
this is my swamp

calico jack!



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
09-15-2022, 07:26 PM

Rexx decided to be good and not venture too far beyond the reaches of the beach. But he could only be so good - after all, he found there were far greater rewards to reap if you took a little risk. He didn’t flagrantly deny that beyond the Pirates’ territory, a puppy wandering strange lands was just asking for danger. However, if he didn’t face a bit of danger and venture out now, he’d grow soft! And he wasn’t soft. Not at all! He was about as big and bad as you could get. For a pup, anyways. Even with his bulk and ever growing crystal spikes and tusks, he was still just a little punk.

He was determined to set off on an adventure that day, and what was better than enjoying his little impromptu day trip with somebody else? Scald was off doing Scald things, whatever that was, and his sisters didn’t really want much to do with him than they already had to. He was quite a handful, being rambunctious and not always aware of his power. He couldn’t blame them - imagine having to avoid being poked or prodded by tusks and spikes in one den every night. So, he managed to convince one of Sparrow’s kids to join him. He already knew the red fire-pelted boy with the cool tail spike, but this guy looked more like Rexx himself in that they both had mottled fur. Just different colors, but it was cool to see all the same. Plus, he looked like a legit pirate, parrot and all - this was gonna be fun!

"C’mon, let’s see what’s here!” The burly boy said to his adventure buddy, grinning as they reached the edges of the swamp. It was boggy, alright - whispers and croaks of frogs and various insects permeating the thick, foggy air. It was fairly dark the further the woods reached in, and quite wet too. But he wasn’t afraid of all that - they lived next to a beach for crying out loud, they practically lived in wet water! With that, he encouraged the pirate boy to venture onto the more solid ground of the swampland, ears perked and nub tail wagging at the prospect of discovering something new.

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-19-2022, 02:39 AM

Calico Jack could not keep a smile off his lips as he trots after the bigger pup. The kid, Rexx, had invited him along to go exploring and Jack could not pass up the opportunity. As they walk, Jolly Roger, Calico’s new macaw friend flies low above the pair, the young bird keeping a watchful eye on the adventurous pups. They reach the edges of the swamp land and Jack slows, jaw dropping open as he takes in his first views of this place.

Trees, barren of leaves, scratch their branches together in a creepy rhythm, beckoning and deterring any travelers that may enter. Soft sounds reach his ears, some strange creature croaking out a song while insects buzz heavily as they flit from here to there. An almost unnatural fog hangs thick in the air, coiling its fingers around his small frame and ushering him further in.

Now, maybe Calico Jack should feel fear or apprehension at this strange, eerie land but the patchwork pup only feels excitement. As Rexx urges him onward, the pup turns his icy gaze to the bigger boy, enthusiasm pulling them wide open, and he says, “This is so cool! Whatca think is in there?” But Jack hardily wants for an answer, happily bounding forward to go explore this new place while Jolly Roger caws angrily at him to slow and wait for his traveling companion.

"Calico Jack"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
09-19-2022, 04:52 PM

The rasping caw of Calico Jack's macaw broke the eerie hum of the bog, but not quite enough for the burly boy to be distracted from their adventure. He thought this kid was pretty cool - seeing as he was the brother to that awesome red guy he'd played with before - therefore, the visit into the swamp was a welcome one with his company. A real pirate, he was, parrot and all. Rexx had been more apprehensive with Scald when they ventured out the den for the first time, in the midst of a hurricane no less - but the more he traveled within scope of the Pirates' territory, the more comfortable he became with pushing the boundary. The scratchy branches of stooped over trees - reminiscent of what once was, most likely, a more lively place at one point before it sank into a tepid tar-like pool of marsh grass and scraggly foliage - tickled the crest of his neck and the spikes on his back, making him glance up and sniff the tree with curiosity. The beach didn't have many trees, so seeing so many of them in one place was quite new for him.

In response to Calico Jack's eager inquiry, Rexx smiled and glanced forward, ahead of them - squinting through the ever heavy layer of fog that permeated the horizon. At least they still had a semi-dry path to follow..for now. "I dunno! Guess we'll just have to keep going and find out," He said cheerfully, feeling the confidence in his steps as he ventured forward - though making sure his travel buddy wasn't lagging too far behind. But he'd have to catch up to Rexx if he wanted to explore more! Though with each bold step he hadn't quite noticed the root stickling recariously out from the muggy, marshy earth, and as the ground beneath him began to squelch unevenly, he tripped over the root and fell face-first into the marsh. Oof! He quickly recovered, standing up in the path - the muggy water only being deep enough to cover their paws. Sopping wet, he spat out a leaf before flashing a boisterous grin at the mottled boy. "Careful for roots! I don't mind getting wet, though. It's part of the adventure!" He said, chuckling as he waited for Calico Jack to venture past the offending roots and move forward into the bog.

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-22-2022, 06:33 PM
This place is so cool! As the fog rolls over the bog, Calico Jack takes it all in with wide, wonder-filled eyes. The branches scratch together and one of his ears flicks back, taking in the sound but seeming to be fazed by it. Questioning Rexx as to what is in there, the crystal and tusked boy replies and icy blue eyes slide over to his friend, tail slowly wagging as eyes dance with eagerness. Together they step forward, the smaller pup allowing the older one to take a slight lead… just in case.

Good thing Jack hangs back, allowing his gaze to roam over the bubbling, gurgling, dark water, carefully picking up his once pristine white paws as he wades forward with Rexx. Not far into this new place, the tusked boy takes a tumble, falling face first into the muck! Cal stops, features pulling into a mask of utter horror as dirt, leaves and other, unidentifiable debris fly up to get stuck in both of the calico pups fur. A frog croaks loudly from close by, its deep call sounding like a mocking laugh to Jack.

However, as he looks to Rexx, worry painting his face, the tusked pup quickly recovers and, sopping wet, spits out a leaf. Jack’s tension melts into barely contained amusement, chest hitching as he fights to keep the outburst inside his chest. Rexx speaks up, warning him and the pup melts into a fit of laughter as he nods his understanding. Fighting to regain control, Cal says, “You look the part of an adventurer! Maybe get you a hat made of leaves and you could be the king of this place!”

Icy blue eyes dance with mirth as he looks to Rexx, picturing him sitting on a throne of gnarled roots, covered in muck and wearing a leaf crown while happily smiling. An idea springs into his mind and Jack suddenly casts his eyes around, searching for something among the murky water and hanging branches. Spotting the perfect object, the pup trots forward, pulling a stick from the thick mud that makes up the bottom of the marsh.

Returning to Rexx, Jack offers him the stick, proudly saying, “Rexx, I hereby name you, King of this-here-place.” With that, he bends his knees and gives a bow to the King, low enough to look impressive without actually submerging himself in the murky water. Straightening up, Jack beams a smile at his friend while the trees around clack their branches together as if clapping for their new King. With that, Jack moves onward with Rexx.

"Calico Jack"



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
09-25-2022, 01:15 PM

Luckily for Rexx, Calico Jack had a wonderful sense of humor. The trip and stumble, for him, was incredibly hilarious - he wasn’t really the type to get offended or upset easily. Life was an adventure, and adventures were messy - and so, there wasn’t any reason to get all tangled up over some wet, muddy fur. He flashed the happiest of grins as Calico Jack’s expression switched from its brief horror from the muddy recoil, to one of happiness and amusement as well. He was sopping wet as well, Rexx’s splash having smattered the other calico’s pelt as well. No matter - while they were out and about, it might be better for them to be a bit messy. Made it a lot easier to just wade through the muck rather than pick through a path, weaving back and forth all the time.

It was then that Calico Jack’s eyes flashed with the beginnings of an idea, and the slender pup began searching for something - and the tusked boy stood in the shallow water with a curious tilt of his head, wondering what he was up to. His nub tail wiggled with glee as the boy produced a stick, a big one, and bent down dramatically, proclaiming Rexx to be the ‘King-of-this-here-place’. He giggled. He loved that title! Fitting into the role given to him by Calico Jack, he puffed out his chest and took the stick into one kf his forepaws, a few leaves falling from his dampened coat and sticking to his crystal spikes. "And I shall make you..uh.. my Loyal Knight of this-here-place! Let’s go onwards!” He said proudly, offering his own dramatic bow of his head before urging the kid onwards, stepping out of the twisted puddle of tree roots onto dryer earth. Making sure his Loyal Knight was a decent distance away, he shook off his pelt and used the stick as a staff, making sure the bog knew he was king.

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-01-2022, 06:10 PM
Exploring this swamp, with Rexx, has been the highlight of Calico Jack’s month and, when the tusked boy grins happily at him, Jack cannot help but laugh at the hilarity of the whole situation. They are both muddy messes, sopping wet and dirty, and the patchwork pup could not be happier. The swamp is made of mud, murky water that seems to be festering in some places judging by the smell, and filled with croaking toads and frogs. This place is surely heaven!

Then he gets an idea and finds Rexx a makeshift scepter, crowning him the king of this-here-place and the tusked boy takes his offering. Straightening up, Cal beams a lopsided grin as Rexx makes him his Loyal Knight and he bows deeply, holding his breath as he sends his nose under the waterline. Pulling his head from the water, Jack tosses his head, spraying more water and mud on the pair as he joyfully laughs and relents to his friend’s urging, moving deeper into the swamp.

Muddy and dirty, Calico Jack trots on, head held high as the mud sucks at his white paws, trying to slow down the happy pup on his journey. The trees bow their branches to the Loyal Knight and King as they pass and even the animals that live here clear the way for them. Thick reeds grow from out of the muck and wave at them, their heads rubbing together to cheer on the pups as they pass. It truly is a royal procession as Jack leads Rexx, the King, on a tour through his kingdom.

"Calico Jack"