
I Was Runnin' Far Away



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-03-2022, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2022, 10:50 AM by Cassiela. Edited 1 time in total.)

By this time, Cassiela had become quite comfortable in her western travels. The heat of the arid climate had been a little bit of a shock in the beginning. But now that she had been out in the thick of it for nearly a season now, she had pretty well adapted. The generous craftsmen of Valhalla had been kind enough to show her how to make a leather flask- the one that now hung around her neck and over her shoulder to carry water for herself. It wasn’t much, but it made traveling through the desert a lot safer. It enabled her to commit a little longer to explore a place that might otherwise be too dangerous for the threat of dehydration. But for now, weaving in and out of the seemingly endless ocean of sand dunes just outside of the plains was something that she had grown accustomed to. However, this time, she was drawn to take a different path. Rather than circling towards the coastline, Cassiela made her way due north. Or at least as far as she could.

It wasn’t long after she had set out that a new scent caught her attention. It was fresh. Claimed territory that she could have sworn had no markers earlier this season. Her curiosity peaked, as she came to a halt at the newly laid border to get a closer look. A lot could be hidden in the sand dunes, but she didn’t immediately see anyone … After a few more moments of internal debate, she finally tilted her head back to call for an audience. Her intention was a friendly one- and she did her best to convey that in her tone. At the very least, she wanted to make an introduction for herself. Perhaps lay the groundwork for peaceful coexistence.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-05-2022, 08:10 AM

Immersed in watching Kuroki do all the heavy lifting, Celeste was in a lazy day haze. Content to sprawl across the sand, shaded by the tall palms around the oasis, she enjoyed watching the dire man work. Even if Ethyria's numbers were still small, she was pleased to know those who supported her were so willing to help. Soon they would have dens and storage areas for their future hunts and craft supplies. As she watched, she knew soon they would need some sort of cloth protection from the sun to prevent burns. Wondering if she could find someone that was good at crafting clothing, the Mistress was about to doze off when a call at her border caught her attention.

Her borders. What a concept! Lifting her petite frame from her bed of palm fronds, Celeste shook out the grains of sand before setting off. As she traveled at a quick pace toward the guest, she added a thought that it would probably be a good idea if she were to catch and train a bird of some sort to help keep an eye on the border. A feathered friend would be a lot faster than trusting her cat companion to report news back to her. Caught up in her thoughts about what to get for the pack and their new home, she was brought to a stop a few feet away when a pack scent hit her.

Turning her aquamarine gaze to the girl that stood along her borders, she let her head tilt slightly out of curiosity. Whose pack was this? Not one of the Empire's allies so who? Approaching at a slower pace, she nodded to the wolf as a small smile graced her ivory lips. "Greetings, miss. I am Mistress Celeste, leader of Ethyria. How can I be of assistance?" Her medium tone is casual and calm as her neatly braided and elongated tail sweeps the sand behind her.



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-06-2022, 10:31 PM

It took a moment for someone to answer her call, but not long. Only a short while later, a monochromatic fae appeared on the crest of the dunes- a mirage in her own likeness. Even surprisingly so, smaller than herself in stature. Cassiela portrayed a friendly interest as the other woman approached. Waiting patiently as they entered a more conversational distance. Feminine tones reached her over the hiss of sand sifting on a summer wind- which Cassi politely dipped her head. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mistress Celeste.” The ashen fae assured, carefully committing every detail she was offered to memory. Ethyria. Unique enough to be easily recalled. After a moment, she returned her attention to her requested audience, she moved to offer her own introduction. “My name is Cassiela Impératoria, and I’m a scout from Valhalla- a pack just a little way south of here.” Which was true enough. While she was still figuring out what she wanted to do, this is where her skillset lie.

After a brief pause to allow her first bit of information to sink in, she continued on to the purpose of this impromptu meet and greet. “I just wanted to introduce myself and my pack, as well as congratulate you on your territory claim. I come this way often, so if there is anything that I can personally be of assistance with, please let me know. I would be happy to help.” She finished dutifully, hoping to convey a sense of genuine interest. Of course, she meant what she said, but again, she also hoped to set a pleasant foundation for future dealings. Besides, she was certainly a woman of her word.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-10-2022, 11:55 AM

Celeste regarded the girl with peaked interest. She certainly knew how to be polite and have manners when being greeted by another pack's leader. Honestly, it was rather exhausting to her. Unless one knew a pack to be rather stiff with sticks up their butts, the pleasantries could be pushed aside for the most part. Letting out a quiet hum, she wondered though, why she had not ever heard of Valhalla before. Were they a secretive pack? And for what reason did a pack have to be so secretive? Being the rather nosey sort, Celeste knew she would have to poke and prod a bit for more information.

Allowing the regal smile to spread farther across her expression, she nodded respectfully to the girl. "The pleasure is mine, Cassiela," Celeste began as she thought of the best way to proceed. "As Ethyria is a new pack, I appreciate the offer as high as any Alphess could," tucking her haunches beneath her until she was sitting on the sand, she chose to ignore the burn of the heat upon her back. Her questions were more pertinent than the sting of a sunburn. "I do request some information if it is at all plausible to request," her aquamarine gaze is curious as she waits for a beat. "Is there a reason I have not heard of your pack before now? While most of the west is unoccupied by wolf territory, I find it hard to believe I have not heard of this Valhalla before," Celeste tried her best to be more curious than pushy, but sometimes one needed to be straightforward.



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-10-2022, 02:06 PM

It brought a sense of comfort when their conversation veered a little more toward something casual. As she was met with the warm glow from the monochromatic woman before her, she was happy to return it. Gently reclining to a sitting posture of her own in echo of Mistress Celeste. With her display of gratitude to Cassi's offer, the ashen fae offered a tight grin and an even nod. However, upon the request for information about Valhalla, she perked her ears to attention. "I'm a relatively new addition there myself. But I'm happy to share what I can." Cassiela responded in the pause that she was given.

It was difficult to try and speak for a group that had just taken her in but a season ago. She wasn't familiar with the long-winded history Ardyn had implied the family had here. But from her personal experiences and the observations she had made, she would do her best to share within reason. "From what I know to tell you, they are a quiet, tight-knit, honorable, and family-oriented lot." Cassi started. Doing her best to paint a picture of Valhalla with her words without overstepping boundaries. "I don't want to speak in generalized terms, one individual is not the same as another ... but as a whole, they stick to themselves and tend not to stray away from the plains- a little ways southeast of here. The Adravendi family is very generous." The impromptu delegate paused to allow her words to sink in before continuing. "If they can help someone in need, they will. They are quick to welcome guests, but also just as quick to defend their own." She finished, while nonchalantly trying to read as deeply as she could into Celeste's expression.  

After posting her own interpretation of Valhalla, she would bring up the next matter of business in their cordial exchange. "Is there anything you wish for me to describe Ethyria as to my Ard Rí when I introduce the knowledge of you to him?" She asked gently. Silently wondering if she was going to ask for Ardyn to come in person or if just a simple message would suffice.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-12-2022, 08:15 AM

She was glad the girl would relax, even if it was slightly, in her presence. While she was the leader of Ethyria, there was no sense in being uptight and on guard all the time. Unlike some Alphas, Celeste rather saw herself as an equal and a friend to her members more than someone who kept a tight fist over all of them. Listening intently to the words that Cassi had to say about this mysterious Valhalla, Celeste kept her expression the same. Open, friendly, and interested. While she wanted to slightly wrinkle her nose at the idea that a pack could be so withheld but also so inviting didn't sit right with her, she chose to keep that to herself. The girl appeared to enjoy living there so they couldn't be all that bad.

Nodding slightly once Cassi was finished and asking if there was anything Celeste would like her to take back, she smiled once more. "Nothing in particular. I suppose you may let your Ard Ri know that our doors are open if he ever wishes to visit. We're a new pack and taking our time to settle in before beginning any sort of official business. I do plan to have some sort of welcoming festival for all the packs of Boreas and Auster to attend sometime in the future," she would assess Cassi's own expression and gaze in those moments. Knowing that the girl was a scout and had to be careful with her words, she wasn't surprised that this mystery man had chosen someone so well put together. "If you're ever going through the desert and need a break or a drink, feel free to stop by the oasis. It would be terrible of me to deny wolves sustenance to keep them hydrated," her smile would raise again as she glanced one look over her shoulder toward the sparkling pool of water at the bottom of the dune.



2 Years

Samhain 2022
10-16-2022, 07:36 PM

Her expression was open, she nodded along as Celeste went on to extend an open invitation- one that she would be happy to relay to Ardyn. She would also be sure to commit plans of a welcome festival open for anyone who may be interested, to memory. Someone who was open to having so many guests over at once gave her the impression of something more neutral in alignment. That was comforting to the very least.

However, in her next sentiment, Cassi's ears perked forward. It was a very kind gesture to offer an open-door policy when it came to the Oasis. One that she would not take lightly. "That is very generous of you, Mistress Celeste, and very much appreciated. Thank you." she ensured. She met the grin that was given to her with a genuine reflection of her own.

As a lull came to their conversation, she glance upwards to the sun. It was at its apex, but there was still a lot of ground that she needed to cover today. Clearing her throat, she returned her emerald gaze to the monochromatic fae before her. "Thank you so much for your audience this afternoon." Cassiela began, as she gently rose to her paws. "Though I have intentions to be far enough north from here to be out of the desert by nightfall. And if that is to happen, I should be on my way." The scout explained lightly. "But as I said earlier, if you need anything of me personally, I'm happy to help out. Just let me know." Cassi finished, offering a polite dip to her head as she moved to make her farewell. "Until we meet again." And with a final warm smile, the ashen fae made a couple of steps backward before turning altogether to head north of the Oasis.

-exit Cassiela unless stopped-