
Like father like daughter

Seere <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-18-2023, 07:57 PM

The move from the shrine had been a big one and had taken all of his attention for a while as himself and his family settled into their new home, but now that everyone had found their place among their new palace and had gotten more or less settled he had time to devote attention to a few other things that had slipped past him in the shuffle. The pride he had in all of his children was undeniable, but there was a special appreciation for his little warrior. He had seen her all the way from the uncertain girl he had helped and motivated at the beginning, helping her train alongside her larger siblings and cousins, and now here she was standing as their newest Daimyo alongside him. That kind of accomplishment deserved a special reward and he had an idea for what he wanted to give her—the move just delayed his ability to craft it.

He had finally gotten the time to do it though and he eagerly worked on it bit by bit over a couple of weeks whenever he could get some time away from his children so he could keep it a secret from his daughter. If she found out early it wouldn't be the end of the world since he was certain she would still be excited, but the element of surprise was always fun. Their children were adults in their own right now and quickly finding their way to responsibility and making a name for themselves, but he couldn't help but try to keep around some of that fun and excitement for them where he could. With his gift finally ready, he wrapped the armor in a piece of purple-dyed fabric and brought it to the open cave that made a sitting room of sorts in his, Void, and Rava's quarters. That's where he called for Seere, too eager to see her reaction to wait any longer to give it to her.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
01-25-2023, 04:25 PM

Since the meeting where Seere had been unexpectedly promoted and the news was broken that the pack was moving, the young monochrome girl had thrown herself into helping get things organized. There had been so much to do and, in the middle of the biggest move of her life, her aunt and the Empress of the pack, Venom, lost her sight. Despite tests and herbs to try and help, nothing seemed to work and, more troubling still, Venom’s eyes seemed to be functioning normally. She had thrown herself into anything and everything she could to help take what stress she could from her aunt while respecting her wishes to keep the new development secret.  

Thankfully, the pack’s move was smooth and successfully and they claimed the lands without any issue.  Now, with everyone settling into their new homes, the small girl finds herself uncertain of what to do. Everything had been such a whirlwind of activity and, now that is calming down, she finds herself wondering what all she missed. She now has her own room in the palace cave network and, with the move, Seere realizes that she has hasn’t seen as much of her family as she would like. Resolved to remedy that situation, she is pleasantly surprised when her father’s voice singing out for her and she wonders if he can read minds.

The small healer is swift to cover the distance of the palace from where her room is to where his family’s sitting room is. It actually isn’t too far from them and her small form soon stands framed in the archway as she looks lovingly at her father. A huge, bright smile on Seere lips as her tail wags behind her and, without a word, she crosses the space between them to shove her smaller form into his chest. Closing her eyes, she snakes her short legs around his sides and pulls him toward her. She may be small but her embrace is strong and filled with all the love her heart holds.

Staying pressed into her father’s form, Seere is so happy that he called for her that she completely missed the item wrapped in the purple fabric.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-25-2023, 08:16 PM

There was only a few moments of silence after his call for Seere for him to settle back on his haunches and wait for his monochrome girl to arrive–which she did very quickly, her smaller form appearing in the entryway to the living space. He grinned, but before he could say anything Seere hurried toward him and pressed into his chest, pulling him into a tight embrace. He chuckled and wrapped her up in his forelegs as well, giving her a loving squeeze. "Hello, my little fighter," he greeted affectionately, dipping his head to press a kiss between her ears. Out of all of his children, he had no doubt that Seere was by far the most loving and kind hearted one of the bunch. Even though as a father he did worry about putting so much responsibility on her so young, he couldn't have agreed more with having her among the Daimyo ranks to round out and soften his more firm and defense focused mentality.

After a moment, he gently loosened his embrace enough to be able to look down into her two-toned gaze. "I have a gift for you," he told her with a little grin. "I'm sorry that it wasn't ready sooner, but this move delayed my work quite a bit." Letting her slip away from him, he nodded to the fabric wrapped gift that was laying on a short table off to the side maybe a few feet away. "Go ahead and open it, my love. I hope you like it." It was hard to judge what Seere would and wouldn't like, but he at least was familiar with her fighting style so if nothing else then he was able to cater to that and maybe give her something that was a bit sentimental at the same time.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-07-2023, 04:54 PM

Seere has grown up surrounded by love, nurtured and supported in everything that she did. It only feels natural for her to give others the love that she carries in her heart. Her father may worry about her but the girl is not a fool; she knows when to reign in her cheerful demeanor for more serious times and she is aware of what types of wolves should not receive her kindness. But here, with her family, the small girl allows her love to go unbridled and, when she greets her father with a warm, tight embrace, her heart feels full. Her father’s chest rumbles against her ear as a chuckle rolls out, causing a small giggle to follow it and a smile to blooms across her lips.

The loving squeeze pulls a content sigh from the girl and his words of greeting have a warm giggling bubbling out. Her father plants a kiss between her ears and Seere sighs happily. Oh, what a beautiful life she has. They embrace a moment longer, before her father gently loosens his hold and leans back to gaze lovingly into his eyes. Mismatched eyes widen at the reveal of a gift and her tail thumps the ground hard. His words about the delay have her shaking head as she assures, “It is okay! I didn’t even know you were making me something! You are sneaky.” A playful grin plays across her lips as wrinkle her nose at him before he allows her to pull away so she can follow his nod to a nearby table.

A cloth, dyed purple, hides her gift from view and she does not hesitate to move toward it as her father urges her to open it. Seating herself near the gift, Seere carefully pulls away the cloth until it reveals the hidden contents. Bright, oiled, black leather gleams in the candlelight and she gasps in shock and sheer delight. Small paw raises to touch the black armor, styled very much after her own father’s and the girl reverently takes in every detail of it. Jaw hangs slightly open as she traces the dagger’s sheath, jumps over the bright silver buckles, and stops at the small feline skull. It is… perfect.

Mismatched gaze turns back to her father with a huge, beaming smile aimed toward him as she happily exclaims, “This is amazing! Now I can actually look like a Daimyo! AND I get to match you!” Joy raises her voice, making her words gain volume as she speaks. Tail hits the ground with almost painful force as Seere wiggles, asking, “Can I try it on?” Bright eyes widen at the thought of wearing her very own set of armor.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-01-2023, 05:26 PM

Plague grinned and chuckled with pride as his daughter told him he had been sneaky with how he had worked on this present for her. He had very much wanted it to be a surprise for her so he was glad he had succeeded in that aspect of this. Hopefully she liked what he had come up with for her and didn't think it was too similar to her old man's so the whole thing could be labeled a success. He sat back and watched with eager anticipation as Seere went to pull the cloth off of her gift, revealing the black leather armor hidden within. The excited gasp of surprise told him that he had done well and he was able to relax a bit with his tail wagging behind him. He had no doubt that Seere would have been grateful for whatever he made for her, but he was always very proud of his work and wanted everyone who got one of his pieces to be genuinely happy with it.

The look on Seere's face said it all as she looked back at him with a wide eyed look of happiness and a huge smile, warming his heart as she exclaimed how she was going to get to look like a Daimyo now and match him too. He nodded in agreement, secretly happy that she didn't mind matching her father. He had made some small changes between their armors, some improvements learned over the years since he had made his own and a bit more shining to match her bright personality, but for the most part they would match and she seemed pleased with that fact. He laughed lightly as she wiggled with excitement and requested to try it on. "Of course you can," he replied easily, "It's yours!"

He moved forward then, taking the armor for a moment to show her the easiest way to undo the buckles before helping her to slip the leather chest piece over her head and fastening the buckles on each side to secure it. He tested the fit a bit, attempting to move it around to make sure it wouldn't be sliding around and chafing her through hours of wear. Luckily it seemed that he had gaged the sizing just right and it fit like a glove. Even the little skull he had found matched her proportions perfectly. "There you are, all suited up and ready to be a spectacular Daimyo."

Plague Klein-Destruction


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
03-02-2023, 11:49 PM

As the girl pulls back the purple cloth to reveal the armor hidden underneath, Seere cannot help but feel… special. The craftmanship is stunning but, more than that, she will get to match her father! Tail wags fast as she looks at it with awe, happiness sparkling in her mismatched eyes as her heart is full. Joy laces her words, causing her voice to raise as she talks to her father and her small body wiggles with excitement. Posing the question to try it on, she quickly jumps to paws and begins to the process of donning it when he confirms she can. Thankfully, her father steps forward to help, showing her the easiest to undo the buckles.

With his guidance, Seere slips the chest piece over her head and fastens the buckles on either side. Standing still, she allows her father to test the fit, her cheer-fileld eyes never leaving him as he works. When he speaks, the girl cannot stand still any longer and she bounces from one side to the other. Happily, she barks, “Yeah! I’m going to be the best and sharpest looking Daimyo since… you!” Giggles bubble out as her body wiggles and, without warning, she launches her small body at her father, aiming to press herself into the hollow space between his chest and arm.

For a moment, she is still as he eyes close and she hugs her father tightly. For once, her voice is soft and Seere says, “Thank you dad. For… everything.” It feels like years since they had laid on the beach of their home island, the young girl giving voice to her insecurities about being so small. Now, not even two, she is Daimyo alongside her father and Kitsune. It feels surreal and wonderful and she wonders what she did right to get here. A small, content sigh rolls past her lips.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.

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1. Like father like daughter Cryer's Ravine 07:57 PM, 01-18-2023 07:38 AM, 02-17-2024