of her own, but she wanted to practice with something that was completely different. The staff, after all, would have to be held in her mouth. Her teeth were her greatest weapon along with her claws, and she wanted to see how she'd fare without the use of her teeth in combat should she one day need to fight in a different manner.

She caught Amorielle's nod and answer, which caused her tail to wag as she stepped back a few paces. "Alright, I'm ready when you are!" She set her defenses, spreading her legs for balance, toes splaying into the dirt and her eyes narrowed. The staff was gripped firmly between her teeth, the narrower end in her mouth with the wider end hanging several inches past. She tested its weight before, and she tested it again now just in case. The mist and fog that swirled around them would certainly do well to keep her on her toes. After all, Amorielle was smaller, lighter, and probably faster on her feet than Tel could ever be. She was by no means a hefty woman, but Tel's size and midsize bulk certainly wasn't as agile as someone with Amory's build.

She took a deep breath, waiting for the Adravendi girl to begin.

WC: 856/1,500




Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
09-01-2022, 11:47 PM
Amorielle Adravendi

Tel seemed glad that she wasn't busy right now, and she was curious to know why. The answer would come quick enough, with Tel's words pulling a small grin from the small rustic and white wolf.  She nodded. "Of course, I'd be delighted to help you!" After all, she needed the practice, too. She had been focused more on her plants than her fighting lately, and it was time she brushed up on that, too. She didn't have a weapon or anything of her own, didn't think she really needed them just yet. Not until she sparred a little more to see where she needed to improve before bringing in the use of tools to aid her. She was faster than most, so she relied on her smaller size and agility over brawn. Her magpie sat on the stone above her, but she wasn't going to use her in this fight. The mist and fog that swirled around them made the field visibility difficult, anyway. Even though the pair were no more than a couple of yards apart. As Tel stepped back and prepared herself, Amorielle took a deep breath and exhaled, closing her eyes for a moment to steady her breathing and to get her thoughts together for their practice spar.

She was inexperienced in this field, she had to admit. But hey, she knew Tel wasn't one to judge. Opening her eyes, she flashed a grin before darting forward, small paws drumming a quiet path to close the distance between herself and the elvish dire wolf. She feinted to her left before ultimately moving to her right, looking to dive past Tel as the taller woman swung her staff towards her. Amorielle managed to dodge it, ducking her head and lowering her body to the ground as it barely blew over her back, but missed her by a hair. She turned her head in towards Tel's ribs, teeth aimed there as she nipped at the woman, but not with enough force to draw blood before racing past until she had done a semi-circle around Tel, coming up on the woman's other flank without breaking a sweat.

WC: 1,214/1,500

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-02-2022, 12:07 AM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She waited for Amorielle to begin, and when the smaller woman finally kicked off, Tel's eyes widened in surprise at how fast Amorielle really was. She hadn't expected the other woman to be that quick, and when she swung the staff to try and knock her over, she missed. Amorielle had sped past her, lower to the ground than Tel had anticipated and faster than she herself could move, apparently. The rust-marked she-wolf managed to slip past, giving Tel a nip to her side which made her jump a bit from surprise. She expected a hit to her back leg, so she raised it out of the way just in case, but nothing came. She turned to try and see where Amory's position was, and all she saw on her left side was a tail disappearing behind her.

She kicked out with her raised foot before replanting it, but of course, there was no contact. Confused, she turned to her right to find Amorielle already standing there, and it was evident Tel wasn't going to be able to get the upper hand. It felt weird using the staff. She swore it made her feel slower to react, and she didn't like that. If Amorielle had been a predator or a more vicious opponent, she knew she would've and could've been seriously injured, or worse. She knew that if she tried to swing the other way, Amorielle would have too much time to react already, so Tel admitted defeat and dropped the staff. "Okay, I submit. You're too fast for me, and this...staff...makes me feel too slow. I didn't even know you could move that fast, I'm impressed!" Yeah, she much rather preferred the use of her own teeth and claws after that mess.

WC: 1,507/1,500
