A Meeting with a Name
(mandatory pack meeting)
01-16-2023, 01:39 PM
Corbie was gladdened when the dreariness of early winter was finally replaced with a soft cover of snow, and gladdened further when the snows showed no signs of ending. She'd had the plan for a winter festival bouncing around in her mind for a while, and with the tension of the autumn finally eased it felt like the right time. It would be a good exercise in bringing the pack to pull together as one, as well. They'd been doing quite well putting together the shelters and fencing they'd need to remake the infrastructure of the lands in the best way they could, but it was time to concentrate on the emotional wellbeing of the pack as well. So when the sheep were put up for the night in a paddock close to the barn, Corbie made her way into the snow-free shelter of the barn, stopping at the door to howl for the pack to join her there before she went in and made herself comfortable in the straw laid out.
Replies for this round are due Jan 23rd unless on absence. Mandatory for all pack members!
Replies for this round are due Jan 23rd unless on absence. Mandatory for all pack members!
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times
01-19-2023, 08:56 AM
Twig was slowly settling in, she was old enough now that adapting wasn’t near as easy as it once had been. However strange their new life might be, as long as Corvus was at her side then nothing was impossible. Including making Avalon their new home. She had hoped to see more Abavenites show up, but they were alone beyond Solo. A man she never really got to know to begin with. She had hoped to maybe see Theory find her way here, but even the once alpha did not appear.
So she slowly settled in with Corvus, feeling too old to be making a new life, but even old dogs learned new tricks. Twig included as she made this place into a home. It was close enough that she had no desire to leave and find somewhere else, besides, Corvus seemed comfortable here and that was what really let her heart settle.
The season shifted to winter, which was a bit more harsh here without the tropical ocean currents that kept the eastern coast so warm. The snow was beautiful though, and the quiet was good for her soul. It also made hearing Corbie’s call that much easier. She had been trailing a small pronghorn herd along the borders of Avalon, but they were all too healthy for a single wolf like her to take down, so abandoning her task, Twig made her way to the warm barn. With the addition of livestock and straw it was actually quite comfortable. She dipped her head slightly to the alpha before making herself comfortable and saving a spot beside her for Corvus.
So she slowly settled in with Corvus, feeling too old to be making a new life, but even old dogs learned new tricks. Twig included as she made this place into a home. It was close enough that she had no desire to leave and find somewhere else, besides, Corvus seemed comfortable here and that was what really let her heart settle.
The season shifted to winter, which was a bit more harsh here without the tropical ocean currents that kept the eastern coast so warm. The snow was beautiful though, and the quiet was good for her soul. It also made hearing Corbie’s call that much easier. She had been trailing a small pronghorn herd along the borders of Avalon, but they were all too healthy for a single wolf like her to take down, so abandoning her task, Twig made her way to the warm barn. With the addition of livestock and straw it was actually quite comfortable. She dipped her head slightly to the alpha before making herself comfortable and saving a spot beside her for Corvus.
01-20-2023, 11:35 PM
Sanctus missed the warm days of the year, but there was a certain beauty to the snow that had been falling as Winter came in. Things would be harder for the sheep, but Sanctus had been spending his time between watching over them and hunting game for the pack. Things would have been easier if he had a hunting partner or two but Avalon was still growing. Perhaps someday soon that would change, but, for now, Sans remained solo. It seemed something was up, however, when Corbie’s call rang out in the Range, Sanctus picked his head up curiously. A meeting? He had been at his den, but ignoring the call of their alpha was not to be done. The man rose and tore across the territory in the direction of the barn. He had been racing across the territory, and by the time he reached the barn he found that he might have come a bit quicker than expected. Corbie had made herself comfortable on the straw and there was another member, one he was unfamiliar with, present. He arched his brow curiously, but he didn’t introduce himself yet. Instead he focused his gaze on Corbie, finding a place in the straw before he laid down. He laid his head on his paws, giving a nod towards the alpha as he waited for their comrades to arrive. "Talk," 'Think.' |
01-21-2023, 08:48 AM
Álarr hunkered down in his den as the snow storm passed through Avalon. He'd have been content to remain there the following day but duty called and with a grumble he burrowed out of his den to attend the meeting. Afi refused to accompany him out into the cold but Brynhildr was excited for the meeting and chattered happily to him as she flew through the air.
Álarr marched through the snow, ears pinned against the wind and a grateful sigh left his lips as he entered the shelter of the barn. A few of his pack mates were already there. He gave a nod of greeting to both before sitting down next to Sanctus. His tail wrapped around his paws and he watched for a moment as Brynhildr found herself a perch in the rafters before turning his attention back to Corbie.
Expert Fighter (225)
Expert Hunter (155)
10 Years
10 Years
Nyx - Somnium
Nyx - Somnium
01-23-2023, 06:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-23-2023, 06:37 AM by Corvus. Edited 1 time in total.)