
Enchant Me



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-29-2022, 11:16 PM
Cerberus had come back to the den about mid day after he had run a patrol overnight and went out afterwards to hunt to build the stores. He was much less busy than he had been back in Fenmyre but today would seem to be that way. He did just as was needed with no hesitation or complaints. It was easy for him to adapt on different tasks and schedules.

As soon as he curled up in the den he was quick to fall asleep, preparing for the late patrol he would run again tonight. Taking the late and over night patrols made him more tired flipping on his usual schedule but he would always make it work.

It was after dark when the sound of his sister approached then den just gently waking him but without making him get up fully from the furs he laid out on. An eye poked open gently as her shadow entered the door way and he let off a warm grin before he leaned back just a little closing his eyes again and lifting a paw to invite her in. It wasn't hard to get used to but cuddling with Ruse at night had become almost second nature to him. Not even become, he had always been this way. He pulled her into his frame still with that happy grin and soft shut eyes, "You have me for a few hours." He whispered to her as he quickly made himself more comfortable with her wrapped up beside him.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-07-2022, 03:29 PM

Ruse had slowly begun to get her feet under her after their move into Elysium. It had seemed easy for Cerberus and Albion to find tasks that suited them since they had already been doing similar tasks back home in Fenmyre, but she had never really needed to run patrols or hunt or the like. Her father and brothers had always done so much for all of them that she had been free to do whatever she wished and simply help out whenever she was asked. Now that she was in an entirely different pack not led by their father she felt the obligation to pull more of her own weight and help out this pack that had taken them in. She wasn't entirely sure how to do that, but she had made a friend of the pack's Heiress who was apparently betrothed to Albion and had been helping her with the various odd end tasks here and there.

After a pretty long day of building and crafting, Ruse finally made her way back to the den she shared with Cerberus. She was half expecting him to already be gone as she came home after dark since she knew he was currently on this odd schedule of late and over night patrols, but luckily it seemed like it wasn't as late as it felt. She spotted Cerberus in their bed and she smiled a little, trying to quiet her steps so she wouldn't wake him. It didn't seem like she was quiet enough though and she smirked a little when she saw his one eye open to peek at her. The grin he wore told him he didn't mind though and the same grin tugged at her lips as he leaned back and invited him into his embrace. She was quick to accept it as she settled down into the furs and slipped between his forelegs, snuggling into his frame and tucking her head into his chest comfortably. She peeked up at his face even though his eyes were closed as he informed her that she had him for a few hours and she chuckled softly, nuzzling back into his fur again. "I'll take it," she replied with a smirk, letting her dual toned eyes close as well.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-07-2022, 09:03 PM
Cerberus easily got more comfortable once Ruse joined him though he wasn't really expecting to go right back to sleep or really at all until he had to be up for his patrol. He was happy that Ruse could be here for him, wanted to be here for him. And he knew it was reflected the same way to her. He had always spent a little more time with Scylla and Albi when they were growing up but not like he and Ruse were sharing now. He always found the time he could with each of their many siblings, and in a way that maybe made him distant at times but he tried his best. He of course felt closer to Siren and Dalila's kids compared to his younger siblings, but his duties and time sharing made his moments spent spread thin. Maybe the same as his father too. It never meant he loved any of them less.

Just in the few moments they had grown quiet, taking in what time they would have cuddling here until they slept or until Cerberus got up for the patrol, his paw slowly and carefully moved across her back but he still held that snug grip around her. It was only what felt like a few long moments before he leaned back just a bit and peeked through his eyelids down at his sister. He didn't want to pull her from him and disturb her so he didn't, but he was in a position where she could stay close and he could look down at her when his eyes cracked open.

His emerald eyes closed yet again as he still softly rubbed over her back and shoulder. Eventually his paw was drawn over her lower back and hips which, really just felt like an instinct to him. Not that was obvious and very barely noticed by even himself but he was feeling different as he came of age in the ways he felt physically with Ruse cuddled into him. Nothing he really acted on, he had never experienced feelings like it before though his father had already taught him about sex and the like. He wasn't comparing any of that to this moment right now, but it was a driving core of what was making him act this way. With one more light gaze down at her, his eyes shut again, but his careful paw still moved across her back and hips.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-16-2022, 01:11 AM

With her head leaned into Cerberus' chest and her dual toned eyes close, Ruse found it easy to relax and begin to settle into their bed so she could sleep. She was glad that she had managed to catch Cerb before he went out on his patrols and pack duties, even if it was just for a few hours. It was so much easier to relax and get to sleep when he was here than when she had to sleep on her own. She was just naturally more comfortable in the company of the ones she cared for than she was when she was alone. Sure, she got along alright on her own when she had to, but having someone else around definitely helped in a lot of ways. It was one of the reasons why she had continued to live with her mother and aunt even as all of her other siblings moved into their own spaces and began to branch out more and more from their parents. She liked staying close to her family even though she was fully capable of being on her own. It was far more out of preference than need.

Just as she started to relax and hover on the edge of sleep after her day of work, she felt Cerb's paws start to rub gently at her back and shoulders, making a little smile tug at her lips and a soft, sleepy hum escape her. She did enjoy whenever he gave her little affections or back rubs or anything of that sort, always eager for the attention and enjoying the focus that Cerberus put on her. It wasn't the first time that he had rubbed her back like this so it didn't surprise her, but when his paws started moving lower, rubbing over her lower back and hips, that did surprise her a bit. She didn't lift her head from his chest so she was easily able to hide her face, but the feeling of his roaming paws moving along her body made her cheeks flush a bit, the pink hue of her skin peeking through her pale fur, but thankfully hidden in the darkness of the night and the way her face was tucked away mostly out of his view. He was a little older than she was, but she was only a season away from being two herself so she certainly wasn't immune to the thoughts that kind of touch implied, but when it came from Cerberus she could hardly tell if it was entirely innocent or not.

She debated if she should do or say anything herself for a long moment, trying to untangle her own feelings first, but eventually she decided to lift her face from his russet, brindled chest and as she blinked open her eyes she peeked up at him curiously. His gaze was closed, at least at first, while her forelegs uncurled from her chest and slipped around his larger frame to hug herself to him a little more snugly. She waited to see if his eyes would open again and if they did she'd search curiously as she asked in a quiet whisper, "What are you thinking about?"

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-19-2022, 12:53 AM
His paws carefully held around her as she shuffled and snuggled back closely into his chest. He stilled for that moment, but somehow felt her eyes on him without needing to check. It wasn't long before his paw pet along the sides of her back and further down, and soon his eyes opened lightly to meet right back at hers, not surprised at the sight by joining her in this connection they have had since they came to stay in Elysium. Maybe further than that, but stronger now.

Gentle eyes kept there on hers until they wandered down between them and back, a couple more swipes of his paw as he almost seemed to need that moment to contemplate what was really on his mind because he couldn't really say so himself. "I'm just so thankful for you, Ruse." He whispered through the darkness of their shared den, and it was true. Maybe it didn't need to be spoken, they seemed to be on the same page the night they started staying together. But being so far away from most of their family had made him appreciate her time here with him more than he could have even expected. She could have went to stay with their father and the rest of them, but she was here with him instead.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-25-2022, 01:07 PM

She wasn't really sure what she was expecting his answer to be as his bright green gaze reopened and she questioned what was on his mind, but she was still a bit surprised somehow when he showed again how sweet he was as he told her how thankful he was for her. She blinked a couple of times with surprise as a little smile pulled at her lips. "I'm thankful for you too, Cerb." She hadn't felt incredibly close to any of her siblings back in Fenmyre, instead loving them all equally and just knowing a few of them better than others, but now that they were away from the majority of their family and she was spending the bulk of her time with Cerberus, she was thankful that she had decided to stay in Boreas with him and Albion. He had quickly become her best friend in this short time that they had been living together in Elysium. She did wonder if maybe she would have grown closer to any of her other brothers had she gone with her parents or if she would have been as close to another of her siblings had Cerberus swapped places with them. Maybe it was something about Cerberus in particular that she got along with so well. It was hard to tell.

Ruse smiled up at him happily for a moment before reaching her muzzle up to his cheek, giving his cheek an affectionate nuzzle before she lowered her head to his chest again, tucking herself into the crook of his neck. "Do you have to go on that patrol?" she questioned as her forelegs that were wrapped around his broad chest tightened a bit, holding on to him and already not looking forward to when he would have to leave to get to his pack duties. She knew from living with their father that responsibility and working hard were incredibly important and normally she wouldn't get in the way of him doing just that, but being wrapped up in his embrace and snuggled into the warmth of him, feeling his paws rubbing over her, it all felt too good to give up so soon.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-25-2022, 02:30 PM
The reassurance that she felt the same way was never needed, but hearing it always made him feel better. He always felt in place and loved by the rest of his family, but here with Ruse everything felt different. Maybe it was age or maybe it was the specific and special time they had spent together here, or maybe it was both. He wasn't really closed to the possibilities of the emotions he was feeling, he just didn't search too deep into it.

As she asked if he had to go on his patrol, that gentle grin faded slightly as he felt some sort of disappointment as if he was letting her down or something of that sort. He wanted to tell her he didn't have to, that he could ask someone else to take it for him. They had plenty of capable warriors in Elysium, but with the time of night he wouldn't have went out to find someone to cover for him. He held his breath reluctantly for a moment showing that bit of holding back not wanting to disappoint her, and he finally gave her that response, "I have to." His paw gently sliding down her back as it had been before.

He knew she would understand, but he also knew that being away from the rest of their family had been hard for her at times. She seemed to adjust in due time and fit in the best she could, it was almost a part of their blood and nature. To overcome. He knew that they helped each other through the hard times even if they didn't feel so harsh.

It was only a moment or so later when he went to shift, some kind of instinct with her being so close and snuggled into his chest. He rose slightly, moving into a completely different position to put his chest up against her back or side the best he could, but overall laying overtop completely surrounding her in him. He was acting on his emotions and what felt right to what he wanted, physically and emotionally maybe not one over the other. His chin reaching over her shoulder where their cheeks would meet before his nose moved down to gently nuzzle towards her throat and side of her neck. A paw eventually flowing down the length of her body under him. There was really no hesitation in his actions, nothing felt wrong to him between them as his own innocence started to pull away from him and breaking some kind of barrier between them not that one had been there before. His physical desires were still far from taking more from her, just holding her maybe even dreaming in a way as he explored his thoughts and what felt good and right to him.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
12-26-2022, 11:24 PM

She tried to not be disappointed when Cerberus admitted that he had to go since she already knew that would be the answer, but she couldn't help but feel just a bit selfish with her disappointment. She didn't reply other than to hold him a little tighter, soaking in her time with him while she could before he had to leave to do his patrol. She knew that he'd be back in the morning and it wasn't like he would be gone for a long time, but right after he got back she would be expected to go start her day and they would just continue to be ships passing in the night. She didn't like it and she hoped that he would be off this odd schedule soon so they could go back to spending their nights cuddled together again.

A moment later, just as they had begun to fall into silence once more, she felt Cerberus begin to shift and she blinked open her eyes to see him move in the dim lighting of the bit of moonlight that filtered in through the cave's entrance. "Cerb?" she questioned softly in almost a whisper, but she didn't try to stop him as he slipped from her embrace and shifted his body till his larger frame was settled over her own. She had been on her side while she was cuddling with him, but the movement and shift of their bodies put her almost onto her stomach so that his chest was against her back. It was such a sudden change and a new kind of position to be in that it caught her off guard, making her tense for a moment as her ears flicked uncertainly, but when his cheek pressed to hers and his muzzle traced the side of her neck it made her breath catch and her body start to relax into his again.

"Cerberus..." she breathed as her reeling mind tried to keep up with what was going on and what she was feeling, but it was hard to do as he nuzzled against the side of her neck and throat and his large paws followed the curves of her quickly maturing body. She didn't have a full thought or sentence to say, words escaping her despite the question and emotion that lingered in her voice. There was something in her core that seemed to tighten and warm at this feeling of having his body over hers, causing her eyes to flicker closed while she soaked in his attention and affection. She had always enjoyed the attention she got from her brothers, but this was an entirely new feeling and it was heady and intoxicating even if she didn't fully understand it.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-27-2022, 08:57 PM
He had felt that bit of tension in her but as he continued on and felt her give way into him he didn't stop to see if everything was alright. His intensions where fully pure, though he was acting more on his own gain. Maybe there was a part of him that thought Ruse wanted what he wanted, and that may have been true. He was still as gentle as he had always been with her and everyone else really. Almost like there was no black part of his soul. That may have been true too.

His name on her tongue, heady, alluring, it sent something through his entire body that he had never experienced before. His arms carefully squeezed around her mid back while his one paw still moved along the fur of her side and closer to her stomach, somehow knowing the sensitivity his touch would give her. He lifted his body up just a bit, that same paw moving upwards across her chest and towards her opposite shoulder to try and turn her just enough to get his eyes back onto her face. Pulling his nose away from her neck hoping that he could meet her gaze there. "Do you feel the same way I do Ruse?" His voice just barely above a whisper it was a genuine question, in someway a reassurance that he himself could make her feel this growing urge and yearning for him in the way he was for her. His gaze shifted down as the lower half of him gently pushed up against her thigh, holding his breath just for that second before raising his nose back up close to hers. His paw snaked between her front legs as he held her, not pushing his limits any more than that. Not with her being underage, and not asking himself for too much in just this one night.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
01-08-2023, 03:48 PM

Feeling Cerberus' paw continue to move over her body as his embrace squeezed around her made her heart skip again and the rush of her thoughts slowly began to piece together these feelings and emotions into something that made sense. It wasn't as if being close and intimate with one of her siblings was a wild and outlandish thought. She grew up with her father who kept three mates, one of which was his sister, and had siblings from all three of those pairings. She had never shied away from being affectionate with any of her brothers, cuddling and kissing cheeks whenever they would let her simply because she was naturally drawn to that kind of attention. Laying like this with Cerberus was a new experience for her, but once her thoughts had a chance to catch up to what her body was feeling she was able to start putting names to the feeling of electricity that danced over her nerves and the warmth that spread through her core at his touch.

As his paw moved her again, pulling on her shoulder and making her turn enough that her gaze could meet his once more, she blinked open her two-toned gaze to meet the bright eyes of her brother as he pulled away from her neck. He questioned whether she felt the same as he did and before she could answer, wanting to question how he felt to see if it matched with what was overwhelming her system, she saw him glance down between their entwined bodies and felt parts of him press against her thigh. Her face flushed, pink hues peeking through the pale fur of the pale side of her face, but her core still clenched even tighter with her first real taste of desire.

Following her newly blossoming instincts, Ruse shifted and twisted under her brother, rolling onto her back under him so that she could more clearly see his face as his nose lingered so close to hers. "I do," she replied just as softly as she brought her front paws up to his shoulders, feeling the strong, training-hardened muscles under his black and russet fur. She followed his shoulders and let her paws drift down to his chest as she lifted her muzzle just a bit, enough to brush the side of her muzzle against his own. Everything was new and experimental, but everything felt right. Her instincts led her as she eventually brought her lips lightly to his, testing her limits and contributing in her own way to this growing and changing of their relationship.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-08-2023, 06:20 PM
As much as he felt like he had all control over her, and maybe he did, he bent to every move she made in return. The string between them fully sewn in the relationship between them as siblings and the special time they had shared more recently. There was something about the moment, the experience, the way she turned and looked back at him that took his breath away. Everything that worked through him was out of pure instinct, though not only what he felt with Ruse. His physical desires had been growing since his time with Valtiel. Everything else had been built on general knowledge and his time with Ruse.

The way he looked back at her still in that semi tired state that turned more lustful just from the moment alone, she was sure to feel that same emotion that he asked and they shared. He was drawn into her the same way she was with him, lingering on the thin edge between their noses in some way begging her to give him more. Just as she had he felt this surge of longing and tingling through his body as her paws moved along his chest and arms. The thought of leaving her alone soon threatened at the back of his mind but it wouldn't make him pull away.

It had felt like an eternity, but not a second lost its value as she brushed her nose along the side of his and finally brought them together where he met her halfway in that exact moment she had decided. The desire of the experience was shared between them. Cerberus kissed her back slow at first, of course never having kissed anyone like this before. Growing more deeper the longer he held her there. Not necessarily aggressive but eager in every silent moment. A paw gripped lightly at her side and towards her back, pressing his body gently against hers not that he really had to show her how desirable she was to him. It would feel nearly impossible to break them apart, but when he finally could his paws kept their soft brushes and movements along her body. "I'll take some time off soon." He promised her in a quiet whisper. His breath was a little heady is he caught it back again between them, "I'll stay here until the last second." His eyes roamed between them, admiring her, ready to just hold her back in his arms like they had so many nights before. He was here for her though, maybe equally for himself too. But for Ruse, right now, everything was for her.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
01-18-2023, 08:38 PM

Once Cerberus met her half way and their lips connected, it was even easier for her to fall into him and give into these instincts that they were finding and awakening together. Their kiss was slow and experimental at first, but easily enough they found a rhythm with one another and her dual toned eyes closed with a soft sound of enjoyment and pleasure escaping her. Her paws traced his shoulders and slipped up around the back of his neck as they kissed and she lost all track of time as she simply enjoyed him and this moment they were having together. She hadn't thought much about what her first kiss might be like or who she might have it with or even what kind of wolf she might be attracted to despite how prevalent relationships and love had been in all of their lives growing up. The majority of their family needing to leave for their father's health and the complete change and shift in their lives had derailed these more simple, care-free thoughts that she might have entertained otherwise, but here with Cerberus she was finding them again.

She returned all of the eagerness he put into their kiss until his lips finally parted from his and she blinked open her eyes with a quiet gasp, finding his gaze easily again while she caught her breath. A little grin tugged at the corners of her lips while her toes uncurled from where they had gotten tangled in his scruff and she started rubbing along the back of his neck while his paws resumed the path they made along her body. To his promise that he would take some time off soon, she gave him a wider grin, her tail brushing gently against the bedding she was laying across. "Good. I'll be looking forward to it," she told him in response. As much as she didn't want to let him go tonight, she knew she had to and the promise of uninterrupted time in the near future did help ease the slight disappointment. She gave a small nod as he added that he would stay here till the last moment and she leaned toward him again, softly replying, "I'll take advantage of that time then," before rejoining her lips to his to eagerly enjoy every minute she had before he finally had to slip away from her embrace to go on his nightly patrol, leaving her to curl up in the residual warmth and fall into fanciful dreams and curious imaginings.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"