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Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-08-2023, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2023, 04:21 PM by Kiliaen. Edited 1 time in total.)

A big part of adopting a nomadic lifestyle- there was never really was a solid sense of home. It was sticking around in an area just long enough to get familiar and comfortable, and moving on to something else for one reason or another. Kiliaen had abandoned the candy-coated waterfalls some time ago when other wolves started moving in. Of course, she didn't ask to stay. Perhaps they would have allowed her to if she negotiated to join their ranks. But that life didn't really appeal to her, and it certainly wasn't worth a fight. So, on her own premonition, she collected her few belongings- mostly dried herbs in a rolled-up fur- and set off to what she hoped to be bigger and better things.

She traveled around Auster for a good while, but never really found much worth sticking around for. It wasn't until she had made nearly an entire lap around the continent that she rediscovered God's Garden, and it most certainly was. The meadow was stunning- brimming in life that was unlike anything she had ever seen. The variety was unnatural, but it was unkempt in grown over. Something she was more than happy to take advantage of.

So, from the day of her rediscovery, God's Garden became another semi-permanent stop in her adventure. She adopted an empty den that she had found hollowed out beneath the roots of a fairly old tree a good distance into the surrounding wood. The shelter itself wasn't very large, but enough to maintain a dry place to sleep.

Today (like most days, really) she found herself in a gardening stupor. However, that could very well have something to do with today's subject. Kiliaen had discovered a particularly rare plant that was quite valuable in stabilizing an individual's mood, treating insomnia, or easing anxiety. And while she wasn't personally affected by any of these conditions, it was a good tool to have in one's arsenal. Her goal was to propagate more of it, and to do that, she would have to harvest a plant. The usable parts would be kept, dried, and stored for safekeeping. Kiliaen would section off the stem into pieces for planting. Over time, the cuttings would take root and grow into entirely new plants, and in the event that she returned to this place- or another healer for that matter- there would be more stock waiting for use if they knew where to look.

With her plan set, she took to culling one of the largest specimens, leaving the immature ones alone to grow to their full potential. Allowing herself to become fully absorbed in her task at hand, and not paying attention to any of the worlds around her.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-08-2023, 07:40 PM
It was the first time that Balthier had left a girl's side after a night together and not the other way around, not that they had gone very far intimately. Still with that kind of control over a part of his life he found himself urging to return back to Kiliaen again since the morning he left her at Lazuli Falls. By the time he made the effort, which wasn't much given what more he wanted out of this beginning relationship, Ethne had taken her place. He did have the thought that maybe she had joined and in that event he just hoped they would cross paths again outside. He didn't know her well enough to think she would or wouldn't join the pack. For the lifestyle or being emotionally connected to the lands. He wouldn't march up on their lands either demanding to see her. He was a gentleman after all.

Fate would seem to pull the strings he wanted though as he made his exit from The Hallows and caught the scent of her in nearby lands, a scent he wouldn't soon forget. He'd drop all he was doing, that being heading out on a hunt for the stores, and pursue her at that first grasp. He was quiet as he had always been, almost as if he were stalking a prey. Though, he hoped she'd be eager to see him once they met.

"Wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again. Kiliaen." He wasn't drunk enough to forget the night of holding her and it was what he had been holding onto their entire time apart. Maybe a bit obsessive, but not on the surface. "Were you going to need any help with that?" He questioned as she seemed busy tending to some herbs or plants. She did appear to be a hard worker if only for herself.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-08-2023, 11:22 PM

Just as she was fading into an auto-piloted state. A familiar masculine voice shattered the zoned-out haze. Her attention flashed to the direction it had come from- her expression painted in disbelief. But sure enough, as soon as the recognition of that familiar gentleman dawned on her, it seemed that everything in the moment was right in the world. "It's good to see you again, Balthier." Kiliaen responded- her expression illuminating in genuine affection as she recalled the night they had spent together nearly a season ago.

But of course, Balthier was quick to see work and offer his assistance. She was taken with amusement at the idea. "I'll accept all the help I can get," She answered cheerily. No, she didn't need help. However, she would be happy to use it as an excuse to spend time with him. Returning her focus to the project she started, she sectioned off the stalk of the Kava plant she had harvested into two pieces at the middle. Once satisfied, she pushed one of the shrub cuttings to her company. Kiliaen allowed herself to seek out that two-toned gaze that captivated her heart as she went on to explain the objective. "I'm plucking the leaves first, then we'll separate the stem into small pieces to replant." She instructed with a soft grin. "Though, if you'd prefer to not get yourself dirty, it's okay to just watch." She quickly added, giving him an out if he didn't want to participate after all. She understood it wasn't everyone's preference.

Though, if he did choose to help, she thought to pass on a warning. "Be careful though, this particular plant is used for a variety of things, all of which pertain to mood elevation. Or drowsiness if you have a hard time sleeping-" Kiliaen cut herself off, as she felt herself slipping into a textbook definition tangent of relevant treatments for this particular plant. She was sure he didn't want to know or care. "Nevermind. The point is, don't ingest it as you collect it, because it will relax you to the point of no further productivity and will make you swimmy headed." Granted, he would have to eat a lot of it in its current state. It was most effective ground into a cold water tea. But still, she didn't want him getting lost on his way back home either.

As she set to stripping individual leaves off her part of the stalk, it was easy to lose herself in a rhythm. Pluck a leaf, add it to the pile. Pluck a leaf, add it to the pile. But after a few moments of quiet, she cleared her throat to speak. "So ... not a breakfast guy then, I take it?" Kiliaen asked with a playfully narrowed, sideways glance, and a teasing grin. It was all out of good fun, as she would have likely done the same had it not been her own place.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-09-2023, 10:44 AM
He was more than thrilled to see that she was just as happy to see him, though he assumed she held in a lot more of those outward emotions like he did. He was never much the bubbly type, maybe she was the same in these regards.

He chuckled a little as she had told him her task but mentioned he didn't have to if he didn't like to get dirty. "You should take me for a rugged raft man, surely a little dirt won't bother me. I may have told you before, but I know some about plants or at least how to handle them."

He would take what she said seriously about the plant having properties that could put him out if not taken care of properly. He couldn't identify the herb, that was out of his general knowledge. But he knew enough not to mess around with it when she told him. He smiled a little as she cut herself off, there was no need to leave out what she felt like telling him. Especially in his much more sober state currently, "I'd always be willing to learn what you can teach." He assured her. At least a start from where he knew some about plants and herbs already.

He would follow suit after her as she began her work, watching to see how she would handle the plants first before going back in rhythm beside her. No problem for him. He raised a brow as she asked him about breakfast, another quiet chuckle that became apart of his character, "Well that depends on the day. A morning for myself sure, I'll take a nice breakfast. I guess that doesn't make much sense skipping when I'm working." He kept his attention on his paws while he spoke, casual as if he were comfortable with her. And he was. It wasn't difficult for him. He was surprisingly a bit naive when it came to relationships of any nature. Trust came easy for him, forgiveness did not however. Maybe something she'd never know. "Are you suggesting a late breakfast?" He joked slightly, he'd be willing to set something up with her of course. In the end he'd leave it up to her. If they worked together he could bring back enough for The Hallows and he wouldn't have to worry about failing on duties again.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-09-2023, 02:40 PM

Her laughter was genuine. Rugged wasn't exactly a word she would have picked to describe Balthier on her own. But if that's how he envisioned himself, she would certainly accommodate. "Well, I keep that in mind then, rugged raft man. If I need help, I'll know who to call on." Kiliaen acknowledge through her own stifled chuckle. She wouldn't have been disappointed had he elected not to help, but she did appreciate that he was true to his word.

However, the interest he expressed was a little surprising. Her line of sight lingered on him for a moment, wondering just how serious he was. But after a moment, she nodded and returned her attention back to her work. "This shrub is called Kava. It's actually a pretty rare find, which is why I want to make sure more of it gets replanted." Kiliaen started. "I'm only going to harvest one limb of sorts in order to save the rest for later use or for someone else. It can take a few years to grow back to this size." Or at least, that's what her mother had told her. She had never actually stayed in one place long enough to see growth.

As she finished plucking the leaves, she leaned back a bit to admire the pile that had been harvested. Glancing over to check on Balthier's progress, she continued. "Like I said, it's used for relaxing someone's mind. Curbing anxiety or nervousness. Or even if the patient's mind is too loud to sleep- it will quiet someone down." She explained, completing her earlier thought. "But it's best served ground up into a tea to get the full effect." Once the tannins leached into the water intended to drink, it became far more powerful. And really, there was no comparison even when it came to a tea made from the roots vs the leaves. However, it was far more difficult to harvest the roots ... especially if you intended for the plant to survive.

The grin that spread across her features took a firmer hold when he went on to describe his breakfast habits. There wasn't much to this conversation- just an exchange of pleasantries while they worked. But it made her happy to get a better feel for her newfound companion. "Maybe ... We'll see how long this takes." It might have to be a lunch instead. That was, if they had time for it. She was sure Balthier had responsibilities of his own, and she didn't want to be the one to get him in trouble. Which brought her to her next thought. "But if you have a task you need help with, I'd be happy to pitch in as well." It was only fair after all, and they were nearing the end of her objective. "Now, if we sever the stem into small pieces, it'll root into new plants." Kiliaen explained. The autumn fae placed a claw on one part of the stalk. And pulled what was left of it away. With a small amount of effort, she was left with two pieces- a propagule, and the rest of the stem. "Like this." She said, pushing the newly cut piece towards her company- in was probably only 2-3" in length, and would be fairly simple to bury once they were prepared for that step.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-09-2023, 09:39 PM
Their mutual emotions back and forth kept him over content, without truly knowing the inner makings of Kiliaen he felt like he knew her and he was comfortable with her. It may have all been a lie, not to him. She was at least content being around him too, he thought so a lot more.

His silent nature may have grown on her, he couldn't be sure himself. But his genuine grin and constant gaze should have been enough to let her know that she wasn't bothering him with her ramblings of herb knowledge. He'd probably need to be reminded a few times that this was Kava for it to really stick but he wasn't unwilling to learn over time. It was easier for him to learn with his paws, stripping the plant and portioning it into pieces that would be planted. He had definitely done something like that before. Again he'd follow directionally as she went on, helping her in any way that was needed.

As she offered to help him in his own tasks he nodded his head, "I'm out here to hunt, so it'd be a good time." A good time to have breakfast, or lunch as she thought. Bringing back meat for the stores was in his mind but not his first thought. He was much more interested in keeping her attention. He'd be patient though. As much as he'd been slacking with the pack lately work ethic was important to him. And for her that was settling here in the garden and even preparing it for others who may reside here in the future.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-09-2023, 10:02 PM

Throughout her whole little lesson on the Kava, Balthier remained quiet and attentive- which she didn't mind. He didn't seem bored or annoyed- if he was, he didn't show it. So, until he did, she would keep going. If he retained any of the information, perhaps it would come in handy sometime in his life. If it didn't, well ... neither of them was out anything. Even still, he made a quick study, and she was glad for the help. When he made mention of his initial purpose of being out here to hunt, she offered him a soft nod and an affectionate sideways glance. "Well, I wouldn't call myself a great huntress. But I can keep myself fed." She offered lightly, with a small chuckle of amusement. "I would be happy to help ... but if I end up doing more harm than good, you'll just have to tell me." Kiliaen insisted in a playful tone, but her words were genuine. "You won't hurt my feelings." She finished with an attempt at assurance.

Once the stalk had been sectioned off relatively easily, it was time to start sticking them in the ground. Gathering a couple of the propagules, she moved a couple of strides away and took a few good swipes at the ground. Once she made a groove three or four inches deep, she dropped a stem segment in and covered it with the loose dirt. "Just like that." She said, glancing up to her company for a moment. "They just need to be spaced a few strides apart. Otherwise, it doesn't matter where." This garden was a wild one after all. It did no good to try and tame it into sections.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-17-2023, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2023, 11:08 PM by Balthier. Edited 1 time in total.)
He lowly chuckled as she had insisted she may not have been the best hunter and that she'd more than likely slow him down than help. "I think you'll do just fine." She was right, being on her own would suffice enough for his task. He was at least overly capable to pick up where she slacked off, he had done it before. Somehow getting that extra time with her was enticing and maybe not much of a secret between them from their last time together. For now though, it was just work.

He helped finish up her own at home task, planting the pieces of the stalks which was easy for him to follow. Common sense maybe, but he was careful with his paws. Perhaps a stark difference from his burly raft man side though she may not have had the chance to experience that yet.

Once they finished up his gentle paws regrouped with her before he tilted his chin with a raised brow, "I suppose you're ready then?" He'd give her a minute before they would head off. He'd be sure to make hint, though he believed she'd already know to stay quiet the farther they moved out from her camp.

The hunt was honestly fun, regardless if she struggled through any part of it. He didn't mind taking the lead and stepping up where he needed. What he loved most was watching her, admiring how she worked and tried to make her part in the endeavor. He had a flash of Azzurra on his mind, but he threw it out immediately.

With two deer in tow, he made a safe area for one where he could pick it back up on his way home and he carried the other deer back to her camp. Using his knife he would skin and portion it, not so close to where she called home if that's something she would have cared about and soon they would be ready to sit and eat though he expected her to already be relaxing from the run. He joined her, offering a piece of meat and planning on leaving the rest behind for her once they were done here. He settled down ready to take a bite before he mentioned, "Sorry I didn't bring the wine this time, I wasn't expecting to be in anyone's company." It was a bit of a joke with a smile, but he was also far serious. It's what made a good time a great one in his opinion. Drowning out those deep sorrows but also that funny little buzz that came along with it. "Are you staying around here?"

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-23-2023, 02:57 AM

When he reassured her that she would do fine on their hunting trip, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, only to break out in a broad playful grin and a light chuckle. How could he know? But she was appreciative of his kind indication. "I mean it, though!" Kiliaen insisted. While she certainly wouldn't turn down the opportunity to spend more time with him- she'd actually jump at the chance. She also didn't want to make his job any more difficult than it already was.

It had taken much longer to prepare to replant the Kava than it did actually planting the new shoots. But again, once the rhythm was set, it was fairly simple to maintain. She'd move a few paces, create a divot, center the propagule, and then cover it before moving to the next location. They hadn't harvested much of it, so when it was all said in done, there wasn't much to plant. So when they were finished, she took a moment to admire their work. It brought an appreciative grin to her face that held back the enthusiasm behind anticipation. A part of her couldn't wait to see the new plants begin to develop, even though she knew it was going to be a long while.

Balthier likely didn't share that excitement, but it was okay. She wasn't sure she would share the same enthusiasm for his hobbies. But that was a part of it. When he prompted her, asking if she was ready, she was quick to reply. "Yep! Good to go." Kiliaen answered, taking one last final glance around their workspace. Everything seem wrapped up, so she would follow his lead without any hesitation.

Most of what she had hunted to feed herself was smaller game- never something as large as a deer. She was by herself after all. However, she had forgotten how fun the chase could be. In their pursuit, she did her best to stay a step behind Balthier- silently mimicking his actions whenever she was unsure. A couple of times he had caught her watching him ... or perhaps it was the other way around? Regardless, she always immediately broke eye contact with a playfully embarrassed smirk as she pressed on to their hunt. Which, was surprisingly successful to a degree. She didn't think she ended up being that big of a hindrance after all.

Once they had satisfied Balthier's contribution to the Hallows, they returned to the unkempt garden. She offered him a puzzled look when he left one of the deer aside while bringing the other along, but didn't pressure it. As he began to field dress the one that he had brought along, she found a shady spot beneath a nearby tree. What she did not expect, was the offering of a cut of venison. Kiliean felt compelled to wave him off, or insist that he didn't have to. That it was part of their deal. But he knew all of that. So instead, she accepted the gift. "Thank you." She responded genuinely. She watched him as he settled nearby, waiting for him to get situated before taking her own first bite. As she was chewing, he jokingly apologized for not coming more prepared. Once her mouth was clear again, she offered a light chuckle. "That's okay. I believe we'll manage just fine without." Kiliean ensured.

There was a brief lull as they began their meals, but the conversation flowed smoothly. When he asked if she was staying nearby, she nodded in response before gesturing in a direction a little more toward the center of the territory. "Yeah, there's some cover just inside the tree line off the main meadow." The autumn fae answered. "It isn't going to withstand winter or a flood, but for summer it's nice." For a pre-dug out den beneath the roots of a tree, she felt that she had little to complain about.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-26-2023, 10:46 PM
As he had already planned he'd leave her the rest of the deer before he left. It was all cut and prepared it would just have to be moved to where she wanted to keep it stored. He'd take a bite or two as well as she had started, raising his brow and giving a quiet chuckle as she had insisted they'd do just fine without the wine. "It makes things a little more fun." He responded back, looking down to his bit of meal before taking another bite. Joking tone, but all too serious. Maybe he knew he had a problem, and he was just masking everything over with a laugh. Maybe he wanted someone to share the interest with him. He couldn't say for sure. Better to just drown everything out and take it one day at a time.

She did answer that she was staying nearby in the treelines of the garden. He did take notice on how she was thinking ahead, maybe planning on moving again soon. He had been a wide traveler, but other than pack life he hadn't stayed in one particular spot for more than a few days. He wasn't predetermining where he'd have to move or why. It was a little heartbreaking he supposed. He wasn't going to go as far as inviting her into The Hallows with him though he had to admit having her company would boost his overall mood.

After she spoke and while he hadn't quite finished his meal, specifically in response to her own answer, he rose and took gentle steps toward her. He didn't move fast, but deep inside his soul he was eager. To him it was almost like fate brought her here this close to The Hallows, or more so to him. A bit of the world revolving around him complex. "Maybe..." He'd go to lay down beside her, facing in towards her but with one paw gently dropping to place down around her back and shoulders. A bit unexpected perhaps, he may have acted pretty kind and neutral up until now. "I could come to visit you more often here?" His voice was low, quiet, he was sure to get her attention at least while this close to her. The thought that she may not have been ready, or accepting of him being so forthcoming wasn't even in existence in his mind. She should want to be with him, or so he thought. It could have been true. She was all alone out here after all. With another paw moving to place over both of her own, he'd lean forward to start and kiss her as if that's what she wanted this whole time. He had that night they were buzzed and cuddled on his mind almost the whole time he was here with her today, he just made it seem like he was only here to help her with her every day tasks. He didn't mind of course, but he certainly had other things on his mind. That would show now.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-27-2023, 10:11 PM

The chuckle he offered at her reassurance of a dry lunch was seemingly lighthearted. But even still, she wondered why he felt the need to justify it. "This is just a different kind of fun." Kiliaen responded lightly, returning his joking tone with one of her own. She remembered how warm and hazy it made their last meal. It made the firelight dinner that much more impactful. But this was the afternoon, out in the open, and in broad daylight. Maybe it would have been more fun, but she wasn't convinced. She was already having a lovely time as it was.

A comfortable lull settled between them as they went on with their meals- perhaps he was every bit in his head as she was in her own. But as Balthier stood from the place where he lounged, she couldn't help but watch playful interest as she finished chewing her most recent bite. His approach was unexpected, but not unappreciated. The smooth, masculine tones of his voice resonating in the suddenly narrow space between them. As he lowered himself to the ground, the presence of his touch just below her shoulders caused a tingling sensation. A feeling she didn't know if she should shake off or lean into. However, she definitely cared enough about him to want to avoid hurting his ego. So, she endured with a curious smirk spreading across her face as he suggested more regular visits here in God's Garden- both their meals long forgotten.

Her mind reeled for an appropriate answer as she was caught in the crosswind of genuinely liking him, and feeling uncertainty about where things were going and how quickly they were getting there. Just as she had decided she would take a leap of faith with him- more concerned of him turning away and never coming back if she balked- she felt another touch over the backs of her paws. Her attention flashed downwards for a moment as she took a breath to answer him. "I-" But just as she returned her eyes to his, she was met with a kiss.

Kiliaen went rigid for a split second- taken completely off guard before she could process what was happening. Her heartbeat threatened to fight its way out of her chest, though, in her surprise, she didn't pull away or attempt to stop it. After a moment, she allowed herself to relax, and even attempt to return his affection to the best of her ability by leaning into his advance. But when the burn in her lungs reminded her she required a deeper breath, she pulled back ever so slightly- lingering in their shared space. "What if.. I had told you I wasn't staying?" Would that have earned a different response? Did it particularly matter? No. The question was really just a device to make an attempt at clearing her head. Even so, through her close proximity to him, the chemistry between them, and the pull she couldn't ignore, it all was just a little bit stronger than her better judgment. She was reminded of the night spent tucked behind the waterfall. Maybe that didn't have to be a one-time thing. Maybe he was thinking that too. She searched his face to see if she could find any inkling of recognition- but she simply couldn't ignore the draw any longer. Leaning forward, she sought to reclaim his intimate touch once again.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-28-2023, 09:44 PM
The way she reacted to his closeness, it wasn't something necessarily new to him but different than his last couple encounters with women. That girl on the beach was so eager for him, Kiliaen seemed not immediately interested in diving so far in. To him she seemed a lot more fragile, a lot more dependent as their short times together continued. It wasn't really that she needed someone to provide for her, but he could almost feel that sense of loneliness in her. Maybe it was all just assumption or complete delusion on his part. But he would like to believe that she needed him in the long run. Even just right now.

As he pushed forward still without much concern about her feelings, he felt a surprised relief as she gave into him in return. The instinctual desire for her grew deep inside him, but he wasn't pushing his limits too far today. Not unless she drove them into that direction, he'd have no arguments to that. He took a sharp breath in himself as she pulled away, his eyes half lidded as he looked back at her taking back the breath that was held between them. That all too familiar soft smile over his maw from that quick moment they shared. Even when she considered that she may not have stayed here.

His paw over her back went to rub against her shoulders a couple times, but he too didn't release any space between them. "If that's true, we'd have to make the most of what time we have together." Silly for something that could easily be claimed as a fling. It wouldn't feel that way to him though. What she didn't see because it didn't show straight down from his heart was how desperate he was for her company. Not just a fling, or a one night stand. But he tried not to get his hopes up in matters like this. Just like the drink, it would be something to get him by. To drown out every real emotion and need that he buried. "Couldn't I give you a reason to stay?" It was genuine, but he was also throwing out this same joking attitude of it not being that big of a deal had she stayed here for the next few weeks or so, and then vanished from Auster. It would hurt him, but he wouldn't let her know that. Not right now in this early stage of potential they had. His nose would push forward again to capture her into that same kiss. Seemingly like that was all he cared about. Maybe in this moment it was.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-06-2023, 04:20 PM

Kiliaen was unsure of the response she was looking to her question that was just meant to buy them time. But she had not expected his insistence that was painted in a humorous light. A quiet, airy chuckle escaped her lips as a grin broadened her features. Maybe it was partially a nervous response, but she was also made sheepish by his forward desire. Of course, she was aware it could be a potentially dangerous game to play with someone she wasn't completely familiar with- but another part of her was relieved that he was willing to lead within the realm of seemingly comfortable reason. It was simple; her reluctance stemmed from uncertainty, and lack of experience. Though needless to say, she didn't have an argument for him, and her earlier hesitance continued to melt away as she gave herself over. The reclaiming kiss was enough for her to momentarily forget his following question, but the next time she drew back to answer him, the words were already there. "I'm not going anywhere." Kiliaen assured, with eyelids that were starting to become unreasonably heavy. She wanted so badly to continue swimming in those impossibly blue eyes of his. But the shared contact was simply more intoxicating to her than any bottle of wine ever could be.

Succumbing to the weight of intensity, she veered with the touch that had been situated at her shoulders. Kiliaen propped herself up with her opposite elbow to further open herself to him- though she refused to completely lose their kiss just yet. At least not until a completely different thought entered her mind. A window of sobriety found her as she asked her next question- a sudden manifestation of lingering anxiety. "You don't have any place to be, do you?" Kili asked softly, caught somewhere in a difficult place between worry and lust. The last thing she wanted was for him to be reprimanded for this. She wasn't entirely sure how much time they were prepared to lose, but she felt that they were rapidly approaching a point of no return.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
02-09-2023, 09:49 PM
A part of his heart twisted when she told him she wasn't going anywhere, not that he showed that twinge in any physical way towards her. Something about her acceptance, even if it wasn't meant to last forever, he could believe it was meant to for that moment. Something that he knew but didn't realize until that moment that's what he wanted most from her. Maybe the gleam in his eye as she looked right through him would show how desperate he was for her. She was making it hard for him to let go.

There was only a second of hesitation as she moved on to ask him if he needed to leave. Truth was, he hadn't been doing great inside the pack lately. He tried to brush it under the rug time and time again, and they were letting him. At least he thought he was getting away with it. It wasn't necessarily intentional, he didn't want to be a dead beat. He actually thought quite highly of his dependability. It was just his emotional state that hindered him, mostly the drink. When he answered her there was no pain. Like truly everything would be okay if he stayed here. And it probably would. He at least didn't have the wine to knock him out until the morning when he was more than likely needed for a patrol. His paw gently ran across her side as he searched over her gaze with the same reflected look she gave him, "For you, I don't need to be anywhere but here." Light hearted, like he cared. He did, more than just the physical. He was raised on a kind paw. He just had a rough or out of average life. Certainly not normal. He could care about her. But she was really only filling a temporary void that may have always been missing completely.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-13-2023, 09:26 PM

The point of no return was a particularly frightening concept. And it seemed that once the door to doubt was opened, it was becoming increasingly difficult to close it once again. It wasn’t that she didn’t want this. It was the anxiety of commitment that fluttered in her chest and the back of her mind. But then again … it wasn’t like they were entering a relationship- nothing was being promised. But then why did she feel so out of place- why had she hoped he had somewhere to be in this specific moment? At the base components, she definitely wanted Balthier’s company. She enjoyed his attention- the desire that she thought she could see in his gaze left her nearly quivering. She also didn’t want to disappoint or upset him, which is why she felt like she was being ripped into two by her head and her heart. More than anything, Kiliaen wanted things to work out for them. She wanted him to be happy, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something seemed wrong. Maybe it was just her, but she wanted to believe that it wasn’t.

It killed her to come to acceptance, but she couldn’t bring herself to seek out his touch again- not now. With a silent exhale of breath, she pulled herself back up into a sitting position, looking at her paws while she gathered her courage. “Balthier …” She started, her voice quiet- distant. “I feel very vulnerable right now …” Kiliaen hesitated, daring a glance in his direction “I-I don’t know what to say.” She admitted guiltily, hoping she wasn’t ruining whatever semblance of a bond that had begun between them.