
Mendacium Family Information

purely for reference purposes, don't mind me!



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-02-2022, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2022, 01:49 PM by Manea. Edited 9 times in total.)
Mendacium Core Beliefs & Information
It is believed that the strength and gifts that are given to Mendacium wolves come from the souls of their ancestors which they refer to as the Ancients. The belief is that the spirits of Mendacium wolves came from a more powerful energy than those of normal wolves, bestowing them with rare and beautiful coats and striking mutations.

The for as far back as history and memory will allow, wolves of Mendacium blood have had smaller litters than most. All of their pups are born in litters of one or two—very rarely three. This is believed to be because of the strength of the Ancient souls that individuals of this family carry which made it impossible for a mother to carry more pups than this to term. The more logical reason suggested by more medically minded wolves over the years is the fact that Mendacium wolves tend to grow very large and this can cause a litter to be smaller overall or perhaps it is an odd genetic shift in their bloodline that determines the size of their litters. Regardless of which side of the coin you believe, the fact remains the same.

Due to the first belief around the small sizes of Mendacium litters which was more commonly believed and popular in older generations, it became a common belief that litters of one pup was a sign of extraordinary strength and luck for the pup that the parents were blessed with. Others believed that litters that included twins with matching appearances or mutations were the sign of a good omen or a favorable gift from the Ancients. With these beliefs and superstitions, some Mendacium wolves in many generations past took up a practice of culling any children that didn't have substantial mutations or particularly unique coloring since those were traits that were viewed as signs of strength so that they could make it appear as if they only had one child. That practice isn't closely followed and is usually only followed by the most strict or superstitious of Mendacium wolves.

There is, however, a set of rules that all Mendacium wolves must follow or they shall be cast out from the family and stripped of their name which in turn blocks them from joining the Ancients when they pass. There is no morality or ethicality in their beliefs as long as the commandments are followed. There is nothing in their beliefs that prevents or encourages any acts that might be considered a “sin” in other beliefs. Mendacium wolves are free to live their lives how they wish in that regard.

Rules & Commandments
  • Family comes first above all else.
  • While the power of the Ancients is to be respected for the strength they bestow on their living counterparts, they are not gods and should not be worshiped.
  • The Mendacium family is matriarchal and will always have a head of the family that is female, typically a descendant from the previous matriarch.
  • Every Mendacium is believed to have a soul mate that possesses a soul of an Ancient and that wolf has been predetermined from birth to be the best parent for their children. It is encouraged to go on a pilgrimage to find them if needed and to bring that Ancient spirit back into the fold of the family so that the power of their souls may continue to grow. A Mendacium's soul mate will never take the form of their sibling, though incest is not unheard of.
  • All children born to a Mendacium must be with the same partner. An agreement must be made between the two wolves that they will exclusively have children with each other and no one else. If children are born with any other wolf outside of this pairing the bastard pups must be killed and parent punished.
  • There is no divorce or uncoupling from a partner after a litter has been born or after a Marriage Ceremony has been performed, whichever comes first. In the event of the death of a mate, the surviving Mendacium may not take another mate nor bear any children.
  • The sins of the parent do not transfer to their child. If a parent has been disowned and cast out of the family, their children will still retain their Mendacium name. Anyone born to a Mendacium wolf after they were disowned will be given a chance to prove themselves to the Matriarch if they wish for a chance to earn their Mendacium name.
  • There is no obligation for a Mendacium wolf to be romantically involved with the wolf chosen to be the parent of their children. For example, if someone falls in love with someone of their same gender or with a close relative, they may find their soul mate and keep them close purely for procreation. Mendaciums are freely allowed to mate with other wolves outside of their soul mate paring as they see fit as long as no children come of it.

Ceremonies & Rituals
  • Marriage Ceremony - Reserved exclusively for the single wolf believed to be the soul mate of a Mendacium. This will give the Mendacium name to someone not of their blood and brings the Ancient spirit they possess back into the fold of their family.
  • Disownment Trial - If a Mendacium wolf has fallen short of the ideals of their family and has made their soul no longer worthy of being brought back into the Ancient spirits then they are placed on trial to plead their case to the other members of the family. If they are found guilty then they are scarred or maimed by the members of the family and they are stripped of their name. It is not done lightly and cannot be reversed.
  • Naming Ceremony - In the rare event that a child is born to a Mendacium that had previously been disowned by the family and that child has proven themselves worthy of their family’s name, they are given the Mendacium name through this ceremony.
  • Funeral Rites - A final ritual that welcomes a Mendacium’s soul back into the energy of the Ancients.

Mendacium Family Tree
Current adopted family members:
Unused Available Designs