
Frudy Pups!!!

Adopt us please <3


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-14-2022, 06:24 PM

Rudyard & Fern Open Pup Adopts

Our sweet gray wolves are having pups!


  • These pups will be a part of a quickly growing and highly active family. Because of this, we ask that all pups stay active to the best of the player's ability. We won't have any hard requirements on posting amount, but the pups must not be set inactive at any time or go 3 months without posting.
  • Since the pups will be growing up in the Hallows, they will be expected to meet all Hallows activity checks for as long as they stay in the pack. They will also be required to attend all Hallows meetings if they are ICly able to.
  • If you are having issues meeting these activity requirements, either Shard or Hermes will be available to DM on Discord to work something out. We'd love to not reclaim any pups we don't have to, and would like them to stay with their players if possible!


  • These pups will be raised by two loving and involved parents, surrounded by a caring family, and in a good-aligned pack. Because of this, we will not be accepting any applications with an evil alignment, since it wouldn't make sense IC. The only exception we'll be making is if a really good IC case was made for a pup going the evil route, but would require approval from both of us. Otherwise, go crazy with your apps! We want to see creativity for these babies!


  • Traits from the parents: Rudy and Fern are all monochrome whites and grays. Rudy has golden yellow eyes and Fern has aqua eyes. Rudy is a large wolf at 36" and Fern is a medium wolf at 30", so sadly no height discounts apply.
  • Traits from extended family: Rudy's lineage is somewhat obscure, since his father remains unknown. Traits that came out in his littermates include blue and copper colors, as well as dire heights and an assortment of eye colors. His mother, Tamsyn, has black fur with white eye markings and mint green eyes. Fern's mother, Meadow, wears a coat of white and pale browns and has vivid green eyes. In addition, Fern's aunt Resin was Rudy's adoptive mother, and her colors can also be used on these pups.


  • Rudy has a set of antlers he obtained after the Long Night that would be able to be inherited with a mutation pass.

    Territory Permissions

    Rudy and Fern are going to want to keep their kids pretty close to home for the first parts of their lives. For the first two seasons the pups must remain within Hallows lands, but can explore neighboring territories with their parents or their parents' companions escorting them. Between two seasons and a year old, they will be allowed to go one further land out with an escort. Once they turn one, they are free to roam to their heart's content!


    We aren't going for any particular naming scheme for this litter! If you're looking for some inspiration, our character names are plant and famous author inspired, but you're free to choose anything you like!


    As far as plotting goes, we don't want to restrict anyone too much. However, plots we are not okay with the pups being involved in include kidnapping, underage sex, cannibalism, excessive violence, reckless maim fights, and murder. We also ask that any sexual related threads, including rape or incest of any kind, not be considered until the pups turn 2 years old minimum and must make sense IC.


    While we aren't going to place any kind of restrictions on sexual orientations for the pups, we will be strongly considering apps that allow the pups to one day have children of their own. Rudy and Fern want to be grandparents one day, and growing the Carpathius family is important to them!


    Applications for the pups will close on November 2nd! They are due to be born November 9th, so we will be making our decisions before then, and will be playable on November 23rd! Ideally, we would like all accepted profiles to be in Approvals by November 22nd!

    As pack wolves, we can have up to 5 pups in the litter! We will each be taking a pup, so we will be accepting 3 applications for this litter! If we get a lot of interest though, we do have a Date Night Kit which will give us one additional pup so we could accept 4 at max.

    Thank you for your interest in our babies!

    Application Form:

    <b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
    <b>Character's Name</b>:
    <b>Adult Height</b>:
    <b>Appearance</b>: 150 words or a visual reference
    <b>Personality</b>: 150 words
    <b>Planned Skills</b>: (Optional)
    <b>Mutations</b>: (List any potential mutations you may want here)(Optional)
    <b>Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas</b>: (Optional)


    Feel free to use any of these designs in your apps, or create your own! If you use one of ours, we ask that this design remain on Ardent and with the character only!

  • Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


    10-15-2022, 11:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2022, 02:46 PM by bexx. Edited 2 times in total.)

    she was a sort of ferocious, quiet beauty
    Out-of-Character Name: bexx
    Character's Name: Fawn
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 30"
    Size: Medium
    Build: Light
    Alignment: Chaotic good
    Appearance: I would love to use the lineart example above but I'd prefer to change her eyes to a deep amber if possible!

    In all things that she does, all things that she decides, Fawn has vowed that she will live life to the very fullest. She finds enjoyment in nearly all that she does, and her laugh is wild and uninhibited, ringing out so constantly that those familiar with her know the sound by heart. She is bold and brave of heart, strong-willed and sure. Never will she allow herself to be belittled, looked down upon, taken advantage of, or treated poorly. She prefers to surround herself with those who make life worth living, that bring joy to her heart and soul. She is a regal, elegant creature, mischievous and coy being two attributes that are frequently associated with her. And of course, she is proud, holding herself and those she loves in high regard. Still, she is known for her fiery temper when provoked, and her enmity is something that once earned burns hotly within her.

    She is a coveter of all things beautiful, whether it be territory, items she finds during her travels, or beings. She surrounds herself with exquisite, alluring things, which she enjoys looking at and studying. Often times she can be found admiring the bright feathers of birds, gazing at the sun as it sets or rises, and trailing alongside her siblings. More than anything else, Fawn adores her siblings, and the she-wolf would go to the very ends of the earth for them, if asked. Because to young Fawn, family is everything.

    Planned Skills: Looking to go the Intellect/Navigation route with her!
    Mutations: None
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: Fawn is going to be very family-oriented. But the girl will have a wanderer's heart, always hoping to gain more knowledge of the lands and individuals around her! She will be fiercely loyal to family and to any that earn her trust, willing to quite literally walk over hot coals for those she considers close.



    "The Floofiest Cat"

    13+ Years

    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
    10-19-2022, 04:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2022, 10:52 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 4 times in total.)

    Out-of-Character Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
    Character's Name: Elowen Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 35”
    Size: Large
    Build: Light
    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Elowen is large by average standards, though she is still on the smaller side compared to the giants of Boreas and Auster. She bears a lighter frame overall, one that is meant for speed and endurance instead of brute force. Elli is slender and willowy, tall for her frame thanks to her long, elegant legs. She has thoughtfully almond-shaped eyes of different colors; the left eye is gold, like her father, and the right eye is blue, like her mother. Elowen’s flesh is liver-colored and her claws are off-white.

    Like her great aunt Resin, the femme has inherited serrated teeth which is most noticeable on her slightly longer canines. These fangs are sharp, ready to rip and tear through flesh; something Elowen needs to be mindful of when sparring with a friendly opponent. All of her teeth are like this though, again, the most noticeable ones are her canines.

    Elli is a monochrome wolfess, just like her parents, with a base coat of black. Covering her head, and ruff, as well as overlaying her back and tail, is an even darker black. Dark gray rests under her base coat color on her legs, belly, and tail as well as rests at the base of her ears. Medium gray fills her ears, covers most of her belly, rests under the dark gray of her tail, and makes up two streak-like markings on her sides.

    Silver rests below the dark gray of each leg in a band-like shape, as well as rests under the medium gray of her tail and caps her ears, streaks from the start of her thighs up across her sides to her shoulders, rests off center over each hip, and gives a small streak on her neck. Finally, white sits between the silver and gray of her ears in a small band, caps her chin, splashes unevenly across her eyes with a small speck below, places two dots above either shoulder near her neck, caps her tail, and comes across as sock-like markings on her legs.


    Elowen, from a young age, will show chivalrous behavior. Her words and actions will be of the honest and honorable sort, the kind of femme who you can count on to follow through with her promises and then some. Elli will be an honest creature, finding it hard to lie or keep a secret from anyone, especially if doing so seems like it could be dangerous for those she cares about. Elli is kind-hearted and compassionate, a wolf with a big heart who might make the mistake of wearing it on her sleeve. In short, Elowen wants to help others, she wants others to be happy, and she was willing to do anything to make that happen. Elli will be the reflective type of listener, one to give advice to loved ones and friends when they need someone to help them out.

    Even from a young age, she will be seen as a hard worker, putting in nothing less than one hundred and ten percent every time. This is good considering the girl is ambitious, setting her goals high so that she has to work to reach them. She is ambitious, but not malicious - she would never take something from those she thought deserved it. Elli is selfless, putting others before herself, even if it means that she might not get what she wants. She is passionate about doing whatever she can for others, no matter what. Elowen will struggle with doing things for herself because she is of the mindset that if everyone else is happy, then she is happy.

    Elowen will be a sponge for knowledge, someone eager to learn and expand on her skills. She will also be emotionally driven and quick to act, traits that have the potential of being taken advantage of. Elli is the sort of wolf who will put herself in danger if it means saving someone else, no questions asked. When Elowen fails at something or does something poorly, she has a bad habit of reflecting and dwelling on the past in such a way that she might become sad and quiet. Elli is one who is hesitant about telling others about what she is feeling and may need some prodding before she is ready to talk.

    Planned Skills: Fighting, Intellect

    Mutations: Serrated Teeth

    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:

    -As always, family plots and pack plots.

    -Would love to have Elowen grow up with a knightly attitude. Maybe showing her promise when she is young and raised into a bodyguard of sorts. Would adore if a potential romance plot came out of that too, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Because of this particular path, I would like to see her get the bodyguard specialty. Maybe even taking it upon herself to protect one of her siblings instead? I don’t know, there is time to flesh this one out if chosen.

    -She’s ambitious so I’d like to see her active and working toward a highish rank in the Hallows. Something above just basic knight. Vanguard or beyond for this she-wolf, baby!

    -Companion wise I see Elowen going for large / boosted companions to help her fight. She would be getting a honey badger {male - 11” tall} and a Canadian lynx {female - 20” tall}.

    -Weapon wise I see Elowen with some type of sword or decorative dirk.



    4 Years
    Extra large

    Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
    10-22-2022, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2022, 01:13 AM by Incubus. Edited 10 times in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: kara
    Character's Name: Lavender Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 30”
    Size: Medium
    Build: Light
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Appearance: [Image: lavender-ref-copy.png]
    Personality: Lavender was born with the ability to immediately warm up a room. A rich and pure kindness radiates from deep within her heart. She desires to be and do good in all aspects of her life. Her ambitions will be fueled by the desire to make both her family and pack proud. Having been born into such a tight knit group with unyielding love for one another she is to believe it is her duty to do right by them. To give what they so graciously gave to her, a happy and safe environment for generations to enjoy just as she did.

    From a young age it was evident the babe hungered for adventure and this would lead her down the path of the huntress. Being the daughter of the Lead Huntress of The Hallows she would always leap at the chance to participate in any way she could. Patrolling, scouting, or hunting. Not for the desire of rank but for the purest intention of providing or protecting others. This desire to help others wouldn’t be limited to those immediately in her life. This is a Wolf that would give her last ration to another before keeping it for herself. For what is the point of life if not to share it with others? This being said her love of adventure is not limited to catching prey. Upon her first taste of the wind whipping through her fur and fresh water coating her pads she will know her first love. Obviously duty comes first but if the day allows she would much prefer to go for a swim with friends then lounge about and gossip. Not for a yearning to stretch her legs, such a busy bee would have no need, but she would only find true joy when surrounded by nothing but time to learn and explore with those she loves or in solitude.

    Lavender is not void of insecurity but one may not guess such with the confidence she emits. This may be one of her most significant faults. It is not that she is cocky, quite the opposite actually, she would always be willing to admit and learn from her mistakes or losses. But, it’s rare to hear what she may deem a complaint escape her lips. Lavender would develop a fear of burdening others with her issues. She may learn to open up to few that are her closest of kin but other then those few one may never hear a true gripe escape her lips. Although, her confidence is no mask. Lavender believes in herself, in her capabilities, and it truly shows. Each stride she takes is laced with determination. Each word rolls from her tongue coated in silver.

    Lavender will embrace her feminine nature with time. In youth she may have fleeting crushes but as she grows into a young lady she will learn to feel rather comfortable with her feelings. A true romantic side will expose itself with time and she would welcome it. Such may result in heart break on more then one occasion but it would take a lot to keep her down. Lavender would not made her relationship her life but she would like to make life from it some day. The potential of having a family of her own is exciting to the babe but would also result in her being rather picky at times. Lav would never settle and will only choose a mate she loves. Perhaps a handsome someone with the same ideals and honesty as herself. That being said she is not incapable of a reckless decision from time to time and with a flush of lust caution may be thrown to the wind, if single. But, only for someone she sees as special of course.

    Upon adulthood and truly seeing what the world is capable of a deep protective instinct will unlock within Lav. Such would only develop further upon having her own pups. She would put herself before her younglings at a moments notice, as well as any of her loved ones. Beyond that if anyone dared lay a claw on those dear to her she would retaliate with vicious nature. It is not blood thirst but the unrelenting drive to protect and provide.
    Planned Skills: Hunting and Navigation
    Mutations: n/a
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:
    - Family/pack plots and activities! I want her to be involved in everything and anything once she can be. She could potentially shoot for the rank of wayfinder in the future.
    - I'd like her to bond with her momma and learn all the tricks of the trade involving hunting.
    - She's gonna be begging her parents to take her exploring as well, plenty of adventures to be had.
    - Lav is also most def going to have a bird companion eventually.

    [Image: CjtKtHg.png]
    [Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



    ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
    10-23-2022, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2022, 10:47 PM by wicked. Edited 1 time in total.)
    I think this is done but I might continue to mess with it until apps are closed lmaoooo

    Out-of-Character Name: wicked
    Character's Name: Meadow II
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 30"
    Size: medium
    Build: light
    Alignment: lawful neutral
    Appearance:  clickie
    Meadow wears her grandmother's name, her grandmother's colors, and she carries her grandmother's kind heart within her chest.  Though her kindness is a bit of a different brand, maybe a bit blunt, maybe a bit strange... it's still kindness.  She cares deeply, greatly.  She worries, intensely.  Everything she feels, it will be turned up.  It will be turned far up.  By the same token, the intense emotions will often cause her to become overwhelmed.  

    Throughout her young life, Meadow's beating heart will be worn on her sleeve, a gleaming badge of courage but easily wounded.  There are things, so many things, that she doesn't quite understand.  Intricacies, social contracts, constructs... she doesn't get it.  She doesn't get it, but it will take her time to learn how to wear a mask.  Meadow will forever be a tender heart, fairly easily wounded, fairly easily upset.

    This is an odd girl. A girl that has a heart bigger than she understands, and a need to know. She has a need to know things, and will ask all the questions she feels she needs to, she feels she can. Ask, maybe to the point of being irritating. That's okay, though. A little anxious, a little needy, but intensely loving and curious.
    Planned Skills: intellect & ... maybe healing?? could also be hunting, tbh I want to sorta figure this out based on what the other pups take if that's cool
    Mutations: nothing planned but who knows what Halloween will bring lmao
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: pack historian & eternal soft but weird girl vibes

    Dragon Mod


    13+ Years

    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
    10-24-2022, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2022, 01:54 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 3 times in total.)

    Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
    Character's Name:Falcon
    Gender: Male
    Adult Height: 42"
    Size: Extra large
    Build: Light - Medium
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Appearance:visual reference
    Falcon is what you'd call the white knight sort. Even as a pup, he fantasizes about fighting off bad guys and saving the damsel in distress. He's a good-natured guy with a strong will and a good heart, often putting others before himself. Don't underestimate him though, he has a good head on his shoulders and is keenly observant. Sometimes he can be judgmental though, especially if you look like the type that gets into a lot of trouble. He's not easily least, not until he's a little older and has learned that not everyone can be trusted. Until then, he's a naive boy who is still feeling out the world around him, and though he does his best to stay out of trouble, that's not to say it might not accidentally happen. Especially if he's out and about trying to help someone else. He also likes to spend a lot of time with family, learning from their experiences and wisdom, he looks up to those worth looking up to in the Carpathius family and is fiercely protective of family honor.

    Hard-working, loyal, brave, and often found pushing himself to his limits, Falcon wants to be someone others can turn to in their time of need. Falcon's ambition burns bright and strong as does the fire in his heart. He aims to be the best knight in the four corners of the world and will work his butt off to achieve it. He can often be found training his battle skills and honing his to speak. A wolf's greatest weapon is his teeth, after all, so he uses everything in his arsenal to make sure his blows deal some serious damage. Asides from saving damsels in distress, Falcon's hobby is blacksmithing. He can often be found working on something be it weaponry, armor, or jewelry, right down to small things he has the muse for, like crafting accessories or even building things to make life just a little bit easier for the wolves around him. Simple or intricate, Falcon does his best to ensure that everything he creates is of the best quality.

    The male, of course, plans on marrying someday. Like his family before him, he knows his duties to the Carpathius line and what is expected of him. Those he courts, he wishes to find love. His forever-to-be. The one that holds his heart, while he holds hers. He wishes for kids, and plenty of them, not just to extend the branches of the Carpathius line, but to pass down the knowledge of his craft and life lessons he has learned along the way. Unfortunately, the man has the tendency to wear his heart on his sleeve, though every heartbreak may hurt, he uses them as a learning experience and does his best to not grow bitter about them.

    Despite his above qualities, Falcon does have a flaw or two. Although he does work hard, he often feels like he might be inadequate. Always with the thought of he needs to do better. Be better. Work harder. Don't slack off. Insecurity is something he may struggle with, and of course, if he's feeling sad or hurting over something, he plays it off with jokes and puts on a face that shows nothing is wrong. He wants his parents to be proud of him, so he hides the parts of himself that he thinks might show weakness.
    Planned Skills: Fighting x ???
    Mutations: Saber fangs, dexterous paws(?), thicker fur
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:
    - family plots and threads!
    -a young romance or two would be fun! Even if they don't work out :') boy needs to learn heartbreak early!
    -Strives to be the best knight he can be, works hard in an effort to quickly rise through the ranks


    13+ Years

    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
    11-02-2022, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2022, 08:17 PM by Hermes. Edited 1 time in total.)
    Thank you all for taking the time to apply! Shard and I loved all the applications but we could only pick 3. Thank you again to everyone who applied.


    Beau with Elowen, wicked with Meadow II, and Dragon with Falcon!

    Remember that these beans are born on the 9th and playable on the 23rd. Get those accounts made, purchases in, and be ready for lots of family threads! If anyone has any questions, please feel free to DM myself or Shard. Thank you!

    EDIT: Oh on pup pass! We have 3 free ones and the new pups each get one.