
No holding back



The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
10-23-2022, 05:22 PM

Thorn had been putting hard work into learning the layout of the castle.  It wasn’t just knowing which way to run to go where he liked but trying to learn where everything was, even things that looked boring.  Thorn had only realized how big the castle was when he had started trying to map with it with Ash.  Exploring a few areas and running and playing in those areas alone just wasn’t good enough.

Now Thorn sat at the base of the stairs looking up.  He was on the third floor, the same floor as where their bedroom but Thorn wasn’t looking down.  What was on the fourth floor?  Dad had said they couldn’t go up there but that meant there was a part of the castle Thorn couldn’t explore.

Thorn could just ask mom or dad to take him up there of course but that was in the future and the desire to go up there right this moment was teasing him.  Thorn stood up, and moved to the stairs, eyes gazing upward but then with a sigh he moved to start walking down the stairs.  Later.  Dad would give him permission later.  Maybe what he needed was a good fight.  With a grin, Thorn ran towards the armory as another idea came to his mind.  He had tried drawing the room earlier and it had gone horribly but Thorn had gotten a good look at a lot of things in there.  He had seen the wooden practice swords!

Thorn twisted around corners trying to get to the armory as fast as possible and see if any of the swords were small enough for his current size.  One corner he twisted about a bit too fast, slamming straight into Ciaran who had been on the other side.  “ooof,” huffed out as the two collided.

"Thorn Carpathius"