
We meet again



08-30-2013, 12:53 PM

The brute would thump the floor as the moonlight illuminates Ludicaels territory in its awakening. The night brought ease to the males mind- the peace, the quiet. It captivates him whole. His eyes would glisten, awaiting for the arrival of aurora whom he'd expect to be around. The woman who decided to befriend him the day that he joined the pack. Her snow pelt that blankets her lean body never fails so outcast her in the blackness of the night. His ebony lips would part, his tounge tracing the waters surface, as his mirrored vision becomes some what of blur as the water droplets fall from his large muzzle.

The breeze would surround him, nestle deep within the sandstone fur ruffling up with its teasing strokes. Siarvon would sit upon his haunches, gazing into the small river at the image it creates from the scenery around, replicating it. He would take a deep breath and exhale, alert to any sudden movement or sound. The icy hues would scatter along the relentless amount of darkness before slowly closing the lids and taking a moment to relax.


08-30-2013, 01:29 PM

She walked in silence, long legs striding effortlessly from root to root as she followed the scent of a friend. Siarvon. The brute had been there when she joined this pack, and it felt like it had been years since that fateful day, though the moon had risen and fallen only a few times. Her alabaster derma glinted in the moons light, unleashing from within her fur the lights that were her namesake, the vast array of colours glittering on her like stardust as she broke from the shadows and into view. Her hips would sway in a sultry manner as she walked, long tail sweeping through the air. The ivory temptress never failed to make an entrance.

"Ahh Siarvon, how are you?" She asked him, her otherworldly voice ringing through the silence like a silver bell's toll. Her faint Russian accent was but a small burr in the silky vocals, the words soft as a whisper. The icy rose let a amile cross her face, the emotionless mask that usually vielled the flawless marble lifted in the presence of the familiar man. She took a seat next to him, resting on her haunches in one fluid movement. She too, lowered herself to the waters edge, letting her long salmon tongue lap up the water, taking in the cool aqua. Due to the tiny creatures living within it that created the glow when contact was introduced, the water had a briny taste, one she was now accustomed to.

Lifting her deceptively delicate cranium and regaining a regal pose, she removed the water from her tapered muzzle and waited for Siarvon's reply. Her long, angelic pigmented banner wrapped around her paws, the twin raven's feathers once again dancing a ballet under the moonlight, their ebony lustre turned silver under the lunar reflection. She watched them, her emotions hidden as memories flooded her infinite mind. They were all she had to remember her of her home, of the good times she had with her family before the wildfire ravaged and destroyed her lands. She let those thought trickle to a stop once more, and lifted her head as the feathers lay flush with her coat. Her moonstone orbs glimmered with emotions that would never be known by anyone but the maiden herself. So there she sat, a marble statue shrouded by beauty, by mystery, by the light of the moon.



08-31-2013, 09:05 AM

His head would turn, the gaze falling upon the woman, with a twist to the ebony lips the brute would gaze back over to the river. " I knew you'd be lurking around, im good but I guess that's what I should be saying, have you been snapping at people while you where in bad dreams lately?" Oh he remembered, remembered all to well and never will the sandstone knight sneek up on a woman while sleeping again. A chuckle would arise from his throat, amused by the past. The salmon tounge would press against the bridge of the jaw, simply thinking. Aurora's visage was wiped away of emotion most of the time, why? Perhaps she didn't want to seem weak, her smile would seem to pass on an eerie glow, a calmness that would circle Siarvon.

It was strange, every time he'd see the oracle two feathers would be fixed upon the thick fur let upon the frame, they where always there- it was no coincidence. His lips would part and for a few heart beats he was silent, " Why is it that you keep two Raven feathers upon your tail, is It a good luck charm?" The Italian accent would still linger, just fading ever so slightly. Siarvons eyes danced and his tail swayed behind him as he, too, awaited the female's answer. Thirstly he drank in the details of the moment, commiting them to memory as a scribe might commit words to parchment. Ears tipped forward, he whispered out of the side of his jaw of his opinion " Its pretty interesting, it should make wolves wonder" A smirk would cross his lips, the nights breeze washing over the two in its awakening.


09-12-2013, 05:39 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

The fair pelted Russian maiden cringed ever so slightly as the autumn man's words brought back embarrassing memories. She leant him a sheepish smile, her deceptively delicate cranium tilted downwards as she looked up at him with her beautiful silver pools.

"That would be a no, my dear friend. I haven't had nightmares since I arrived, the time on the island was but an exception to that fact."
She told him, uttering a faint laugh. Her voice was like silk, only softer, smoother, more enticing. She lightly rubbed her head against her close friend, glad for his company. In truth, she had been feeling quite lonely lately, without many others to meet, talk to, the likes. With her friend Song married to Cherokee, and caring for pups, the ever so socially awkward Aurora was left alone. Now that Siarvon was here, she had someone to converse with.
His question posed an interesting story, one that bubbled up from the shadows of her infinite mind like a pheonix rising from the grave, a legend that ran through the veins of every one of her packmates. Raising her head, she yawned once, tired, but never one to give up a good story. So, she met his gaze squarely, and launched into her tale.

"It was a tradition carried by my family for generations. The binding of two spirits, so that they may be blessed with the attributes of each other in the afterlife. When a pup was old enough, he or she was sent out on their first hunt, and was to come back with the first creature they found, a creature that would be killed with the most respect an honor a wolf can bestow. Most were avian, birds, that is. I caught a raven, a bird though of as a messenger of the underworld, which would bestow the most fantastic of wings in the afterlife, but the price of which is a dark side in the present life. When I brought her back, the Shaman removed two feathers, one from the tail, to lend steering and balance in the afterlife, and one from the right wing, to bestow healthy wings in the next life. Then, one must choose where these feathers would go. My father had his hanging from his temple, my mother, from her chest fur. I remember, the last King had caught a mole as a pup, and had the claws set like three horns on his head. I however, decided to put them in my tail, the least showy place, yet the most important part of lupine anatomy. So, they inserted the feathers into a hole in my flesh, binding the spirit of the raven with mine. It was an indescribable experience, feeling the great bird's spirit flow into mine. As the wound heals, your body will either reject the other spirit, and the feathers will fall out, or it will be accepted, and they will become part of you forever."
She told him, her voice slowly falling into the rhythm of the story, feeling the rise and fall of the legend as it is told, her infinite mind drawing up the memory of when her father told her the story, her voice telling the story in a softer, feminine version of her fathers. With a sigh, she released a secret that she had kept within her for all her life.

"If there is ever a man who will love a wolf ugly as me, I hope to carry on this tradition in honor of my pack, as the last remaining survivor."
She whispered, her voice nearly inaudible, the sadness and self hatred filling the otherworldly, musical tones of her vocals so thick one coudl wonder how she had the will to go on.




09-29-2013, 02:25 PM

Siarvon would remain silent as Aurora would tell the tale of her feathers, it wasn't at all what he'd expect. In fact he thought she simply just liked having raven feather to catch the attention of others. A smile would cradle upon his inky lips as the woman would carry on- she was still wanting to carry on her tradition. Siarvon hadn't met a wolf that cared all to much about traditions carried on by family, often wolves tend to stray away from them as there considered boring or even useless.

" Well if I had your tradition running in my family, mine would be a snake, so id have wrap it around my tail. But that's kinda creepy, I mean snakes aren't exactly pleasant to see, so that'd suck on my behalf, but its a pretty cool tradition to say the least." A light chuckle would push past his lips before looking back into the water. After a few moments Siarvon would glance back up to the woman, " Your not ugly, aurora- infact your beautiful anyone would be lucky to have you." What he'd speak was the truth, she was a rather beautiful woman, whom by the looks of it doesn't have much hope in finding a man to live the rest of her life with.

OOC: Sorry for the crappy post, im trying to get back into rping with him.


09-29-2013, 02:58 PM

She enjoyed watching the smile grow in his face as she spoke, it made her feel like the tradition was more than superstition, that it could be found interesting. She listened to his response, how he spoke of wrapping a snake about his tail. She grinned, it would be quite intriguing to see, for sure. Not many in her pack had caught anything other than a bird, save for the mole claws like horns upon the old Alpha's head, which were frightening to most pups who came around him. As he spoke once more, his compliment filled her with joy. "Thank you, Siarvon. Maybe, one day, I will be lucky enough to find a man who will love me. And if not, I will always have you. You will always be my partner in crime, right?" She asked with a giggle, smiling gaily at the brute who's pelt was the colours of autumn, roiling together in a riot of browns, reds, creams.

She leaned against him, sighing as she watched the water flow busily by her. "What of you, Siarvon? What was life like travelling about by choice?" She asked him, for she knew not very much of her friend's journey's as a rogue, a loner who was simply exploring. She herself, had left home because she had no choice, and had not been able to enjoy her travels while her family, her pack, withered away. So she waited, flank to flank with her best friend, listening to the beating of his powerful heart, and waited for his own stories to fill her ears.



10-12-2013, 04:05 PM

Her body would press gently against his side, as if her warmth radiates around the autumn knight. A small chuckle would escape his lips as she'd say she always had him, " Oh so im the second best now?" it would be true though, Siarvon would always be there. " My story..." His voice would slowly trail of, thinking of the right words to depart his lips, it wasn't very fascinating or interesting, the life of a rouge never was.

" I never travelled by choice, Aria- you know the old beta? we kinda departed due to the fact another woman told whispers in my ears, lies deceiving ones. My family where also gone, my mother dying and loosing her memory. I never really had a reason to stay. I came into alacritis, met you! And re united with Aria who now has taken a sudden disappearance." A sigh would finish it of, the sea blue gaze drifting to the thought of the woman, where had she gone? in silence Siarvon could here auroras calm breath patting the air, and the wind whistling by.


10-12-2013, 04:31 PM

Highly sensitive auds perked as his voice filled the air, his comment bringing a soft giggle from her throat. As his story began to be told, Aurora listened to the hardships of his life, and the story behind his relationship with the former Borealis. "It's too bad she had to leave, though I'm happy for Song, having gotten the promotion. Cherokee as well, they make a great team." She commented, her soft voice filled with joy for her friends. Looking up at the male who had joined with her, she grinned. "What have you been up to, all those times you disappear? Have you been looking for her?" She asked quietly, curious as to why her best friend kept disappearing for moons at a time. She had been rather lonely while he was gone, left to her own devices, while Song was taking care of her children and doing her duties as Borealis. She had met a few wolves, but spent much time inside the depths of her infinite mind, pondering things that often took much time. As well, she had been preparing for the rapidly approaching winter. While she awaited the reply from her friend, one that could prompt her worry, she watched the glowing waters of the Mangrove.

Talk like this



10-13-2013, 02:04 PM

His ears would perk upon her words, a sadness filling up inside him at the thought of the sudden disapearance. " ive heard there both doing a great job, though I have yet to meet them." the faint Italian tounge would still linger in his baritone, Siarvons tail would tap the floor before coninueing " Yes, ive been in search of her for a while now, perhaps one day it'll be she who finds me. I have you who will always be there, you've always been there, right?." Perhaps the man hadn't really being paying attention on who has always around, and now looking back he finds himself grateful- it all became clear. " So hows your love life going? Found anyone yet."


10-13-2013, 02:30 PM

His answer to her question brought sadness into her heart; Aria would no doubt never come back, but the icy rose had not the heart to tell her best friend that. His question was one she could not leave unanswered, so her own ebony lips would part, revealing formidable pearl razors and a long salmon tongue that tapped against her perfect teeth as she spoke. "Yes, dear Siarvon, I will always be there for you, that is a promise I will not break." She whispered, resting her head against his broad chest to comfort him.

When he asked about her love life, she would grin ever so slightly and lift her head to meet his crystal clear aqua gaze. "Lately two men have taken an interest in me, though I have to admit I fancy only one." She told him, her smile sheepish. "You shall have to meet them soon, it would be interesting to see what my partner in crime thinks of my suitors. Ironically, they have nearly the same appearance, though one is much younger than myself." She continued, grinning as she made this realization. Listening to the rushing of the water in the Mangrove, and the breathing of her autumn furred friend, she waited for his reaction.



10-13-2013, 02:53 PM

Aria would never come back, his hope was false. Soon after the disappearance haku had become scarce, was he doing the same and leaving? just like that. Her crown would nuzzle against his chest, setting the brutes mind at ease. A smirk would coil upon the ebony lips, oh? " Oh so whats his name?" a weak chuckle would greet the air- " If I am to meet them and not like him, then what? Will persuade me otherwise." The almost whisper to the tone would rise, joking around. Gently pushing against her shoulder. " Younger? So when your all old and feeble like me he'll be at your paws serving you, if so then id be impressed " Perhaps if she settles down to be happy, Siarvon will become the pup sitter- the sandstone knight would be awesome at it.

OOC: Short post but I got to go to work=[


10-27-2013, 02:44 PM

She could only laugh as he joked around, loving being with her best friend. She thought about what would happen if her partner in crime didn't like the man, what she would do. Would she tell the autumn pelted man to suck it up? Would she leave the wolf who had asked to be her mate behind? No, she would never do it, because there would never be another man like that again. She wasn't pretty, so finding a male who saw her for who she was would not happen again. "His name is Magnus. If you meet him and don't like him, well then that's too bad for you, because there will never be another man to love me in this world." She told him, her silky whisper of a voice rising slightly with mirth, her faint accent thickening. She smiled broadly, sticking the tip of her tongue out at him and squinting her eyes shut, like a pup teasing their sibling. When he spoke of the other male, the one who had lately not been around, she thought about his comment, chuckling a bit. "I bet you would be impressed, though you're hardly feeble, since I have occasionally wondered where you're hiding your antlers." She said with a chuckle, insinuating that he was a moose, given that the bark toned man was quite large. She looked up at him and grinned, then stood. "Should we go look for him in the morning?" She asked, yawning widely. She would love for the man to meet Magnus, but first the alabaster princess needed some rest. Waiting for a response, her ivory fur rippled in another passing breeze, her scent of lavender and ginger flowing away with it.

Corvusi Speech
Aurora Speech



11-03-2013, 03:01 PM

As Aurora would give him the information Siarvon would grin, attempting to nudge under her chin. As the woman stuck out his tounge he couldn't help but simper out a weak laugh " Well there is another man that loves you actually." Siarvon was messing around but it was true, and aurora was beautiful. " I love you, duh- how could you forget" He'd tusk before facing her, joking around.
Skimming the water with his paw, he'd attempt to swipe her with it. " Aurora, we all know its you with the antlers, don't lie. But of course id like him... well, maybe." With a final moment Siarvon would nod once, " We'll see him tomorrow."


11-05-2013, 04:38 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

Her friend's voice floated to her tall auds, an interesting remark made. Another man who loved her? As if that could happen. But when his voice permeated the air once more, the alabaster dame grinned. "I love you too Siarvon, you silly man." She murmured, lowering her delicate cranium quickly and ducking the main spray of water from the autumn toned male's giant paw. When he retorted that it was she in fact, who was a moose, a peal of laughter fell from her parted jaws, since she was undeniably tall. Her acute ears caught the end of his statement, that one little word. Maybe. She stuck out her tongue at him once more, giggling. "You'd better like him, otherwise what will I do?" She said with a chuckle. She was joking, or course, since she would find a way to make everything work if the two didn't like each other. She always found a way, proven by the fact that she stood here today, and wasn't a pile of bones beside her mothers. She was a deft creature, and would always figure it out. Her partner in crime would acknowledge that they would in fact find Magnus tomorrow, and Aurora would smile, dipping her head. "Farewell, dear friend." She whispered, and then was gone. All that remained was her scent, lavender and ginger, fading in the breeze.

.:The Antisocial ex Princess Aurora is now gone:.
