
i like the sad eyes, bad guys



11-15-2022, 03:04 PM

What had even brought him here? Dragged him here? Dragged. Accurate, actually. Cain wasn't really sure about this place, overall. It was clear that he was different from the rest, possibly in the worst way. The absolute worst way. Unsure of himself, unsure of what was happening... but here he was, regardless. For a time, it seemed that the ghosts had calmed down some. When he'd first arrived they were near silent, like they were watching. Waiting. Trying to figure out what Cain's next move would be.

It was clear to him now that they'd just been forming a plan. Calculating. The ghosts dragged him from his sleep today, waking him from a sleep that was nothing more than restless. He was so tired, and yet... and yet he was awake. Why was he awake? No rest for the wicked, the ghosts came. Right. Right, that was the problem. No rest for the wicked, so Cain would be awake. He dragged himself from the foxhole he'd been passed out in, bedraggled and bleary eyed.

Curiously, Cain drew to the edge of the cliff, looking out at the reflection of the moon in the wine-dark sea below. Though he wanted to be calm, there was no helping the cold chill of anxiety in his system. His stomach churned, but he couldn't draw back from the edge. Cautiously, he set his belly down in the grass. Looking. Peering. Watching the sea below.


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-15-2022, 09:12 PM
The night is beautiful, the crisp air speaking of the autumn days that lay ahead. It is a great night for adventure and Ricin slowly meanders under the starlit sky, enjoying the sights that this late hour has to offer. Ruby eyes scan the area around him while the young man contemplates the amazing fact that he is now two. Two! Despite the brother’s blue humble origins, they had found a family, joy, happiness, and the chance to live the lives they wanted. Thoughts wash over the happy light blue man as he walks, rolling in and out like the ocean that crashes against the cliffs to his side.

A strange sight pulls the young man from his thoughts, as a dark colored canine lay on his stomach with his neck craned over the edge some distance ahead. Worry knots Ricin’s insides as he suddenly worries the stranger might be thinking of ending their life and he gives a short, 'Woof' of greeting while trotting a little faster to where the smaller dog. He hopes that he can keep anything bad from happening to them and, as he nears, the young man works to keep the worry from his tone as she says, lightly, “Hey there! What do you see down there? Anything neat?” Ricin slows as he gets closer, keeping his posture relaxed and a warm smile on his dark lips to try and show just how friendly he is.

"Ricin Dauner"


12-06-2022, 06:10 PM

Dragged from sleep. Dragged to the edge. To the edge of what? At the moment, the edge of the cliff. The edge of the cliff so he could watch. There was something the ghosts wanted him to see? What did they want him to see this time? What did they need him to see, to know, to experience? What was it? Why did they want him to see this? At least it was a pretty night. A pretty night, a blanket made of stars above his head. A blanket of stars above, the wine-dark sea below. Some of the brighter ones were reflected back to him, and the cycle went on and on. Did Cain have a reflection? When was the last time he'd seen it? Was he even... even real right now? Shit. He had to be real, right? Something like that.

A woof forces the ghosts into hiding, at least for a moment. Or at least, Cain... thinks it does? The moonlight illuminated the creature that approached. Cain's eyes went wide, and he scrambled to his feet. Was that... was that a ghost? Was that a ghost that had materialized before him? Shit, he took one big step back from the edge, trying to take in exactly what was approaching him. Exactly who was approaching him? That had to be a ghost. Seeming to shine blue in the moonlight, the young man could feel his heart pounding in his chest. What the fuck?

His head hung low for a moment, ears pinning flat to his skull, hunching in on himself. Defensive at first, but then the stranger speaks. He comes closer. He doesn't dissipate, he doesn't waver, he doesn't shimmer... was he real? Was this stranger, blue as he was, real? Cain's heart pounded in his chest. The shepherd remained defensive, but there was a shine of curiosity in his face too. The stranger smiled, he looked... he looked warm? Cain trembled for a moment, voice quivering and anxious as he spoke. "J-just... just the reflection of the moon," the man tried to steady his voice, to no avail. Though he longs to reach out and touch the stranger, to see if he's really there, Cain refrains. "W-why..." though he begins to speak, the words die on his lips. Why do you ask? would be the polite question, but he can't put the words together in this moment.