



8 Years
10-12-2013, 05:57 AM

There was no mistake that she was late oh well, no doubt the dame hadn't missed too much as of yet. In fact those ears swerved as she caught her brothers words; giving a speech of encouragement no doubt. Putting a bit more speed into her trot the wraith didn't take long to slither her way up to the left side of her beloved brother allowing their pelts to mingle as Abelinda pressed against him gently. The graceful muzzle lifted to his left ear ever so gently. ?Encouraging words, dear brother.? The serpent would whisper softly only for him to hear as she stepped aside once and firmly sat down. That chin lifted as she took a more regal and graceful pose as their family was always taught to show that royalty they all shared while some held it better then others within the family.

Ghostly eyes gazed at every wolf that was there of which shared the Glaciem scent so few they seemed to be but no doubt they would grow to many given the time to do so, then the ones that shared an odd scent of their own no doubt being that of another pack allies more then likely. A crazed women seemed to be leading them and the few that the phantom did see pitied the ones being led by such a ungraceful women no doubt putting her own to little use as a slave came into view. Poor thing, they shouldn't of abused her as they did, no, rather taken her into their fold and comforted her. Then putting her to use, going as far as using the petty girl for their own gain. No doubt they could achieve much with her those talents likely were hidden from her abusers ones that could be put to a great use. A pity indeed; that gaze however landed on one of whom shared a small size much like her own while sprouting a soft golden color with a pair of interesting colored eyes, perhaps she could be a fun one but alas her attention was soon drawn to her brother no doubt he had more words to spare.



10-12-2013, 05:53 PM

The dark eyes of the daemon were lit up as her women piled in, but one was missing. Her dearest Raven. She internally snarled with annoyance but she turned around to face the man. Her eyes scanned his familiar white fur and met his light eyes. She tilted her head as he spoke. Her eyes shifted to the carcass upon the brisk ground and her mouth watered. The daemon wiggled her way to the beast and politely snapped a bite of tender flesh from its thigh. She noisily chewed it to bits and let it slide down her throat. She moved her way back into the crowd but up front and sat. She listened to what the man said in mild interest, she knew they were going to win, by default. These creatures had nothing on the north. He empowered the crowed and she let forth a light giggle of delight. "We shall slay them all." Her words were simple and blunt, yet horribly dark. She licked her lips and let her tongue slither across her broken lips. She let tilted her head up and let forth one more call, a call for her special man. Kus. It was a terrifying call, yet it was delightful all the same.



10-12-2013, 06:51 PM
A sultry shadow would hurry into the meeting unnoticed, a tiny little demon who had stumbled upon a rare treat on the way, and couldn't resist the temptation, like Eve couldn't resist the lure of the apple. Exotic bi toned orbs flickered over the assembled crowd, watching them bustle and fill their bellies. Seeking out her beloved Queen, she slipped through the crowd, and appeared at her side. Her voice came out a whisper, filled with an apologetic tone. "My apologies for being so late, dear Queen, I simply couldn't resist the lure of what kept me." She told the giant daemon, then let the tip of her long tail trail along the woman's side in apology.

Her gaze flicked over to the King of Glaciem, a beautiful creature, with rosy flesh and pristine white fur. Averting her gaze, she returned it to her lovely daemon. Would she kick the obsidian bitch for being so horribly late? Hopefully not, she was far too pretty, and was one of the few truly loyal women. If Raven was damaged, what would Canttina do? Internally, the tiny fae hoped this was true, and simply waited for her lovely Queen to say something.



10-12-2013, 09:58 PM

The massive male was sliding in just as Isa's voice booked out but the skeletal marked male didn't join his comrades in the feast. He lingered in the background, sickly green gaze watching the gathering of wolves before him with a darkness flittering behind his orbs. He had debated coming to this meeting at all, toiling over it for quite some time. He loved his pack, loved his duty and his job but lately his faith in Isardis has been waivering. Since Azalea had been taken prisoner he had been drifting around the edges of Glaciem. But in the end he had made his way to the war gathering, chin held high as he watched the gathering, steeling his heart against everything that was to come.



10-13-2013, 08:44 PM

His large golden paws would grace the lands once more, as Impra had asked him he had not set foot upon the territory until she had called for him. Now though, after their brief meeting it was time for him to show his face to the pack who he would now help in protecting. His large emerald eyes would scan the horizon as his body was carried to the gathering of wolves. He would glance at the King, who would he assume would only be willing to tolerate his existence. Vask had found so far that most wolves were quite nervous around him, even some of the most mighty.
He would quickly find the enlarged frame of his dear albino mistress, her blood red eyes averted as he silently walked up behind her. The slightest of smiles would cross his maw as his fur touched her own. She would give a surprised look, but settled down when she saw he had arrived in time. War would commence, and he was ready for the blood.



10-14-2013, 02:39 AM

and so the golden queen would call for the man, and he would answer. after all, he was a man of his word wasn't he? she was supposed to provide him with the gorgeous broad who he still did not know, yet admired so much. something about her just drove him mad, and now he had a chance to have her to himself. of course he was going to take it. heavy paws would push the massive beast forward as he slithered across the lands. she usually wasn't this far north was she? with a sigh he would push on, lips creasing into an unhappy snark as snow almost touched his ankles. so. much snow. why in the hell would these mutts want to live in this shit anyways? he preferred the jungle, not some frozen waste land. the golden broad better have a good reason for this.

he would finally come onto the scene, and at first he was rather surprised. she had gathered quiet the crowd. many he did not know, but the golden queen and the ivory king were faces he did know. the ivory king not formally, but he had seen and heard many things about this male. he seemed to be the opposite of the golden bitch, he enjoyed ruling over females, while she enjoyed ruling with females. typical feminist. he preferred the ivory mans way of thinking, but sparking a deal with him would be far harder than with the golden queen. "ahh, and the skull faced wrench calls me in her time of need, quicker than i had expected. what trouble have you gotten yourself into now hmm? he would ask as he slithered toward her, lips creasing into a wicked smirk as deep lyrics ended in a mocking chuckle. what exactly did she need him for? "Que mejor que tengas una buena raz?n para esto, o ME estar? llevando el cr?neo." (You better have a good reason for this, or I will be wearing your skull.)



10-14-2013, 06:36 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

The beast followed behind Canttina quickly for the meeting, the large insane killer was right on her toes. It was a time for killing, it was a time to hurt, to tear and destroy. Excitement filled her lungs when she entered the scene, while a bit late she had been listening a bit ways away to the albino kings words. He was pretty wasn't he? Not as amazing and beautiful as empress Canttina. Ryouta let out a loud chuckle, slay them all? No she would just slay, she would tear them limb from limb. She would make sure their families had to watch. Watch their member die slowly from blood loss, and see their carcasses mangled. To the point where they wouldn't even be able to tell it was their friend, their lover, their daughter, any longer.
The insane crackle could be heard by all of them, the large demons scar that made a smile across her face was another thing that gave her away. Oh the thrill, she couldn't wait. " I will steal their flesh so that their families will never be able to recover them." She giggled, considering that was the best part. She didn't mind giving out her thoughts. She was crazy, that was obvious. Down to the core, of her bones.



10-17-2013, 03:15 PM

She watched them all come, some she knew and others she assumed were of Amenti origin. Her brother was her main concern, and he would be the focus of her virus green pools. He gave the orders to eat, but she would refrain for now. She was not hungry, not for meat anyhow. She would remain close to him, unwilling to part from his side - for she still did not trust the wolves of Amenti or their queen. Isardis gave his speech, eloquent and empowering as always. At least he acknowledged that they were outnumbered, even if their spirit was ten times stronger than Valhalla could hope to boast. With a sigh she would agree with Abelinda's statement, murmuring praise of her own. ?Marvelous, Isardis.? Finally hunger would call her and she would steal forward to snip away a few mouthfuls of flesh, drawing away from the crowd and consuming it quickly. They would march in the morning, at the break of daylight. Oh, she was ready. Her limp from the last battle was gone, and her thirst for Valhallan blood was stronger than ever. To fell the magpie leader ( as was her vague goal in the upcoming siege ) would certainly win Isardis' praise and adoration, and any others that dropped in the process would only add to the glory she would attain. Not to mention if she could steal away any Valhallans it would only serve to strengthen the kingdom. Oh, she would make him proud.


Elysia I


10-17-2013, 03:18 PM

She had followed her King of the Night silently. Well of course she was silent, she had no tongue with which to speak with. A grin creased the corners of her lips. The pain had been agonizing but the reward was so much better. She was his now. She never left his side for very long, always returning at least by nightfall. She adored him, treasured him, gods knew what she would do if she lost him.

It might be unnatural, wrong, but she didnt care. She loved him. Sea foam green eyes glowed happily as she watched the smooth movements of his muscles, the roll of his shoulders. Was he not magificent? No he was greater! She had yet a single word that could describe him perfectly, probably because there was not one significate enough to even compair to him. She trotted up to his side and brushed her shoulder to his hip and remained there on their travel northwards. She was not sure where they were going yet, but surely she would find out soon enough. Snow coated the flat lands as they entered a pack's territory. she narrowed her eyes with concern. Would they not get in trouble? She shrugged. It mattered none, Kus could easily kill any with one hit of his paw. A shudder passed through her as she thought of the first night they met.

Soon enough they came upon the assembled group of wolves. This time she moved closer to his shoulder, seeking silent reassurance. Eyes roamed over the wolves here. So many females, had not Kus wanted a harem of his own females? She glanced at him as he spoke. Eyes returned to the wolves, seeking out potential females. Her eyes noted two submissive girls behind the one Kusugra spoke to. She would need to let him know of them somehow. She nuzzled his shoulder and glanced sideways at Canttina. This was her Kus, if this female indended to play her King, she would surely be punished. Elysia had already felt the power his jaws held. A smirk lit her face as she lifted her head, making the bite marks, still healing, visible. Thats right, he had claimed her! Internally she chuckled. She loved knowing she belonged to the black feline.



10-18-2013, 04:00 PM
OOC: Sorry for this horrible post
Gleaming yellow eyes shone with excitement as her blade joined them. The black behemoth gently glided her way. The man looked lovely as ever. A little mahogany bitch followed him, without words. Must be one of his bitches. The daemon giggled gently, though he requested an answer. What trouble did she get herself into? "We shall aid Glaciem, we are at war with Valhalla and their allies." She winked his way. "I do hope you were pleased by my offering. Does our deal still stand?" Canttina tilted her head and stared at the beast. The woman slithered closer to the man, requesting an answer. Though the obvious attraction flowed from her body. The Queen watched as the woman of Glaciem basically bowed down to Isardis. Her woman bowed down to her, except Karmen of course. She looked to the bitch behind Kus, "Will she be fighting for us?"




10-18-2013, 05:07 PM

His gaze would tear away from the golden queen as his right hand woman's nose pressed into his shoulder. Ebony lips threatened to quiver into a smirk as his head turned toward her, spiked tongue slithering between closed lips as he would attempt to caress the bridge of her muzzle. She was his, and everyone needed to know that, especially the ivory king. Not even he would steal the mans prize. Gaze turned back to the skull faced queen, and as she spoke the man couldn't help but look over at the white man. So, he would be fighting to benefit him? "I said I would assist you not an ally." He would hum, ears pinning to his skull. Did she really think he would waste his energy fighting for someone who had given him nothing? "Usted es tonto." (you are foolish) Lips would curl as the man displayed his annoyance. How dare she call him to fight for someone else? Deal or not he had promised his loyalties to her.

Though he did enjoy ripping other animals apart. He would not completely deny the queens request, instead he would ask for something in return on the kings part. Body with twist and sway as he slithered toward the cherry tinted king, pale blue eyes falling upon his crimson ones. He was an odd creature wasn't he? Almost a delicacy as he was. "Cherry is a divine color on you, white king." He would say, sarcasm dripping from venomous tones. "she tells me you are in need of some assistance. though my loyalty lays in her paws, you may claim some for yourself if you play me the right card." He would say, gaze looking past the man and at all the pretty gems he had brought with him. One of them surly would satisfy his needs, though he preferred to chose his prey. "if not me and my slave will leave you be, and when war breaks out I will only assist the skull faced queen if she is outnumbered." Long tail would move the earth below him as it flicked to the side. What would the cherry king say? would he accept his deal, or would he turn it down? if so, he would only be of assistance to canttina and her brood. "Elija sabiamente" (choose wisely)



10-20-2013, 01:22 PM

Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide

The man heard the call, but he was oh so very far away. He trotted along in a rush. His muscles rippled as his paws thudded against the snow covered ground. His ears were pinned back and his tail extended for speed. He slithered quickly, sprinting home. A war? He was not very excited to fight, but it was for his family. He had to fight for his family. It was a must, there was no doubt. The man continued on, he smelled other scents, female, so many females. There were two felines, but he was to focused on the females.

The male slowly made his way to the clearing, his presence quickly known. The man moved to the front and cleared his throat. He caught the end of his brothers speech and let forth a light chuckle. "Armada shall always prevail, my brother." His voice was deep and gallivant. He stood tall, his four bands shone in the moons rays. His necklace hung upon his neck elegantly. He looked like a man of power, but really he wasn't. He was really a lazy man-whore. Those silver eyes skipped around, watching as others piled in. He nodded to the masked Empress from an allied pack, who really he was a bit disgusted by. He then looked back to all the bitches, the lovely brood. His core heated excitedly. Though he stood silently. He was respectful, the man would wait for further action. Though, the felines pointed question towards Isardis would perk curiosity.

TAGGED: Isardis / all



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10-20-2013, 02:20 PM

Illja was a long, long way away when she heard the cry. She ran back to the S.S. Antiox, but her pack were not there. She could smell their way though. All of them together made a very strong smell. She followed it to a plain that was covered in little groups of pines. She saw the meeting up ahead. She stopped running and slunk down silently to the back of the pack. She hoped she was not noticed, she didn't want to walk in and announce her presence. She saw a tall albino, so this must have Been Isardis, ruler of Glaciem. She had heard whispers about him, the icy king of the north. He had heard that he kept his females as sex slaves. It was odd the two packs working together. They were total opposites, Amenti kept their males as sex slaves, and Glaciem force bred their females. It was a strange alliance. She saw Canttina with the rest of Amenti. She slithered over. "I apologize for my lack of presence, I was very far away." She whispered to Canttina, barely audible. She stood and looked around, there was quite a large number of people. More than she anticipated. The English Rose looked at Canttina and then to a black wolf she did not recognize. Well, to be fair, the only one she recognized was Canttina. She had seen a few others here and there. But never spoken. She would have to speak to them.

OOC: sorry for the late post, Illja is new to Amenti, but Canti said post here so...

Speech, Thought, Others,


10-20-2013, 05:05 PM

The peppered woman had been late to come to the alpha's call, but she had not been within the pack's boarders when he had called. She had been speaking to the yearling, Ravine, who was to take her uncle her message. Thankfully the boy smelled of a rouge and not of Valhalla. She hadn't been able to risk speaking to her uncle since the fight started between her new pack and her old one.

When the woman arrived home she found several wolves ones she both knew and didn't know within the boarders. There was even a few big cats of some sort there. The combination made the fur on the back of her neck stand on end for a moment and then lay back down as she caught the scent of Amenti wolves. They were mostly allies with the occasional rouge. Though the fur on her back was no longer standing on end, she still felt the need to attack the cats but refrained from doing so as the spotted one smelled of Glaciem.

She did not wish or even desire to fight Valhalla or any of its members. They were her family once and she could not bring herself to betray them anymore that what she already had...but she would not betray her new pack either. Her medium, and muscular frame pushed through the crowd easily and with haste. She had just barely missed his majesties speech but based on everyone's attitude and body language and the king's feast that war had been declared. She didn't need anyone to tell her with as she already knew.

She stopped a foot from the ivory king and bowed before looking upon him with marbled red and green eyes. Her voice was just as seductive and proud as it always was when she spoke to Isardis "My king" she greeted before turning to Argent and with a more cruel and less respectful tone...though still somewhat respectul....she greeted the queen "My queen."

The greeting was the only thing she would way to the duchess as Pepper wanted her position within the pack. From then on her eyes remained on the king as she made her request. "Isardis, if I may be so bold, I wish to stay and guard the children and pregnant women of the pack. Should someone from Valhalla choose to cross our boarders you will want someone here to keep them from taking prisoners and, or killing our pack mates who can not yet protect themselves." Had it been any other pack she would have requested a higher rank so that she could give orders and fight on the front line.




10-20-2013, 10:33 PM

The ebony cat would approach, and cautiously The King would pin his ears; wary within the company of such an overpowering feline, ?If you are loyal to Amenti then it will remain that way, you answer to them.? It was all he had to say, he needed as many numbers as he could get, but he wouldn?t risk the safety of his women and babes should this beast decide to turn. Allowing Impra?s strange leopard friend had twisted his arm enough. Abelinda would come to whisper beneath his drums, and Isardis would smirk lightly, having been reminded by his previous intentions he was yet to announce. Ruby gaze would meet Satis? own, loitering some distance away and he would call her to him; watching as she would saunter so loyally towards him. ?Satis, for the sake of our people?s protection during the war, you will be promoted as Glaciem Heir; however, do not forget you still answer to your Sentinel,? a firm glance was cast to Sendoa. And then to Abelinda, ?Abelinda you will accept the position of Overseer regardless of future intentions,? he didn?t fancy forcing things upon his family, but he required her assistance so greatly to ensure challenges were taken care of. The sun would rise within the hour, and they would be ready.


10-20-2013, 11:40 PM

Jet watched with a fierce gaze at the proceedings around him. Words were said here and there but he cared little for such petty things. He wanted nothing more then to get the bloodshed going, his body raging with the want to sink his teeth into flesh and rip out as many throats as he could. Though he was not a long standing member of Glaciem, he wanted to gain the kings favor and rise through the ranks. His lust for blood was strong, and as the queen of Amenti moved forward to take a bite of the bloodied remains of the prey, a great thirst would take hold of him. His eyes darted to those that would speak again, and at last on the king as he spoke again to his daughters. Jet would speak, wanting to let the king know how much he craved the blood of the ones they were to go against. "Isardis my lord, I must say that this first step to war is a great and noble idea. We must wipe out the weak and keep alive the strong...I will fight for your cause, as revenge is always the sweetest thing on my menu. My brother whom I've seen on the battlefield for the claiming of that grey wench, is aiding Valhalla it seems...and I want nothing more then to sink my teeth into the allies that my dear brother cares about so." An erratic and eery chuckle would gurgle from his throat as he made his intentions clear. He would fight for this kingdom, power was everything after all and none were stronger then the white demon before him.



10-21-2013, 12:19 AM

She sat there in the back and watched as one by one the wolves of Glaciem came running to pant and turn their bellies and throats to Isardis. It made her sick, disgusted at how they no longer thought for themselves. To grovel at the albino's paws just for a pat on the head or a glance their way. It was sad really. She watched them, trying to keep the scared side of her face turned away from them. Beauty was never something she had been concerned with, and not even now. A scar was a scar no matter the extent. But if they pack saw they would know she was a prisoner. Able to push and toss around if they wanted. Which she planned to keep hidden as much as possibl to avoid that. Ears perked, making her left side of her face ache as Isardis addressed them all. Her lips pulled back with alarm. War?! With who, Valhalla? Those poor wolves. Keita would not deny Galciem harbored some brute strength and lethal wolves. They were a pack to reckon with. But they could be so much better. If only their leader was not power hungry and had such a dire need to possess everything and one.

Her stomach would rumble as the other dove in to take a share of the kill. But the white female made no move. Instead she turned her eye to the group of Amenti wolves. It seemed they were the same but had only a female alpha in charge. She wondered if life with them would be different. She almost thought of sneaking over to ask, to be stolen from Glaciem. But would her situation be any different? She didnt want that, she just wanted to be free, left to do as she choose, to come and go as she pleased. And to find a pack for better than Glaciem.



6 Years
11-08-2013, 06:13 PM

Azalea slipped through the shadows, making her way towards all the sound. What she found was a meeting. Wolves of Glaciem... and not just Glaciem, at least she figured there was no way it could be so large. She listened from a distance, hidden in the shrubbery.

So it would be war. It was just as she expected, there was no way to avoid the bloodshed that was going to come. Her heart ached to be home, to warn her pack mates. But how could they not already know? Surely they were in council now as well? With a sigh the she-wolf turned away. She couldn't be seen here, there were too many eyes to catch her. Would they harm her for spying on a meeting?

Back turned Azalea slipped into the snowy foliage and back toward her little "camp."
