
Sleepless Night



10 Years
10-12-2013, 11:29 PM

Night had quickly arrived without telling anyone. Stars had begun to shine and sparkle, twinkling in the dark bed of black and blue above the world. The moon decided to show up, giving light to the vast continent that millions of wolves inhabited. A couple of hours into the sky's change of shift, someone awoke with a start. Red and blue eyes blinked open, automatically closing from the cool breeze that swept and curled around her form. Legs clenched to her stomach to prevent the shivers from coming, but the effort was futile. Instead, she rose from her position on the cave floor, stretched, and walked outside.
Odette had been awoken by a horrible dream, something that involved her family disappearing for good and she never seeing them again. It was slowly becoming a reality, which was the sad part. The memories she had from her early childhood were all she had, and unfortunately, they weren't as clear as they used to be. She tried to push away the negativity from her mind, knowing if she became consumed, it would drive her mad. She started to walk down the beach, hoping that it would help clear her mind.
The young pup didn't realize how far she had travelled until she felt a slightly warmer breeze hit her form. It stroked the thick fur that covered her body, making her think she had journeyed far from home. Her gaze had been out of focus when she was walking, but now it was clearer and sharp as she took in her surroundings. The beach had changed, the land past the sand was different, but the water...the water stayed the same. Scents of unknown origin hit her nose and she inhaled deeply, wondering where she had ended up. Silently, she stopped walking and sat in front of the moving waves. Wherever she was, it was a peaceful part of the beach and she quietly enjoyed it.

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10-13-2013, 12:13 AM

Something had brought her to the bay that night, be it an inkling that someone was in search of a companion to confide in, a higher power driving her across the terrain for reasons unknown, but whatever the reason, she was here. The night was beautiful, stars spattered the sky, the moon hung on the backdrop of pinhead sparklings, and the waves lapped the shore, a soothing background music for the infinite mind of the alabaster princess as she walked along the moist sand. A small obsidian cat padded along at her side, the feline a completely different creature when night fell, more confident, more social, less likely to run away from everything. The scent of the ocean filled her nose, and something else, a wolf. Soon, eerie silver orbs caught a glimpse of another walking down the beach. She made no move to hurry her pace, since if the wolf wanted not to be disturbed, they would have an opportune chance to escape.

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10 Years
10-13-2013, 12:40 AM

She hadn't intended on walking so far from home, let alone to a place that was unfamiliar. So far, the young female had become used to the Valhallan lands, meeting a few wolves that came from the serene pack. A part of her wanted to stay there, but the hope of possibly seeing her parents and siblings again always tugged her back to the den. Each day was a new experience for her. Why should the nights be any different?
That question floated in her mind when a scent she didn't recognize met her nose. She slowly inhaled it, wondering who else would be out at this time of night besides her. Her right ear perked and turned in the direction of the scent's source, and soft steps by light paws reached her. Odette looked back to see who it was and a light intake of breath could be heard.
An angel with feathers on her tail was slowly approaching, but had stopped a respectable distance away. Odette wondered if she was friend or foe. Forever ago, a male wolf had warned her of the different kinds of wolves that existed in the world -- good and bad. She knew that she couldn't go by looks alone, for an angelic appearance could hold a demonic soul within. She shook her head and the thought evaporated from her mind. When Odette's gaze met the distant one of the white-furred fae, she gently nodded and let a small smile appear on her face. Maybe, if she showed that she didn't mind her company, she would approach. Company was what Odette needed, even if she didn't realize it.

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10-13-2013, 12:55 AM

As a small smile was received from the young fae, a princess with fur of ivory would begin to pick up her pace, taking in the girl before her as she came closer. Bi coloured eyes met her own moonstone orbs, and she could see the wariness hidden within their depths. Ebony lips parted slightly, an assurance of peace falling from them to weave through the air. "Don't fear me, child. I mean you no harm." She told the girl as she approached, looking down to her with a faint smile. Her voice was soft as a whisper, smooth as silk, otherworldly, and held within it a faint Russian accent. She sat down before the youngster, wrapping her long banner about her powerful paws. Corvusi, the cat who chose to spend her time at the icy rose's side, sat down beside the giantess' rear haunch, her eyes, currently a bright yellow-amber, glowed in the darkness of the night, yet the feline said nothing.

Once more, the woman's ethereal voice filled the crisp ocean air, and a question was uttered. "My name is Aurora, and what are you doing so far from home, little one?" She asked softly, the tip of her thick tail twitching. She was utterly calm, she didn't want to frighten the child, even though her silver pools were usually seen and received with some fear. She waited, offering the warmth of her large, lean frame for the child if she so wished, simply in the way she sat, her front legs slightly apart so the young she wolf could crawl in and be enveloped in the cavern created by her long legs and lean body.



10 Years
10-13-2013, 01:13 AM

Odette watched as the female was cautious in her movements, not wanting to scare her as her white form approached. She pondered where the woman had come from, what she was doing there like her, and it was then that she spoke. Curiosity was evident in Odette's gaze, she did not even try to hide it. Even from the way the female spoke, there was something guarded about her, making her wonder if that was how she was raised. Odette would have been guarded, too, but since Gargoyle hadn't been around to show the proper way to hide emotions, she didn't know.
The woman's words were soft spoken, giving Odette a sense of security in her presence. She didn't know how to explain it, but it was a feeling she hadn't felt since the last time she was with Ocena and Gargoyle. Odette absorbed it like a sponge to water and what she wanted to do was curl up in her front limbs and not be swept away from her. Instead, she remained firmly planted on the sand, but her paws still itched to move.
The perfect distraction presented itself -- the ivory female introduced herself. Aurora... It was pretty name, and Odette told her so. "That is a pretty name," she softly said, bi-colored orbs meeting the silvery set. "I am Odette, daughter of Ocena and Gargoyle..." Even when she didn't have her parents around, she still claimed them as her own. "I have travelled far without meaning to, but I couldn't sleep and was lost in my thoughts until I realized I wasn't on my own beach." Dare she tell the ivory Aurora what those thoughts were?

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10-13-2013, 02:41 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

As the young girl paid her a compliment, the icy rose could only smile. This one was being raised right, by the parents she hurried to introduce with a sense of pride. Gargoyle and Ocena, the esteemed Gargoyle that led the Snow Rogues? Interesting. This one definitely looked like her father, so it was undeniable. As the pup confided her reasons for appearing on this lonely beach, the alabaster she wolf frowned slightly. A child should not be lost in thought for so long, she thought.

"Thank you for the compliment, my dear. You have a lovely name as well." She told the girl, smiling kindly.

"Well, you are safe here, no one would hurt you while I sit so near." She assured the youngster, in case there was a sense of fear of being alone. And because the woman's infinite mind wondered what troubled this babe, she lent voice to her thoughts.

"If I am not intruding, may I ask what those thoughts were? I may be able to offer some advice." She inquired, her moonstone orbs seeking any signs of stepping over the line within the young fae's two toned optics.




10 Years
10-14-2013, 07:46 PM

The pleasantries were enough to make Odette relax a bit more. She swept her tail around her small frame, covering her hind paws with a secure squeeze. The young pup continued to listen and watch Aurora, ears perked intently to her side of the conversation. When the white female told her that safety was there with her form being present, it made Odette softly smile. Safety and security were the main things that were deal breakers for her. She needed them in order to attain a strong presence.
Her earlier mental inquiry as to whether she should tell Aurora of her thoughts was answered by the question the white female verbally asked. In response, Odette looked at Aurora with questioning eyes before turning her gaze to the quiet ocean waves that pushed themselves against the shore. She softly sighed and her voice held sadness as she answered. "I miss my parents," she began, ears lightly pulling back to her crown. "It has been a few months since I have seen either Mama or Papa. They didn't leave a message, tell me anything before leaving, or anything of that sort. My littermates have disappeared, too."
Odette then turned her gaze back to Aurora, opts gleaming with tears that threatened to fall. "I have been alone for the longest time I can remember in my short life and I hate it. I was used to getting up in the morning by myself, but I knew I had a family to go back to when I wanted company." It was then that she lowered her gaze to her front paws, ears flattened against her skull. "I just wish I knew why they left..."

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10-14-2013, 08:37 PM

The child told her story, her voice bringing those terrible thoughts to the ivory lady's ears, and breaking her heart, for a child such as this one should not be forced to think of such things. When she finished speaking, Aurora reached out a paw and placed it on the little girl's back, and used her massive pedestal to pull the youngster to her large frame. "Dear child, no one should ever have to endure something like that." She whispered, hugging the child to her chest and tucking her under her chin. Corvusi, the little cat who generally wasn't comfortable with anyone but Aurora, came around from her spot behind Aurora to rub her face along the pup's back a little.

The alabaster damsel rubbed Odette's back, making whispery soothing sounds to comfort her. "If you need to dear, you may come stay with me until you can find your parents, though you may have to ask the Alphess of Ludicael for permission first." She offered with a chuckle, wrapping her long banner around the upset child. Her soft voice became even softer as she spoke next, her ethereal tone weaving through the air to meet the young girl's auds. "It's okay to cry, you're allowed to feel sad. If you want to, you may weep all you need, I do not mind." She whispered, rubbing the child's back with her massive ivory paw to comfort her.



10 Years
10-14-2013, 10:47 PM

Odette was a sucker for the generousness that spilled from the silvery-white warrior. She closed her eyes as she was gently pushed into Aurora's underbelly, resting her head against the soft fur that met her face. Her bi-colored eyes closed and the tears began to fall down her cheeks. She dipped her head towards the ground, making the tears run in ripples down to her nose and into the sand. She felt the gentle brushing of a cat's head on her back and a slight hiccup left her lips. For the first time in a long time, the affectionate feeling from Aurora's embrace made her feel comforted.
Her body was still shaking from the soft sobs that had found their ways out. Once she knew they were gone, a weight seemed to be lifted from her chest. It was then that Aurora's invitation for Odette to go with her to Ludicael met her ears. "Lu..Ludicael? What is that, Miss Aurora?" she softly asked. The name had never met her ears and she didn't know it was a pack in the Eastern hemisphere of Alacritis.
The invite still burned in Odette's mind. She thought of curling up next to Aurora's large form with a full stomach and warmth that couldn't be explained except as nostalgic. She pulled back to look up at the ivory vixen and said, "I don't know what to say, Miss Aurora...I wouldn't mind going, but.." She looked away and back to the beach she had just travelled, "what if my parents come back and I'm not there?" Her heartstrings were in the middle of an internal war of whether to let the hope go or to hold onto it.
It was all so tiring and the crying had made Odette's body exhaust from all of the mixed feelings. She looked up at Aurora again and said, "What if...what if you stayed with me?"

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10-16-2013, 05:23 PM

The young girl's tears could be felt by the icy rose, soaking her belly fur while Odette sobbed quietly. The ivory dame's heart broke for the poor pup, who had no one now. A question caught in the woman's ear fur, and she smiled, lowering her voice to answer. "Dear Odette, Ludicael is the pack I belong to." She murmured, stroking the girl's back with her paw. When another question filled the air soon after, one that made the alabaster princess wonder. Soon after, however, the youngster inquired once more, and Aurora pondered the possibility. "I'm not sure about that, where are you staying right now?" She asked quietly, looking down into the child's mismatched orbs. There was such sorrow there, sorrow that a girl should not be feeling at such a young age. Feeling the need to explain, before the hope that fought desperately deep within this young girl's soul was completely destroyed, she opened her mouth once more to speak. "I have to stay in the eastern lands of Alacritia, so I may be of service to my pack if I am needed, and be within close contact with my friends." She told the youngster, smiling.

Corvusi Speech
Aurora Speech



10 Years
10-17-2013, 11:46 PM

The pup was torn. She wanted to be there in case her parents came back, but then again...A sigh escaped the little chest as she thought about the past few weeks, when she had returned to the den, endured the lonely nights when she thought they would come up as she slept. She missed the way they would surround her with their warmth and love, tender emotions that she missed with her aching heart. It was too much for her to bear, and so she made her decision right then and there.
Odette looked up to meet Aurora's gaze, the steely color boring into her own bi-colored eyes. She blinked slowly and said in voice that was hinted with surrender, "I suppose we could pick a place that is close to your home instead." The sadness was still seeping through her words, but she knew that she couldn't be alone. Not tonight. The thought of it made her more depressed.
As she thought about being able to curl up next to Aurora in a warm den, Odette's outlook started to brighten a bit. She imagined waking up next to the white female, looking out at the scenery from the den's open door, and not be alone as she would eat a fulfilling breakfast. Her tail began to thump on the sand and she softly said, "I hope that I won't be too much trouble for you, Miss Aurora."

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10-23-2013, 09:55 PM

A grin surfaced as the child accepted her offer, and the alabaster princess stood up slowly. "Tis no problem at all, dear Odette. I have a place in mind, where I can get to and from Ludicael easily." She murmured, letting her tail swish back and forth over her tall heels a few times. Twin raven's feathers twirled, dancing an erratic ballet in the cool air. Corvusi stood as well, yawning, which displayed her needle like teeth perfectly. "No doubt you're tired, little one, would you like me to carry you?" She asked, taking in the youngster's distant gaze and small legs that were no doubt tired from the long walk from the South. Steel pigmented optics flickered over the girl's tiny frame, wishing she could just pick her up and carry her away right then, but she felt the pup would be displeased if she didn't want to be babied. The den site she had planned was in Monument Rapids, on the bank of a river that carried water into the lands of her pack, which she could easily follow on a daily basis to keep tabs on her pack.

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10 Years
10-24-2013, 12:08 AM

Odette's eyes looked up to the woman that had offered her warmth and a chest to cry on. She didn't say anything, but merely nodded at the suggestion of finding a place that was close to Ludicael. After travelling for over an hour without realizing it and crying over the absence of her family, she was worn out. The tired pup's ears perked to the offer of being carried and a weary "Yes ma'am" escaped through her mouth.
She leaned against Aurora's body before slowly taking a few steps back. Odette wasn't sure if Aurora wanted to have her on her back or for the white wolf to carry her by the scruff, but either one was okay with her. At six months, she was still in the stage when she wasn't picky about how she was carried. Whatever way the silvery-eyed wolf chose, Odette went with it without a fight. Her eyes closed from the relief of pressure being taken away from her tired paws and immediately she was dead weight. It wouldn't surprise Odette if she ended up falling asleep on the way over to the den Aurora had picked out. "Ready whenever you are, Miss Aurora..." she said faintly, sleep still knocking on her little doggy door to come in and take over.

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10-27-2013, 07:50 PM

She smiled, her voice falling from ebony lips easily. "Well then let's get going." She murmured contentedly. The little pup seemed content to be carried, so Aurora bent over and grabbed her gently by the scruff, since she could have a better range of movement this way. She felt the pup's body go limp as she started drifting into sleep, and long legs began taking massive strides towards the river that led through Ludicael. Her broad paws struck the terra without a sound, the youngster called Odette swaying gently in her jaws. A thick alabaster banner swung behind her, sweeping across her tall heels, twin raven's feather's twirling erratically. Mercury optics watched for the familiar landmarks in the distance, sensitive auds detecting the sound of rushing water.

OOC Note: They're in Monument Rapids now!

The rapids met her metallic orbs, a happy sight. Now she had to search out a den site, a safe place where both she and the young pup could rest at night, and where she could leave the youngster on a close to daily basis to take care of the pack. She let her leathery nose find crevices her eyes could not in the growing darkness, and finally there was a place before her. It was near the bank of the river, the dirt had fallen away from beneath a giant trees roots and been scraped away by some animal, which had formed a burrow large enough that the porcelain giantess only needed to duck her head to enter, and she could lay down at the very back comfortably, still with room for Magnus if he chose to live here as well, and for Odette as well, of course, with still enough room for no one to be hanging out of the entrance. Lowering her deceptively delicate cranium to enter, she placed the child on the ground against the rear wall, and curled up around her. "Welcome home Odette, go to sleep now, all is well now." She whispered, lowering her head and feeling Corvusi curl up on her flank and begin purring.



10 Years
10-28-2013, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 01:32 AM by Aures.)

Home...the word that held so much for the six-month-old. She wished that she could curl up in the warmth and love of her parents, knowing they were still big enough to protect her and teach her all she knew. But, reality was a fickle thing and before she could make all of the memories for her childhood, her family had disappeared without an explanation. Odette realized that you couldn't take everything for granted. With that in mind, she had a broken heart and it only made it worse.
Now, as her sleepy form was curled up next to Aurora's, her mind was working behind the closed lids. She was trying to figure out what to do with her life, especially in regards to how she was going to grow up. So far, she had met Friction, Chrysanthe, Seth, and Meili. All four were sweet wolves -- one even called her family -- but she didn't know where she was supposed to go and grow up. Her desire to become a warrior and have power was still burning inside of her and with that light, she began to think of the options that would fit it best.
Her brain worked its gears as she sleepily looked up to the white dame resting next to her. "Miss Aurora..." she softly asked, "tomorrow, is there any way I can learn about defending myself? I want to be prepared for anything in life..." There was more to it, but she didn't press it as sleep was pressing upon her anyway. Soon enough, she was breathing in slow respirations as the water outside the den lulled her to sleep.
-EXIT Odette-

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11-03-2013, 11:22 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

One mercury filled orb pried itself open as the youngster spoke, and the alabaster giantess was astounded by Odette's question. The temptress herself was unsure why someone so young would wish to learn self defense when their bones were so fragile. The only reason she had gotten into battle when she was a pup was because her father forced her to learn the trade of assassination. She had become a killer before the end of her first year, while her body was still blossoming into is giant, curvy self, the one that had lured males into her waiting traps without problems. "Well, I recommend speaking to madame Jupiter about that, she has been in more battles for the sake of Ludicael than is proper." She told the girl in a voice husky with sleep, her accent much thicker than usual. "But that is work for another day, for now, sleep." She murmured, her moonstone pool closing once more and her body relaxing. Sleep soon took her into it's warm embrace, and there would be many dreams to come. Hopefully, no nightmares.

