
Lab Protocol


10-09-2013, 08:29 PM

The young wolf hadn't slept much last night. Maybe it was because he was still getting used to his new surroundings, but he had a feeling it was more because he was hoping to catch Kamala up every night. Her company was surely preferable to most, and he liked the secluded time they had just to talk some mornings. She was a wonderful young wolfess with an intellect that astounded him greatly. It was a shame she was probably off limits being a princess of Seracia and him just being a lowly student. Crucible shook his head dismissing those negative thoughts. He would just have to enjoy the time he was given with her and not pout about what couldn't be.

His paws carried him to a place in Seracia he had not yet been to and it fascinated him. Though it never really took much to perk the young wolf's interest. He knew that if he was to ever be influential in this trivial world of his he had to know all there was to know. The place he was in currently had a smaller type of plant. It was all brown at the moment, but one could see the berries...were they berries? No seeds, still clinging to the odd branches. (ooc* Soybeans) Knocking some of the seeds from their branches he tried to squash them under his paws, but they were too tough. Not knowing whether or not they were poisonous, Crucible knew he shouldn't take them into his mouth, but to say he was highly tempted was an understatement.

Golden eyes scanned the area. It was open and flat. A perfect place to start his lessons. Perhaps King Maverick wouldn't be opposed to being called at the moment. Lifting his nose to the sky, Crucible let out a long calling note. It was beautiful in a way, very fluid and placed somewhere near the middle, but filled with a depression that can only come from being forced out of your home and not seeing one's mother for a very long time as a young wolf. Sitting down on his haunches, he waited patiently to see if his King would come to his call. It was not an urgent message by any means, and conveyed a more 'if you want to' sense about it.


10-10-2013, 07:10 PM

With the meeting, preparations for war, and imminent arrival of refugees, the King had been far too busy to pay much attention to his mentee lately, though he did regret it. He hoped the boy would understand, and wouldn't regret his earlier enthusiasm of being educated by the king himself. He lowered his leg, having previously lifted it along the borderline to reinforce the claim that had long ago been placed upon the kingdom. It was his job to ensure that no one would cross it without knowledge of its existence. As he neared another area to mark he noted the distant howl of Crucible. Ah, just the boy he'd been thinking of.

The King rounded the corner quite quickly, having come a long distance in a relatively short amount of time. His sides extended and contracted evenly as he slowed his pace to a halt a yard away from the boy. His head dipped gently as a sheepish smile crossed his lips. ?I apologize for not calling you sooner, Crucible. Regrettably I have been busy as usual.? Now he knew why his father had always been running about like a madman - being a King wasn't easy, and he was quite a few years younger than his father. ?But I am here now, and I'm sure you have much you'd like to discuss.? He would leave the floor open for Crucible to lead the conversation as he willed.



10-13-2013, 09:02 PM

The boy was surprised by the swiftness at which his king hat come to his call. Surely he did not think that their training lessons were that important that he had to run to them? Even though Crucible did not think that the king should worry himself so much over his training, he noted that the haste in which his king appeared made him feel special. The boy nodded at the apology, though he didn't really think the king needed to apologize. As far as discussion, he still had not gotten to talk to his king about Glaciem, though he thought King Maverick would have sought him out for such information. Perhaps that fellow Dragon had all that the king needed. It was not as if he had too much information anyway. He had been excessively young and not on the inside of things to know as much as the king would probably have liked.

"There is no need to apologize. I understand that you are busy." Crucible sat down and curled his tail around his feet. "Truthfully I had just called to see if we could start training, but whatever you would like to ask of me I will be willing to answer. I know you were curious about my past at the meeting." The young boy was anxious to begin learning his future discipline for he wanted to be the best, and he knew that would only happen with time and dedication. If Maverick could teach him something, anything, just to start he could begin practicing...and practicing....and practicing... To say he was a little obsessive would be an understatement when it came to his future. Besides it may give him something to take his mind off of Kamala and her early morning talks.


10-16-2013, 09:20 PM

Undoubtedly the boy would wish to begin immediately - as he had expressed immediate interest in learning to fight, but there was so much more the King had to offer to him - so much so that Maverick wasn't even aware of it all. A smile would crease his features as the boy began to speak, mentioning his willingness to train. Maverick wouldn't deny his prodigy the request, though a bit of patience could stand to be taught. Impulse control was important, as well as the knowledge that war was not the answer to everything. He continued to mention his past, resulting in a quirk of the King's ear. "I'll be brief, but I would like to know what you know of the Snow Rogues. Gargoyle mentioned having them stay in Seracia for the winter but I have heard nothing since." The boy was here now, did this mean the Snow Rogues had met an ill fate? Had Gargoyle fallen to some beast - or worse? The russet man certainly hoped not.



10-17-2013, 08:43 AM

Remembering his past was not something the young man particularly liked to do, mostly because hindsight is twenty twenty and he could see where he had made the dumbest mistakes. Of course life is all about learning, and he had been but a pup when he had gotten misplaced from his family, but it still bothered him to be sure. "I will tell you what I know, though it is little," Bringing his eyes back up to his king, he began his story of stupidity. The poor young wolf was much too hard on himself. "I lived with my family until I was a little over a year old. I had not seen my mother much during this time, so I cannot tell you of her. And as far as I remember Gargoyle was still leader of the pack. We had moved much during this period, and one day I was separated from them and never found my way back."

A hard look came onto his facial features. He hated that he had not succeeded in finding his family and he blamed himself and his inadequacies. "I have heard hide nor tail of them since and have been living as a rogue for the past few seasons." Crucible grimaced at the memories of those first few weeks and how difficult they had been, how hungry he had been. "But your queen had asked of Glaciem at the meeting, and I know slightly more of their activities from being in the area. I know that a wolf named Isardis is king and that he has many wolves under his jurisdiction. There is an air about the place now that told me it would be a terrible decision to get to close to that land, and my gut has not led me astray yet."

He hoped that the small amount of information he was able to provide would be helpful to his king. It was not a lot, but many often forgot that the boy was only a yearling and had not had a very long life of observation yet. "I'm sorry I cannot provide you with more." Unfortunately, Crucible often forgot his age as well. He was much more mature than the average yearling, especially after having to live on his own for some time. He hated his memory flaws and did not seem to realize that they came from his age rather than a detriment to his abilities.


10-17-2013, 11:08 AM

Worry creased his face, for he was genuinely concerned of the fate of the Snow Rogues. Gargoyle had once seemed so invincible, then he had been felled by Isardis - what else may have happened in the past few months? The boy though seemed to have departed from them some time ago, did he really have any information that Maverick didn't already know? He supposed this was the only way to find out. Crucible went on to explain, letting on that he'd been separated from them a few seasons ago. That had to be just after Gargoyle had come to Seracia. It seemed that the fate of the Snow Rogues was anyone's guess. Then he spoke a little about Glaciem, and his knowledge of it. The facts were few, but the emotion was there. Glaciem had an aura about it, the same aura Maverick had felt when one of their women found her way here and was subsequently dragged back. Oh, he'd hated that day - he had hated his lack of ability to take action. ?You were wise not to go there. From what I know - which is very little - it's a breeding factory. I know nothing of what Isardis does with those who cannot provide him young.? What did the Glaciem king do with the males and infertile females? One could only guess. Maverick sighed. ?But nevermind all of that. You found your way here and that's all that matters. I have much I could teach you, but I need to know what you already know. Let's see your defenses, Crucible.? Perhaps it was a rather abrupt change of pace, but the King was ready to begin - almost as ready as the boy was. War was near and everyone needed to be prepared. He would stand still, remaining just as he was so that he wouldn't unknowingly give the boy any tips on how to prepare his defenses.



10-17-2013, 12:17 PM

A breeding factory? Crucible crinkled his nose at the thought. That's absurd! ...and gross. The young man couldn't possibly understand Isardis in the least at this point in his life. Sure he felt an attraction to women, but one woman would surely be enough...wouldn't it? These were thoughts for a later time and date though for King Maverick was moving on.

"I have much I could teach you, but I need to know what you already know. Let's see your defenses, Crucible.?

Crucible almost chuckled thinking about what he already knew, but he kept the laugh inside his head for the moment. It was time to show off that superior intellect of his. He could make an ample guess at what defenses were necessary, but some things would only come with experience. First the young male would square his feet. Balance was surely a necessity for fighting. Then after a moment's hesitation he would tuck his tail. Crucible surely wouldn't want anyone to grab ahold of that during a fight. Taking a cue from when he was learning to hunt he placed his line of sight directly on King Maverick's chest. This was his center and it would make it much harder for the wolf, or prey as he had learned, to fake him out. Then just for kicks and giggles he threw on a 'menacing' looking face. Well, as menacing as one could be when they are only a year old. His lips drew back in a grimace and his ears flattened against his skull.

This was the position he held for his king to examine him. Surely this was semi-close... Of course, Crucible noted, that his timing was slow. Blast it all, his timing was slow. He had taken way too much time to get into this position and it would have cost him were this a real battle. The boy refused to understand that this was part of the learning process. If he had not done something perfectly he would be frustrated with himself. The boy did not recognize that this thought process would cost him in battle, his frustration and his dwelling on what should have been will make him even more of an underdog.


10-17-2013, 01:07 PM

The King watched idly as the boy prepared himself, taking longer than profitable in an actual battle - but not long enough to cause Maverick alarm. First, the boy would square his stance, going from an informal position of just relaxing and talking to one that was prepared for warfare. Next his tail tucked protectively, followed by a lowering of his head to his spine's level. He then painted on an attempt at a menacing face - to which Maverick would quirk his brow slightly - before flattening his ears for emphasis. Maverick looked him over critically, admiring his knowledge while thinking of other things the boy could stand to learn. ?Good, good..? he would praise Crucible as he made a tight circle around his bodice. ?You have the basics down, but there are a few additions you could add in for extra protection.? Maverick brought himself up to the boy's left shoulder and nudged it lightly with his nose. ?You'll want to roll your shoulders, it sends some of the extra fur and skin on your scruff forward to protect your neck. He inched forward, tapping Crucible's muzzle lightly. ?Tuck your chin down as far as you can without compromising your vision. Your throat is the easiest way you can be harmed, so always keep it safe.? From there the King would dip his head to the bend in Crucible's left front leg. ?Bending your knees isn't always necessary, but it'll help lower your reaction time so you can move, twist, pivot, and dodge faster. It'll also lower your center of gravity and make it harder for someone to push you around.? Without hesitation the King rose and moved to stand in front of Crucible. He left three feet of distance between them as he prepared his own defenses, his head shifting down and chin tucking toward his chest. His legs squared and bent to prepare him, whilst his tail flagged out for the time being. Ears twisted back over his skull as his shoulders rolled forward. His jaw tensed and unhinged as he voiced a single phrase. ?Attack me.? In war, the only way to learn anything was through action. Emerald eyes would narrow to snakelike slits as he waited in anticipation. It had been some time since his last spar.


ooc; I figure we won't make this an official has-to-be-judged spar, just kind of an informative paws-on training session <3


10-17-2013, 01:34 PM

As his king went about telling him things to correct on his position, Crucible did each step right away. He had not thought of rolling his shoulders to protect his neck. That was an interesting concept, but it make sense to be sure. When the king tapped his nose though, Crucible cursed himself for his stupidity. Of course! How could he forget such a thing?! Finally he unlocked his knees. His balance greatly improved and he felt more ready to deflect an attack. Though the boy had to admit, the position itself was highly uncomfortable. He would have to practice this position not only for muscle memory, but also to strengthen muscles used here that were not used in his daily activities.

King Maverick then walked around him and faced him in his own defensive position. Curious, Crucible waited for him to say his intentions. "Attack me." What? His king wanted him to attack him? Oh hell no! But...that was sort of an order right? Yes, yes it was an order. Peace of mind at his next actions would seep into his skull. He wondered what his king was up to though, so he had to think, and think quickly, about his form of attack. He would not make the mistake of being to slow with his actions again.

The boy's logic led him to snap at the king's right leg, quick as a snake. He aimed to clamp down on it and swing his body around to slam his rump into the king's shoulder. This would hopefully knock King Maverick over when his weight spammed into his shoulder and his jaws took out one of his legs. Most of his weight was thrust into this motion, putting him off balance. However, if the boy were to miss, which he effectively had not thought about, he would swing himself around into nothing and most likely lose his balance and end up on his back. A poor move if there ever was one, but not bad for a youngster.


10-17-2013, 05:04 PM

Maverick was braced and ready, knowing that the boy might have a very different fighting style than he. Though this was all in fun and for training, he knew that injuries could and possibly would happen. So long as they were both careful everything would be alright. He watched, studying Crucible as he took a moment to decide and then launched his attack with surprising speed. The corner of Maverick's lip drew up in a half-smile as he felt Crucible's jaws snap shut on his leg - hard enough to make him feel it, but certainly not hard enough to deal lasting damage. With such a connection to Crucible, it was easy to detect his pivoting movement and counter it with one of his own. In a swift motion, slightly bent legs would pivot him in the same direction as Crucible (I'm guessing Crucible's swinging to his own left hoping to hit Maverick's right side?) . His captured leg remained where it was, twisting within Crucible's grasp, while the other three compensated the movement to evade the boy's intent of knocking the King off balance. At the same time as this movement of position, jaws would snare down and slightly to his own right in effort to firmly grasp the boy's scruff, while he also sought to move forward abruptly and without much indication in efforts to drive his powerful chest into Crucible's face/top of his head. The collision - unless avoided - was intended only to drive the boy back and away from Maverick's leg.



10-17-2013, 08:15 PM

His teeth clamped down on King Maverick's leg, but he made sure not to hurt him. Pivoting on his king's leg he swung around to meet nothing.... Then his face rammed into King Maverick's chest. Dazed for a moment he back pedaled. This would allow his thinking and vision to clear enough to continue. When he regained rational thought, Crucible immediately put himself back into a defensive position. His shoulders rolled, and his chin tilted down. His feet squared and his tail tucked.

A little winded now, the boy would aim for the king's left shoulder. What he hoped would happen was that the king would counter his move and lower his head. This would allow Crucible to then slow his attack enough to replace gnashing jaws with his shoulder blade to ram into the king's head. A little doubtful of his plan, but his logic seemed sound. He wasn't really sure what would happen if this went well, but if it didn't...well he'd probably just run into a big angry set of teeth.


10-22-2013, 11:24 AM

A piece of a smile would wrinkle his lips as the boy's head came cascading into his chest. Ah, he remembered when he had once made complicated moves like Crucible was now attempting. Little had he known that the secret was in making more than one calculated simple moves in order to deal more damage. Maverick watched, not moving, as the boy put up his defenses once more, having let them fall in his dazed state. Good, his recovery time was decent. Maverick took these moments to ensure his own defenses, head tucked down toward his chin, legs spread and bent, tail flagged out, ears tucked, and eyes narrowed. Maverick tensed as the boy shifted his fangs toward his shoulder, instinctively dropping his own head to counter. However, on impulse he would jut his fangs out also, untucking his chin for a moment to hopefully grab hold of Crucible's upper jaw. Damage would be minimal as the king trained his bite to nothing more than a clamping hold, ensuring he didn't hurt his mentee in efforts to grab hold of him. Soon enough all of this would be over and the King would give his verdict.
