
Descensum Altar



10-17-2022, 03:38 AM

Descensum  and the surrounding lands of Emerald Valley, Illusions Oasis, Barren Dunes, Redwater Rocks, and Traveller’s Lake are all affected by a magical autumn. Additionally, each land seems to be cloaked in swirls of sun-kissed mists that confuse the senses and seem to lead you where you did not intend to go, and the maze-like caverns and twisting trails often lead to dead ends, sometimes in dangerous pits and crevasses, and oftentimes in trying navigate the lands you inexplicably find yourself right back where you started. In the open area outside the caverns, you find a statue:

A statue, smaller than the others, emerges from the foliage in a startlingly sudden display of water opal carved in the shape of a dancing wolf. The statue is of a slim, androgynous wolf, youthful in its slender figure and seemingly playful with its grinning maw and whirling form. The grinning wolf presides over a deceptively simple altar of black opal that matches the short pillar the statue is mounted upon. The translucent nature of the water opal the statue is carved of makes it more difficult to see the statue’s features clearly, but the wild colors that flicker through the opals change as the viewer moves to highlight different parts of the carving, making it seem alive, and constantly shifting…

Ferret familiars loaf lazily at the altar between bouts of manic motion. Magpies and jays perch in the vegetation around the statue to offer cackling commentary and raucous riddles even as slender foxes with sly smiles urge you to add an offering to the altar beneath the gaze of the opal figure. The way the statue glitters seems to have changed subtly, like there is some fire flickering in it that hadn't been there before, making it appear like some sentience was peering out of those carved eyes. Maybe even judging you? You get the feeling you should think about your offering carefully.

Make an IC post in this thread of your character making an offering on the altar before the statue found in Descensum. Each character may only make a single offering. Each player may only participate in 8 total events this week. Note: For the purpose of not making people read and memorize every single post, you can assume the familiars are actively shuffling things around to make more room, and it’s totally fine to say that you put down flowers on the same area where someone else just put a pelt.

Deadline for offering: October 30th 9PM PST

All submissions must be posted by the deadline with no exceptions


"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022GlobetrotterStatue 2 WorshipOverachieverIsland HopperSmall Fries
TrapperRunning on EmptySocialiteBest BudsRapid Poster - GoldSouthern Explorer
WealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! WinnerBy the skin of my teethAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyOoh La LaVengeanceCritical Observation!Underachiever
ScarredCritical Fail!ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerWordyLoser
Snake EyesDouble MasterLegendaryCritical Hit!1K
10-24-2022, 09:49 PM

Azure could admit to some annoyance where the continuation of the festival was concerned, he had already offered up some random shit for decorations and had expected that to be that. The Gods were supposed to be grateful and satiated and were to take the statue and poof back to wherever they came, hopefully without stealing the sun this time. It appeared however that there was still work to be done in this 'worship', and while Azure was not raised a God-fearing wolf... well, he had seen things that made being a disbeliever difficult. With a sigh he set out into the early morning sun to head south and then west, hoping to make it to the statue before any others he might know so no one could watch the Armada Warlord make a faithful offering.

He idled a while to ensure he was alone before stepping up to the decorated altar. Reaching his head around to the pack slung over one shoulder he hesitantly withdrew his prize, revealing to the statue and it's familiars a reddish-brown eartip, preserved to the best of his abilities. It was clear that the ear in question had been badly abused and even had been stepped on at one point of time.

Sparrow's ear was not a possession he would admit to treasure by any means but it was a symbol. A symbol of what lengths he would go to to protect what was his. Azure placed the eartip upon the altar gently, then took a single step back. Up to the dancing wolf's face he spoke. "A trophy, from the head of a pirate bitch who calls herself King." He was not the type to dive into monologue or long winded explanations, and besides, if this truly was a God represented in Boreas (and said God was truly even watching and listening) surely the deity would not need words spoken to understand it's significance.

With a dip of his head he excused himself, leaving the ear for the familiars to claim and turning to begin the journey home.



As the battered ear hits the altar there is an odd shuddering feeling through the air, like a huge sound below the level of your hearing. The light appears to coalesce within the statue itself, brighter and brighter until you realize that it is the only light you can see, and then it fades, leaving you in the stygian darkness of a deep cavern. You see swirls and flashes of colors at the edges of your vision, but every time you turn to see what it was, the colors are gone.

"I bet you think your height is some sort of advantage, don't you?" a purring voice chuckles in your ear. You spin, but there's no one there. "That it gives you license to do whatever you want," it came again. In the darkness a sudden flickering light coalesces into a wavery projection, much like a very old movie projector though you wouldn't know that. You are surprised to see scenes playing out from your own life, all your wins in battle.

"It makes you proud, doesn't it? All these times you've used your size to bully and intimidate. Even your own mate." This time when you spin you see a faint outline of a wolf limned in flickering colors of light. The phantasm grins nastily at you, rolling over to lay on his back in midair, head flipped back to continue staring at you. "Oh, but it doesn't always work, does it?"

With a flick of its bushy tail the ghostly figure disappears, and now new scenes are playing against the darkness no matter where you look. All of your losses, your humiliations, are with loving and lavish detail spread before your eyes. The way your young, uselessly tiny son had defeated you. The fact that you never really won a fight all through your own childhood. All the humiliating ways Sparrow had defeated you. The scenes lingered especially long on that one, and the voice chuckled in your ear again. "Oh I like that one. A wolf after my own heart. You, though, boy... you are not so untouchable as you think your size makes you."

The phantom reappears suddenly in front of you, ghostly paws suddenly grasping your face in a grip like iron despite their incorporeal nature. The figure... kisses you, which wasn't really what you'd have expected perhaps. You definitely didn't expect the creature to suddenly flow into you through that contact, sliding down your throat and your nose like you were literally drowning in light, coldness coating you inside until you were screaming though you could make no sound leave your icy lungs.

And then it was gone, and you were standing right where you had begun. The sunlight was shining, the familiars were all going about their business as though nothing had happened... but the statue's eyes seemed to be glowing the same color as your own eyes, and one dropped shut in an unmistakable wink before flickering out. You find yourself heaving and coughing as though there is something stuck in your throat until finally you manage to dislodge it. A single daisy smacks wetly into the ground, coated in your saliva. How did that get there? "Hey," a sudden voice piped up at your side. A very young ferret is there, holding up a shriveled looking black paw. If this was a lucky rabbit's foot, it was definitely the weirdest looking one you'd ever seen. "He says that you're definitely going to need this, and you should definitely use it when the stakes are dire." The young ferret grins nastily before running off again.

As you leave, you can't help but feel like something within you is missing, though you can't quite put your finger on what. At least you have a couple souvenirs...

You have received:

Black Cat's Foot
A daisy?

Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-25-2022, 08:28 AM

She was lost but not lost at the same time. Down one path she would wander and in the next blink of an eye, she would be somewhere completely different. In all honesty, it was dizzying, confusing, and quite terrifying. With the shift of the seasons and the sudden pop-up festival, Celeste's pack land was now also covered in the same shrouding mist and dazzling lights. There was no explanation for any of it and while it was beautiful, she was still concerned. Something had to be done to slow down the fear that began to nibble at her insides.

Nestled in her ears, she heard and listened to the nudging whispers that guided her back to the statue outside of Descensum's opening. Thankful that she had not fallen into a pit or broken a leg, she hesitated feet away from the statue. As she peered up at its dancing features, she felt as if something was different. Was it moving now? Watching her, perhaps? She couldn't tell by how the light refracted off the different opals and gems. Every time she moved or blinked, the statue would appear to shift in a different direction than it had been in before. Could statues actually do that?

Gathering her courage, she finally approached with an inhale of a deep breath. From around her neck, she slipped off the glittering amethyst mask that she had won during the Love Day Carnival. Having been wanting to save it for the perfect moment, she felt that the statue would appreciate it more. While not opal in creation, its dazzling purple color was fitting to match the similar ways it shined and glistened. Placing it neatly on the altar with a timid smile and hesitant nod toward the familiars, Celeste left them to place it where they saw fitting.

ooc. proof of celeste's amethyst mask


As the gem-encrusted mask hits the altar and the sunlight gleams on it, a chill beyond even the unseasonal autumn weather seems to settle over the clearing. All of the familiars have stopped bustling about... in fact, you can't see any of them anywhere. It's as if they all had hidden themselves. You catch the glimpse of one fox tail as it whisks away under a bush, but that's it. That's... weird.

A flicker of color at the edge of your vision has you spinning around but there's nothing there. "Foolish girl," a voice says in your ear, the disgust all but palpable. "You think I can be bought with jewels and finery? What kind of a god do you think I am?"

Something suddenly drops onto your head from above. No, not dropped, it hurt enough you were pretty sure it was thrown at you. It's a weird, gross looking shriveled paw. Was this a lucky rabbit's foot? You weren't sure it was even a rabbit's foot at all... Something seemed to be wrong with it. "Here," the disembodied voice growled. "This is what your currency has bought you. Take it and go."

You notice that the familiars don't start to come out of hiding until you were well away from the altar. You don't know why they were so scared. That hadn't been so bad... had it?

You have received:

Black Cat's Foot



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-26-2022, 08:40 PM

Arne had never been a wise wolf, at the rate he was going, he'd be lucky to be an old one either. Arvid had butted his butt in this direction sounding, well, distressed or something, so the boy had gone in to check it out, until the warthog bit him and grunted and squealed until he got the message that he should bring a gift... was this a housewarming or something?

What sort of gift? He hadn't tried to bring anyone gifts in a long time, and the last time he had, well, he'd be screamed at and chased off... So the same thing would be perfect right? He spent some time snuffling through the desert. He was a great hunter after all, and what better way to show it than by bringing back a big sack of... dung beetles.

They clicked and buzzed about angrily in the scrap of discarded cloth that may or may not have been one of Celeste's silks... He didn't really think much about it when he snatched it up and skipped off into the desert. It had taken him all day and now his tongue was dry and sandy, stuck to the roof of his mouth. He'd almost forgotten why he'd gathered them all in the first place... Maybe Oki would like them in his bed? But another butt from Arvid bought him back and with a widening of his eyes and a happy little shake of his head, he skipped back in the direction of the weird new statue.

Well, if nothing else, he was sure the magpies and ferrets would appreciate someone bringing them dinner. With an attempt at a flourish and a bow that came across closer as some sort of fit, he unceremoniously deposited the now stained and slobbered on silk at the foot of the statue, a small flood of dung beetles scattering now their confines had been loosened. He held his smile, a little more forced than usual... and with another tip of his head, rapidly turned tail and skittered away.


running around like a clown on purpose


You had turned to try to escape the consequences of your actions, but found yourself frozen in place. The light rapidly fades around you until you can see nothing but darkness. The tiny scuttling sounds of the dung beetles you'd spilled onto the altar suddenly seemed louder. Were there more of them? Or... it sounded like they were getting BIGGER? Uh oh, this couldn't be good...

You find yourself suddenly scooped into the air, held up by dung beetles as big as dire wolves - and with mandibles to match. You brace yourself to be eaten for your prank.

But instead find yourself crowdsurfing over the wave of giant dung beetles. They chant your name in weird chittering voices over and over. You're a celebrity! They love you, they really really love you!

The beetles return you to your feet in front of the altar, now wreathed in a rainbow of lights. "A man after my own heart," a youthful voice chuckles. "No one appreciates you nearly as much as you deserve. Here, take these." One beetle drops a pouch on a string over your neck. Another tenderly tucks a rose behind your ear. "Never stop being yourself, Arne," the voice says. The light emanating from the statue flashes so brightly you flinch...

When you blink the afterimages of light from your eyes, you find yourself standing in front of the perfectly ordinary statue, with perfectly ordinary dung beetles skittering around on top of the other offerings, and perfectly ordinary familiars lounging around as though nothing had happened. You'd have sworn that it was just some weird, weird dream except for the pouch around your neck, and the rose behind your ear.

You have received:

Post Acceptance Dire Wolf Pass
A rose?
[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]



Expert Navigator (200)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipUnderachieverAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Lighting McQueen1KPride - Pansexual
10-27-2022, 04:00 PM
Here she was again, at the same altar she'd visited before, offering up a pretty lame decoration that the familiars hadn't seemed all that impressed with. Kaija wasn't really best at reading the moods of others but it'd been pretty apparent to her that her little painted rocks had been lackluster. So here she was to try again, and this time she was pleased when she came across the scent of none other than her brother, Arne. It'd been ages since she'd seen him but she'd recognize his scent and face anywhere. It took a remarkable amount of self-control not to barrel him over completely as she approached the statue, but the familiars gave her a look of reproach that she did her best to acknowledge. Still, she made to head butt her brother as she finally approached, hoping he'd hang around for a moment to catch up after she made her offering.

She didn't have much in the way of physical items and anything she could scrounge up she wasn't sure would do. But maybe she could entertain the statue a little anyway. Giving a little pseudo-bow, she approached the statue with its grinning expression and offered a smile of her own. "Hi there, erm, whoever you are," she started carefully. She thought to call it mister or miss just to make a show of it but she couldn't tell which it was. Whatever. "Anyway, I don't really tend to keep many things around," Kaija gestured to some of the other offerings with her tusked head. She was pretty sure which one was Arne's, and she fought back a snicker. "But I thought maybe you might like a joke." Did inanimate objects like jokes? Hell if she knew. There was something about the altar that seemed oddly alive, even though she wasn't really spiritual or superstitious or any of those things.

"Okay. What do you call a fly with no wings?" She waited, her tail giving a little wag. It wasn't a surprise the wolf statue didn't reply but she gave it a chance to anyway. "A walk!" At least it made her laugh, and she gave a little chuckle as she backed away from it. At least it was one offering the familiars didn't have to mess around with - hopefully they liked it even if the statue didn't.


You have received:

Post-acceptance Toy Height Pass
Staff please note when claimed



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-28-2022, 06:09 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2022, 06:10 AM by Tachi. Edited 3 times in total.)
Tachi eyed the statue, unsure what to make of its manic expression. Was it laughing? Or did it grin because it knew something everyone else did not? He supposed there was a sense of satisfaction to be found in that, to know , to see an advantage forming before one's very eyes. It was with this in mind that he approached the statue, offering gently held in maw. It was a delicate bracelet, adorned with a charm he couldn't quite remember how he'd gotten a hold of it, but it was his and soon it would belong to the statue instead. Sharing is caring and all, a sentiment not often extended to those outside his family, those outside Tojo.

Gently attaching the bracelet around the statue's ankle, he glanced up at its manic grin. He'd noticed others speaking softly to it and wondered if he should do the same. No doubt it was used to reverence, humbled words and averted gazes, hoping for something nice in return. And yet Tachi felt...or rather attempted to find a kindred spirit. In Tojo, it was us versus them, perhaps for a brief moment this statue or whatever deity it represented could be us.

"I don't suppose you find yourself racing very often. But if you do, I think it's only fair you take make use of every advantage you can, right? He thought on it for a moment longer, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "It's pretty either way. Magpies like shiny things, are you the same?"

offering my Aquarius charm!


You have received:

Amethyst Mask
Staff please note when claimed



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-28-2022, 02:14 PM
Things were happening in the lands. Whether they were good or bad, he didn't know. He was tired. Aging. Old as dirt just about, and still lonely as ever. Peering up at the statue, the old Wreckage male considered his options here. Finan had recently joined the pack he was in. His nephew beginning to flourish now that there was stability. They had both had it rough since their family's pack fell and Finan's parents killed themselves. Or so that's what he'd been told. Finan didn't seem to believe that it wasn't done intentionally...but Cloud didn't really care about what happened to anyone from that side of the family. He had little connection there with them. He pulled from his back, the hide of a piebald moose. It had been one helluva hunt, but with some help, had managed to get the job done. Wrapped in the pelt were the massive antlers of said moose, and with care, he placed the wrapped bundle at the base of the statue. He had never really dealt with Gods and the like before but...if Demons existed, so too, would Gods...right? And although his beliefs were skewed and unsure, he supposed he was looking for some sort of something to believe in...


You have received:

Your fur turns bright pink for two weeks



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-28-2022, 07:20 PM
Zoey, ever the curious young woman, never really missed an opportunity to yet again trail after Celeste on a familiar expedition to the altar. She couldn’t explain it, even as she clenched her offering in her maw, goggled eyes glancing curiously yet warily as she ventured through the golden, sunlit mists. She was careful enough before not to trip and fall down some cavernous hole, nor turn herself around - not too much, anyways. But the same oddity, the nivelty of adventure Zoey had experienced before was replaced with a more..strange feeling in her gut. As the russet yearling traversed the thick fog-like surroundings, nearly stunbling over some wayward pebbles, the girl paused to get her bearings, blinking her umber gaze as she saw the mists part to reveal the opalescent statue.

It was almost as if it had been..waiting there for her. The scents of her leader and another packmate made her nose twitch in familiarity - they had been here recently - but the altar itself presented itself in a more dazzling manner. She blinked as she approached its base, tilting her head upwards to take in the sights fully. The dancing wolf, maw parted in what she assumed was glee, shimmering in an innumerable array of bright, holographic prisms. Every time she so much as glanced away to the familiars trotting and lazing about the base, the colors seemed to shift ever so slightly. Almost like it was..moving. Seeing. Knowing. Swallowing thickly, Zoey presented to the statue her offering. A precious ruin she’d found and cleaned up. It was a shimmering, triangular fragment of what was once part of a warrior’s shield, a fine piece of bronze with what appeared to be gold on its rim. Or what was left of it, anyways, but she figured its value preceded its broken appearance. It had been nicely shined and washed, shining with a luster that would’ve been magnificent had she found the whole thing. Setting the fragment down by the other offerings, she offered a nervous smile to the watching creatures, dipping her head to the statue politely before turning to head back into the sunlit mists.



You have received:

5% Bonus Fight Score Pass

Staff please note when claimed


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-28-2022, 08:47 PM

Vanille was a little worried about the changes the land had to offer, but she had to admit the early autumn that came was admiring. She often saw the beauty in things, she was an observer. It was weird how these pockets and statues and strange little creatures all showed up here, but she tried not to let it bother her too much. She wanted to focus on the good which she was trying for her own life and future.

Seeing the number of wolves here giving their offerings she waited for her turn to approach the statue. It was very colorful and fun she thought, though she kept her thoughts to herself. She wasn't very social.

When she finally made it to the alter, she placed down a bottle of dark red wine in front of the familiars here. "I wouldn't make much use of it at home." She spoke with just the little hint of a giggle in her throat. She looked up at the pretty statue above her, disregarding the maybe deceiving look in it's eyes, "Maybe someone here can enjoy it better than I can." Simple offer, she wasn't much into drinking whether that was an age or maturity thing. At least not at this time in her life. So she would give what others might enjoy.

Base By WatermelonCreature


You have received:

10% Bonus Fight Score Pass

Staff please note when claimed



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-28-2022, 09:58 PM

Rivin had wanted to go to a different statue than her daddy and thankfully he had brought her here. The pup, being a young healer to be, naturally picked a plant to give the altar though it was not because of the plant's looks that she had chosen it. The leafy plant was fun, and it made her feel relaxed and like she could do anything. The girl had picked cannabis, a plant that she had kept a secret from her brothers and even her father until now. She liked the way it made her feel and she hoped that the statue would like the feel-good feelings it brought as well. The puppy approached the dancing statue and placed some cannabis on the altar. “This stuff makes you feel really good. Maybe you’ll be able to keep dancing forever on it!” Rivin grinned at the thought before moving back and away to let others approach the statue, curious about what others were bringing.

"Talk," 'Think.'


You have received:

Amethyst Mask

Staff please note when claimed



2 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-28-2022, 10:38 PM
Ryzen sat for a moment scratching his chin as he pondered a proper offering. He sat for a while as he admitted he didn't know what to offer such a statue. After a moment he remembered when he was traveling he had found an old map. It seemed to depict a ruin similar to this one. He didn't know enough whether to say it was for this ruin in particular. This did leave Ryzen to think perhaps the map would be quite helpful to the spirits. He rolled the map and placed it next to a compass hoping it would help them find their way. He stepped back awaiting what might happen next. He could feel the danger behind his action and therefore could only give a hard gulp and await his response.


You have received:

Your fur falls out (Will take one IC season to regrow)



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
10-30-2022, 09:05 PM
Sverre was traveling outside of Auster when he felt the strange pull towards a cave as he neared it. The lands changing from summer to fall was strange, but Sverre wasn't worried. The altars though, those were strange. He wasn't too worried about them either, but with their sudden appearance he was certainly skeptical. That didn't stop him from preparing a gift though, he just didn't expect to be drawn to this particular altar as he traveled around looking for one.

He stepped into the cave with a little less caution than he should have and strode over to the altar. Ferrets and birds moved around the seemingly dancing stone wolf, though many remained stationary on or around it. It was strange to say the least, but whatever drew him here certainly wasn't going to let him leave without at least yeeting his offering at the altar. Thankfully, Sverre was a little more polite than that. Wearing the offering he made himself, he shrugged off the deer skin robe (complete with a hood and antlers) and folded it neatly on the ground before the altar.

"In my homeland, we would celebrate with food, drink, dance, and spar after a successful deer herding season. We would wear the skin of our deer to blend in with the herd while we tended to them, and then dance and spar as if we were one of them ourselves afterwards." It pained him to think of his homeland and the frozen north he so longingly missed, but hunting and crafting the robe brought him back to his roots and calmed him in a way. With a heavy sigh and a pained, sad smile, Sverre bowed at the altar once before nodding to the familiars and strode out of the cave. Maybe he would make himself a robe; would Kuroo want one, too?


Art by Nairinnr at dA & Code by Skelle 2022


You have received:

Black cat's foot

Staff please note when claimed
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-30-2022, 10:34 PM

With the not so warm looks she had received from the attendants at the previous statue she visited, she opted to go further south in search of another site to see if they all had the same reaction to her. While she wasn't sure what it was that the other one didn't care for, she had noticed that some of the other wolves had gotten varied reactions so it made her curious. She had heard that other strange and unusual statues had popped up around Boreas and even in Auster, but she didn't particularly want to travel all the way to the southern continent if she didn't have to. Instead she landed at a smaller statue in the west. Immediately she noticed how different this one appeared from the one she had previously visited in the Soulless Forest and that made her hopeful that perhaps her offering would be more well received. She happened to pass Azure on her way toward the statue, giving him a slight nod of her head as she went.

She waited as a few other visitors to the statue left their spoils before she stepped forward and placed her gift at the edge of the black opal base, seeing a few ferrets skittering about. Her gift came in the form of a bottle shaped like a faceted crystal, sealed with a stopper to keep its contents trapped inside.  The liquid was a lightly shimmering gold with small, glittering flecks that could be seen dancing in the light. She spoke partially to them, not knowing if they could understand her or not, and partially to the statue itself, not entirely convinced it didn't hold a spirit of some sort. "A potion that my lover has named Ambrosia for you to enjoy. It is specially made to make you feel ecstasy and euphoria when you drink it." She glanced over the colorful, dancing statue and added, "You seem like you might enjoy a bit of fun. I think you'd like it." She chuckled softly and stepped back, moving away from the statue after a moment to make way for anyone else that might want to leave something here.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


You have received:

Your companion disappears and cannot be used for one IC season


11-02-2022, 05:26 AM
Cain was drawn to the altars. He knew what he needed to do, he knew he needed to offer them something. A gift. He could bring a gift. A gift, an offering, to gods that he could only hope were benevolent. They needed to be, at least in his mind. Carefully, he moved over the ground with sure steps. Amber eyes glimmering in the low light of the afternoon, his gaze was fixed on the statue itself. Full confidence, that’s what the man needed. Haunted as he was, but that was something else. Can’t think about the haunting, only the gods. Only the gods he’d honor now.

On his walk, in his travels, Cain had managed to collect some mushrooms. They were the recreational variety, naturally, and that seemed like a good offering to leave for the god within the cave. Carefully dried and preserved, they should keep until the user wanted to take them. Cain’s gaze shifted to a bit of nervousness as he set the mushrooms down on the altar and bowed his head low, before returning the way he came.


You have received:

Character Redesign Pass

Staff please note when claimed