
God's Garden Altar



10-16-2022, 04:13 PM

God's Garden and the surrounding lands of Amron’s Castle, Starlight Plains, Cedar Falls, Fossil Ridge, Wraith’s Woods, and Aspen Dam are all affected by a magical autumn. Additionally each land seems to have become overrun with new and flourishing plant growth. Berries that shouldn't be in season are at peak ripeness. Flowers normally relegated to other climates are prospering, bees floating lazily between unfamiliar blooms - and delicious creatures of prey are everywhere. Animals are procreating out of season, making them unusually bold. Hidden nests are flush with new clutches of eggs. In the center of the green, green garden you find a statue:

A wolf carved from smooth alabaster seems to grow straight out of the ground. There is a warm, maternal energy that seems to emanate from it. Two adoring puppies are placed at its feet, glancing upwards toward the central figure. A few stripped carcasses lie around their feet - some of them are certainly bones, but others appear as if they might be carved from the same white stone. It's difficult to tell. Thick, healthy creeping vines twine around the main figure's paws and legs, ending in delicate leaves. The earth beneath it is fragrant, freshly turned soil - perfect for encouraging growth. The air is heavy with the herbaceous smell of new plant life.

The antlers surrounding the divot in the ground have had fresh flowers woven around them and the tailless tenrecs amble about in seemingly high spirits, are there more of them now? You're not sure it's so hard to keep track of them long enough to actually count them. One of them beckons you forward with a smile, is it the same tenrec from earlier? You're also not sure. "Good to see you!" They say, looking up at you expectantly, clearly happy you picked this statue out of all of them. "I trust you picked your offering with care hmm?" They fix you with a pointed look. "I know this statue gives a very kindly impression but even we can't guess how the gods will react now that they're much more powerful. Ah, but I'm sure you'll be fine!" They wave their little hand and gesture for you to give over your offering.

Make an IC post in this thread of your character making an offering on the altar before the statue found in the God's Garden. Each character may only make a single offering. Each player may only participate in 8 total events this week. Note: For the purpose of not making people read and memorize every single post, you can assume the familiars are actively shuffling things around to make more room, and it’s totally fine to say that you put down flowers on the same area where someone else just put a pelt.

Deadline for offering: October 30th 9PM PST

All submissions must be posted by the deadline with no exceptions



Master Hunter (270)

Expert Intellectual (215)

An icon representing the specialty Beast Master Beast Master

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-25-2022, 12:51 AM
Corbie had set off to visit the packs in the southern continent, carrying samples of their goods, when the unexpected had occurred and she'd found herself in a strange bubble of autumn that had sprung up literally over night. She'd taken shelter from a storm and slept through the night, only to wake up in autumn. A strange statue had apparently sprung up as well, and rumors were flying. She'd remained camped there rather than immediately moving on to visit the packs to study the strange phenomena and decide what to do. Wolves had approached the altar and left decorations seemingly without issue, so she decided to make an offering of her sample before returning to the pack without visiting the other packs after all. She was concerned about what this strange occurrence would mean for the pack she'd left behind, so taking the time for a simple diplomatic trip no longer seemed to be the best choice.

Approaching the altar, she studied the statue's stone face in curiosity, then nodded to the odd rodentlike creatures before she carefully laid her offering before the altar. A well-tanned and supple sheepskin, the long wool soft and gray-black, she carefully smoothed it before turning to leave. She'd return home and make sure Avalon was all right. The diplomatic trip could wait.

A chorus of chittering tenrecs and ferrets scamper forth to accept the pelt. They wiggle their way under it until it looks like a living, breathing creature that scurries away of its own accord on many different feet. Once the pelt is taken away, a small vial remains in its place. “Thank you!” One small voice chirps.

You receive:
Shrink Potion
Staff: note when claimed
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
10-25-2022, 05:18 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2022, 05:19 AM by Aryn. Edited 2 times in total.)

Of all the statues that had cropped up around Boreas and Auster, this one drew Aryn in the most. The familial representation was something she could relate to, even if her and Veigar were currently undergoing some difficulties and her 'co-parent' regularly abused her. Standing before this statue she felt warm and whole, like the stresses weighing on her shoulders had been lifted if only for a moment. It was a relief she never wanted to end, though she knew she could not idle here forever and had come only to show her appreciation in the form of an offering.

Aryn did not have much in the way of trade goods, nor would she risk stealing from Habari's stores and undergoing yet another gruesome wound at Recluse's claws. In light of her lack of possessions she had to make do with what she did have. Character development. Self improvement. Intangible things born of blood, sweat and tears. Over the year that had passed she had gathered to call her own some chickens, some bees and a hive, and even two companions. She had earned wounds that she would wear forever and had gained skills above and beyond what she had arrived to the Klein-run pack with. The days of her fainting at the sight of blood were past, and while she was beginning to lose hope in ever starting a family of her own, she had much to be proud of.

It was with this all in mind that Aryn approached the maternal-feeling statue, looking as sheepish and delicate as ever beneath the weighty stare. Very suddenly, she realized how much she missed her mother. What had happened to the woman, Aryn supposed she would never know. Perhaps her lack of closure was no one's fault but her own, for choosing to not join them in their new pack. "I'm sorry I didn't go to Valhalla with you." She blurted, emotion breaking her voice. She knew this statue was in no way her mother, but speaking her apology aloud to it as if it was felt cathartic all the same. The one statement was all that was needed to break the emotional dam within her, her ears slicking back in shame as she continued. "I made a lot of mistakes without you, and I miss you more than I can say."

Mistake after mistake, and they all led her to Recluse. And to Eyrun, and to Veigar. To Eligos and even to Corbie. "But I've done good things too. I've learned to raise animals rather than to kill them. I spoil my chickens and my bees. I couldn't do it without my companions however, a sweet little deer and a rooster who picks on him." At the mention of her livestock and companions, she withdrew a bundle from her small satchel. A few spotted eggs, portion of honeycomb, a single feather from the rooster and a tuft of fur carefully cut from the dik-dik. "I've made some friends. I know you would think Eligos is a bad influence, but I think he has good in him. And I know you would love Corbie, she would have been right at home in Lirim." Cradling with her paws two flat stones - one black, inlaid with flecks of gold and the other marbled and monochromatic - she placed them beside the honeycomb. "I've worked hard to improve my skills and learned to defend those who I love, though I'm not always successful. I have a son, his name is Veigar. I fought to defend him and while it made me unsightly, I would do it again." Digging through her bag once more, Aryn found and withdrew a third rock. This one was much larger than the river stones, roughly carved and stained with old blood. It was the rock she had 'crafted' herself and wielded as a weapon, for lack of any better options. "I'm going to fight for him again soon, when the time is right. When I do, I'll need something better than this. I think I've learned enough to craft a better one, so I won't need this anymore. You can have it, to remember where I once was and where I am now."

With a heavy, emotional sigh she placed the rock upon the altar and took a step back to admire the cluster of offerings. To any other wolf they would appear to be a random assortment of junk, but Aryn hoped this God might appreciate their stories. Her mother could be anywhere in Boreas, Auster, or even across the seas. She might even be dead. Though standing before the statue, Aryn swore she could feel her presence watching and listening. Bowing her head, the Valentine woman uttered a final whisper of thanks and bid the God farewell, wiping her scarred face with a paw to displace the last of the stubborn tears and heading off back towards home feeling a relief she hadn't felt in years.

OOC: Confirming that Aryn is offering her Battle Accessory

Many small eyes watched Aryn approach with her gift. They greedily rubbed their little paws together as they saw the delicious, scrumptious, wonderful eggs appear from her satchel. One smaller ferret rushed to move forward and grab them, but a crow caught it by its tail. “Shush! Listen to her tale,” he said sternly, dragging the ferret back into the surrounding pack of familiars.

Sufficiently cowed, the ferret stopped struggling and flopped on its belly to listen. As she finished speaking, the familiars bowed their heads and murmurs of appreciation and admiration rippled across the miniature crowd. When they did approach to take the eggs and other offerings, their movements were measured and polite.

You receive:
Deluxe immortality pass
Staff: note when claimed




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
10-25-2022, 08:19 AM
Kuroo had wasted no time in gathering his offering for the statue. He had high hopes that the sudden change of seasons and appearances of statues around the land would bring good things for the coming year. Perhaps he would have a different feeling if he had lived in Boreas where the magical pockets were a bit more... morbid than the one surrounding God's Garden. Yet, he would try to keep his spirits up and pay his respects. Already, life had been rather tumultuous lately and he was ready for his next chapter in life to be a good one.

The grey mottled boy had spent his time patiently fishing off the bay's shoreline. He wanted to fish for the perfect fish to offer to the motherly statue. Unsure if a statue would have any taste preferences, Kuroo gathered a variety of small to medium-sized fish. Careful to kill, clean, fillet, and then smoke them until they were rightly preserved, the fisherwolf wrapped them nicely in large banana leaves before making his way north of the bay.

Carrying his offering upon his back, he admired the beauty of the magical pocket of autumn surrounding God's Garden. Even as he approached the statue and was greeted by the tailless Tenrec, he couldn't help but smile. "I do hope the gods enjoy what I have brought," he responded in a joyful tone. Approaching the altar, he slipped the neatly wrapped smoked fish from his back and laid it on the altar. Looking up at the motherly statue and the pups by her paws, he couldn't help but feel that the statue appeared similar to him and his brother growing up. Turning his chin down toward his chest in a bow of respect, he murmured a Japanese prayer before turning to leave.


The tasty smell of preserved fish wafts from Kuroo’s offering. The surrounding small carnivores - cats, ferrets, other assorted little creatures with sharp teeth, licked their lips expectantly. “Yum, yum, yum,” a little kitten chants, darting forward to drop a glittering vial and snatch the smallest piece of fish. “You can have this!”

You receive:
Xtra grow potion
Staff: note when claimed
[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-25-2022, 11:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2023, 11:14 AM by Seadragoness. Edited 2 times in total.)

Outlaw approached the statue he’d heard about, bobbing his head to it as he unslung a bag from around his shoulder.  “Hey there,” he offered to the statue with a friendly tone and, then to the tenrec's caring for it.   Outlaw listens to the familiar's words, nodding thoughtfully.  “Well,” Outlaw regards the statue, dipping his head in a bow, “Pleasure to meet you, god.  Sorry, I don't know your name.  I’m Outlaw.”  Reaching into his bag outlaw grabs a wooden handle which turns out to grow wider in a circular shape.  On the board is a fancied-up lobster, along with some berries and a bit of honey in a small clay pot.  

“I don’t know anything about gods, what they like or dislike.  I figure I know about kids, and I know that parents just want their kids to be happy.” Outlaw puts the plate down near the statue for the tenrec's to deal with. “So, how about a story? Kids love them.  At least mortal ones do.  It’s a good story too.”

“So,” Outlaw looked to the pups and then up at the main figure, “a few years back a group of pups heard a story of a treasure that was in a cave.  Now this cave started off up on ground like most, but it was a wooden cave and it went  down deep under water.  The pups were brave and despite some ghost stories they heard of a pirate that haunted the cave they decided to prove themselves by going to find that treasure!”

“The kids explored the wooden cave, growing more nervous as they went.  When the wind blew outside it created an eerie howl that swept inside.  The wooden cave made creaking noises under their soft paws and shadows seemed to move with lives of their own!  One of the pups mentioned going back but the group assured her it was fine.”

“Then they saw it!  Just as they said it was fine.  The pirate ghost appeared to be made of shadow and threw a toothy smile at them.  ‘Want my treasure?’,”
Outlaw spoke with a gravely voice to play his part, “You must defeat me in battle!” The ghost laughed, as obviously no one, child or adult could defeat a shadow.

“Barak however was a clever pup, ‘Challenge us again, and we can get rid of you!.’  The boy grabbed a bit of flint he had seen and one of the funny-shaped things.  Barak cracked the flint on it and a spark came from it.  “Challenge us again and I’ll light this wooden cave on fire!  We want your treasure!”

“The shadow was silent at that.  It had no eyes but the pups all imagined its eyes were fully focused on Barak.  ‘Burn the cave and you won’t have my treasure,’ it replied

“Barak responded, ‘That’s true, neither will you though.’”  There was a silence in the cave and then the ghost fled.  They found gold left behind, well, snacks that were covered in a honey glaze.  They had never had honey before so it was an amazing treasure.  Barak was the hero of the day!  All the children went home, proud in the bravery they had shown.  The greatest treasure was at home though.  They went home to parents who welcomed them home, they got hugs and curled up to their parent's side knowing no one could hurt them so long as they were with mom and dad.”

Outlaw wagged his tail on finishing the story, “I hope you and any children that are with you liked it.” His gaze turned to the Tenrec’s, “hope yall liked it also!”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think

All of the older familiars shushed their many children as the story began. Although there was some chatter at first, eventually it died down as the story carried on. Mothers sat by their children, carefully smoothing back their fur or doting on them as they were enraptured by the story. The maternal figure of the statue seemed to smile as Outlaw’s story began to draw to a close - or was it just a trick of the light?

You receive:
Boosted companion pass
Staff: Used on Thorn
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-26-2022, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2023, 11:14 AM by Seadragoness. Edited 2 times in total.)

It was quite a trek but Chade had traveled Boreas and Auster to get to the statue, a bag slung over his back.  Looking to the form of the adult wolf and the children the blue wolf’s memories looked back into the past, when Ry and Chade had been lone kids without family to protect them.

“I wonder.  When we needed it, if you or another you know helped protect my brother and I as small children.  Regardless, if you are a protector of family or such as that, I thank you for what you do.” Chade tilted his shoulders to pull off the bag.  

“We always worried about enough food to fill our bellies.  So, I brought you and your kids some food.” Chade pulled out a box of smooth wood, a reindeer pelt was inside of it to keep anything inside it protected from getting banged up.  Still, inside that was three leather bags to keep the box itself clean. “You can keep the box also, I made sure it wouldn’t get dirty.”

Opening the first bag was a mixture of reindeer and goat meat that had been preserved to stay good.  In a second bag was freshly cooked fish saltwater fish he had grabbed just a short while ago. The third bag had several blackberries and blueberries within.  “I wasn’t sure what you might prefer to eat and I always like a bit of variety, maybe you will also.” Did a spirit it?  Did it gift it to others to eat?  Well, there it was.  Maybe the familiars would eat it.

“Just in case you did help us, thanks again.” A shrug as Chade had no clue but it never hurt to be safe.  He’d turn to go after that.  It was a long trek home after all.

"Chade & Ricin"

“But he is so young,” one of the older tenrecs whispered sadly at Chade’s tale. Him and his brother, all alone? She cast her eyes across the many generations of her family scattered around her. They had always taken care of each other. “Your tale is an admirable one, young man,” she warbled in a soft voice. The younger tenrecs came out in droves, nibbling on berries and carrying other bits back. “I hope the god’s blessing serves you well… They do so love the children. It may not feel like it now, but you’re still a child yourself.” With a kindly smile, the elderly tenrec grabbed the last berry and ambled slowly away.

You receive:
Boosted companion pass:
Staff: Used on Thorn
223 Gemstones Automatically Added

Deluxe immortality pass
Staff: note when claimed
[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]


Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-26-2022, 09:50 PM

The young girl winced and panted as she carried her prize forth. Her stomach grumbled and blood dripped from a gash on her hip she had missed in the heat of the moment. Maybe she wanted to reconsider her options if hunting hurt this bad, at least fighting was fun. It was only when she stopped to catch her breath for a moment that she realised the strange site she had stumbled up upon. Her grip tightened on the kill, her very first that she had bought down on her own. It should have been the very sweetest meal she would ever eat... but something told her it wasn't for her anymore. Maybe this was why she had been granted her success in the first place.

She breathed in through her nose and relaxed her grip ever so slightly. Whatever this feeling was that seemed to roll off the statues in waves... wasn't something she had ever remembered feeling before. She blinked back the tears that threatened to pool in her eyes, but her golden eyes still shimmered with brimming emotion. Looking at the way those pups looked at what she could only assume was their mother... well, it made her stomach flop in a distinctly uncomfortable way.

Uncertain steps took her closer to the alabaster stone, arranging her offering just so, so it almost looked like it was just sleeping... if you ignored the ring of blood around its neck. Her stomach grumbled its protests and she allowed just one tear to slip from her eyes. There were plenty of berries out there in the garden. It wasn't like she'd starve. Not today.

Turning with a wince, mindless of the blood that trickled from her thigh she made her way back out into the garden. She'd nurse her bruises and chew on some berries and try again in the morning. After all, she'd done it once now. She didn't need no grown-ups telling her what to do.


The familiars watched as the young pup carried her prize to the altar. She was so young, so uncertain. She placed a hunted fawn, curled as if sleeping at the base. The tenrecs came forth and soothed the young doe, cleaning its fur of blood and debris. A ferret sniffs at it excitedly, ready for the meal before being swatted off. Now was not the time. The ferret returns with a pouch in its maw, “Thanks! You did real good! You can have this!”

You receive:
Xtra grow potion
Staff: note when claimed

"Old Timer's" Date Night Kit (Aged breeding pass + Season breeding pass)
Staff: note when claimed

465 Gemstones Automatically Added
Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-28-2022, 12:58 AM

Something in the air reminded her of the long night. With the moon hanging fat in the sky, she had made her way to the swamplands and unearthed the ragged rabbit skin she had put her second youngest daughter to rest on. Really, she shouldn't have even gone this far. If her family gods deemed this little one unworthy... But had they? Or had it been her own foolish arrogance in even daring to dream up a name for her before the ordained time? Jet. That's what she would have called her. Next to Scald, she was the only one that even came close to resembling their carrier, and now there was nothing left but a bundle of small, mud-stained bones.

Tears fell as she reverently worked under the light of the full moon to remove the worst of the mud, and she anointed the bones with sacred oils before transferring them into a soft, clean lambskin. If her own gods had been so cruel to take a child from her, well... maybe her little girl would be better off with whatever these new ones were.

The journey across the Bifrost took her time, and the unseasonable shift in the weather was obvious even before she approached the statue. Her jackalope hopped along beside her, and her saddlebags were laden with an offering to assist in the growth of a small, healthy garden. Some dried seaweed, a jar of worms, and ash from the edges of Hell's River. Wherever her daughter ended up after Modesty left this place, she hoped would flourish.

Modesty made a point of placing her offerings together as she regarded the alabaster stone. Yes, this was the one. She pressed her nose to the top of the lambskin one last time and smiled a small sad smile. "The horizon isn't the end of the ocean little one." I'll see you again. There wasn't much she hated more than crying, but here she was. For just a moment longer.

They said that I got to keep it sweet

The woman offered her own, though gone, to the statue. This displeased it greatly as a hush fell over the companions. They watched breathlessly as she pulled it out, her love obvious, but left it with the statue. None dared approach her, nor her gift while she was present. After she was gone, she’d find herself lost mentally and physically for some time.

You receive:
Loss of 69 skill points from Navigation
Automatically Deducted


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-28-2022, 06:33 AM

Hanako returned to the statue once again, yet another offering in maw. The potion sloshed and rocked about in the glass vial as she approached and gently laid it down on the altar. She had never had the heart to drink it for herself, to do what needed to be done. And wasn't that was being a mother was about? Nurturing and protecting, shielding the little ones from the worst of it? Hanako felt as though she had failed in many regards, was perhaps hoping to make amends by helping another mother do far better than she ever could.

She felt as though the potion could help. Would grant the mother strength, or instead make a child stronger in turn. Get them ready to look after themselves, have them capable and right, ready to leave the safety of the den.

"Please take this. Her voice was quiet, perhaps even humble. "Protect your children better than I ever could. Raise them strong, good and capable."

Isn't that all a mother should want for their children? To see them strong, happy and healthy? And yet Hanako wanted so much more.

Hanako offers ??? potion

Small creatures run to inspect the potion, one brave mouse knocking on the glass with a tiny hand. The splotched woman has some words for the  statue and for a moment, they all hush to listen to her. They waited while she reflected for a moment before the small mouse comes to her, a different potion in its paw. “Perhaps this will help you protect yours,” it says before giving her the bottle and moving on.

You receive:
Xtra grow potion
Staff: note when claimed
[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-28-2022, 09:22 AM
The Hallows had been participating in the number of things happening in and around their pack, and it seemed it was his turn to take part. Not that anyone told him to, but he didn't want to be the one left out. He wanted to keep his impressions high. Maybe he was past impressions, but with how little he interacted with others in the pack he was probably still in that stage.

He made his way to the alter just south of The Hallows. He had his offering in a temporary satchel he usually had on the raft. He walked through the unusually lush lands to the alter where others had gathered for their own offerings. When it was his turn, he respectfully bowed his head to the familiars at the base of the alter also bowing the statue itself. Reaching into his soon empty bag he placed down an item wrapped inside of a grey cloth. Peeling back one of the corners, he showed the familiars three portions of cooked bison meat fit for the three wolves of the statue. He wasn't sure if his offering would be used for the familiars or for a feast for the wolves involved here giving more offerings. But he trusted wherever it ended up would be the way it was meant to be.


Eyes watch hungrily as the packet is unfolded. They’re salivating, barely keeping the notion of politeness. One raccoon goes for it and is thwacked upside the head by another who tsks at him, taking the servings for the three wolves of the statue. The hungry raccoon comes back somewhat apologetically and hands off a potion to the man.

You receive:
Xtra Shrink Potion
Staff: note when claimed
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - TransgenderSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-28-2022, 01:05 PM
"Swatting butterflies."
Her parents were nearby, well at least she was sure of it. She wouldn't just go waltzing around without knowing what she was doing. The festival had started and it seemed like it was far different from what stories she had heard last year. Like with her mother getting sick. Nirah wasn't alive then so she tried not to think about it, not that she didn't love her mother of course. That was why she was here this diety was a mom and pups right? She wasn't against thinking it could represent something differently. She had been rummaging around in bushes for hours it seemed like. The small pup flexing her cat claws in and out of her paws in excitement. Surely the diety would be proud of THIS.

Nirah tried to catch the attention of a familiar. Carefully she brought her gift forward. Remembering back to it's construction. Nearby a grove of different colored berries had been. Mud had been everywhere the young pups pelt covered in leaves, twigs, and mud. Though through it all her reds still appeared brightly over her fur colors. She had jumped picked and crafted to make these Crown's. One was large making a circle of twigs in which various berries - slightly crushed- had been tied down. The two smaller ones looked almost the same, but the imperfect at home project of a child probably didn't look too amazing to begin with.

"I don't know if this would be any use to you, but I tried my best. For you." her eyes sparkled nudging the three crowns forward to make sure the statue could see them.

Ooc: Nirah is iccly offering three twig berry crowns for each head of the wolves.


Several small creatures ran up to greet the pup, watching as she put down the three crowns. They ooh’ed and ahh’ed at them, touching them delicately before whirring them onto the heads of the statues. A small vole returns with a small bundle for the pup, its eyes glittering eagerly as it hands the good over.

You receive:
Xtra grow potion
Staff: note when claimed

192 Gemstones Automatically Added



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
10-28-2022, 02:00 PM

Strange things were happening yet again. Though at least it wasn't like the Long Nights...though who could say for sure that it wouldn't happen again. Ina made her way through the lands, curious about the strange bubbles that cropped up and turning what should be summer lands into autumn before the season's true time. Was this the work of the Fallen God? Or something else? She shook her fur as she approached the statue in silence. Gaze looking sadly upon the statue's features and that of the pups at her feet. She still mourned for the children she had lost. And perhaps in some form, it overshadowed the pups that were living. Ono. Morax. March. They deserved more from her, and she desperately wanted to be more present for them. To be better. She blinked away the tears that dared to form, taking a deep and shaky breath before placing down her offering. It was a butterfly that she had found. Weak and on the edge of death when she found it. She had watched it for a while that day, stayed with it until it drew its last breath (did butterflies even breathe?). Seeing it as a sign, she had taken the butterfly carcass and kept it with her all this time. And now, she offered it to the statues. A symbol of her grief. Her shattered soul. But also of the hope and comfort she had found in it, that someday, she would see the children she didn't get the chance to love. And to be better for the ones that were with her now.

The familiars and companions move to and fro as they move items here and there. Proserpina’s offering is somewhat overlooked, being as there are many still alive bugs throughout the area. Finally, a small mouse comes to a stop, sniffs it, then moves it to the altar by one of the pups. It nods to itself and then drops a small package off at Proserpina’s paws before it moves on with its duties.

You receive:
Small unfleshed thought
Staff: note when claimed

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



Expert Fighter (191)

Expert Intellectual (137)

3 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

OverachieverLoserUnderachieverCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-28-2022, 02:28 PM
He had begged his father to take him to see the statues that had cropped up around the lands. But when he got to this one, it was the one that most called to him. It was of a motherly-looking statue with two pups, and bones sitting around them. Or was it the same stone? He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure how to feel about the statue...considering his own mother had abandoned them. But he couldn't help but feel a bit of envy, as well as longing for those stone pups. They had what he craved. But he didn't despise them for it. At least their mother loved them. Or so it appeared that way. He had considered his offering before leaving Pirate lands, and finally, he had decided what to give. He pulled free a lock of his mother's fur and had his father cut a lock off his crimson mohawk. A strange offering, sure. But one that held meaning for the young boy. He placed the lock of green and black fur down along with the lock of crimson fur from his own body. "I wish things had been different." He stated quietly. Clearly, his mother hadn't loved them enough to stay with them as this mother statue had stayed with her pups.

The pup offers fur tufts that begin to tumble away before a vole catches them, intertwining them all together. He listens to the pup for a second, nodding. “Things can always be wished for to be different,” it says, “but that does not mean they would be better.” It offers the pup a small pat on the leg, giving him a potion before leaving him.

You receive:
Grow Potion
Staff: note when claimed

396 Gemstones
Automatically Added



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - Pansexual
10-28-2022, 03:29 PM


The young Klein was back, this time he was more prepared. He'd left much of his original collection of corpses at the volcano but he'd been in auster long enough to start making a new one by now, and he'd made sure to take the time to pick his gift very carefully this time. He waited for his chance to step forward and gave the tenrec a nod, he settled his prize down in the divot. It was the most pungent carcass from his collection, it's perfume strong enough not even the proliferation of plant life here was enough to mask it. "I named him Frank in honor of... Well..." No need to bring up the Tenrec he'd offered last time. It was, at least to Ichor, the best give he could offer. He was very fond of his collection of corpses... Whom he'd now all named Frank.

The pup offered a corpse to the statue. The tenrec looked for a moment, mortified. Most of the other familiars stopped to stare as well. A hush fell over them, the livelihood of the altar sucked away into stillness for some time. As you go to leave, you trip on something. Did the statue move? When you fall, you break your front left leg with an audible snap. The tenrec urges you onwards anyway.

You receive:
Minor injury (Break a limb - healed by the end of the following IC season)
453 Gemstones Automatically Added
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
10-28-2022, 04:24 PM

What would she bring to the gods?  For someone who was always so focused on the needs of others, Halo wasn't really sure what to do about immortal forces beyond her control, that didn't really need anything... only devotion.  Still, the pale healer needed to bring an offering.  A gift.  Something for the figure of the mother that had appeared within the God's Garden-- how fitting.  Her heart ached as she approached, for once entirely alone.  The healer carried a small basket, held loosely in her jaws, and moved as quietly as possible upon her approach.  This was a sacred place, and Halo didn't want to disturb it.  

"Good to see you too," Halo spoke softly to the tenrec, her tail swishing lightly behind her.  Their words leave the pale woman nodding gently, her eyes wide.  Carefully chosen as ever, but the words were... unsettling, at best.  She had to be sure that what she had chosen was more than fine, right?  With all the confidence that Halo could muster, she approached the statue and set her offering down.  There was warmth here, a warmth so sweet that her heart ached with it.  

Her offering rested at the feet of the statue, tucked carefully inside a small basket.  A short, squat jar filled with honey from Halo's carefully maintained bees.  It had been infused with lavender, a plant for calming, and the one that Halo herself was most fond of.  Sachets of seeds from her garden were placed carefully beside it: lavender, cannabis, trillium, valerian.  Herbs for calming, herbs for easing pain.  Softly she reached up, pressing her muzzle to the statue's cheek.  "Thank you," she breathed.  They were the only words that would come to her, and the pale healer was swept with emotion as she stepped away.  

The tenrec greets the pale woman as she approaches with her offering. She gave honey and fine herbs in a basket. Some of the familiars dipped into the basket, chittering at one another as they did. The woman thanked the statue and just before she stepped away, the tenrec gives her a small gift with a meaningful look in its eyes as it does.

You receive:
Rogue pup pass
Staff: note when claimed
[Image: m4UQRpx.png]
[Image: nvtQgrf.gif]



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-28-2022, 10:16 PM
Vashou approached carefully examining the statue and considering each detail that had changed. No matter how Vashou thought about it. The gods craved a different kind of offering here. Not one of blood or death but instead one to nourish life.  Vashou began to pull out the glowing moss from their medicinal stash. The large patch of the stuff being placed upon the ground before the wolf and her cubs. Vashou looked up before placing several lavender sticks, and several seeds he admitted that he didn't know what they were. Vashou buried the seeds in the dirt as if planting them. He hoped this offering would be acceptable. Vashou's ears lowered as he waited patiently for her response.

The pup is regarded by the many familiars as he buries the seeds. They watch as he does, then as he waits. It seems as if he wants a response. Eventually, a small cat comes to the pup with a gift. “For you, if you’d like.”

You receive:
Small unfleshed thought
Staff: note when claimed

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
10-28-2022, 10:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2022, 02:31 PM by Nyx. Edited 3 times in total.)

So maybe she had given her first offering to the wrong statue. The femme had heard there was another one, a maternal figure with pups, that she could go to instead. Dipping back to the Hallows instead of partaking in the feast Memento Mori set to making a different set of dolls. This time she made three, a parent and two little ones, much like the statue that she was planning to bring the offering to. These ones were more detailed, made to have their extremities and different colored cloth for their eyes. She had taken Rein and Jacques into her company to work on them and once she was finished, Meme set off again.

Once it was her turn to approach the statue Memento Mori did so slowly. She set the toys down and lifted her head to the parental figure of the statue. “I don’t know your story, but I hope that you and your little ones were able to grow safely. All little ones deserve to have fun and know the safety of a parent.” She nosed each plush toward the paws of each wolf before backing of so that others could make their offerings as well.

"Talk, 'Think.'

The femme approached and tiny eyes watched as she gave the plushes to the statues. A ferret came to observe and poked at each one. As the wolfess backed away, the ferret gave her a small bundle before returning to nap on one of the plushes.

You receive:
Grow Potion

Staff: Used on Elowen, to 37"
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-28-2022, 10:24 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2022, 07:59 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 2 times in total.)

Her mother, father, and some of her siblings had gone to the altar in hallucination caves but Lucette had decided to travel a bit further and, while she was out, collect some of the bounties that nature was providing near God’s Garden. She carried with her a double-sided blanket made out of deer hide, carefully stitched together under her father’s watchful eye. The blanket was thick, the fluffier bits on the outside, and was perfect for the cold nights of autumn or even winter. She would come to the statue and when it was her turn, Lucy approached in kind. She placed the blanket down. “To keep your family warm.” Lucy said. Once her turn was over she moved off, hoping that the gift would be well received.

"Talk, 'Think.'

The young wolf gave a stitched hide and immediately many of the small familiars flooded beneath it until it wriggled in place like a misshapen animal. One mouse pokes out for a moment, giving the wolfess a gift before returning to the warmth of the blanket.

You receive:
25 Skill Points
Used on Lucette for Healing skill

247 Gemstones Automatically Added
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-30-2022, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 05:06 PM by Nyx. Edited 3 times in total.)
Why did this specific altar have to appear in Auster, of all places? Once she'd caught wind of a statue resembling a mother with two pups, Widow knew where she needed to go. Auster, unfortunately. The young woman was so heavily pregnant that the journey wasn't safe but she believed, truly believed, that it could be worth it. She was about to be a mother, after all. It only made sense to visit this one, though she wondered if visiting an alter aside from the one in the Soulless Forest would come back to haunt her later.

Fortunately for her, a traveler was willing to give her a ride in a cart to the southern most point of Boreas. Once she had paid the kind wolf for their favor, Widow had set off towards Auster but not without emptying the contents of her stomach first. The cart may have been a godsend for her tired and aching feet, but it didn't come without a different sacrifice. Repeating the directions to the garden that the friendly stranger gave her in her head, she didn't know exactly where this garden was, but at least she knew it wasn't clear across the island. In fact, it should be pretty close.

As she waddled along, her legs stiff and sore from both the extra weight as well as the cart ride, it took her some time to come across the garden. Careful to avoid the borders of the nearby pack, she finally found the stone-walled garden and the altar she'd been looking for. She felt the most nauseous suddenly, though having already emptied her stomach there wasn't anything left to heave. Instead, she swallowed the feeling in her throat and focused her mind on the altar instead of the twisting and turning inside.

Widow smiled down at the companions as she approached, the satchel on her hip promising of an offering as it bounced with each heavy, pained step. Where these statues Gods? Deities? Saints? ... Demons? Widow hardly cared if she were being honest. This altar was a mother with living children, that was enough for her!

First, the young woman bowed at the foot of the altar. Tears welled behind closed lids, wishing this stone-mother could answer all the questions she had for her own mother. Lost without guidance, Widow was forced into braving this alone. Maybe she wouldn't have to anymore. Sniffling, Widow rose slightly from her bow enough to reach into her satchel and pull out a small dagger and stone bowl. She sat the stone bowl down between her and the altar, then with the hilt held between the dexterous toes of one paw, she brought the blade to the wrist of her opposite paw and cut a thin line, enough to bleed but without damage enough damage to render the paw useless for the trip home. Reaching the bleeding wrist out, she allowed the red liquid to drip into the bowl until there was enough to fill the bottom.

Without caring for her bleeding wrist, Widow reached back into her satchel to pull out a small collection of Salvia that she had found in the crypt. "To you I offer myself,"  she began, adding a few leaves to the blood. Once she had finished, she scooted the bowl as close to the altar as she could and bowed again. "Let my blood show my devotion and the Salvia bring you peace and comfort as I'm sure you could use some of all three," Widow finished and rose from her bow, offering the statue a final glance and smile before heading out the way she'd came.


Art © LadyAmaris & Code © Skelle 2022

The companions watched with bated breath as the woman let out her blood into the bowl. They didn’t know her journey nor all of her struggles, but it was not for them to understand. A vole quietly and carefully moved the blood to the altar as a tenrec came and offered her a small bundle of goods. “For your efforts,” it says before bowing away.

You receive:
Opaque sack of gems
Staff: Rolled 181 gems, added to Credits

Minor mutation pass
Staff: Used for elongated tail fur on Pyxis

881 Gemstones Automatically Added
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-30-2022, 03:24 PM
Sparrow didn't believe in gods, as a rule. A lot of things had happened in life, but she had survived all of it by her own grit, just add water (or alcohol), no gods needed. Some statues appearing and some weird fall weather didn't really mean much to her. Even when she was growing mushrooms or crystals out of her back, it wasn't like some dude in robes popped up and was all, "Oh, sorry, my bad, forgot to control my God Powers," or some shit. However, the statues were all stone and pretty and she figured her pups might like to see them. Kashi and Jack were nearby so she grabbed them for the trek. Who knew where the other ones were, there were plenty of pups and pup parents to look after, so Sparrow wasn't entirely worried.

Coming all this way, Sparrow was able to see the foretold statue and many ahead of her were offering things including blood and spit (fucking gross), a blanket (not a bad idea), toys (probably an okay idea), lavender (seemed like an actual offering), some herbs (actual offering number 2), a rotting carcass (also fucking gross what was wrong with these people?), some fur (wait how the fuck did Diablo get here?), a butterfly (that's fine), and just a whole lot of other things. Some were already offered by the time Sparrow arrived. Everyone seemed very serious about it.

A companion of some sort beckoned them forth. So this was the ring leader, huh? The one suggesting this God was all so powerful and all. Well, it seemed like this god statue was a good and caring mother or whatever. Sparrow stepped forward, "Oh powerful milk mommy," she said, very solemn and very revered, putting on her best behaved face. "You seem to like puppies. I have two of them. You can choose your favorite. I have Kashi and Jack- say 'hi' to the god, you guys."

The freckled woman offers her own living children so boldly, so self-assured! The familiars glare her down as her pups go along with her charade. It is disgusting. Someone somewhere curses her name, and she’s all the weaker for it.

You receive:
Loss of 170 Gemstones Automatically Deducted
Loss of 72 skill points from fighting skill Automatically Deducted- This loses your specialty, but you can reapply for it when you get back to master.

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.