
Just a little scuffle



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-31-2023, 02:16 AM

Considering how much of his time was usually taken up by his work, especially with this most recent commission from Artorias that was certainly shaping up to be his most ambitious piece to date, he didn't usually get out to do much else around the pack. He didn't usually feel too bad about this since he knew that one of them would ask for his help if it was needed and he was at least contributing to the pack in other ways. Still, after being hunched over this table for he didn't know how many hours, he was beginning to think that a break from this to do something else would be a good thing. He loved his work, but even he knew that he had limits. After taking a moment to give himself a much needed stretch and making himself a quick lunch, Ruga set out of the Col to go do a patrol instead. At the very least that would get him moving and keep him productive at the same time while he got some fresh air.

The northern winters were not exactly his climate of choice, but after living her for a while now he had grown more accustomed to it and no longer felt the need to huddle against every strong wind that blew through. As he walked the border and continued to check the surrounding trees for any signs of encroaching predators or outside wolves, one such wind brought the scent of a group of coyotes his way. It was enough to make him pause and his keen seafoam green gaze raked across the landscape beyond the borders as he searched for the smaller canines. He knew coyotes could be scavengers and he had no doubts that they were looking for a easy meal now that winter had made prey more scarce, but he wasn't about to let them target the pack for those meals.

Sure enough, he spotted one of them that was particularly brave beginning to creep out of the nearby shrubbery, clearly focused on him with a snarl on its lips. Another one followed it out and those two were soon flanked by two more, but even from a quick glance he could tell that the other three were a bit more unsure than the first but seemed determined to follow their leader wherever they were led. Ruga snarled at the pack of coyotes, turning to face them with raised hackles and a low, rubbing growl. The display of aggression was enough to make the less confident ones hesitate and that's when he charged forward, aiming straight for the leader of the bunch. To give credit where it was due, that coyote met him head on and scuffled with him for a good few blows, but the others quickly turned tail and ran, deciding that they were better off scavenging somewhere else. Once the one he attacked realized that his companions had abandoned him he was pretty quick to disengage and follow their lead. Ruga snorted with mild amusement and gave himself a shake, licking his lips clean of the coyote's blood before he turned to continue his patrol.

WC: 527 / 400 (half seasonal pass)

"Ruga Amanto"