
Making Tea 101

Incubus Tea


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
12-06-2022, 03:48 PM
**Liquid time to the evening after Seere helps with Incubus’s Tail**

With the sun on its way down toward the horizon, the small healer begins to make her way to the Shrine, hoping to make good on her promise to the injured Incubus. She moves to the area that he had mentioned and, using her nose, she follows the male’s scent onward, giving a call of greeting and to alert him that she is coming. Seere has a spring in her step as she nears his den, her medicinal bag lightly bouncing against her side as she goes, her youthful exuberance on full display this night.

With Incubus’s guidance and help from her own nose, the girl soon arrives at the entrance to his den. Gently, Seere scratches at his doorway, while saying, “Incubus? Are you ready to make some tea?” She waits at the threshold for his permission to enter, minding her manners while hoping he isn’t moving too much. While he may not idle well, his tail won’t have time to heal if he moves around too much.

While he had turned down her offer of extra furs, the small healer has still brought along something to help him. Since he had trouble with the bitter herbs before, she has tucked away, in her satchel, a small jar of the purest, sweetest honey.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-06-2022, 11:15 PM

Pink and blue eyes fluttered into view as Incubus was lured away from slumber. First came the scratches and then a voice. The male slowly stretched out with a long groan as he allowed his gaze to lazily fall upon the yearling. "Sorry Seere, I must have fallen asleep." A low, husky, laugh escaped inky lips as he began to lift himself into a seated position. As the grogginess was blinked from that pale visage he let forth a long yawn and shook his head. Thanks to her herbs that was the most restful sleep he's had since the injury.

"Come in." There was enough space for the tiny lady to sit and about a foot or two of working room for the tea. The den wasn't incredibly spacious but it was enough for them to work with. "Thank you for coming, I am useless when it comes to stuff like this."


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
12-07-2022, 04:33 PM

As Seere peeks inside, she finds Incubus rousing from slumber and stretching out. With a gentle tut, she says, “Do not apologize. Your body needs the rest! Just be careful when you stretch… okay?” His low, husky laugh pulls a giggle from the girl and she moves inside once he invites her. Shrugging off her satchel, she quickly digs out a ceramic bowl and teapot. He speaks as she meets his pink and blue eyes with her own mismatched gaze and offers him a warm smile, saying, “It’s okay! I love to teach. Plus, it really is not as difficult as you think.”

Another giggle escapes as Seere pulls out a small metal pot to heat the water in and moves to place it over the fire. As she moves, she explains, “First things first, you need to heat up the water. You want to get it to boil before making the tea.” Gathering some water, she fills the pot about halfway before returning to her items and looking at Incubus. With a bright smile, she gestures to the teapot, saying, “This is your teapot now! Think of it as a den-warming gift. Who, knows, you might even find you like tea!” Tossing a wink his way, the girl readies to move to the next step.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-08-2022, 01:02 AM

Incubus nodded firmly as she warned him to be careful when stretching. There was a dull pain in his tail that agreed with her caution. "Yes Ma'am." His tone was quick and playful, a grin backing this up. - Incubus watched with pure curiosity as Seere started whipping objects out of her satchel. Her claim of the process not being 'too difficult' cause his eyes to go wide, "I've never used such a contraption." A front paw lifted and gestured to the teapot. There was maybe a glint of fear in his eyes. Incubus was a stubborn brute and usually stuck to what he knew.

Seere's giggle caused him to calm down a little bit and the small fire gave him some comfort. The small flickering flames seemed to capture him for a moment before the girl brought out a metal bowl. Inc's brow raised as he watched her put it over the fire and fill it with water. He offered a nod as she instructed him and he continued to merely observe. That is until she smiled and gestured to the teapot, informing him that it was now his. Incubus laughed gently and offered a smile of his own, "Thank you Seere. I really had no clue how I was going to obtain one of my own." He caught the wink, "Oh yes, I am going to be a tea brewing fiend after this." Who knows? Maybe he would. Incubus tilted his head as he eyed the nearly boiling water, "What do you do once it's boiling?"


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
12-09-2022, 12:52 PM
Seere’s warning about stretching is answered and the fact that Incubus calls her a ma’am has the girl giggling happily.  Heading inside, she pulls out the ceramic teapot she has brought for him and he talks about how he has never used one. Looking up to catch his eye, the girl offers a smile and says, “They're not that difficult to get the hang of. I promise.” She sets about getting the small fire set up and places a metal grate over it so that the pan of water can rest on it. As the water begins to heat up, she returns to her satchel to withdraw a small wire ball shaped cage.

Incubus thanks her and Seere looks up, catching his pink and blue gaze with her own mismatched eyes and offers the male a bright smile, saying, “Of course! Everything I will be using, I will leave for you. So, don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Okay?” His talk of becoming a brewing fiend has her giggling madly and her tail wags happily. She hopes he really does like making tea because she herself finds great joy in it. His question has her returning her focus to the task and she says, “Once it boils, we pour it into the pot. But first…”

Voice trails off as she presents the round cage, the thin wire catching the firelight and causing it shine. Seere explains what the clamp like ball is, “This is what we put the herbs in. See, you put them in this so you can control how long they steep in the water for. While you can leave certain things in the whole time, these will get more bitter the longer they stay in the water.” A nod is offered as she pulls out a small piece of cloth, unfolding it to reveal the contents to Incubus. They are leaves of the herbs she gave him earlier.

Taking one of the big leaves and three of the small ones, Seere places them inside the cage before removing the top of the teapot and setting it on the ground. Placing the ball on the bottom, she makes sure that the small chain attached to it hangs out and over the lip of the pot and says, “See this? You just pull on it to take out the wire cage. Saves your paws from burns.” Holding up one of her small paws, the girl wiggles her toes and giggles before moving back to the pot of water.

Finding it is at a rolling boil, she gentle takes the handle and expertly pours the contents over the leaves in the pot. Steam raises as Seere places the hot pot onto the earthen floor so she can replace the teapot’s lid. Looking to Incubus, the girl seats herself and says, “Now we wait! We need to let the water do its work for about ten minutes.” Gaze flicks down to the pot before returning to the male. Posture relaxed, a happy smile on her lips, tail wagging lazily the girl asks, “So! How do you like Ashen? Are you related to Venom?” Head cocks to the side as she remembers him, introducing himself as a Klein, just like her aunt Venom.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-09-2022, 02:59 PM

Incubus watched carefully as she continued on with each step of the tea brewing process. At one point in his life he may have dismissed the process but with a few years under his belt he was learning to enjoy the little things. Maturity was a slow process for some brutes. When she revealed the herbs to him Inc leaned forward to look over the various greens. He silently hoped they didn't taste as wretched as when he swallowed them whole that morning. A small shudder ran through his body at the thought. With a small nod he allowed Seere to continue on with a thorough explanation. He'd be sure to not let the herbs stay in the water too long to avoid that taste. She then showed him how to clamp the herbs in the ball and gestured to the chain that hung over the pot. Allowing them to handle it without any burns. Despite the chain, Incubus was completely aware that he was going to end up with a burn or two. "Very helpful tips and tricks. " He matched her giggle with a small chuckle. "Lets hope our next appointment doesn't involve burns." He flashed a grin as she wrapped up the next step.

Incubus nodded as she informed him it was going to be a ten minute wait. Before he could think of a topic of discussion she asked him a few question. The male allowed his mismatch gaze to fall upon her. The first question was simple enough, how was he liking Ashen? "Ashen is treating me well. I was a loner for the last three years. So, it is nice to not have to think of where I am going to sleep tomorrow or when my next meal is." A pause. "It is also nice to have purpose. Having a focus on progression in the Pack has kept me busy." In his rogue years the most purpose he had was bedding beautiful babes and testing himself in brawls. He was simply beyond that now.

The next question was also simple but there was an underlying taboo behind his parentage. He did in fact share a Mother with Venom, that much was clear. They both had Deathbelle's look with the inky black pelt and crisp white markings. But, his Father, Hannibal Klein, was Deathbelle's brother. Incubus was a pureblooded Klein, both of his parents were first generation immigrants from the Klein's previous home in lands beyond Boreas. This fact gave him a small amount of pride. He was not tainted with the blood of these other fading families. That being said, he was very aware that there were some that would look down upon his incestual parentage. Thankfully it rarely came up in conversation. It was not out of shame that he didn't discuss his lineage but merely to avoid conflict. "Venom is my half-sister." A pause. "My mother is Deathbelle Ravage Klein and my father is Hannibal Iber Klein." Now, he did not know if Seere knew their family tree well enough to put two and two together. Either way, it was the truth. He looked her over for a moment, "Now, you are an Abraxas-Destruction." A few moments passed as she thought of who he could guess her parents were. "Are you of relation to one of Venom's littermates?" He knew Deathbelle's first litter held onto that Abraxas name, for whatever reason, so that was his best guess.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
12-11-2022, 03:05 AM
The small healer walks Incubus through the steps to making tea and, when she talks about how the chain will help prevent burns, he speaks up. Seere’s grin widens and he matches her giggle with a chuckle which has the girl’s smile growing even brighter. His next words have her giggling and shaking her head as she says, “Well, I’ll be sure to keep the burn cream in a handy place. Just in case.” His grin is met with a mirthful laugh and she goes on to pour the water in the teapot.

With the tea steeping, she finally has time to talk with Incubus and Seere is eager to learn about him. As he speaks of Ashen, her eyes round in wonder and she thankful that she has only known pack life. Nodding, she says, “Well, I’m glad you’re here Incubus. If you ever want help with anything, let me know. I am always happy to help.” The smile she gives the man is easy and warm as she finds herself enjoying his company. While she may appear small, the healer knows how to fight and has also been known to take on large predators.

Seere’s question about if he is related to Venom has him informing the girl that her aunt is his half-sister. Eyes widen and joy spreads across her features as she realizes their familial tie. Incubus goes on to explain who his parents are and the girl nods. She does not know that they are siblings but, if she did, she wouldn’t care. Love is love and her family is the perfect example of that. He goes on to mull over her name and ask if one of parents is Venom’s littermates. Beaming a grin, she says, “Yeah! My dad is Plague! He is Venom’s brother.”

Pausing for a moment, she adds, “My dada is Void Destruction and my mom is Rava Blanc. Hey, wait. You’re Venom’s half-brother. That would make you my… half-uncle?” Curious eyes look to Incubus, questioning if she is correct in her assumption. The timer that Seere has been mentally counting down ticks to zero and she stirs into action, looking to the teapot and saying, “Okay, the tea is done! Now, let’s remove the herbs.” Paws deftly remove the lid of the teapot and she pulls the chain attached to the cage with herbs up and out of the water.

Replacing the lid, she pours some of the steaming hot liquid into the ceramic bowl that she had set out for him earlier. As Seere sets the teapot down, she stops Incubus from taking a drink, saying, “Wait! I brought you one more gift to help with the bitterness of the tea.” Small paws reach into her satchel and pull out the jar of honey. Showing it off as she says, “Some from my private stash! This is the purest stuff you can find in Ashen.”

Popping the cork out of the jar, Seere tips it so that the thick, sticky liquid to slowly drip into the cup. Moving the jar so that she makes a small circle with the golden honey, the girl then rights it and pops the cork back in. Using her paw to brush off the excess, the small healer looks to Incubus and says brightly, “Enjoy!” As he tries his tea, the girl happily licks the honey that has collected on her paw while making small sounds of delight.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
12-15-2022, 09:48 PM

Incubus was honestly glad to have Seere's company. Even if the girl was just doing her job he lacked friends and she offered enough idle chit chat to really help him feel social. It was easy for the male to go a few days without spending time with others. Perhaps he'd pass a pack mate here and there, offering small talk but nothing more. That wasn't to say he was upset by this, Incubus was reclusive by nature and liked his solitude most of the time. But, maybe one day he'd be able to make a few deeper connections to make things feel less lonely. For now, his half-niece teaching him to make tea was just fine. "I am glad to be back. All in all, I just want to be here for my family." Something his own Father never lived up to. "Thank you, Seere."

When she revealed who her father was Incubus offered a nod, it made sense. But, what came next puzzled him slightly. She had two fathers and a mother? Incubus did not express any of this confusion on his features, he didn't want to offend. How was that possible? Perhaps they were a throuple... He internally shrugged and allowed the information to settle. Incubus was not one to judge, especially since his parents were siblings. "Ah yes, you are my Half-Niece then." He scrunched up his nose, "I will just call you Niece though. Halves do not matter. Blood is blood." He was glad to see someone in the younger generation of their family doing so well for herself. She was an inspiration for all those of their blood to come.

The tea was finally almost done. Incubus watched as she took the herbs out and very carefully poured the hot tea into the bowl. He leaned down slightly to sniff but her sudden order to stop had his eyes go wide and caused the brute to freeze in place. Incubus straightened back up and raised a brow as she whipped out some honey. She poured it into his bowl and explained it was from her private stash. He offered a smile, "Thank you, again. You are likely one of the most generous Wolves I've met." Especially having been a loner for so long... Wolves were more likely to steal from you then to offer any of their own prized goods.

After she was done Incubus leaned down. He decided to first inhale the steam that was lifting from the tea and his mouth began to water from the scent. The honey mixed with the aromatic herbs was quite lovely. With that Inc took a few laps at the liquid, being careful to not burn his tongue. "Mmm..." Another sip. "That's delicious." He looked back up at the Apothaker, "Maybe I will became a tea connoisseur then." A chuckle was let forth before he took another few timid sips of the hot liquid. "The honey is a great touch."


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]