
Let me in, unlock the door



6 Years
10-15-2013, 09:08 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 02:35 PM by Iorwerth.)

Iorwerth had parted from his sister with none the better really. She was essentially a stranger to him, never would he have that bond that she and Satu shared not that he was even entirely sure of how close the girls were, all the male knew was that it had to be closer than he was to either of them. It certainly hadn't been an emotional reuinion, for all any onlookers knew they were mere acquaintances, but in truth that was what there were. He had grown up believing blood to be everything, but with a harsh realisation, he had learnt it meant absolutely nothing. His mother had let him be parted from her and his sisters with no attempt of further contact, and his father had pushed him aside once he'd found a decent woman to call his mate and sons that weren't tainted, funny how when he'd been the only choice he'd been perfect.

He had found himself with some sort of direction recently though, whilst relocating and reuniting with his other family members wasn't a priority, Iorwerth had instead sought out a pack. For a while he had found himself wandering Alacritis, picking up what bits of information he could about the different packs. Ludicael he had realised recently had become a home for his cousins, whatever the pack was like it probably wouldn't be his home. He wanted something similar to Uroril, though without the snobbish opinions that came with matters. Seracia.

Truth be told even from what things he had heard Iorwerth had no idea how similar the two packs were, he wouldn't truly know what Seracia was like until he had spent time there. Whilst he had been able to visit Ahlon without truly joining however, he knew the same courtesy could not be expected everywhere, it certainly wouldn't have been allowed in Uroril. He would have to join and see for himself he supposed, or at least speak with those in charge and so, here he was, now just across the borders of the pack's territory with nothing left to do but call for the wolf in charge. Lifting his head back, he let out a call, informing them he was here. As his head lowered again and silence reigned, he waited.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2013, 10:02 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 10:02 AM by Epiphron.)

The call of a stranger was nothing unfamiliar the Seracia. The Kingdom was known as a refuge for those who were loyal and pure of heart. And while Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias was no saint, she would never deny a home to someone who needed it, so long as their intentions were good. So it was with a light heart that she made her way towards the source of the stranger's call as it rang out across the range.

She held herself with confidence and poise always, and today was no exception to that rule. Head was lifted in the air, tail curled regally about the woman's back as she caught sight of the trespasser. He had crossed into their territory, but had called politely instead of further intruding. Epiphron's pace increased as she continued closer, coming to halt just feet from the young male.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Seracia. Queen Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias at your service," she introduced herself, tones possessing a bit of a flirtatious air. But she was ever-guarded, alert to the threat of wolves from Glaciem -- and never knowing if a newcomer was one of them. But his scent was not the least bit familiar. "What can I help you with today?"



6 Years
10-15-2013, 10:24 AM

It didn't take all too long before Iorwerth found another approaching him, confident in her step it wasn't a long shot to assume that she held some sort of power within the pack. Of course that being said, even the lowest of wolves of his former pack probably would have strode up to a rogue with pride, these days it certainly was something he thought a mistake. As egotistical as it may have been, he thought himself better than many of those wolves. As for the female before him now, he couldn't comment at all, he had nothing to base a judgement on.

As it stood, his earlier assumptions appeared to be correct as the woman introduced herself as the Queen of the lands. Iorwerth would have quite liked to see Yahir's face if the male knew that in another kingdom it seemed that the women also held the power to greet any guests upon the land. Though an amusing image, he banished it from his mind without even a slight smirk, his expression remained blank for now, still not having shifted from the moment that the Queen approached him. With a courteous dip of his head Iorwerth set about his own introduction.

"I am Iorwerth." There was no surname to follow and already he had lost the once natural habit of introducing himself proudly as the son of Yahir. It had lost all its meaning as soon as another had come along with that claim, even if his father did have a surname, truth be told Iorwerth was fairly certain he would have dropped it by now. "I am currently a rogue, however I am looking into joining a pack. For now I wish to know a little more about your Kingdom and perhaps, if I feel my instinct is correct, I may join if Seracia will have me." Kingdom certainly had a far more familiar ring to it, and already with a female greeting him in a pleasant manner Seracia was making a better impression on him than Uroril did these days.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2013, 10:53 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 10:53 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's expression seemed pleasant, but otherwise unreadable, as the male began to speak. There were many possibilities when a stranger approached and called to speak with someone of power, and many of those were unpleasant. Perhaps it was more news from Valhalla about the current happenings? The mere thought made her stomach turn -- the children had yet to be escorted here, and she could only hope they were safe and sound at home. But this male's scent was wildly unfamiliar, and held no trace of her former pack. And so her worries subsided gradually as she came to rest upon her hindquarters, mere feet from him.

He introduced himself politely, and Epiphron found herself dipping her head in gentle respect. "It is a pleasure to have you," she said cordially, the corners of her lips turning upward in a gentle smile. "And I am glad you seek information before blindly joining us. The last thing I would want to do is have to force someone out because they do not live as we do." She was grateful that, thus far, she and Maverick hadn't needed to punish or banish anyone from the pack. The wolves here seemed to truly be good beings.

It seemed, though, that the easiest way to get to know a pack was to live in it -- but some general rules were also helpful. "Seracia is a good home," she started surely, blue eyes seeking his own gaze. "We ask very little of our members beyond contribution and respect. Contribute what you can, and you will be rewarded." They were keen to notice when members were being fruitful -- and also when they were sitting on the sidelines. And they would always have a home, but would never truly flourish unless they worked hard. "Also, we ask that you put the Kingdom first at all times. Help others, and you too will flourish. Beyond that, listen to your superiors -- we don't ask much of you, as I said. My husband is Maverick Tahir-Mathias -- your King, if you decide to join us. If you find this place isn't fitting, you are more than welcome to leave." There was no use in fighting to keep members who were miserable... she saw no good in keeping wolves who didn't want to contribute to the Kingdom, or do much of anything at all. "And please, let me know if you have any questions."



6 Years
10-15-2013, 12:50 PM

There was yet more of a pleasant surprise as Epiphron gave a little dip of her own head. Never would he have expected to see such treatment to a rogue, especially not from a Queen and yet he found the treatment a refreshing change of pace. It was wrong to treat rogues with such hostility, how else was a pack truly meant to grow without new members, new skills and knowledge joining and aiding them. Seracia was certainly scoring well so far, as of yet he couldn't see anything wrong with the pack at all.

Her beginning statement was perhaps rather biased, though Iorwerth held his tongue as the Queen continued, explaining further basic facts about the pack. It seemed you could rise as far as you wished within reason, and that bit of knowledge was rather appealing to the ambitious male. If he earned a rank it wouldn't be thrown away to some other wolf for some inane reason. Of course he would actually have to work to get anywhere, but that to be honest was something he had come to realise with his growing hatred of Uroril and his father. That broken system shouldn't ever have lasted as long as it had managed to.

And there was no binding contract, not that he had ever known a pack to have one in the first place. His former one had simply scared many not into leaving, brainwashed them that even in the lowest of positions they were far better off than as a rogue. Everything sounded quite suitable really and he gave a firm nod of his head as Epiphron finished explaining. "No, I think that information will do for now. I think I would like to join. Do you have anything you wish to ask me?" It only seemed fair that she could find out exactly who she was inviting to join the pack. Some offered different ranks for different wolves as well, though he supposed that often would be after a short while in the pack to begin with.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-18-2013, 06:43 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 06:43 AM by Epiphron.)

Of course the Kingdom of Seracia was a good home -- she did not doubt that in the slightest. How could it be anything else with she and Maverick perched high up on the throne? She was a fair, steady ruler, who rarely wavered in her opinions -- she was fair and charming and kind on the surface. Stability was what seemed to ground most wolves, and that worked here, as witnessed by the many wolves that had settled down here comfortably. There had been few issues of rebellion, and little talk of unhappiness among the wolves. Iowerth would be smart to join them, especially before winter was upon them, but she would not beg him to join. The choice would be his and his alone.

"Then you are more than welcome here, Iowerth. As I said, we reward those who work -- you can only raise as high as you aim, and the sky is your limit." A smile danced across her features, eyes shining as she watched him. She was biased; born of a grand ruler, she never would've settled for anything less than power. And yet, unlike her brother, it did not corrupt her, but only made the goodness inside her heart grow.

"If you want, tell me a bit about yourself. I'd love to hear a piece of your story. Alacritis is such a large place, and I can only begin to understand what lies beyond it." It was a good a time as ever to show him his new home, and so with a flick of her muzzle she would begin walking, inviting him to join her. "Let's talk awhile and I'll show you your new home."



6 Years
10-18-2013, 07:18 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 07:18 AM by Iorwerth.)

The first impression was going rather well so far, whether Epiphron was biased or not Iorwerth found his own confidence in the choice growing so far. The queen seemed like a pleasant individual though of course for now he could only hope that her husband's temperament didn't differ too much. Only time would tell just how much he enjoyed his time here, enough to stay or whether it'd be best for him to part ways with the wolves of Seracia. He would certainly give them a chance though, Uroril after all had seemed wonderful as he grew up, Yahir had seemed like a decent father and yet Iorwerth had been wrong about those judgements.

A smile spread across her features again as she confirmed he would indeed have a place within Seracia. "Thank you. I will bear that in mind." He stated, well-mannered in his speech, only a hint of happiness across his calm fa?ade. He certainly wasn't the most expressive male, though he was indeed pleased about the current turn of events. For now at least, it seemed he would have a home and hopefully a far better environment that his previous one had been.

At the request to hear more about him, it seemed a tour of the packlands would also begin. With a nod of his head, the male followed Epiphron as she led the way. "I was born in a pack known as Ahlon, my parents however were not together and early on in my life my father separated me from my mother and sisters, taking me to his pack, Uroril." That perhaps was one of the most remarkable details about the young man, at least he thought it odd anyway in comparison to the way most he knew lived. "It was a fine kingdom also, at least I had believed it to be as I grew up. My father cast me aside once he had found himself with more children, blood was the way to earn respect in that pack and he had gained more children, whose blood wasn't tainted or born outside of the pack. No matter how hard I worked I never would have earned my father's pride again and so I left."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-21-2013, 09:09 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 09:10 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron could only hope that Iowerth would be happy here. Admittedly, it was not the most pleasant time to join Seracia -- the pack was abuzz with worries about the impending war that their close ally, Valhalla, had with the northern wolves of Glaciem -- but she hoped he would not be deterred by the events. There would be no need for him to be involved unless he desired to. Of course, it would be a different story if Seracia was being attacked directly, but luckily that was not the case.

This Iowerth certainly seemed a respectful fellow; a welcome addition to their family. One thing that Epiphron did not tolerate well was rudeness and lack of respect. Even she openly respected those below her, at least on the surface -- how else would she gain trust?

The male seemed content to join her, and while he was somewhat inexpressive, it was obvious he was not displeased. He would follow as she began to lead him into the territory. He began to speak, and her dual-colored ears would perk with genuine interest -- he was born of a pack called Ahlon, then went to one called Uroril. It wasn't something she'd ever heard of, so she figured it was a great distance away. It seemed to be a Kingdom also, but it seemed to be run slightly different than Seracia. More of a monarchy, with rulers chosen by blood alone. Certainly it was a consideration for her, as well, but thus far none of her own children had been placed in any outstanding rank. Not until they showed they desired it, and earned it. Though it was not surprising that her own kin might get consideration before others..

"Then I think you've come to the right place, Iowerth," she said thoughtfully. In the distance, the sight of the massive barn rose up in the sky. It was a peculiar sight indeed, but she'd learned it was made by the humans, the things with only two legs, long ago. The roof was caving in ever so slightly, but it was a wonderful shelter through the winter. "Though I can understand the pain of leaving family. I was not born in Seracia. I came here just three seasons ago. My marriage to Maverick was done to secure an alliance that we have with a neighboring pack, Valhalla. I was ruling there at the time, but knew that this alliance was best for my family." It wasn't entirely done selflessly, but did he have to know that?



6 Years
10-21-2013, 09:26 AM

Unless any major issues were suddenly presented to the male, Iorwerth certainly felt it'd be far more enjoyable here than either Uroril or Ahlon. The first was of course a place he had once felt he belonged and yet had been proven wrong, if only for his own selfish desires suddenly bringing across a bitter view. Ahlon were simply far too different to what he had grown up with in Ahlon with his father. He did not know his family there and couldn't adjust to the differences within the pack. Neither would be missed, for now he'd simply look forward to living in Seracia, albeit only admitted to himself.

Perhaps it was indeed natural for the children of the current leaders to be favoured, Ahlon had in fact done the very same thing according to his cousins, one of those singled out to take over. Uroril did it with a certain strictness though, no other could be even considered as good. A poor minded son of the King would most certainly be given the title in the future as opposed to a sensible and fair wolf whose family held little importance in the ranks. Iorwerth had been cast aside, a perfectly good candidate forgotten in place for another whose personality or intelligence hadn't even yet been revealed.

"There was no pain." Iorwerth corrected her, he didn't want any sympathy nor was in right to be given to him in the first place. He certainly wasn't used to such empathy either, even if only given rather lightly. "My father had near enough abandoned me and I never got the chance to know my mother or sisters." Perhaps he should have been saddened by the way Yahir had cast him aside, though it was anger rather than upset that had fuelled him after those events. And now he had moved on, he was here in Seracia.

"What is that?" He questioned upon spotting the strange red structure, a subject change, though not on purpose. Never had he seen anything like it, certainly not up close anyway. His own world had been tucked away from the human culture and although he had come across parts of their former lives, never had he seen a barn or anything like it. It was rather intriguing really, he figured certainly not dangerous given that the pack still lived here.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-22-2013, 06:50 AM

'There was no pain.' He admitted, and Epiphron simply smiled, dipping her head. "Even better then," she noted gently. If he wasn't the slightest upset at leaving his family, this was an even better outcome for him. "I can't say I've been in a situation quite like yours. My family is quite close." Epiphron wasn't bragging; simply sharing a piece of herself with this newcomer. She was growing more certain that he would find some kind of happiness here. "I, myself, have four children. Three by blood, and one adoption. I'm sure you will see them soon enough." They were hard to miss, especially after seeing her husband with his striking russet coat. Her children all bore the same coloration -- even the adopted one had a tan coat with a vivid white marking on her eye.

He noted the structure in the distance, and slowly she would adjust her vision to watch him. "Something the humans made," she noted thoughtfully. She'd never known them herself, but the stories had been passed on. "The two-legged creatures that used to rule the earth. I guess this is something that they made. I've heard all of their dwellings were like this." It seemed strange to her; so unnecessarily large for a home. "It's a good, stable structure in times when shelter is needed. But there's some strange things in there you need to be careful of." Eventually they would come upon the structure and she would slip inside, avoiding the large metal tractors and other various machinery -- which she, of course, had no idea what they were for. "Beats me what any of this is for... but careful of the sharp edges."



6 Years
10-22-2013, 08:13 AM

From what Iorwerth could tell the situation wasn't exactly normal, though Epiphron's words suggested she wasn't fazed in the slightest by it. Some perhaps may have been shocked to hear about the lack of connection with his family especially when it was only he that actually felt this way. The new children his father had would surely grow up closer to both parents, already Yahir clearly had felt a stronger bond with them than he ever had with Iorwerth. As for his mother and sisters, well they were close to one and other, and with Arelahn's brother and his own children. Though was no use fighting his way into where he didn't belong, hopefully Seracia would be the good home he needed.

He had nothing else to say upon the matter, instead the barn had captivated his attention and he listened as the Queen explained more about the strange structure. He hadn't heard much of humans in his life so far, though from the few pieces of information he had acquired, the did indeed seem rather odd. Of course with such a huge piece of their lives here, there were bound to be a few other weird items around, though he grew a little wary at her words of caution. "Things like what?"

The enquiry soon had its answer however as they stepped inside the barn. The items were large and certainly rather unnatural and fierce in their appearance. Another warning followed, though truth be told Iorwerth wasn't sure he would have been going to close to those sharp edges anyway. He just gave a small nod of his head in acknowledgement of her words and continued to follow her.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-25-2013, 05:47 PM

It was pleasant to spend some time with a new member and get a feel for what he was like. It seemed that first impressions went far with her, and so far he seemed respectful and pleasant, albeit rather stoic; though that was not necessarily a bad quality to have. It was often better to be in control of ones emotions than careless and free with them -- at least, in her opinion. Always composed, trying to maintain an air of regality that she knew was so important.

Quietly she had entered the structure, peering into the darkness somewhat warily as though half-expected someone to be lurking within. It really was a great shelter from the elements, and she was grateful that retreating to here was an option through the brutal winter nights. If a blizzard happened to sweep through, the wolves could easily all pack inside and keep one another warm, in the case of an emergency.

"You're more than welcome to sleep in here," she suggested, through it wasn't the most private place. But it was a viable option, if he could find nothing else, and the central location made it quite safe if he was worried about that kind of thing. "Or wherever you feel is best. Like I said, we will not ask much of you. Make yourself comfortable, please." Mirroring the way that her husband had shown her when she had first explored the barn, she gracefully leapt on top of one of the tractors, landing comfortably on the leather seat. It was all strange, and she knew it all had some use, but it was utterly lost to her.



6 Years
10-28-2013, 02:44 PM

Although the weather wasn't too bad, Iorwerth had quickly felt the benefits of the barn as they stepped inside. The wind was blocked out, most certainly a wonderful shelter providing it was just as effective when the cold winter struck. That being said, Iorwerth wasn't too sure how he felt sharing the area with so many wolves, especially when currently unknown to him. At least for now he'd try keep out of the way when it came to settling down for the night, though perhaps the warmth and company would prove a little more welcoming when the colder months arrived. Truth be told he wasn't used to sharing with so many, he could recall having shared with his father for a while, until the man deemed him big enough to sleep alone which hadn't taken too long at all.

"Thank you." He responded with a small nod, a little proof he had taken the information in again. With that the Queen leapt onto of one of the strange machines, a smooth motion that suggested the move was well practised, though somewhat impressive all the same. Nothing showed upon the male's face however nor where his next words even in relation to the manoeuvre. He figured that it marked the end of the tour for now, though he had a final question. "Can you tell me about the pack ranks, or at least my own for now. Just so I have some sense of my responsibilities and permissions." He of course wanted to know what he had to aim for, though that would all surely be picked up within due time, for now at least the rules for his rank, and of course its title would be enough to keep him satisfied.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-03-2013, 11:39 AM

Slowly she curled up where she lay on the tattered seat of the strange machine, piercing blue gaze fixated on Iowerth still. Epiphron quietly appreciated his solemn demeanor. The last thing Seracia needed in the midst of a potential war was a wolf who could not contain their emotions; even positive ones that were displayed too frequently could get irritating.

"Not a problem," she said with a smile, dipping her head down slowly. Respectfully he requested a final question. He wanted to know about the pack ranks and his own responsibilities. "For now you will be ranked as a Clergy," she started. "Essentially a basic member. All we ask if that you help keep an eye on other, particularly children, and alert us is anything is amiss. Once you make yourself and your loyalty known here, you will become an Esquire. Above that, there are Barons and Baronesses, who can generally enforce rules if need be. Even higher, Counts and Contessas are even more powerful. Once you have been in Seracia for some time, you can even rise beyond these." She would arch her back as she slid upright, nodding at him again. "There have been rumors of one of our allies being threatened, and we know little of the pack who is stirring up trouble. They are called Glaciem. All I ask of you is that you help keep our wolves safe, rather than endanger them." And she was certain he would do just that. With a graceful leap to the ground she would bid him farewell, slipping from the safety of the barn and leaving him to explore as he pleased.



6 Years
11-05-2013, 06:29 AM

Iorwerth's gaze lingered upon Epiphron as she explained the hierarchy of the pack. The placement at the bottom was of course to be expected, though he had never been ranked so low before. He had never officially joined his mother's pack and his father had apparently had the respect to allow him some responsibility after all he had learnt. Here though it wasn't so much of a disappointment, he would have an opportunity to rise through the ranks it seemed.

She explained the basic system for him, which he was thankful for. Whilst it didn't affect his role too much, it would be good to understand the ranks above him and a general idea of what powers they held. He would learn the full details in more time he supposed, but for now the Queen's little summary was quite satisfactory. "Of course. Thank you." He responded with another little dip of his head as she dropped from her seat to exit the barn. Now it seemed he would be left to his own devices. Silently he would take another little look around the barn and it's strange objects before also exiting, giving himself another little tour around the lands to familiarise himself better with the territory, and perhaps the opportunity to meet a fellow member of the pack.