
20 questions



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-08-2022, 01:50 PM
Word counter: 262

In all honesty, Tachi didn't know a lot about the world outside of Tojo. He understood the clan's sentiment, saw no reason to play the politics game when they already had all they needed and more. And yet as he grew his sense of curiosity increased as well, had him wandering further afield till he'd roamed from one edge of Auster to the other. He knew better than to walk over the invisible line on the ground that separated claimed land from neutral territory, but he couldn't help but be a little curious. A little nosey as he sniffed and snuffed, leaned up on his tippy-toes like that would give him a better vantage point or something.

He knew this was Hallowed lands, had been told about it before, but what were they like? How were things different here than back home? Did they speak their own language too? What food did they like best? So many questions and no answers in sight, nothing to sate his curiosity as he wandered back and forth, comparing this to that. What was green back home was orange here. What was stone standing tall in the distance was instead ancient wood that could not be cut or burned down.

None of it was a competition of course...but if it was, Tojo would surely win right? Tachi couldn't be on the losing side, not if he could help it anyway.

Letting out a nosey bark, Tachi figured someone would show up eventually. Either to shoo him off or ask what was up, either worked for him.

TLDR: outside world? whats that? why?



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-08-2022, 06:05 PM

Laeta loved exploring the lands beyond the castle, loved venturing even into familiar territories just for yet another stroll. Some days were better than others, in terms of her physical health. Early onset arthritis flared on and off, like it was its own entity living inside of her. Today just happened to be a day where the woman would have to limit herself to Hallowed lands, as much as she wished to venture towards the Bifrost. Her joints ached something fierce, and in combination with the frosted earth and occasional sprinkling of snow upon the usually warm continent, it made it difficult for her to venture anywhere new today. She insisted Mel stay behind in the castle though, as much as she felt it would've been wise to have the badger by her side. But he was sluggish in the winter, and it wore heavily on his season of hibernation, so she left him to rest in her room.

The monochromatic she-wolf padded somewhat stiffly into the wildberry grove she so enjoyed, and though her bony figure and twig-like limbs carried her about like a much older wolf than she really was, she paid the cold no mind. The trees were bare, their scraggly branches interrupting the blue sky's view even without the usual canopy of leaves. Though her wrists and hips snapped and cracked between her occasional snapping of broken twigs underfoot, she continued onward to satisfy her wanderlust, ruby eyes twinkling with unbridled joy and a soft smile to match. Lae hadn't realized just how far she'd wandered until she had reached what was essentially the border between claimed land and neutral territory - a feat considering her pain level today. Pausing on the cusp of the pack scent versus none, the woman stopped to let her limbs rest, only to hear a raspy bark nearby. Ears perked, she recognized it being the sound of a child. Concern racked her brain as she frowned and furrowed her brow, picking up the pace despite her joints' protests to see a young puppy, looking like he wasn't so much lost, but definitely not from the Hallows.

The pup carried a different scent, one that she was yet unaware of being the bamboo pack further south. Nonetheless, the woman gently lowered her head to the exploring pup, hoping to get his attention just as he grabbed hers. Just in a more gentle way. Ruby eyes kind and soft, she smiled before quietly asking the child, "Hello, little dear. Are you lost?"

Word count: 421

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-09-2022, 01:47 PM
word count: 238
total: 659

Tachi wasn't left waiting too long, which was probably for the best despite the fact amongst his siblings he was still one of the better behaved children. Better to be safe than sorry, right? A dark stranger came into view, form lined with white and eyes as red as spring cherries, she had a soft energy about her. Like she'd have to hold in tears if she accidentally stepped on a mouse, or something equally as harmless. Either way there was nothing for her to worry about and he was quick enough to push aside her concerns.

He was nice and agreeable, a good enough boy, but he wanted something, always did.

"Hi. I'm not lost, just wanna know stuff." Would she tell him? Probably. Certainly if he delved right into the matter, didn't give her long enough to think about whether she should or if she even wanted to. "Those berries on those bushes, are they edible? Do they give you the shits? Do they taste nice?" Then his gaze moved to the orange foliage. "Are they always that colour? Do Hallows wolves like the colour orange?"

Which was to say, yes he knew of them, but seeing as Tojo was as it was, remote and secluded, he didn't really know them.

"I'm asking a lot of questions I ask. How bout you answer mine and I'll answer yours?" A rather unconventional knowledge exchange, if you will.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-13-2022, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2022, 03:28 PM by Laeta. Edited 1 time in total.)

Laeta couldn't help but blink when the pup, completely unconcerned, began spouting out all his questions. The young boy was inquisitive, no doubt - words flowing from his lips like a babbling creek. About as normal and carefree as any child. No longer quite so concerned - he seemed capable and if he didn't seem scared, it meant he couldn't be far from his own home. A soft chuckle bubbled from her own lips, not making fun of him at all - but rather, a chuckle that was sorely needed. He was so curious about everything, his eyes wide and scanning the forest around them. Clearly, he was wanting to know more about the grove, perhaps it interested him enough he took the risk to wander all the way here. Though Laeta hoped he'd run home after he was done exploring, she'd answer his questions with the patience of her age.

Her ruby eyes twinkled and the gentle, patient smile lighted her lips as she picked through each and every one of his questions, making sure they were all answered. Children wanted answers for everything, and who was she to deny him knowledge that could be useful to him?

Glancing at the berries, slightly frostbitten but nonetheless remaining on the bushes, she said, "Hmm. Well, these berries here-" She lifted a white-toed paw to poke the shriveled blackberries, "-are edible. Very sweet too. They won't hurt your stomach and they're pleasant on the tongue. Though they might not taste as good in this winter weather." When he moved on to mention the orange leaves above them, and the remainders of the foliage that stubbornly wrapped the crooked branches, she added, "No, the trees normally have lots of green leaves when it's warm. When it's cold, the leaves dry up and turn orange, sometimes yellow and red, too, and they fall off." She picked up a leaf from the hardened earth to show him.

She chuckled again when he mentioned if the Hallows wolves like the orange color. "Well, I'm sure most of them do. I certainly like the color orange, myself. It's warm, like a fire in a hearth."

And when she finished, the young boy had mentioned he'd answer her questions as well. A glimmer of happiness and amusement lighted her gaze as she hummed in thought, tilting her head before asking, "How do you know of the Hallows? I don't recognize your scent, but you smell of a pack I don't know of. Is it from somewhere in Auster?" She paused, then adding, "How did you get all the way up here without your parents noticing?" Mundane questions compared to his own, but the older you were, the more you knew about leaves and the color orange and the less you realized you knew about the world beyond your own.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.