
Britorias Pup Adoptions

The first litter!


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-08-2022, 02:10 AM

Britorias Pup Adopts

The time has finally come!
Artorias and Briar, our most beloved characters, are growing their family and welcoming their first litter into the world! These pups will be the first children to the Aegis and Queen of the Hallows, and the first pups born in the Hallows since its founding. Our intention is to have this be a fun, engaging, and exciting opportunity for anyone to join the Carpathius family. This means an extraordinary amount to both Shelby and I, as we are both working hard to make this bloodline a prominent and permanent one in Ardent history. Now you can be a part of that legacy!

ACTIVITY - As these pups will be a part of a large and highly active family, we ask that players be as equally enthusiastic about playing them as we are to play with them. Shelby and I would like to avoid reclaiming pups as much as we can. We very much want these pups to feel like they're your characters and belong to you, and we hope that you feel as invested in their character growth as we are in them. Ultimately, these pups are very important to us, and we want to set some clear guidelines for what we would like to see in terms of minimum activity for them.

  • Pups must be posted at least 4 times a month. Additionally, they must be able to meet all seasonal activity checks within the Hallows for as long as they remain members of their home pack. This shouldn't be too difficult, as if you are meeting the Hallows requirements, you'll also be meeting the 4 posts a month requirement too. If a player misses a month, Shelby or I will reach out via Discord to make sure everything's good. If we do not receive a response or they go another month without activity, they will be reclaimed.
  • These pups may not be set inactive. Setting these characters inactive is grounds for immediate reclaiming. Again, the Carpathians are a highly active family and we'd like these pups to be involved in the family as well.
  • Pups are expected to attend every mandatory Hallows thread and Carpathius family thread while they are under two. This rule doesn't apply for characters who are not present to attend, such as training with another pack, off on a quest, etc.
  • Pups are expected to attain Expert level in at least one of their skills by 1 year old and Master by two years old. This is not a hard reclaiming activity requirement, but we would like these pups to be working on their skills as they'll be a crucial part of the Hallows.
  • The only exception to the reclaiming rules are if Shelby and I approve an OOC reason for inactivity. This means things like site absences, IRL life events, random acts of malice by the gods, etc. We ask that players be communicative and open with us so we can work with you if activity is of any concern.

    PERSONALITY/ALIGNMENT - We encourage players to create exciting, unique, and colorful personalities for their pups! Artorias and Briar are going to be very nurturing and loving parents, encouraging their children to pursue their passions, so any combination of skills, interests, hobbies, etc. is allowed. As these pups will be raised in the benevolent Hallows by Good aligned parents, character alignment can range anywhere in the Good and Neutral categories. Neutral and Chaotic Evil characters will not be accepted. Artorias and Briar would not tolerate this type of behavior and would simply send the child off for rehabilitation or put the pup down if they were a danger, and that doesn't make for good RP. I will, however, consider a Lawful Evil alignment if you are able to clearly, effectively, and convincingly tell me in your application how the pup would come to have this alignment given their upbringing.

    INHERITED TRAITS - Artorias' father remains unknown, and his mother Tamsyn consists of simple blacks and whites. Artorias has a black, gray, and dark blue coat. Briar, being a Fatalis, comes from a line of browns, blues, blacks, and silvers. Artorias' eyes are amber orange with gold flecks and Briar's are turquoise. Artorias is a full dire at 45" and Briar is large at 38". We encourage designs to call back to these heritages as much as possible, but we encourage everyone to be creative with what you create! We will be offering some premade designs to pick from, but you are also welcome to create your own!

    MUTATIONS - These pups are going to be spoiled for choice when it comes to genetic gifts! Inheritance mutations include stronger jaws and teeth, denser fur, small antlers, cat claws, and longer tail fur. Other mutations found in their bloodlines include an assortment of horns, bear paws, saber fangs, and bone spurs. Outside of the family, there are dozens of mutations you could pick from! While mutations are a benefit to the characters, not having any mutations will not hurt your chances for approval!

    FAMILY AND PACK - As these are the first Carpathius pups born in Ardent, they will definitely be doted on by their largely present family in their lives. Artorias and Briar are going to be very hands-on parents, wanting to be involved in every aspect of their children's lives. As they are first time parents, expect them to be highly vigilant and present with their precious little loaves. They will be surrounded by aunts and uncles and will have their adopted brother Zephyrus there to interact with them as well. The Fatalises, while living far away, will also want to be highly involved in their lives. In short, these kids are gonna have a LOT of characters wanting to be in their lives! Expect many family threads!

    The pups will be growing up in the Hallows and will be required to remain in the pack until they turn two years old. Once they turn two, while Artorias and Briar would love for their children to stay and help strengthen the pack, they will be free to leave and seek their own paths if they choose. While in the pack, they will be free to choose what paths they wish to take, whether they want to be warriors like their father, diplomats like their mother, or something else entirely! Ambition is highly encouraged by Artorias and Briar, who want nothing but the best for their little loves.

    TERRITORY PERMISSIONS - Shelby and I understand that the core of RPing is interacting with other players. Since we know you'll want to play with other characters outside of the Hallows or go to other lands for skill threads, we are allowing some liberties to the pups to roam with a few caveats. The pups are required to stay within Hallows lands until they are 2 seasons old unless accompanied by Artorias or Briar, or one of their family members within that thread. After that, the pups will be permitted to roam to and thread in any neighboring territories so long as it is assumed that they are being supervised either by their parents, an extended family member, or one of their parents' companions. Artorias has two ravens and a silver fox and Briar has a cross fox and a prairie falcon. If you have any doubts or questions, please don't hesitate to hit us up and ask us for anything!

    CARPATHIUS LORE - As the pups will be the first litter born into the relatively young Carpathius family, they will all be expected to learn about their heritage and adopt the family culture/customs. This includes being able to speak and understand Carpathian (Romanian). You are free to use Romanian inspiration in their backgrounds and interests, as well as use Romanian names for them if you're so inclined.

    PLOTS - I strongly believe in unrestricted creative writing and freedom in character development. Therefore we will not be imposing restrictions on your characters for anything you would like to plot so long as it makes sense IC. The only hard restrictions we'll be placing is a bar on any sexual threads or plots until these characters turn a year and half old. This is for the pups' and players' benefits from lessons we've both learned. As the pups' father, I would prefer if they didn't get involved in a bunch of maims, but I'm not going to penalize anyone for what they want to plot. Have fun with your babies!

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND REPRODUCTION - Artorias and Briar will love their children and support them, no matter who they love. That being said, there is preferential consideration for applications that will allow characters to further the Carpathius bloodline. Can't continue to grow a family tree without more pups! That being said, attempts for incestuous breeding or reckless breeding with strangers will be severely frowned upon. Artorias will not tolerate reproducing with impunity and will punish his own children according to Hallows law should they break the tenets.

    INHERITANCE BENEFITS - As the children of Artorias and Briar, the pups are entitled to:
  • 50% off height up to 38", then 25% off height up to 45"
  • 25% off full abnormal color for Artorias' blue fur
  • 25% off odd colored markings for Briar's turquoise markings

    DEADLINE - The important part. The pups are due October 7th and playable October 21st. Applications for pups will be closed on October 1st.

    Regardless of how many free pups we roll, we will be accepting four applicants to play Artorias and Briar's children. All extra pup passes will be paid for by myself, so all you have to cover is what's required for the pups themselves. And that's it! If there's any more pertinent information that needs to be added, I'll edit this post and notify all applicants! If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we'd be happy to give you some help! Thank you for considering applying, and best of luck!

    Application Form:

    <b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
    <b>Character's Name</b>:
    <b>Adult Height</b>:
    <b>Appearance</b>: 150 words or a visual reference
    <b>Personality</b>: 150 words
    <b>Planned Skills</b>: (Optional)
    <b>Mutations</b>: (List any potential mutations you may want here)(Optional)
    <b>Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas</b>: (Optional)

    <b>Writing Sample</b>: (If you are someone we have played with before, you may remove this section. If you are a newer member of Ardent or haven't played with us yet, please give a short writing sample of your character doing anything that gives us an idea of who they are)

  • One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


    "I will shield you from the darkness"

    The Hallows
    Lord of Cinder

    Master Fighter (877)

    Master Navigator (1030)

    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

    6 Years
    Dire wolf

    Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
    Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
    UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
    Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
    WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
    09-08-2022, 02:30 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2022, 06:20 PM by Artorias. Edited 4 times in total.)
    And here's a few premade refs to start with! Shelby will be designing more and uploading them here soon!

    One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


    13+ Years

    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
    09-08-2022, 02:39 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2022, 08:10 PM by Hermes. Edited 3 times in total.)

    Out-of-Character Name: Hermes

    Character's Name: Mihai Anton Carpathius
    Nicknames: Anton (I see Mihai liking to go by his middle name a lot), Anne (only his family are allowed to call him this)

    Gender: Male

    Adult Height: 38” (Would like to do 45” but need to see if I have will have the funds)
    Size: Large (or Dire depending)
    Build: Medium

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Appearance: The silvers in Mihai’s linage are apparent in his coat but, the first color to take notice of, is gray. To start, his base coat is the steel gray-silver of a sword. It plays across his body and is light enough to allow various other shades to peek through it.

    Around his muzzle, coloring his cheeks, running a strip down his forehead, painting all his legs, and coating the underside of his tail, is the gray of fog rolling in off a bay. This hue acts as a transition between the silver, softening the sharp contrast to the deep, dark gray-black of a moonlit night.

    A light cream and muddy red color Mihai’s coat, painting his sides and neck while lightening his overall hue. It also severs to make his silvery coloration stand out even more. Finally, Mihai’s eyes are a bright cerulean blue that gaze out at the world in silent contemplation.

    Compassionate ~ Determined ~ Hardworking ~ Practical ~ Soft-Spoken ~ Stoic

    Being the son of two hardworking wolves, Mihai will learn, from an early age, the value of being diligent in every task he does. He will not be someone that starts something and walks away with the project only half finished. Once given a task, Mihai will see it through to completion, no matter the amount of work or time required.

    This determination will not be limited to jobs and Mihai will use that same resolve in every endeavor in his life. However, this does not mean that he will go chase after the impossible. If something is unattainable, he will set aside that task until it has a chance to be completed. He will be rooted in reality and not prone to chasing rainbows or fictitious pots of gold at their end.

    Now, just because Mihai will not be a dreamer, this does not mean he will look down on those that are. He will learn compassion from his parents and show it to every wolf deserving of it. Raising his voice in any way, expect to be heard, will be difficult for Mihai and he will prefer to let his actions speak for him.

    Lastly, Mihai will always listen to others problems with a kind ear but his own emotions and troubles will be held close to his chest. He will never want to trouble others with his own problems.

    Planned Skills: Fighting & Hunting

    Mutations: I would love to give him stronger jaws and teeth or cat claws but, again, this will all depend on if I have the funds to donate for a mutation.

    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: Lots and lots of family threads. Shadowing mom and dad as they work, going on trips to visit other packs. Skill grinds and threads with all the Hallows wolves. I would like to feel out the character more but I feel like he would aim to be on the high council.

    Dragon Mod


    13+ Years

    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
    09-08-2022, 04:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2022, 11:52 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 3 times in total.)

    Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
    Character's Name: Ansem Carpathius
    Gender: M
    Adult Height: 42-45"
    Size: Large - Dire
    Build: Medium
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Appearance: Design
    Personality: A knight in dark-coated armor, Ansem is one who looks up to his dad and wishes to be the protector against all evil. From a young age, he quietly watches his father at work in all things. From the way he speaks to others, to the way he swings the sword. He wants to be like dad someday, protecting those that have nobody else to protect them, their knight in metaphorical shining armor. By default, Ansem is brave and adventurous, dutiful and disciplined, setting himself to a higher standard than others probably have for him, but that's simply because he aims to please those he looks up to and nothing but his best will do regardless of what others say. He works hard, often to the point that he can't stand anymore, pushing himself to the absolute limit and then trying to push further than that. His actions speak louder than his words, though that's mostly because he's better at showing and doing than he is at talking. He's quiet for the most part, not really outspoken but not the type to keep his head down, either. If necessary, he'd speak out against injustice, but preferably, he's more the vigilante type. Would he go out of his way to get revenge on someone that did him wrong? Who knows. He tends to think and stew on this alot, and suffice to say he's not even sure what course of action he would take until the very last moment. He's not really the impulsive type, but rather, the careful type. He's guarded with his emotions and struggles to fit in socially, but mostly on account that again, he sets himself to a higher standard than others.

    At least one fault he has (and he will have a few) is his clumsiness. Sure he can probably be graceful on the battlefield, but outside of his carefully practiced fighting skills, he's as clumsy as a bull in a china shop. He fumbles alot, has the tendency to trip over his own paws, bites his tongue, and is bad with directions. He tends to get his antlers caught up in things (like drapes or vines, bushes, low hanging branches), and finds it difficult to overcome this fault of his. As such, he might potentially be a bit socially awkward (but not in a cringey way) and assumes that others might not like him as much because of his clumsiness. Outside of his, however, he can be articulate with his words when he wants to be, a dancer on the battlefield, and has a good and level head on his shoulders.

    The male may also potentially lack impulse control sometimes, but with his mother's help is likely to learn patience and to control this part of him a bit better. After all, nobody is perfect, and everyone has flaws, and Ansem is no exception. He's not the type to burst into anger, no. It's more a slow burn type when it comes to that (depending on the situation of course). That aside, Ansem is a family man. As he grows older and (hopefully) had kids of his own, he's the type that would get on the ground to play with them and let them win their "battles." He is likely to adore children, and wants to have many in his future!

    Honest, loving, loyal, observant, likes to joke when comfortable with someone, wears his heart on his sleeve... (more tba if accepted, I'm feeling muse for additional things :x

    Planned Skills: Fighting x Intellect(?)
    Mutations: Antlers, thicker fur (defensive), possible 3rd mutation (bear paws or mutation for his teeth/jaws maybe).
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: The idea of him looking up to dad and potentially trying to be the best knight he can be! But quietly. As in, he'll watch Artorias alot and will spend alot of time with him but probably not make it known out loud that he wants to be just like him. Trains in secret for fear that he'd be judged because of his clumsiness, or that others might think he's a try hard or some such. I also think it'd be fun and interesting with the impulse control thing, not set in stone 100% but I'd need to feel it out a bit ^^;



    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
    09-08-2022, 05:03 AM
    Out-of-Character Name: Res
    Character's Name: Dusk Oolacile Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height:38
    Alignment:Chaotic Good
    Appearance: [Image: oiE4YaS.png]
    Personality: To put it bluntly, Dusk is a brat. She's a trickster. From an early age she becomes addicted to the feeling of surprising others. Most times her tricks are simply annoying and tedious, thankfully. As she grows she'll lose that prankster disposition and shift into something else. A grin will never be far from her maw, though whether it's genuine or mischievous, one most likely won't know. The girl will love her family, but yeah... she's going to pick on them a bit. However, they are HER family and no one else is allowed to pick on them. Dusk will defend her parents, her siblings, her pack with tooth and claw and without a second though. This will sometimes put her in situations that are over her head. Thankfully she will also develop a silver tongue, quick thinking and cutting wit. This well help her get herself out of some tough situations.
    Planned Skills: Fighting and either Intellect or Navigation.
    Mutations: Dense fur, long tail, Stronger jaws and teeth, deer antlers, (prehensile tail or kitty paws. Haven't decided.)
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: Generally be a mostly good kid. Grow up into a charming, sweet talking lady that likes to run, run, run. I'm open to arranged marriages, etc. You know how I do. Since she may have a prehensile tail, I believe she might be interested in weaponry, not only using it, but crafting it.
    [Image: r9fZNUi.png]


    "The Floofiest Cat"

    13+ Years

    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
    09-08-2022, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2022, 05:31 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 9 times in total.)
    Done! <3

    {{Modifications:: Back of front legs and paws capped in gray. Green eyes like Briar. Blue striping on the neck. No horns.}}

    Out-of-Character Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
    Character's Name: Adelina "Adela" Dreamer Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 40"
    Size: Extra-Large
    Build: Light
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Adelina is not as tall as some wolves of Boreas though she still stands at forty inches tall. While extra-large in terms of size she bears a lighter build with lean muscle built for speed rather than brute force. She will be leggy and awkward, especially in her puppy and teenage years. As she ages into an adult she will become more elegant in how she carries herself. The woman will bear softer features with plush, fluffy, and well-groomed fur that is more prominent on her cheeks and tail. She will bear ashen black skin, ebony claws, and minty green eyes like her mother. Adelina often smells of leather or berries, two items she likes to work with.

    Adela has a black base coat, marked with gray, silver, and dark blue markings. The gray runs from her chin and covers her cheeks before running down her chest and ending about halfway down her belly. Two gray stripes can be found on either front leg, on the upper bit near the shoulder, and five stripes across the rump, one of which broken up, fall on either side of her rear. The backs of her legs are coated in gray that races down toward her paws only to be capped in a lighter silver color instead. Blue stripes under each cheek and outlines the end of her tail, stripes in a set of two across her thigh, and stripes in a set of three across the back of her neck.


    Adelina is a creature that is honest, even as a child. She will speak the truth easily, not necessarily because she detests liars, but because being honest just comes easier to her. The femme is generally a good-natured creature, one that tends to be on the helpful side. She loves assisting others, wanting to leave the world a better, warmer place than when she came into it. Adela is passionate as well, both about being there for others and about the work she does. She is dedicated to crafting and gathering materials, something that she finds great joy in doing. She’s creative too, liking to work on different tasks and experiment to make different items. Gifting others is something she will do easily, especially since seeing them smile is the greatest reward she can ask for!

    Adelina is an orderly creature overall. She favors balance that is designed for the greater good and the rules that are in place to do just that. The femme is a creature that is just, someone who wants to hear both sides of a situation out and make the right call rather than just assuming one side is right over the other. Adela believes in a strong sense of justice and doing what is necessary to protect the many, even if it means that the darkest of creatures are struck down. She is brave and willing to stand up for what she believes in and the right thing.

    Adela is ambitious, though not someone who easily sees herself as a leader despite having leader-like qualities. She is humble, one who believes at the end of the day she’s just as important or normal as any other creature. She is willful, a creature that does not give in or give up just because others want or expect her to. She keeps going, a fiery determination burning within her until pure exhaustion takes her. Finally, the last thing others tend to notice about the girl is her analytical nature. She is one who thoughtfully looks over all bits of information about an object or an individual before making a decision on a statement about them.

    Planned Skills: Hunting and Intellect
    Mutations: Potential cat paws / claws. It's a maybe!

    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:

    Crafting Hobbiest - I want Adela to dabble in crafting but primarily things that do not relate to battle. Accessories, baskets, or bags, even one day assisting in winemaking or crafting clothing or toys. I would love for her to be shown these things by Briar, especially for bonding but 100% welcome threads from anyone in the pack. Coupled with her hunting skill I feel it'd be neat to show the whole process of harvesting ingredients into finished products! As an individual, I would like Adela's primary unique product to be Dreamcatchers!

    Companion Idea 1 - A primate to further help Adela with her crafting prowess and help form complex shapes. Possibly a marmoset of some kind? Unsure of gender but leaning toward a well-natured, motherly female. This companion is the one I would likely purchase first.

    Companion Idea 2 - A hunting predator, likely feline or canine. Will assist in helping Adela gather materials for crafting while the primate will be more useful in the actual crafting process. Likely male. This companion is likely the one I would purchase last. Possibly a larger species of a fox!

    Companion Idea 3 - A bird of prey. Useful in battle for fighting, useful for navigation / a second set of eyes out of battle. Can also be used to scout out prey! This companion is likely to be purchased second.

    Specialties - Beast Master (Hunting), Bard (Intellect)

    Writing Sample: I have written with you guys (mainly Shelby) before. If you would like me to still fill this out please feel free to reach out via DM! I won't be mad.


    The Chaotic One

    13+ Years
    Extra small

    Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
    09-08-2022, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2022, 12:30 PM by Bunni. Edited 4 times in total.)
    [Image: Britorias1.png]
    Out-of-Character Name: Bunni
    Character's Name: Bramble Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 42"-45" (Depending if I donate for dire or not)
    Size: X-Large / Dire
    Build: Light
    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Appearance: *Minus the antlers as I would go with cat claws for a mutation
    * Also toying with the idea of her having ember/orange colored eyes or one of each
    Coated in toffee and hues of chocolate, one might not recognize the girl as a Carpathius or a Fatalis. From dark points to light accents, her appearance is more in-tune with the forest than most of her family. From her face to across her body and melting down her legs is an oil slick appearance of teal and blue. In certain light, the odd coloring appears silkier and shinier in comparison to the rest of her soft fur that she grooms often. Outside of her almost natural appearance, Bramble hosts two brilliantly bright teal eyes that most call 'sea-foam green.'

    Tall like most of her family, Bramble towers over others. Her long legs give her speed and endurance in fights while her thin frame hosts well-toned muscles from sparring practice. She is not dainty by any means aside from her feminine face that is slimmer and less scruffy than others. Even though her body does not build lots of muscle well, she is still strong by feminine means and can hold her own. Due to her constant movement and inability to sit for too long, Bramble's body features many curves in all the right places.

    AS A PUP (First 2 Years): Bramble will be spunky, quirky, adventurous, and an all-around goofball. Typical puppy-like behavior should be expected! she will enjoy playfighting, getting into light trouble, and sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. Her favorite is to stick her tongue out at her siblings to antagonize them into playing with her. Overall, she will be very loving, slightly clingy, and adore her parents and fellow pack mates a lot so expect her to be on their heels at all times.
    AS AN ADULT (2+ Years): Her puppy energy will follow her into adulthood. Many will tell Bramble that she speaks far too much, but she probably will dismiss that as the other not being as social as herself. She will enjoy befriending anyone and everyone, never hold a grudge, and be as selfless as selfless could be. Bramble will dedicate her life to the Hallows and become a great warrior like her father. She will look up to others and grow a fear of disappointing those closer to her. At times, she can be sassy, sarcastic, and moody when things don't go her way, but will be quick to overcome it just by being around those she enjoys. It will be hard not to be in a good mood with her around!

    Planned Skills: Intellect & Fighting
    Mutations: Cat claws (possibly)
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: No concrete plans. Start her life out by sticking around home and growing up with her littermates, loving her family, and befriending everyone in the Hallows. Open to ideas and drama when she's older. Would love a good kidnapping plot, but I understand not everyone is into that.

    Writing Sample: Joe and I have threaded, but I can link whatever if Shelby needs more references. <3

    I might come back to add/edit some things.



    09-10-2022, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2022, 06:50 PM by Vorsa. Edited 4 times in total.)

    Alosika Renee
    two faced, a product of environment and what works among her. a witch hidden in maidens
    clothing, assassin sitting with no tools but her finger-nails. she is in turn - committed to the fever-dreams that haunt her in the summer heat. childish perhaps, even as she wages for her imagination wonders but none are to know. disposable, replaceable in the words of her father. she is constructed of the soil and root at her feet - or the sand and clay - or the ashe and ruin. fragile and contained inside a bird cage of a skull. composed of the finest thin sheet of emotion. possessive and curious, a child-like being stood still within the youth of a young woman. from this, creative and adventurous. paranoid of the hand of another, and another, and another. a profiler hidden under a rimmed hat and glasses wide enough to outline the apple of her cheek. a watcher that prays on those with wild tongues and hands that tell their life story.

    do i believe?
    do i believe that the sky is blue and that we will all die for a reason other than gods will? perhaps - but my faith has not been tested and our lord has not found me. disbelief creeping into the roots of her teeth, she is hay-fever in the way her emotions cascade. long periods of mania deeply rooted in the very pits of faith until she sees otherwise. a forever happy attitude cursed by nights of a kiss of forgotten hymns and faith that falls from her fingertips like a stream of water.

    i don't know what i believe
    the nights she doesn't feel the wet soil against her knees - the kiss of gods grace across her neck. misotheism breathes down her neck even in the face of the heavens.

    spider-like fingers - they are worn like the decaying wood under the roof she dwelled.
    with the animals and hair like the straw, she bedded - she is the cautionary tale of the sand that embedded deep into her paw pads. a mother once scolded her that she born a beautiful white but her childish scouring upon the shore stained her a bright color bordering soft curls wielded by the sea spray and the kiss of god.a smile with crooked teeth and a gap between the front two.

    TLDR - a watcher before a talker. But will grow to be more reserved because as she is younger, she may be a little more..impatient about saying/doing what she wants to say/do. Religious intentions. brother

    Quirks/Weird shit
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
    Obscene fear of heights
    Panic attack esc reactions when dirty and cannot fix it.
    Slightly resentful as she feels..lesser cared for between siblings
    Loves them but may show outburst of frustration as she ages.




    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
    09-10-2022, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2022, 12:35 AM by Skelle. Edited 10 times in total.)

    Out-of-Character Name: skelle
    Character's Name: Dragomir "Dragos" Costache (kos-TA-ke) Carpathius
    Gender: male
    Adult Height: 45
    Size: dire
    Build: light - average
    Alignment: Neutral
    ─ black base
    ─ royal blue inner ears, cheeks, sides, and hips
    ─ silver striping along back/rear limbs and two v-like markings on each forelimb
    ─ White Fatalis eye marking over left eye
    ─ Bright sea-green cheek tendrils
    ─ Left eye is bright blue with sea-green around the pupil, right eye is bright orange
    ─ Large sabers and small black kudu horns
    Dragomir is quite a serious young pup, much more eager to learn rather than play senseless games. Well disciplined from the start, be it his on his own accord or through strict training regimens set by his father, Dragos does best with structure. Wake up, train, eat, rest, repeat tomorrow; change his schedule suddenly and you'll have a very grumpy boy on your paws! He has a sense of duty and responsibility about him rarely seen in children, as if being a child is a waste of time. He'd much rather be assigned a job and get to work straight away; there's no time for playing around when you're the child of the Aegis and his Queen! He feels as though he must not just live up to his parents expectations of him, but instead exceed them in ways much greater than they could've imagined. He will not settle for less, either. He is a perfectionist, after all!

    Dragos is undyingly loyal to not only his family, but to the Hallows as a whole, and would do whatever it takes to protect the pack and his family. Adamant about his training, he is not just strong in body but in mind as well. Soaking up information like a sponge, Dragos will excel in self suffiency as well as fighting techniques both with and without weaponry. His competitive nature from birth, although silent and less of an ego than what might be considered typical, keeps him working towards his goal.

    While he sounds like a great guy on paper, in person Dragomir is hardly approachable. It's not because he's mean in any way (that he intends to be, anyway), but the man it usually equally emotionless and expressionless. He speaks what's on his mind with little thought to how it might affect others and struggles to make lasting friendships because of it. He thinks very literally, though is known to spout a bit a sarcasm here and there with a fluency only found in those with IQ's higher than the average 'Joe' ;)
    Planned Skills: fighting and intellect
    Mutations: Sabers, small horns, and maybe also bear paws or dexterous paws?!
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: open to an arranged breeding for him! he's gay, but extremely dutiful so if they point him in the right direction he'll be happy to continue the line lol. He may also want to travel for a season to attempt his self suffiency skills!! Hell come back tho, no worries xD
    please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
    eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
    and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥


    "I will shield you from the darkness"

    The Hallows
    Lord of Cinder

    Master Fighter (877)

    Master Navigator (1030)

    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

    6 Years
    Dire wolf

    Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
    Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
    UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
    Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
    WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
    09-11-2022, 06:20 PM
    Added some more designs to choose from! Possibly more to come, but feel free to create/use your own as well!

    One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



    Easter 2022Toys for Tots
    09-11-2022, 06:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2022, 10:34 PM by Shard. Edited 9 times in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: Shard
    Character's Name: Thorn
    Gender: male
    Adult Height: 45
    Size: dire
    Build: medium
    Alignment: Chaotic good
    Appearance: [Image: Britorias_8.png]
    The boy is a hard worker with a strong desire to be the best that he can be.  He desires to be the best, as a child its simply because being the best sounds cool and take after his parents which are surely the best..  He will dream of traveling the land and proving himself the best fighter in all Auster and Boreas.  What sights does the world have to offer?  He wants to make sure not a stone is left unturned and not a creature left unseen.

    While training is the main interest in life it's not the only thing.  He does love his family and will enjoy playing around with his siblings.  He also has a penchant to enjoy gambling.  Who will win at a contest? Lets bet on it!  A new challenging situation has been found and who will be able to conquer it first?  Competing is fun but competing with prizes to the winner or loss to those who don’t win is even better.

    During a fight or challenge he might brag but most of the time he’s humble and gracious.  A desire to do whats right warring with the desire to have fun.  Hopefully as he ages the desire to focus on what’s right will win out.  See where the future takes him!

    Planned Skills: Fighting & Navigation
    Mutations:  stronger jaws & teeth, cat claws & stronger bones
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:
    Will want to go traveling the lands as soon as he can.
    Master a sword?  Even better to learn a whole slew of weapons.  He'll have to decide on one to master but he wants to learn numerous types to find the one that feels best.  Swords/daggers/spears or any other weapon style he finds to try out.
    Might also become interested in how to make his own quality weapons.



    Master Fighter (245)

    Master Hunter (240)

    An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

    An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

    4 Years
    Paleo species

    Samhain 2022
    09-28-2022, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2022, 10:14 PM by Basilisk. Edited 1 time in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: Sea
    Character's Name: Ciaran (Nickname Kea)
    Gender: Male
    Adult Height: 42” - 45” (Depending on finances)
    Size: Dire Wolf
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    [Image: yBo0zjX.png]
    The majority of this wolf’s coat is a smoky-black that rolls over the body in subtle waves. With a darker shadow encasing his nose and mask of the face. Set in this mask is a blaze of blue that lights around his eyes in tones of sapphire and silvers. Almost like a wing of colour across his eyes. Across his back lies stripes of the same colour - blue, with silver flecks.

    The lightest colour on his body is the white that trims his toes, and the lower tip of his tail. Shockingly bright against the darkness of his body. His eyes are like the sea at night. Dark pools of blue.

    Impulsive, curious, brave, and kind. These would be the defining traits of Kea as he navigates his way through childhood. He will look up to both of his parents and have a strong desire to be a sword-wielding knight like his father, and learn the art of Diplomacy from his mother. The first time he sees his father take down a foe with his sword will be the moment he truly starts to desire a life as a Knight.

    His curiosity and interest in adventures will likely get him into a lot of trouble. Along with his desire to do the right thing. These traits will lead him to exploring, which he would hope to be able to do alongside his parents. The Hollows and his family will be the most important things in his life, and he would do anything to keep them safe. Despite his admiration of the sword and desire to be a knight, it will not immediately be in his nature to kill, and he will have to learn to push through this in order to learn how to protect his family.

    Planned Skills: Fighting and Hunting
    Mutations: Potentially stronger teeth/jaws (Depending on finances)
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: To be a knight like his dad!
    [Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
    As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



    Rapid Poster - Rainbow
    10-01-2022, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2022, 06:05 PM by Indie. Edited 4 times in total.)

    Out-of-Character Name: Indie
    Character's Name: Talyssa Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 36”
    Build: Light
    Alignment: Chaotic Good- as a pup. As she matures, she’ll transition into something closer to Lawful Good.

    As a young pup, Talyssa will be IMPULSIVE. She will take it upon herself to make her and her family's lives interesting. She will be a catalyst for change and the occasional conflict- all out of good fun of course. Though, throughout her life, as she matures, this will transition to an air of AMBITION. She will do and say what she pleases and will try to live her life as freely as she can, but even so, there will be no limit to what she would do for a loved one in need. Though she has the tendency to create problems for those who value their own forethought and careful planning, every single decision she makes comes from the heart. Talyssa will never give up easily. When others may see only roadblocks, she sees an amazing future before her with only a few hurdles between her and her goals.

    As she gets older and has learned her fair share from childish lessons, Talyssa will MATURE quickly and will develop into a responsible and trustworthy individual. She can be trusted to follow instructions once they're given and understands the weight of doing her fair share, and then some. That being said, this girl is far from mindless. She is moralistic and has a strong sense of reasoning skills. She will come to understand the cause-effect relationship and will base her decisions and actions on her gold standard perception of right and wrong. Because of this, she may become critical of others will a more clouded merit, making judgments based on her own personal observation. She may come off as bossy, or too serious. But in her heart, she is quite the opposite.

    Another point of interest in her moral compass is her inherited PRIDE and HONOR. Tallysa will be fiercely loyal. Not only to her family but to the Hallows as well. She will take a keen interest in its past, present, and future. This girl knows who she is and what she is capable of. She isn't threatened by difficult situations and often tries to spin a tight spot into the light of a presented opportunity to grow and improve as an individual. As an adult, it would not surprise me if she took a keen interest in the politics of pack life. That merging into her spirit of ADVENTURE, she'll ease into the role of a scout. Perhaps a diplomat of sorts.

    Planned Skills: Navigation and Intellect
    Mutations: N/A

    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas
    As a pup, Talyssa will be a happy girl. She'll be a princess in her own mind and will carry her metaphorical tiara and magic wand around with her everywhere she goes. I would love for her to have a "Daddy's Girl" relationship with Artorias, but understand if that's not in his character. Overall, I imagine she'll be responsible for quite a few grey hairs to those that have to be responsible for her. And she'll certainly have to learn through her fair share of consequences.

    In her adolescence, she'll begin taking her responsibilities more seriously. But the wilderness will call to her. She'll begin developing into a scouting role. And as she matures into an adult, she will take more interest in political responsibilities. Not that she is interested in leadership or anything. But she will definitely be looking to be involved wherever she can.

    Writing Sample:
    Sleeping had always been difficult for her. To close her eyes at night and have to fight the excitement that fluttered through her heart into unconsciousness. It was easily one of the worst parts of the day. However, one of the best parts … was waking up. Crystalline blue orbs fluttered open as they settled on the swirling dust in the pre-dawnlight that filtered through the open window. However, it could only keep her attention for so long. As soon as the idea crossed her mind, she picked her chin up off her paws and examined the room for the presence of the rest of her family- only to be met with disappointment at the realization she was the first one to wake.

    “Momma?” her voice no more than a whisper as she wriggled her way closer to the silhouetted earthy-tones of her sleeping mother. “Momma? Are you awake?” Talyssa whispered once more, only adding a little more volume as she drew closer. Silence. Not satisfied with the tranquility that remained between them, the fawn-spotted fae reached a pale paw out to nudge Briar in the shoulder. “Ma-” But in her third attempt, the child stifled a yawn. And with heavy eyes, softly placed her cheek against her mother’s side. The warmth and sweet scents lulling her back to sleep.


    "I will shield you from the darkness"

    The Hallows
    Lord of Cinder

    Master Fighter (877)

    Master Navigator (1030)

    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

    6 Years
    Dire wolf

    Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
    Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
    UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
    Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
    WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
    10-01-2022, 08:03 PM
    Applications are now closed!

    Thank you very much to everyone who applied! We received so much more interest for these babes than we were expecting, and I seriously wish we didn’t have to pick between you guys! <3

    Shelby and I will be reviewing the completed applications over the next day or two and announcing our chosen players! Keep your eyes peeled for the coming announcement, and thank you all once more! Best of luck, players!

    One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


    "I will shield you from the darkness"

    The Hallows
    Lord of Cinder

    Master Fighter (877)

    Master Navigator (1030)

    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

    6 Years
    Dire wolf

    Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
    Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
    UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
    Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
    WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
    10-03-2022, 04:14 PM
    Thank you!

    From the bottom of our hearts, thank you everyone who showed interest and applied for one of our pups! Shelby and I were not expecting this level of interest in our babies, and it means the world to us to see this much excitement for this litter! These characters are very near and dear to our hearts and these pups are incredibly important to us. I wish we were able to accept all of these applications because each character was wonderful and unique, and you all did such a great job with them, choosing between them was nearly impossible! We even decided to go with the max litter size of 5 instead of 4 because we just loved them all so much. Shelby and I strongly encourage anyone who isn't accepted for this litter to not be discouraged and to apply again for the next litter in Summer, Year 19!

    So, without further ado...

    Congratulations to Resin with Dusk, Bunni with Bramble, Shard with Thorn, Sea with Ciaran, and Indie with Talyssa!

    We are very excited to start some wonderful adventures with Artorias, Briar, and their children! A friendly reminder that the pups are playable on October 21 and all profiles must be in Acceptance by October 21! All pup passes will be covered by myself, so you just need to purchase any things needed for your characters. Welcome to the Carpathius family!

    For our friends who weren't accepted, please know that you guys all made this a really tough decision for us, and it was very close on choices! We'd love to see you reapply for the next litter to help us grow our family even more! Everyone who wasn't accepted this round will be given special consideration for our next litter in one IC year. If you want any sort of feedback on your applications, you can feel free to DM me on Discord. I believe strongly in constructive feedback, and if there's any kind of questions or insight you'd like answered, I'm always available to chat.

    Thank you all once again for your interest! You've made this an incredibly special moment for the both of us! ♡

    One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.