
Variety is the Spice of Life




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-05-2023, 10:09 PM

In her rounds to check on all of their fighters following the raid with Valta, she had purposefully left her visit to Kavik for last. The land was dipping into evening as she made her way back to the side of the island where his den was located. With everything that had been happening in her marriage and her attempts to mitigate the damage done by the fallout of Relm's miscarriage she had to give her undivided attention to Alastor and Irilyth, but that didn't mean she had forgotten about the icy brute that she counted among her wolves. Other than the occasional flirtatious comment or passing glance as she went about her day as Matriarch, she hadn't had a chance to really be with Kavik in quite a while so this was her opportunity to rectify that.

Manea stepped quietly into the entryway of Kavik's den, spotting the dire male on the opposite side of the space, turned away from her so he didn't immediately notice her. She leaned her shoulder into one side of the doorway for a moment as a little grin tugged at her lips as she watched him. Even though no one could hold a candle to Alastor for her, she had admit that Kavik was certainly a handsome man. She cleared her throat a bit to finally get his attention after a few moments, giving him a wider grin with a flash of her teeth. "Care for some company?" she purred, her tail swaying gently behind her.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
03-09-2023, 03:27 AM
Although nobody had been seriously injured in the practice raid with Valta, Kavik was nursing a particularly bruised ego and a sore head. The brute had gotten cocky, assumed he was the smartest one on the battlefield, tried to find an easy opportunity to snag a victory, and what had it gotten him? Ambushed by a little canine... thing less than half his size and absolutely beaten down. After the Valtan hybrid had punched his ticket with that last kick straight to his head, Kavik had laid on the ground staring up at the sky while his ears rang, just trying to figure out what the hell had just happened to him. At the end of the day though, all that mattered was that he'd lost, and losing sucked. The medics had triaged him, deemed him mostly intact save for maybe a mild concussion and a wounded pride, then sent him home to rest.

But rest did not come easy for Kavik. He was still humiliated, ashamed of his easy defeat by such an unimposing opponent. Best to not judge a book by its cover, he supposed, much too late to bring himself any comfort. The arctic brute lay spread out on his bed, rubbing his paws over some sore spots that would likely ache for a little while and wishing he had someone to rub his sore back for him. He now understood why so many wolves had companions around them. Gods, he'd kill for a good massage! As if fate was listening to him, the sound of a throat clearing behind him caught the brute's attention, icy blue eyes turning to find Manea gracing his doorway with her beauty. She grinned at him and even in his dour mood he couldn't help but grin back at her, noting the way her aqua eyes roamed unabashedly over his body. He hadn't seen much of the violet fae since she made up with her husband, so this was quite a pleasant surprise!

Manea's purring question and wagging tail left little question in his mind what she was thinking about, and Kavik's own bushy white tail began to wag and beat gently against his bed to show his own delight to Manea's presence. "If I ever say no to that offer, go ahead and just mercy kill me then and there. I've clearly gone senile," he remarked in jest, motioning to the Matriarch to come in with a tip of his muzzle. He didn't immediately roll over to face her yet, instead giving her free access to keep drinking in the sight of the well-muscled brute lounging out on his bed, the hard planes of his physique noticeable even beneath his plush fur. When she did enter and approach him, Kavik then rolled over to face her, shifting to slide over on his bed a bit to share the comfort with his regal lover. "Are you here to help me lick my wounds or to spank me for losing?" asked Kavik with a cheeky, teasing smirk on his lips. Sure, he hadn't been hurt that bad, but he certainly wouldn't turn down the sexy Mendacium queen's offer of comfort if she was here to help raise his spirits.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-12-2023, 01:28 PM

Manea chuckled at the grin that immediately pulled across Kavik's features when he turned his head to look at her. She had heard about how his one fight in the raid had gone so she had no doubt that he was hurting a bit–if not physically then emotionally–but that didn't seem to stop him from accepting her offer for company and shaking off some of his dour mood for her. His comment about mercy killing him if he ever turned down an offer for her company made her laugh, her tail wagging behind her again at his humor. "I'll keep that in mind." As he nodded for her to join him she shifted away from the rock she was leaning on and crossed the den to where he was laying, certainly not being shy about how her aqua gaze roamed over his form as she went. She knew Alastor likely hated Kavik's continued presence here, but she couldn't deny that she liked to switch up her lovers from time to time and she certainly enjoyed the heated mating she got from her husband after one of her flings with Kavik.

She settled in beside him on his bed just as he asked her whether she was here to lick his wounds or spank him for losing, the question making her grin and chuckle again with amusement. "I guess that depends on what you want, sexy," she replied, her tone teasing as her tail flicked and swatted him playfully across his hip. "I'll spank you if you want... and I don't know about licking your wounds, but I'll lick something else." Manea gave him a lecherous grin and winked as she chuckled. She shifted then, sitting up as she leaned over to place her large, feline paws over his shoulders. "Why don't I work out some of this sore muscles first while you decide how you want me to reward or punish you?" She started working her way down his back slowly with kneading paws, massaging over the broad planes of his shoulders and the back of his neck first before she began moving further down his back.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2023, 12:08 AM
Hearing Manea’s lyrical laughter when he teased her and joked with her helped to lift Kavik’s dismal mood. Ever a lover and a ladies’ man, being able to delight his faes never failed to bring a grin to the hopeless romantic’s face. Manea did not shy away from his offer to come join him, showing off that sexy confidence she carried so well as an alphess. The white brute never minded being eye candy for the Matriarch, especially when she looked at him with those hungry appreciative eyes roving over his form, but knowing that he was stealing her attentions and desires away from her husband made the notion even more scandalous and delicious to him. Manea was choosing him in this moment, and that brought a healthy dose of ego to the brute. Watching her saunter over to join him on his expansive bedding, Kavik fixed her with gleaming come hither eyes, following her movements every step of the way until she had settled in beside and behind him. The addition of her body pressing against his and the soft warmth of her coat mingling with his own electrified his nerves and sent delightful tingles rippling over his skin wherever their bodies touched.

His playful question drew a sultry grin and chuckle from the Mendacium queen, and her response drew an intrigued and aroused hum from her paramour. He felt her tail swat playfully back at his hip, making the arctic brute grin back and chuckle in reply, leaning back to press more of his body against hers and giving a deliberate stretch of his limbs so she could feel the ripple of his broad planes of muscle against her side. Manea's overtly sexual and salacious suggestions on what she could do for him made Kavik's core clench hard with a carnal need. Manea was his only steady and regular outlet for release, and with her being so preoccupied with her calamitous husband, it had been a bit since he'd gotten any relief from the violet goddess. If she was feeling in a particularly frisky mood today, then the brute was definitely going to take advantage of her libido as long as he could. While Manea mused over ways she could either punish or reward him, Kavik found himself murring at both possible outcomes. Both ways sounded equally fun, but which kind of Manea did he feel like having all over him tonight? Both? Was both an option?

Before he could make a choice, the violet fae was already moving to position herself over him, urging him to lie on his belly so she could help work out some of the tension and soreness from his muscles. "Well how could I refuse an offer that tempting?" he remarked with a playful growl in his husky tones. Allowing Manea to manipulate his body as she desired, Kavik settled into the bed more while those giant soft leonine paws began to knead over his aching muscles, melting them beneath her experienced touch. A throaty groan slipped from the arctic brute's throat as he spread out beneath her, his head resting on crossed forepaws while he succumbed to Manea's sultry touch. "I think I might deserve a bit of both rewarding and punishing, sexy," he said with a cheeky smirk on his lips. "I'll let you decide how to punish me, but for the rewarding part... this massage and those licks you mentioned sound like a good place to start." Really, Kavik would've taken anything he could get with the sexy Mendacium lady. But it would be much more fun to let her decide what she wanted to do with him—although he was keen to experience those pleasures her paws and tongue promised.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-20-2023, 11:52 PM

Manea chuckled softly at Kavik's immediate reaction to her large paws as they massaged across his shoulders and pack. Secretly was amused by the fact that she had pulled many of these massage techniques from her husband and she wondered what Kavik would say if he knew that this was really Alastor's massage that she was giving him. Not wanting to spoil the mood, she kept the information to herself, but it did keep a little smirk on her lips as she worked across his tight, sore muscles with kneading motions along the familiar planes of his broad, muscular frame. His insistence that he deserved both punishing and rewarding made her laugh lightly, grinning as she worked at his way of getting a little bit of everything from their time together. She couldn't really blame him from wanting to monopolize on this moment she had with him and she was more than happy to give it to him.

"Reward and punishment, huh? A little greedy, aren't we?" she teased, giving the tops of his shoulders a firm squeeze before she slid her paws further down along his shoulders to the upper part of his back. Leaving his "punishment" up to her let her mind run wild with what she could do to him, but he at least gave her some direction on how to reward him. His sly remarks made her smirk, replying, "Hmmm, I think that can be arranged..." Slowly and methodically working her way down his back and sides, she didn't leave any muscle go untouched, feeling him melt under her as she shifted further and further down toward his waist. As she reached his waist and hips, she worked over his rump for a few teasing moments before she nudged his hip and added, "Roll over, sexy, so I can get to the second part of this reward of yours."

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
03-21-2023, 05:19 PM
Kavik couldn’t help but shoot Manea a naughty grin up from over his shoulder when she playfully chided him for his greedy request for both reward and punishment. That cocky, lecherous grin was momentarily wiped from his face when Manea’s large tiger paws kneaded over a particularly tight knot in his shoulders, her soft yet powerful paws coaxing a deeply satisfied groan from him as the exquisite pain and pleasure spiked through his brain. The violet fae worked over his muscles like she had made them with her own paws, hunting down each pain point and erogenous zone with an intimate knowledge of someone who knew the male form well—or perhaps she just knew his body very well by now. It did make him quite envious of Alastor, thinking about how the lucky brute got to have these amazing paws all over him any time he wanted.

Another deep baritone groan of pain and pleasure escaped the arctic brute’s mouth as Manea gave an especially firm squeeze over the tops of his shoulders, making his body tense and relax all at once beneath her wonderful ministrations. "Mmm how can I not be greedy with you when you treat me like this, gorgeous?" he quipped back, a wide, blissful grin on his face while he luxuriated in Manea’s attention. Besides, he didn’t get a lot of quality time with Manea since most of it was spent with her whiny husband. Of course he was going to be greedy and take as much time with her as he could get! His request did draw forth a salacious grin from Manea and made Kavik wonder just what she had concocting up in that beautifully lecherous mind of hers. But as Manea’s skillful paws made their way slowly down his body with methodical and practiced kneads and rolls of her digits through his thick fur and over his taut muscles, he supposed he would be finding out soon enough.

Icy blue eyes slowly drifted closed while Kavik languished in Manea’s masseuse skills. Down and down his body Manea gradually worked on his body, melting muscles and setting his nerves ablaze with static tingles wherever she touched him. The tension in his belly grew tighter and tighter as those incredible leonine paws moved down his spine and over the small of his back, along his sides, all the way down to his waist. The lower she went, the more that lusty smile on the white brute’s muzzle grew, his body practically shivering with eager anticipation as his lover descended down his broad, muscled form towards more sensitive areas. The squeezes of Manea’s paws groping and massaging over his hips and rump drew rumbling murrs from deep within the dire brute’s chest, eyes still closed but grin widening to flash his sharp teeth in eager glee. His tail flicked and twitched around her paws with visible delight. When Manea nudged his hips and instructed him to roll over, Kavik didn’t need to be told twice! "As you command, my beautiful alphess,"he replied in purring husky lyrics. With a flex of muscle, Kavik rolled over on the furs until he was on his back beneath Manea, the violet fae straddling his midsection as he left his underbelly and all his sensitive male parts exposed to her gaze and touch, grinning up at her as he awaited whatever she wanted to do to him next.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-25-2023, 01:48 PM

Manea smirked and gave a soft chuckle as Kavik the way she was treating him as the reason for his greediness for her affections. She did sometimes regret that she wasn't able to give him more of her time and attention, just as she regretted not being able to spend more time with Irilyth either, but she had never expected to split her time equally between the three of them. Of course Alastor would dominate her free time, as he should as her husband, but there was of course the additional complication of the time she had to dedicate to her family and pack. It wasn't really surprising that it made her nights or days with Kavik a bit more difficult to come by, but she did enjoy them when she found the time. She was always glad to see that Kavik was just as eager for their lecherous, if rare, moments together. At the very least whenever she was with Kavik she did try to give him her undivided attention and that's exactly what she was doing as she worked him over with her skilled paws and then instructed him to roll onto his back.

A grin pulled at her lips as he followed her command without question–not that she had really expected any protest. What brute would turn down a going belly up for their lover when the promise of a "reward" was involved? She hummed with appreciation and delight as her aqua gaze roamed down along his toned form, her paws reaching up to rest on his broad chest for a moment and then sliding down along his torso with slow, teasing motions. As her paws came to rest at his hips and inner thighs, stroking through the thinner fur there, she settled between his hind legs with a lecherous grin. "Hmmm... I am quite looking forward to your punishment, but I suppose I should be fair and make your punishment and reward equal... So I guess that means I need to make this reward very, very good..." she purred with a smirk before she continued, giving him those licks he had wanted and so, so much more.

- fade -

"Manea Mendacium"