
If you're good we'll get a toy after

Ikigai, Malico, Mariah, Alastor



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
12-21-2022, 12:56 AM

A mother's intuition was certainly sharp and very quickly in the days that followed after their third litter's birth she began to suspect that something wasn't quite right. After two litters she had learned what healthy pups should look and act like and while she didn't fear that there was something direly wrong, she still didn't feel like all was right either. She knew nothing about healing outside of the very basic knowledge of patching up a bite or cut so this was very much beyond her expertise. With the estrangement between her husband and Irilyth she had turned to Ikigai for any of her healing needs for her pregnancy and the pups so this was no exception to that.

She waited until the pups were big enough for her to feel comfortable bringing them out of the den since she didn't feel like whatever was going on was too worrying even though she knew Ikigai would have likely paid them a visit if she had requested her. With Alastor in tow, she gave their two youngest a smile, nuzzling each of them lovingly. "We're going to go visit your Aunt Ikigai today," she told them, slowly getting accustomed to speaking a bit louder than she normally would and making sure he could see her speaking to accommodate the limitations he seemed to have with his hearing. "Ready to go?" Once they were both up and ready to go, she looked to Alastor with a little smile and then lead her family out of their cave, keeping Malico and Mariah between her and Alastor as they went.

Right before they left the den she had sent Temno to ask Ikigai to meet them at the medical den, deciding that was easier and less intrusive than howling for her. It wasn't a very long walk to the medical den from their own so they did happen to get there before her, but Manea had no doubt that she would be along shortly. She brought the pups over to a bed of furs that took up one portion of the cave and patted where they could come to sit. "You're going to be good for Aunt Ikigai, right? She's just going to give you both a little check up." She had been careful not to express any of her worries to either of the pups and had only mentioned it to Alastor whenever they were asleep. There was no reason to scare the pups over something that was hopefully just her over protective tendencies showing.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
12-21-2022, 03:41 AM

Malico is… bored. The first few weeks of the pup’s life have been much of the same which, to fair, was necessary. However, the urge to see what is out there, beyond the entrance to the family den, has become a relentless gnawing at the back of the boy’s mind until he thinks he might burst from it. However, today is the day that the pups world will expand and, despite his parents’ worry, nothing can seem to dampen the boy’s spirit. As mom learns down toward him, Mal returns the nuzzle with affection and offers her a broad smile.

Turquoise eyes watch his parents, interest tugging at his features as mom announces that they are going to visit their Aunt Ikigai. The intricacies of family dynamics are lost on the pup but there is one thing that he does understand in that sentence; go. Go implies movement which is the opposite of stay! Eagerly rolling up onto his paws, Mal gives his coat a good, hard shake so that he is presentable for this ‘Aunt Ikigai’ and almost sends himself careening into the ground.

However, he manages to keep himself from falling over and quickly moves to join his family. Truthfully, Malico doesn’t know that there is anything wrong with him and, even if he did, he has nothing to compare it against. Sounds are slightly muffled and he has to watch others lips when they talk so he doesn’t miss words but the boy thinks that is normal. Eyes are wide with wonder as they leave the safety of the family den and the pups bracketed by their parents as they all make their way out into the world.

The walk isn’t long, much to boy’s disappointment but, when they cross the threshold into a new den (dang it), the boy has a newfound determination to explore every inch of the world outside. Mom pats the furs that she moves to sit on and despite the internal groan that sounds through the boy, Mal swiftly moves to sit with her. Excitement rolls off Malico and he tries not to fidget too much as he wishes to be done and off exploring. But something else tugs at his mind, a word that mom had mentioned and something that the boy decides sounds incredibly unfun.

Looking up at her, Mal asks, “What is a check-up?” Hopefully, whatever it is will be done soon and he and Mariah can get on to the fun stuff.

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

12-22-2022, 10:23 PM
While it was difficult to be still- to stay within the confines of their den. That was a boundary that had been set early on. But while it seemed that her brother had an endless amount of energy, Mariah was always the first one to get tired. It left her feeling more frustrated than anything. However when they awoke this morning, there was a different feeling in the air. Momma approached with that familiar look of love in her face, but something seemed subtly different and she couldn't tell what. The touch was comforting, and a display of familial affection that she was happy to lean into. Though, it was the sentiment that followed that peaked her interest.

"Aunt Ikigai," Mariah said softly to herself, testing the name out on her own voice. While the idea of going on an outing had her attention, she wasn't quite sure of what 'visiting Aunt Ikigai' would entail. For now, she would adopt a tentative enthusiasm, but not attempt to mask the uncertainty either. At the gentle invitation offered to go, the scarlet shadowed girl begins to make her own brief preparation to leave. However, as Malico started to the entrance of their den, a sharp pang of her competitive nature sent her off on her brother's heels- not to be out done, of course. Then they were off.

Any drive that had reared its ugly head was momentarily forgotten as she was given the first opportunity of her life to see a little bit more of the world. It's beauty was captivating. And while she was a little overwhelmed by the big picture. The more she saw, the more she wanted to see. Mariah had lost track of the twists and turns. While the trip hadn't seemed very long, she honestly couldn't say. But when greeted by the earthy scents of what she assumed to be Ikigai's den, she was once again immediately captivated. While she felt the nearly irresistible pull to investigate, she managed to stay planted at her parent's side. Or at least until Momma had gestured for her and Mal to take a seat on the furs that had been previously laid out.

As Mariah did what was requested of her, her eyes wandered the room. Taking note of all the interesting things that she wanted to know more about. However, her attention realigned to her mother upon her next request. She didn't like the idea of having to be nice to someone who she wasn't sure was going to be nice to her and her brother. Before she could make her reluctant vow, Malico answered their mother's question with a question of her own. And while Mariah didn't know precisely what it meant. She had drawn her own conclusion. "Momma wants Ikigai to look us over." The scarlet shadowed girl answered quickly in an 'as a matter of fact' tone. Look at them for what, she didn't know. But she supposed it didn't quite matter the reason why. Only that it was to be done, and it was expected of them to be good during the check-up.


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-27-2022, 11:04 PM

Manea had shared her concerns with him in private, and to be honest, they were sentiments that the three-time father also harbored. Though little actually worried Alastor, there could be no denying his concern over their most recent litter. It had begun as simple little inconsistencies—Mariah not seeming to grow at the same rate as her sibling did and Malico finding difficulty in hearing them when they called for him or spoke to him. He had initially chalked it up to the boy being snooty, but when it became apparent that Malico was not consciously tuning them out, then Alastor began to consider other more worrying outcomes for his children. He thought about what the demons of that forest altar had said to him when he presented his offering to them; they had cursed him in much the same way the firefly creature had. But in this case, it seemed that whatever deity had done this had actually afflicted a curse upon their children.

Still, Alastor remained cautiously optimistic that perhaps they were just overthinking things. Besides, after having three healthy and strong pups, what were the chances that something had gone wrong for their latest pair? So at Manea's insistence, the two parents ushered their children out of the family den and down the mountain paths to get a checkup from Ikigai. Alastor stalwartly refused to allow Irilyth anywhere near his pups—hell, if he'd had his way, the gold bitch would've been buried in a shallow grave somewhere on the island by now—so the task of pediatric duties fell to the graceful Abraxas princess. As they arrived at the medical den, Malico once again exhibited his difficulty hearing, and with a bit of repetition, eventually asked what a checkup was.

"A checkup is when a healer takes a look at you to make sure you're healthy and strong," Alastor explained to his youngest son, making sure to speak slowly so Mal didn't miss a bit of it. Mariah echoed his explanation and Alastor smiled proudly at his little girl, so far the smallest daughter the couple had ever produced. "Just do as Aunt Iki asks, don't put up too much of a fuss, and it'll be over very soon."

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
01-05-2023, 12:10 AM

Word had been sent that Manea wished for Iki to give the children a checkup. She did wonder why the fae wouldn't have Irilyth check on them, but she wasn't complaining. It would be nice to see the children. As was expected, they'd been sequestered away while they were growing from tiny, squeaking little beans into self-aware puppies able to toddle about on their own. With the notice sent, Iki collected herself and made her way to the infirmary.

It didn't take long for the family to arrive and Iki flashed a smile to both Manea and Al. She had such a soft spot for the pair. Her alphas, yes, but they also felt like a second set of parents to the young woman. She didn't tell them that for fear of making them feel old, but she felt it. Having the pair watch out for her made the transition to her new home much easier than it would have been had she ended up elsewhere.

Iki's attention instantly fell on the pups and the slender woman gracefully dropped down to her belly before them so that she was closer to their level. She gave them a visual inspection, her marbled gaze looking for any deformities or anything that she thought might be a problem later in life. They were pups so they were small, but one was a bit smaller than the other and somewhat thin. Ikigai didn't let her initial worries show at all and continued on as if nothing was amiss. The fae smiled to the pair of children and gave them a nod. "Hello, sweet ones. I'm your aunt Ikigai. What are your names?" She knew their names, of course, but she wanted to hear their voices.

[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-13-2023, 02:28 PM

Malico understandably didn't know what she meant by a check-up, but Alastor gave a bit of explanation and Mariah helped to explain as well, Manea smiling gently at her little family all the while. She supposed her family wasn't all that small any more with five children collectively from the three litters, but she knew that was still small compared to some others. She knew that Venom and Briar had both given birth to litters of five, having as many children in one litter as she had in three, but she didn't mind. She understood that was simply part of the Mendacium bloodline and it allowed her to dote on and love each pup individually and cherish them as much as she wanted. Five children was impressive among the standards of her family so she was grateful to have this many so far.

Ikigai came over to join them and Manea returned her smile fondly. Of all of the things she had done and arranged since she began to build Elysium, her alliance with Ashen and being able to offer a home and a place in their family to Ikigai was something she was most proud of. The graceful woman continued to amaze her with her talents. She let Ikigai take the lead and become the point of their children's attentions as she settled in front of them and asked for their names. She looked to the young pups as well, giving them an encouraging nod if either of them looked to her for any reason. She didn't interrupt, simply sitting back to watch Ikigai work and prepared to answer any questions that might come up.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-14-2023, 02:50 PM

The small Mendacium boy sits with his family, questioning what a checkup is and getting answers from both his sister and father. Brows furrow in confusion but Malico nods, settling in while considering if he is healthy and strong. He feels okay so that must be good… right? It does not take long for a beautiful black and white wolf to appear and the pup instinctively shrinks back toward his parents. However, as she lowers herself to her belly and introduces herself, the boy cannot help but become captivated with her strange, unique eyes.

Jaw unhinges and falls open as he spies the long slits which are different than the round ones his mother and sister have. Mouth rounds as he softly breathes out, “Whoa.” Moving forward, he reaches out his tiny paws until they come to rest gently on her black nose. Leveraging his body up, Mal attempts to get a better look at her beautiful eyes. His own, turquoise gaze blinks back in wide, round curiosity as he traces the pattern of the colors in her iris. With great awe, his small voice says, “You’re really pretty. I like your eyes, aunt Ikigai.”

A smile appears on his dark purple lips and the pup continues to stare at her, the fact that he was supposed to share his name is completely missed. Honestly, after her name was offered, Malico got lost looking at her eyes and he did not hear the part about sharing his name. With his paws still gently resting on her nose, the pup’s tail slowly sways behind him and he happily says, “I’m here for a checkup!” Surely, Ikigai knows this but he decides to reiterate the fact since he did not realize that is what today entailed.

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-15-2023, 04:27 PM
Even though she answered Malico's check-up inquiry, her father's answer was definitely more detailed. She nodded along in approval, but it also cleared things up as to exactly what a checkup was- even though she wouldn't admit it. As to the fuss that her father outlined, she didn't feel she was in a position to make any promises. She offered a half-hearted nod but didn't make any binding vows.

The woman she presumed to be Aunt Ikigai filtered into the room. With her, came a different kind of energy. Perhaps it was just the familial affection she felt, but something about it felt brighter, and Mariah wasn't sure how it made her feel.  Ikigai approached them and dropped to her stomach, giving them both a thorough initial look over before speaking. Introducing herself, and prompting her and her brother to do the same. Mariah hesitated, glancing to her mother for a moment in her uncertainty about the situation. However, with Manea's encouraging nod, she quickly realigned her attention to proceed.

"Mari-." She began to introduce herself in a flat, unamused tone. However, she was interrupted by Malico's adoration for their newfound relative. The interruptions happened sometimes, but it didn't bother her so much. It was clear he didn't mean anything by it. But when he expressed interest in Ikigai's vertical slit pupils, and her stark appearance, Mariah couldn't help but roll her eyes. She wasn't that pretty. The jealousy of her brother's interest began to roll in the pit of her gut. However, she didn't express any of her annoyance out loud. Instead, her narrowed gaze drifted toward the wall- seeking out anything of interest. Malico already stated that they were here for a checkup, it would have been redundant to repeat him.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
01-29-2023, 12:05 AM

The little boy, Malico, approached as soon as she was laying down. Much to her surprise, the child placed his paws on her obsidian nose and leaned in really close. Ikigai reflexively lowered her head so that he didn't have to stretch so far. The pair locked eyes and when he complimented her, Iki couldn't help the soft chuckle that poured forth. She smiled, the red edges of those intriguing eyes lifting. "Thank you, sweet one," she replied, both adroit paws moving to brace the young pup so that he didn't fall backwards. She took the opportunity to quickly observe his growth and was pleased with his healthy weight.

Malico proudly declared that he was there for a checkup and again Ikigai chuckled. "You certainly are. If you and your sister sit well for me, I have a bit of a surprise for you after." Having known that this checkup was coming, Iki had prepared something special for the pair of young ones. She hoped that they liked it.

After lowering the boy back to all four paws, Iki turned her attention to the girl who seemed to be sulking a bit. She'd caught the small voice as Mariah began to speak, but she'd been cut off by Malico's amazement. The girl was dainty and delicate, very unlike her robust brother. Again, Ikigai felt that niggling bite of worry at the back of her brain. "You're so very pretty, Mariah," Iki complimented the standoffish child with a gentle smile on her maw. "How are you feeling?" She wondered if the girl felt tired, lethargic, listless. They'd get to it in time.

[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
02-04-2023, 07:30 PM

Manea watched their pups with a little smile as Ikigai greeted them, the pair both seeming a bit standoffish toward their aunt–at least they did until Malico took a particular interest in Ikigai's unusual eyes. She chuckled softly as their son climbed up to get a closer look at her gaze, Ikigai lowering her head and supporting the energetic boy as she humored him and allowed him to look. Manea already had no doubt that Ikigai would make a lovely mother one day with her endless patience and grace, but seeing her with Malico and Mariah only cemented that fact. She wasn't so sure she was as confident in Deimos' ability to parent, but she was excited to see Ikigai as a mother at the very least. Perhaps she would be blessed with some nieces and nephews soon enough.

As Ikigai turned her attention from Malico to Mariah, who was sitting quietly unlike her brother, she noticed the slight pout the girl was wearing and Manea smiled with a bit of understanding. Growing up with two brothers with big personalities gave her a particularly close understanding of what Mariah was feeling and she lifted her paw to give Mariah's back a gentle rub between her shoulders, giving her another nod before letting Ikigai take the focus again. Ikigai seemed to pick up on it as well and made a point to compliment the little girl before asking how she was feeling. It would have been easy enough for Manea to explain what she had been seeing and noticing about her children, but she wanted Ikigai's unswayed opinion and observations first. They could discuss things after the check up was over if need be, but for now she didn't interrupt, letting the pups speak for themselves first.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
02-12-2023, 12:59 AM

Malico cannot get over how strange and utterly stunning his aunt Ikigai’s eyes are. Thankfully, his aunt lowers her head so he can get a great look of her pupils and his statement is met with a soft chuckle. The boy’s brows lift as the red edges of her eyes lift and her words have the pup flashing a dopey, lopsided grin at the well refined lady. Her paws brace his small form and, for a moment, the pup continues to trace the black lines that squiggle through the irises. Mariah’s attempt to speak has gone unnoticed by the boy and he states that they are here for a check-up.

Ikigai’s words about a surprise for them if they good, has the pup’s eyes widening and he does not fuss when she lowers him back down until he is on all fours. Mal then scrambles backward until he can plop his butt down next to his sister. Sitting at attention, he watches his aunt and sister interact while doing his best to sit absolutely still; an almost impossible feat for one of his age but still, he tries. A frown tugs at his lips as he tries to listen to what they are saying and he finds himself struggling to follow the soft tones of Ikigai even with her so close.

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-10-2023, 09:24 AM
It wasn't until Ikigai mentioned a surprise that Mariah realigned her attention to her aunt once more. Her ears flicked to attention, as she couldn't help but express interest with the thought of something spectacular was coming their way. However, she maintained a tight grasp on her baseline suspicion, not allowing herself to be so easily won over.

After she was done with her initial interaction with Malico, she became aware that the healer’s attention shifted to herself. Aunt Ikigai broke the ice with a compliment, in which the girl offered a simple shrug and a monotoned acknowledgment. "Thanks." I guess. Not knowing really what else to say. The next question she was given was a little more relative. She felt the same as she did every day. "I feel normal." It was difficult for her to try and judge what that meant based solely on herself. She had a difficult time keeping up with her brother, but he was also a boy. So it didn't leave her with much of a solid answer. It seemed he could eat a lot more than her- her stomach was very finicky- and could play a lot longer. She just didn’t have the energy he did, from what she could tell. But maybe that was something that was wrong with Malico, not her.