
Ring the knell and Death will answer

Lurid ♡



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

01-14-2023, 09:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2023, 05:28 AM by Requiem. Edited 1 time in total.)
L ike a drop of blood amongst the endless sea of white snow, the crimson wolf trudged onward. His dark coat, covered mostly by a thick black cloak that billowed in the arctic gales of the northern storm, would have stood out in the blank canvas the world had become, were anyone around to even notice him. As it happened, the weather had turned most sane folk back into their dens, caves, and warrens to wait out the storm in shelter. He was no sane wolf. Whether it was boundless loyalty or blind determination to see his job done, the wolf marched onward, buffeted by the winds and the snow and ice. Sharp argent eyes squinted against the wind that whistled past his ears, and each step earned a grunt for the effort it took just to keep moving. He could not stop though. Stopping meant failure, and failure meant death. Requiem had succeeded in his task, and the last of the Mirovis deserters had been hunted down. But when he tried to return to the small group of remaining loyalists, he had found no hide nor hair of them. They must have sought shelter against the coming winter blizzards, he presumed. Following the plans of rendezvous that had been drilled into his brain since Lurid had led her people to these lands, Requiem began to make his way across the northern territories in search of their meeting point—the landmark vessel of steel and rust that their Empress had so greatly desired before she had vanished from their lives. If the remaining Amarix wolves were to try and regroup anywhere, it would be there.

T he snow did little to stop the behemoth of a wolf, massive paws crunching through the fresh frozen powder and carving trenches in his wake. The cold was biting and was beginning to seep through his hardworking muscles and thick downy fur, threatening to sap his strength with every step he took. Each breath exhaled created a cloud of humidity to appear before his muzzle for a second before vanishing into the snowy wind. He'd have to seek shelter soon and wait for the storm to pass if the weather kept up like this. Requiem really did not want to slow down his return any more than it already had been, but with nightfall fast approaching in the shorter daylight hours, he didn't have much choice. Already the sky was growing dark, turning from a gray sky full of heavy clouds to an almost inky black. Still, he trudged on, unwilling to waiver from his course just yet. After some time, his efforts were gloriously rewarded when he saw the massive dark silhouette rising from the fields of ice and snow. Silver eyes lifted to the form of the beached ship and relief washed over him. Thank the gods... he'd made it!

F inding an entrance to the giant relic was a challenge in the near pitch blackness of encroaching night, but eventually Requiem found a hole in the hull of the ship and was able to slip inside. The silence within was almost deafening compared to the howl of the wind outside, each step Req took making the click of his claws on the steel floors echo around the cavernous interior. The ship was massive and derelict; a truly astounding sight to behold. But as he made his way deeper down the decks of the ship, something else astounded him even more. A scent on the air... one he hadn't smelled in two years, and one he didn't know if he would ever find again. Butterscotch and rum. Requiem froze mid-stride, his senses peaking as nostrils flared to breathe in the scent. There was no mistaking it. But how?! The further in he went, the stronger the scent became, so the practiced hunter began to follow it, weaving his way up and down stairs and down long corridors, seeking out the wolf who possessed such a perfume. When he felt like he was getting closer, Requiem began to whistle the tune that he did when he was working. His timbre carried down the passageways and echoed about the ship like a phantom's sonata, calling out for her. If Lurid really was here, she would recognize the tune, and she would know what it meant. He just had to wait to hear a response.

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-15-2023, 01:37 PM

You should see me in a crown;
Watch me make 'em bow, one by one!

Oh, how she missed the faithful brothers and sisters coming. Lurid sat as she usually did in one of the bigger suites on the ship, surrounded by the pelts of past meals - all of them lupine in nature. Looking out of her window, she spies a dark figure in a familiar cloak in a brief change of the wind. Her tail thumped excitedly upon the bed before the springs groaned with the heavy demoness getting up and darting out of her room. She traveled down long, dark tunnels of the hallways, weaving her way down into the belly of the metallic cavernous ship. She made it down just in time to see the red brute enter, smiling wide as he came closer to her hiding spot. His head raised up as he scented the air, he had her scent but which way did it come from? Moving toward her, the red devil began to whistle in his trademark song. She let the game go on for a bit, careful to keep her claws off of the metallic floor and her pads silently floated her behind him. "Sciebam Mortem mihi venturum esse; sic expectavi." She sang in his tune from just behind him, hoping not to be caught by his jaws in his startled shock. Jumping back out of striking range, Lurid laughed at the look on his face should her game be successful.

Word count: 233 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: Sorry it's short, dressy phone post!
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

01-16-2023, 05:01 AM
T he silence of the mausoleum the grounded ship had become persisted, even as Requiem wandered down its many long and dark passageways, whistling his eerie tune. Lurid was here, he was certain of it. Despite how impossible that reality may seem, there could be no other explanation for this place reeking of her scent. And so the loyal assassin moved forward, sharp auds perked atop his skull to catch every errant sound. Each groan of old metal, each click of claws on the floor, the muted howl of the wind outside. His whistle continued as he repeated his tune, listening to his melody reverberate around the ship, like his echo was singing along with him. Dark and silver eyes shifted to and fro, peeking into rooms as he passed by them. Lurid's scent was positively everywhere, and although some places bore it stronger than others, it was virtually impossible for the hunter to peg down where exactly her scent was the strongest.

T hen, as if by divine providence, he heard a sound. Not a voice right away. A breath. With as much time as he put into honing his art of the hunt, Requiem had sharpened his senses to near perfect lethality. In the silence of the ship, he could just make out the sound of something breathing behind him, one dark red ear swiveling back to show he had caught the sound. Muscles tensed, prepared to turn and strike at whoever was foolish enough to try and sneak up on him—until the lyrical dual tones of a voice he only heard in memories now spoke to him in a tongue scant few knew. Requiem rounded on her in a blur of movement, watching her jump away with a laugh. All the days in the universe could not have prepared him for the sight of Lurid standing there as if she had never disappeared. The goddess looked older, matured and aged like the finest of wines, and regal as ever while her coat shimmered and shone in the faint light. Were he the superstitious type, Requiem might have mistaken her for a ghost from his past. He wasn't entirely unsure that wasn't what he was seeing now.

A moment of shocked silence passed between them while Requiem drank in Lurid's appearance and presence. She was alive; she was really alive! "Illud unum tibi certum est, te semper mortem invenire," the dire brute replied in deep baritones with the tongue that felt familiar and intimate to them. Her use of the Amarix language was just another confirmation that this was the real Lurid, alive and in the flesh. "It seems the rumors were false. I've never been gladder to receive misinformation." Now it was his turn to chuckle as he turned to face Lurid properly, his eyes moving over her while he took in her appearance, appraising her to see how the years had treated her. "Receperint retro, Blodreina."

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-16-2023, 12:08 PM
You should see me in a crown;
Watch me make 'em bow, one by one!

Keeping her silenced paw steps in time with the red demon, Lurid became giddy and excited as the game commenced and continued. They didn't get too far into the darkness before Lurid spoke up, her inhalation seeming to finally signal to Requiem that she was there and she watched as he tensed and made ready to strike out. It had been a long time since she had seen her faithful assassin, her tail waving behind her as she giggled delightedly at the look on his face. His expression said he was seeing both goddess and ghoul, but the relief in those black and silver eyes caught her off-guard. Realizing he would not have gotten the information from the others - as his assignment had come before her decision to relocate - Lurid wondered if he had thought she would be lost forever. She lifted her head and raised her tail, posing for him in the dark, letting him take in all he needed to assure it was really her, then he finally spoke to her. The gravel in his voice was a far cry from the youth it once had, but the depth rattled her chest cavity. And she liked it, too.

His words brought a depraved smile across her face, as if gleefully guilty - even though she was not this time. Welcoming her back made her laugh jovially, and she shook her head. "No, Sheidheda, commander of shadows. Welcome home to you." She then reached out and tipped his nose down with hers, coming in for a gentle headbutt, a personal greeting akin to a hug. "Suus 'bonus hic te videre, Requiem."  Her dual-toned voice was softer, quiet in the darkness as she pulled away. She hadn't realized just how worried for him she really was, but here he was, the first of many coming home to her. Things were looking up. Lurid pulled away from him, she didn't have to ask if the job was done; if he returned it was done.

With a motion of her head, Lurid told him to follow her. She had come to know the ship rather well in the time she had been here, and so she would share the secrets it held. Moving through the corridors and up a flight of stairs with ease, the demon moved to the sleeping quarters. "You can pick any room you wish, my room is one floor up. You have two floors to choose from. The upper decks will be for the heda and kepas, myself and one day the Haihefa will share the largest room." Her mood was drastically different from the bitch goddess' usually grumpy outlook, but it was a day to celebrate. Before he could speak, Lurid ducked into a room and brought out an old bottle of what looked like wine. "I have been drinking this, too. Once you pick your room we can celebrate your homecoming!" Her tongue took on the trademark Latin lilt, an obvious sign that she was slightly drunk and excited.

Word count: 502 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: DED lmao
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

01-17-2023, 03:21 AM
T he giggles that rose from the pallid goddess rivaled the song of sirens, the light and lilting melody echoing down cavernous metal corridors like his ominous whistle had done. It was a sound that made Requiem's heart stop beating for a second. He had only ever seen Lurid this jovial when she had been much younger and being courted by Alastor, back before the fall of Mirovis. It was a look that suited the destined ruler of the known world. The way she smiled at him when he returned her words spoken in her family's dialect reignited old memories and fantasies from a time when they had both been much younger and newer to the game of life. A time when a lowborn wolf thought he could reach for a place at the table of the gods. She laughed, and the sound of mirth brought forth a rarity upon the crimson wraith's face—a genuine smile. Not one of malice or sadism, but of actual delight to see her alive and well. Spending these past two years clinging to a hope that seemed forlorn had been a test of faith and loyalty, one he had staunchly (or perhaps stubbornly) stuck to. He knew that if he stayed the course, his dedication would be rewarded in time. Oh, how right he had been.

L urid greeted him in turn, welcoming him back into her fold. There was no resistance or guard up as she approached him; Lurid was one of the few wolves Requiem allowed near enough to make contact and that hadn't changed. His head butted gently against hers, returning her warm welcome with a rumbling chuckle while behind him his bushy tail began to sway in a happy wag. Outward happiness was not something Requiem often showed, especially not in the wake of believing the world he had built around him had crumbled to its very foundations when the Amarix family fell apart, but for Lurid he would gladly make that exception. He had found the empress in a surprisingly good mood tonight, it seemed. She must have been celebrating hard, if the hints of alcohol on her breath were any indicator. How lucky Alastor must be, he thought, knowing the obsidian wolf would be going to bed with the intoxicated goddess for what would undoubtedly be a glorious night for them. "The feeling is mutual, Lurid," he replied. "It's been too long, though you look all the more elegant for them."

A s for himself, Lurid would no doubt notice the changes time had taken on him. His youthful body had been chiseled away into a sculpted form of a master of his craft, his body marred by the occasional scar, mementos from all his successful missions. Where he had been fairly lean in his young adulthood, Requiem had filled out, planes of masculine muscle bulking him up beneath his thick coat. And his voice, well, he had already seen the flit of surprise cross her gaze when he'd just spoken to her. Requiem had grown up and become who he had always wanted to be. But despite the rugged exterior, the brute still held a soft spot for the Ghost. He had spent his entire life training to serve her and her family, and her disappearance had worried him and crushed his aspirations. Now that she was back, Req felt a rebirth of his motivations, a peace settling over his blackened heart that had been absent since his leader had vanished. Lurid's return meant a return to form for the Amarix family—and a second chance for himself.

L urid motioned for him to follow, and the devoted wolf fell into step with her without question. Following her lead felt like second nature, and settling back into that routine felt like the prodigal son was coming home. Requiem moved with almost silent steps, a habit he'd developed over a long and illustrious career of violence and depravity, following the moonlit fae up stairs and around decks of the ship while she gave him the grand tour of their new home. She offered him his choice of room, explaining the layout of the ship which he committed to memory, lest he get turned around in this labyrinth of steel and rust. She mentioned her and the Haihefa's quarters and Requiem was about to ask on Alastor, but before a syllable could leave his lips, Lurid had darted into a nearby room, emerging from the dark a beat later with a large, old bottle that sloshed as it moved. Requiem raised a curious brow. So Lurid had indeed been drinking. The realization brought a crooked grin and a chuckle from the crimson brute. "Non ergo tempus tereret."

M oving down the corridor, Requiem sniffed out the large room Lurid had identified as hers and her Dread Father's, then moved down to the next room right beside hers. The quarters were nothing extravagant or special—modest in size for a single wolf and lacking any frivolities, but it had a cot with a mattress, blankets, an intact window, and some cabinets for storing items. More than enough for the assassin to work with. He didn't hold any personal effects, anyway, so all he really needed was a place to lay his head when he was home. Most importantly though, it was right beside Lurid's room, so should anyone be foolhardy enough to threaten the empress, he would be but ten seconds away from running in to tear the threat limb from limb. Perhaps he had other motivations beyond merely protecting the Amarix queen... but he had learned long ago to keep them tamped down and locked away. "This one will do nicely," declared Requiem with a simple nod. Stepping inside, the dire brute lifted a giant paw to unsnap the clasp on his cloak and let it fall off his broad shoulders while he made himself at home. As he stowed away his cloak in one of the cabinets, he glanced back toward Lurid and met her smile with a grin on his own. "Now, about that homecoming welcome..."

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-24-2023, 08:47 AM
So you wanna play with magic;
Boy, you should know what you're falling for!

Choosing the room next to hers, Requiem stepped into the darkness of the cabin and looked around. The moonlit bitch-goddess watched him as he settled, licking her lips as she found her mouth suddenly dry as soon as he removed his cloak. The boy had indeed become a man and rather chiseled with more than enough handsome in him to make the queen swallow her lust. Clearing her throat as he stowed his cloak away, Lurid smiled broad and lecherous, holding the half-empty bottle out to him. "You have catching up to do, I am already a half-bottle in." Her tail waved playfully behind her as she watched him take his fill of the bittersweet wine, aged just right in the chilly conditions of the ship. Chilly was a mild way to put it, as the winters here were often dark and covered with snow and ice, just as Old Mirovis had been. She was home, and there wasn't a force other than death that would make her abandon her family this time. So far, they had all come trickling in one by one. The only ones she had yet to see were her littermates, but they would come.

Lurid eyed the red assassin, the look in her eye meant she was thinking of her youth; before she had been promised away to Alastor. That all seemed like a cruel joke to her now, Alastor was likely dead or gone, and her heart had been forced to let him go. The firefly god had fucked everything up for her, but perhaps it had been a blessing in disguise. Already things had gone better since her sanctioned return, it seemed the god had forgotten her punishment and let her go. Requiem was so handsome when he smiled at her like that, but Lurid made no mention of it, simply waving her tail at him. "Now, about your welcome home party...drink." She commanded in her dulcet dual-toned voice as she produced another bottle, "We have more than enough for the both of us."

Word count: 341 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: WOOOO 1K for Req! Lurid's seem so short now XD
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

01-25-2023, 05:13 AM
W ith his back turned to Lurid at the time, Requiem had not caught his moon-splashed goddess' gaze of carnal hunger as she drank in his form almost as much as she drank her wine. He did, however, find that lecherous grin that slowly crept its way across her beautiful face to suit her quite well, like an accessory made by the gods specifically to enhance her alluring nature. The empress of Mirovis held out the half-empty bottle of wine for him to take. Ever obedient, the dire brute took the neck of the bottle and lifted it gently from her grasp and into his. His tail wagged a slow, metronomic loop behind him while Lurid teased him with her playful banter and challenged him to catch up to her. That was a game the debaucher was all too eager to play with her. "Then I guess I'd better catch up to my leader," he remarked, his ever-present wit shining in full force. Fixing his grin which he wore easily when he was with her, Requiem lifted the bottle in the air and dipped his muzzle to Lurid, reverse melanistic eyes shimmering with playfulness. "To your health and reign, Lurid Amarix. Prosit."

R equiem then lifted the glass bottle to his lips, keeping his playful gaze held on Lurid's while he swallowed a mouthful, then two, then three large gulps of the bittersweet red wine. He was no stranger to alcohol, but this particular vintage tasted especially strong and rich—much more luxurious than he was used to drinking. Req realized Lu was spoiling him a bit by sharing her best wines with him for his welcome home. As the bottle neck left his lips, a few errant dribbles of the rich scarlet liquid spilled down his chin, almost lost in the dark red fur that covered his body were it not for the moonlight making the liquid shine on his mouth. In the low light, it was almost akin to blood dripping from the monster's fangs. A warmth began to settle deep in Requiem's stomach as the wine reached its destination, seeping slowly throughout his body. The wine was indeed strong, and the assassin was beginning to see why his queen had become inebriated from just half the bottle.

R unning his tongue over his lips and smacking them clean, he nodded his approval as he considered the wine. "This tastes like something you'd save for a special occasion," he remarked with another graveling chuckle, then downed another couple of mouthfuls. Lurid had given him a very clear order to drink and catch up to her level of intoxication and he would obey with delight. His moonlit goddess produced another unopened full bottle for them to enjoy together, earning a crooked grin from the wraith. They were both likely to get very drunk before this night was over! But hey, this reunion and revival of their grand plans called for a toast, so pour forth the wine as far as he was concerned! Requiem shot Lurid another simmering look before raising the mostly empty bottle to his lips and chugging the remainder of the first bottle so he had now consumed half a bottle's worth of the ambrosia to match her. By the time the brute had taken his last swallow, that warmth in his belly had grown to a pleasant all-over tingle and he could feel the haze of tipsiness settling over his brain like a blanket. They both still had a ways to go, but he was rapidly closing in on her level now.

S etting the bottle off to the side, Requiem looked around his modest room, up to the cot, and then back to Lurid. "Would my Night Mother like to make herself more comfortable in my room, or would you like to adjourn back to your chambers' comforts while we can still walk straight?" Req would leave the decision up to Lu, whichever she preferred. He was equally as happy to share his smaller bed to sprawl out on while they drank themselves silly as he was to join her in her more luxurious suite for their midnight revelry. Whatever she picked would likely be where he would eventually crash in a drunken stupor at some point tonight. Either way, once she had made her decision, Requiem continued to keep his eyes on Lurid, almost as if he was still waiting for her to disappear before his very eyes like one pleasant hallucination. She was even more beautiful than he remembered her being... Time had refined the bitch-goddess into her namesake—a true goddess given flesh on their mortal plane. She had always been divine to him in their youths. Now she was ethereal and elysian, flawless by all accounts.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-01-2023, 03:43 PM
Make me your Aphrodite;
Make me your one and only!

In her inebriated state, Lurid could not help her gaze intensifying as the red devil drank from his bottle. The dark color of the wine was lost in his pelt, making a lecherous grin spread over her face. The moonlit goddess didn't care if she caught her looking like she wanted to feast on him, she had no other attachments to mind anymore. Her ears felt hot, her throat dry, and the wine was not quenching her thirst any longer. Instead, she had other things on her mind, like how this man stood before her and drank more than enough to catch up to her. Follow the leader indeed. "Est occasio specialis. Domi es." She spoke eloquently, dual-toned vocals almost husky in nature thanks to the alcohol. Her first language came more naturally to her as she drank more of the wine.

The dark red she had picked out spilled lightly down her lip, staining her pelt a bit, though blood red had always looked damn good on her. He asked if she wished to stay in his rooms or go to her own more opulent cabin, making the Blodreina smile. "Recedere ad cubiculum meum possumus." With a flick of her tail to rest above her hips, Lurid moved to go to her room with a gentle drunken sway to her steps, fully expecting her Sheidheda to follow her. Once in her cabin, Lurid hopped up onto the bed she had made for herself, the springs of her soft mattress protesting softly. She laid out a wolf pelt for him to lay on beside her, patting the bed to tell him it was okay to join her. There were couches and other sitting areas within the captain's quarters, but she preferred the softness of her own bed. "Come sit with me, Requiem." The way she said his name said everything he needed to know, in her drunken state she would not hide it. The attraction was a powerful thing, and Lurid was not one to shy away from it. Alastor was likely not alive and if he was he had probably moved on after all this time. Why should she live in the past when the present was her favorite color and much more handsome? She had made up her mind, no longer would she hold to the ghost of Alastor, vows or no vows; she had a life to live.

Word count: 401 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: ---
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-06-2023, 04:14 AM
B eing observant was what kept Requiem alive where others had perished before him. It was the reason he persisted long after others had fallen to memory or into oblivion. It was also what caught his ethereal goddess of a queen giving him a salacious grin from the corner of his eye while he drank the bittersweet crimson wine she offered. Yes, he had taken the Devil's bribe, and he would indulge and imbibe like it were his last night alive. If she were to be his Devil, then he would gladly forfeit his soul to her. The look Lurid gave him could have easily melted the steel of the ship around them. The way her holographic eyes flashed with a primal hunger made his core clench hot with an appetite that hadn't been satiated in a long, long time. Even then, every woman that came before had been a pitiful placeholder, a sorry stand in for the real thing he could only dream of having. Fantasies had kept his hunger abated before—now the animal wanted to feast, and what lay before him was greater than any fantasy his mind could create. Lurid spoke in her hypnotic dual vocals, her dulcet tones resonating something deep within him.

T here was a time when he was younger that Requiem would have minded his place with her, keeping himself in check with his responses to the heiress apparent of his liege pack. This Requiem was more matured, more worldly, and knew the power of a well placed flirtation. "Et hic manebo," came his reply, purred in the low gravel of his matured husky voice. Unlike Lurid, he had not grown up speaking her family's tongue. Where it became easier for her to speak the language as she became drunk, it became a more deliberate decision for Req. Perhaps it was his way of showing how dedicated he was, or perhaps it was because he thought it might make her melt a little more for him. Either way, the words rolled smoothly off his tongue, followed by a confident grin and a gleam in his dark argent eyes.

L urid desired to retire to her room, and Requiem would have been loathe to refuse her. Rising to his paws with his bottle of wine clutched between deadly jaws, he followed his goddess' lead out of his room and down the passageway toward her quarters. He didn't miss the way her luxurious plume of a tail flicked up over her shapely hips, nor the way those same hips sashayed with each sway of her steps. Lustful eyes followed the motions of her hindquarters all the way down the corridor, a carnal hunger rising in his predatory gaze the more she provoked his urges, whether she was intentional or unaware. He knew he should behave himself. The Blodreina was betrothed, after all; promised to a wolf far luckier than he. That wouldn't stop him from enjoying the sights now that she was back, however. Eye candy was still candy he could enjoy on his own in private later. Stepping into her spacious cabin, Req kicked the steel door closed behind him with a squeal of the hinges, the latch keeping the door only slightly ajar. It was dark in her quarters, with only silver moonlight pouring in through the windows to light the space. That was all he needed to see Lurid shimmering in all her glory as she relaxed into her bed.

G iant paws carried the male across the cabin, approaching his phantasmal femme with a boldness he'd lacked in his youth. Requiem had never shied away from a challenge, but he had never openly made an attempt for Lurid's paw either. He had always existed on the fringe, watching as her life with Alastor grew and took shape. But Alastor wasn't here right now, and his fiancée was bidding him to join her on her bed with a lecherous tone in her voice that sent fire coursing through the man's veins. A part of his brain wanted to hesitate, reminding himself of who Lurid was, who she belonged to, and what sort of hell he'd unleash upon himself once Alastor came back. IF, the voice in his head reassured him. IF Alastor comes back. The possibility inspired confidence within the blood-hued brute, and with lips curling up into a knowing smirk, he approached Lurid's bed and hoisted himself up with strong forelegs in a single bound. The assassin was not shy as he settled down to lay beside Lurid, so close that he could reach a single foreleg out and pull her body to his own. Hmmm, how tempting the thought was... Requiem took his bottle into his paws again and uncorked it with his teeth, taking another long draw from the bottle. "Alastor would kill me if he saw us like this," he mused with a roguish grin and a chuckle. A bit of dark humor. From the way Lurid spoke his name—gods, how he loved the way she said his name!—and the look in her heated gaze, he knew she had probably reached the same conclusions he had some time ago. Some wolves would return. Others would not.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-20-2023, 01:19 PM
But if you break her heart;
She'll turn cold as a freezer!

Lurid was glad to see the red man take his place next to her, though she did wonder what else he would do for her. In her inebriated state, the dark goddess wondered just how much she could push him. He said he would stay with her, but she had heard such promises before, though this one meant what he said. he had been by her side so far, even when she was absent from his life in search of their new home. Requiem spoke again, and Lurid found herself a bit cross at his words. "Si curabat Alastor, veniret cum vocavi." She nosed the side of his cheek. "Do not worry about him, as far as I am concerned the betrothal has been nulled." Alastor had broken his vow by not coming to her side when she came back to Boreas, and Lurid would not worry about things she had no control over. It was his decision to lose her and so he did.

With her opinion on the matter stated, Lurid rolled to her side so that her back was pressed into Requiem's side. The contact would be electric, nothing like the warmth of Alastor's body, this was far more intense in nature. It felt good to have him so close, to finally be able to relax against him this way. Before they had decorum and strict rules keeping them apart, she had been wrapped around Alastor's massive paw, but now? Now she let herself be who she wanted to be. Turning her head to look at the red devil, Lurid smiled drunkenly, "You are much better suited to me anyway, Sheidheda. Maybe you should be Haihefa..." Her musing double vocals were hypnotic and soft, a rare moment of vulnerability from the Blodreina. What she was asking was not out of place, they had known each other for years, and Lurid knew he would make a good husband. She had secretly loved him before she was betrothed to Alastor, even as children. Perhaps he would take her up on it, or maybe he would pass it off as drunken thoughts. Taking another swig from her bottle, Lurid tried not to let her heart race ahead of her mind...though it was much too late for that.

Word count: 377 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: Pretty sure Lu just asked him out XD
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

03-03-2023, 05:19 AM
R equiem had been fishing for a reaction from Lurid when he had mentioned Alastor, and his little fishing expedition had turned up pay dirt. Seeing the bitch goddess' iridescent eyes narrow and gleam with a bitter resentment at the mention of her fiancé—or former fiancé from the sound of it—brought a lopsided roguish grin to the degenerate's muzzle. His queen pressed her nose to his cheek, leaving behind a flush of warmth where she touched him. It might have been the alcohol at work, but no other woman's touch had ever left fire on his skin the way hers had. Lurid's words were cold and cruel and exactly what Requiem had been hoping to hear since he had been a yearling neophyte killer watching her betrothal challenge. How many nights had he spent dreaming of the alabaster goddess coming to him in the moonlight to declare her love for him, to name him her betrothed and to steal his breath away with her kiss and touch? What had once simply been the fantasies of a smitten adolescent had grown into a flame of yearning that the crimson brute had harbored all these years, each one adding fuel to the fire where time had apparently snuffed out that same flame in his rival. Ah well, Alastor's loss was Requiem's victory.

"I'd say I'm sorry for your loss, but I swore to never lie to you," remarked Requiem with a bit of a cheeky purr to his rough voice, his statement punctuated with a rumbling chuckle. "You're right. He would be here if he wanted to be. But I am." He was being bold, he knew this, but Requiem saw his opening, saw the need and the hunger in Lurid's eyes. He'd already lost her before; he wasn't going to lose her again. Lurid shifted then, turning to press her back into his side in a much more intimate cuddle, nestling her slender up into the smooth planes of taut muscle and plush fur that made up his. Electricity ran over his skin and burned like fire, turning that flame into the brute's belly into a raging wildfire. His core clenched hard and hot when his beauteous queen turned to smile at him with drunken delight, and it took all of Req's self control to keep from shoving his tongue in her mouth then and there. Gods above and devils below, she was so perfect...!

The words Lurid spoke to him sent fire coursing through the dire brute's veins like lava, his heart racing with an excitement he hadn't felt in an age. Here, alone together on the vessel that would become her palace, Lurid was cutting loose of the bonds of decorum and letting herself be free with him. And so Requiem would do the same for her. Grinning like a hungry predator, the devil wolf lifted a giant paw to drape his strong foreleg across Lurid's side, pulling her closer into an intimate spooning position where she was the little spoon tucked up into the curve of his frame. "Tu me honoras, Blodreina," he replied, letting the paw draped across her begin a slow trail of his digits up and down the smooth, slender side of her belly and following the feminine curve of her waist, touching the Amarix empress as if she were the most precious thing in the world. Her fur felt so soft under his paw, her body so warm and supple pressed up into him... It made Requiem hungry like he'd never been before. "Perhaps it would be prudent of you to put your prospective Haihefa to the test first... Let him prove he can keep you satisfied."

Still giving Lurid that predacious grin, Requiem decided to go all in on the moment. The paw that rested on Lu's waist slowly slid up her side, tracing along the silky fur of her underbelly and up over the side of her neck with the most delicate of touches until his paw reached the underside of the goddess' jaw. Cupping her jaw, Req tilted Lurid's muzzle up while he brought his down to meet hers, connecting their mouths in a slow yet intensely passionate kiss. That first contact felt like touching a live wire. Every nerve in Requiem's body suddenly came to life, singing with fire as his brain exploded with euphoria. Silver and black eyes slowly slid closed while he savored the contact, murring against his queen's lips, tasting the wine on her mouth and breath. His paw released her jaw and slid down her throat again, returning to its place around her waist to slowly yet insistently tug white-furred hips back to nestle snugly up against his own crimson-furred hips, holding Lurid the way a woman of her prominence deserved to be held and treated—like a veritable sex goddess come to earth to grace their unworthy world with her divine beauty—while he began to show her why he had always been meant to be her husband.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-08-2023, 10:21 AM
You should see me in a crown;
Watch me make 'em bow, one by one!

He was much softer than she thought he would be, though there was nothing soft about the hard planes of muscle that rested just beneath his skin. There was something about the red killer that had always captured her fancy - even when she was betrothed. This was the man who could have taken her from Alastor, she knew he would have killed that dark brute had he been given the chance. The way he held her was so luxurious like she was the most precious thing he had ever touched, and it spoke to her ego and the girl in her. Rubies and gold melded together as he grinned at her and slid his paw up her frame in a suggestive manner, his words not lost on Blodreina. "Perhaps I should test the Haihefa, but I first should be honest with him." She let her words hang in the air for a moment before she spoke again, this time her tones were predatory and hungry, "Te semper volui. Etiam cum vicit manu mea."

Lurid felt him tip her head up, her lips parting ever so slightly to receive his kiss. the way her body reacted to such a simple contact was as though she had never been kissed before. Lighting flashed behind closed eyelids, sending that shocking electricity to start fires all over her body. The feeling of his mouth pressing to hers was heavenly, as though she had finally made it home. The way he held her made her feel as though she were being worshiped in the most carnal ways, her body moving of its own accord to press closer to his. This was one of the few moments Lurid ever found herself on her back, and she absolutely loved it. Her lips parted more fully, begging for invasion as every sense she had left her body and became tuned into every move he made. His lips, the way his heart beat against his chest, his paws on her body, the way he felt against her, all combined to make for a heady concoction of fire and ice in her veins. She wrapped her front paws around his neck, demanding more, holding onto him as though he anchored her to the world when she might very well fly away. He was meant for her, something she had clearly missed at The Ritual battles when he had been too young to participate. Separating their lips for a moment, Lurid spoke in soft hushed tones, her dual-toned vocals seeming dreamy and husky with wanting, "I should have seen you sooner, Haihefa. Can you forgive me?"

Word count: 435 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: ---
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

03-08-2023, 05:28 PM
A t any moment now, Requiem expected himself to wake up from this living dream and find himself hungover and reeling from whatever bender he had gone on. Surely that could be the only logical explanation as to how he had ended up in bed with the most beautiful of creatures to ever descend upon this unworthy world, Lurid wrapped up in his arms and pressing herself to his body with all the wanton desire he had always fantasized of. He kept waiting for that moment of heartbreaking awakening as this dream shattered around him, but it never came. The dream didn't stop when she spoke in hungry tones in her lilting lyrics of how she had always wanted him. The dream didn't stop when he kissed Lurid, and it didn't stop when she kissed him back, the sounds he pulled from her enough to drive any man wild with lust. The dream didn't stop when her paws looped around his neck and her digits tangled in his thick scruff, nor did it end when he felt her lips part his and tasted her tongue invading his maw, responding with a lecherous and ravenous growl of his own into their heady kissing. This was no dream. Requiem was truly living his greatest fantasy!

T hough his mind was having a time trying to realize that this was reality, his body was already well on the way to preparing for what would follow their heavy making out. He knew Lurid was a sensual and passionate beast, and it seemed that age and maturity had unleashed the goddess' carnal side in full force. Requiem groaned low in his throat, the rumbling sound pouring into Lurid's mouth through their kiss as the dire brute gave himself over to his queen. His blood was lava in his veins, scorching his soul from within. The alabaster fae stoked that wildfire in his core until it blazed out of control, heat and tension growing unbearable low in his belly and groin. She shifted their bodies, pulling him closer until suddenly he found himself on top of the ethereal goddess herself. With his body pressing down into hers, Req could feel the svelte form of Lu's slender stomach pushing up into his, the luxurious softness of her coat as it mingled with his wherever they touched. She was burning hot to the touch and he could feel the rapid percussion of her heart pounding in time against his. It was all such a sensory rush, making the crimson wolf's head spin and swim as if he were drunk on the finest of spirits. Never before had anything made him feel this way—no liquor, no woman, no kill nor victory. Lurid was an experience all in of herself, one Requiem never wanted to end. He would happily have suffocated as she smothered him with these sensations.

E ventually the ache for oxygen grew too great for the two newfound lovers, and with a gasp of the cool arctic air Requiem found his lips parted from Lurid's, though never more than an inch or two away. Dark eyelids flickered open until his argent gaze met his goddess' holographic jewels, watching the way they practically glowed in the dark and smoldered with an unmistakable and urgent need. Her voice, spoken in hushed tones that emphasized the duality of her vocals, asked him for forgiveness, their muzzles so close he could feel every breath of hers against his lips. A small smirk touched the devil brute's face and he shook his head. "I wasn't the man you deserved back then, Blodreina. There is nothing to forgive," he whispered back in husky, rough tones that rolled off his tongue like a deep vibrato. The smirk on his lips evolved into a wicked grin as ebony lips moved to trail along the edge of her chin down to the tender flesh where her jawed throat met, nipping at her skin there as he whispered right against her strongest pulse point. "But I am now. And your man going to make you sing all night long."

L etting his broad tongue loll from his maw, Req pressed the muscle against Lurid's throat, rolling it slowly along her carotid. Strong forepaws hooked around the bitch goddess' hips, holding her close while he slid his own hips between her thighs to align his arousal with her most intimate parts. That first contact of flesh on flesh drew a heated gasp from the brute, his digits flexing over Lu's shapely hips to secure his hold on her as if she still might vanish before his eyes if he didn't hold onto her. Requiem wanted so badly to just sink right into his beloved, to feel and take what he had lusted after for almost all his life. But he held back, giving a slow roll and grind of his hips to tease her, tempt her with what was so close for the both of them. The brute groaned, gritting his teeth as electric waves of desire rippled through him from their contact. His muzzle slowly slid up over her cheek, nibbling at the base of her ear before he drew back to gaze down at her, a wide grin spreading over his face from the erotic and incredible sight of this perfect being below him and in such a state of carnal need. "Tell me you want me, and you'll have me, Lurid." The whispered direction came out on a lustful, hungry growl, silver eyes shining with eager anticipation with an almost crazed look of excitement in them as he drank her in, intoxicating himself on everything Lurid was. He would give her everything she desired, make her moan and sing and scream for him all night long and every night to follow, reaffirm his love and loyalty and life to her in the wake of their passion.

B ut first, he wanted to hear her say those magical words one more time.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-10-2023, 04:55 PM
You should see me in a crown;
Watch me make 'em bow, one by one!

The ivory devil tried to catch her breath as he pulled away, staring at him with those same predatory eyes, as though she might just eat him. His whispers at that moment were not lost to her ears, but they rang in her chest and vibrated her heart with the depth of his tones. Lurid tilted her head up as he marked her skin with his kisses and nips, sighs of pleasure escaping her as he did so. The ivory goddess purred at his tongue against her flesh, her body moving just as he grabbed her hips to help align them together. He teased her, making her growl softly with need. He held onto her as if she might very well float away; as if she was a dream he needed to come true. The way he whispered in her ear this time gave her chills and bred in her an excitement she had never felt before. There was a thrill in being wanted so fiercely, she could feel it pulsing between them.

Oh if only she had seen him sooner, this is what she had been missing. Letting their desire hang in the air for a moment, staring at Requiem with the same hungry intensity and crazed love-drunk madness with a sultry smile on her face. Lurid raised her own muzzle and mirrored his actions running her muzzle up his cheek to his ear, her dual-toned vocals whispered and spoken at the same time, harmonizing to form the words he so desperately wanted to hear. "Solus volo te." Her own voice was deepened by need, husky and soft, Latin melting off of her tongue in her heady state. This was a woman who had only been touched twice this way, but with Requiem it felt like the first time, there was a nervousness that flashed over her face right before a wide smile came over her face though it was gone in an instant when she pulled him in for more kisses.

Word count: 333 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: Sorry these are so short and bleh...
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

03-13-2023, 02:10 PM
T here was a beautiful, maddening tension in the air as the two apex predators' gazes met and held, the atmosphere fire and electric all at once around them. This was a culmination of a lifetime of desire—of long, yearning glances hidden away behind a stoic facade of dutifulness and fealty, of fantasies dared not to be spoken for their sinful and insubordinate nature. She had been a princess promised to another and destined for a life far above his station, and he a nobody scarcely into adolescence with nothing of substance to give to her. Now they had evolved into something wholly different. She was a queen, a goddess given flesh to mold this world to her making. He was a predator, a hunter with a singular purpose and focus in his world, and an art he had long-since mastered. Both of them were forces of nature and their coupling would be world-shattering!

R equiem could barely breathe as he issued his lecherous demand to Lurid, watching her with excited, almost frenzied silver eyes while she gasped to pull breath into her lungs. The salacious smile on her lips made that hungry ache in his belly intensify, and the way she brushed her muzzle back along his cheek to whisper in his ear could have made the man faint he was so aroused. When she spoke the words he craved in her purring voice and native tongue, Req made a growling groaning sound deep in his throat. It was guttural and primal, the noise of an animal in rut ready to claim what he desired. Like Lurid, the crimson brute was no virgin, but no amount of touch from another woman could have made him feel the way he did in this moment. Lying here with her, their bodies pressed taut together, so achingly agonizingly close to attaining what they both needed, it was the first time he had ever felt so alive with a fae! Lurid may very well have been his first for the way she made him feel right now.

I n her eyes, Requiem could see Lurid's nervousness mixed in with her eagerness and anticipation. She wanted this as badly as he did, but he understood her anxiousness. Lurid had been promised to Alastor, meaning that unless the dark brute had mated with her already (and he assumed they had) then she would have laid with no other. Req obliged Lu's insistent pulling around his neck to bring his lips back down to hers, pausing just before he claimed another kiss from her to whisper against her lips, "Tunc tuus ego sum, et tu meus es." As the blood-hued brute claimed the alabaster goddess' mouth with his own, strong forelegs would curl around shapely hips, holding Lurid beneath him while he drew his hips back to align their bodies, and then slowly sank himself home within her. Requiem's body went rigid in an instant, every muscle tensing as intense waves of hot pleasure crashed into him like a tidal wave while he spread and filled her. Silver eyes clenched shut and a deep groan of pleasure was pulled from within him as he kissed Lurid with all the passion and lust from years of pent up desire. His paws flexed, gripping tighter to his queen's slender body around her waist while he joined them together, moving at a gradual pace to allow themselves to adjust to one another. As much as the hunger and ache would have liked him to slam himself into her, Req wanted to savor this perfect moment, to make it a core memory for his love. He would make love to her, burn away all other memories of her past life, remove all traces of ebony and replace them with crimson ones instead. Lurid was his; he was going to make her his over and over and over again tonight.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.