
The Dead Won't Die

Isa Large Predator


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
02-23-2023, 12:25 AM

The winter days are beginning to lengthen, heralding the approach of the coming of spring. But, here in the northern lands, winter still has the lands locked in its icy grip. Andromeda is out in the forest that the Armada has laid claim to, softly padding through the fresh powder that the night brought them. In the morning light, the snow sparkles like millions of tiny diamonds; the powder catches the sunlight that finds its way down to it and throws small rainbows every which way. The air is still, as if the storm that had blown through sapped all of the wind’s energy. Scents linger, overlapping and muddying the air with their heavy aromas.

Prey animals tracks weave in and out of the forest, their passing marked by a trampled snow and patched of fur rubbed into the bark of several trees. The girl’s pale blue eyes even spy some scratches where elk have rubbed their itchy antlers against the trees. Eyes scan the world around her as she walks, ever vigilant of danger while also enjoying the sights and sounds that come after a sudden snow storm. Andy has been growing in a thicker, double coat so the chill of winter air does not bother her like it once did. The crunching of nearby snow draws the lavender girl’s attention to it and she turns to try and spy one the elk that have been grazing nearby.

Muscles lock as, instead of finding a beautiful, majestic beast, an absolute horror stands illuminated in a shaft of sunlight. What once was a polar bear sags sideways, large, open, infected wound leak blood and puss from its face and left side. Its head is turned away from her, its mouth hangs agape as it huffs great, heaving breathes that causes steam to fill the air. However, the wounds are not the worst part because, when the beast does turn its head toward her, Andy finds that the eye that had been facing away from her is hanging down below the cheek. The tendons keep it attached to the socket. By all rights, this horror show of a creature should be dead but, by perhaps sheer will, it is alive and lumbering in this forest.

It’s one good eye locks onto Andromeda and the pup feels her heart drop down into her toes. Its mouth opens further and a loud guttural roar, filled with pain and anger, rents the quiet of the winter morning air. The girl’s heart thunders hard against her ribs as the bear then begins to stumble toward her. Suddenly, a gentle breeze picks up, pushing the dying creature’s smells toward her and the pup almost doubles over to vomit up her breakfast into the snow. Her brain doesn’t even know how to register the smell of the infection, coupled with dead and dying tissue.

In the very back of her mind, the word ‘death’ leaps up and she realizes that it what she is smelling; death. The beast has become an unstoppable force now that it has moved into a lurching run. Andy’s brain screams at her to run, to fight, to do anything but stand still. However, terror has rooted the girl into place and her attention is locked onto that dead, swinging eyeball. Nausea rises as it approaches, bring the smell of death with it. The beast seeks to take its anger out on the lavender pup and she is unable to do anything… but watch.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
03-07-2023, 03:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2023, 03:33 PM by Isa. Edited 1 time in total.)

Isa was out in the woods, her nose working to hunt for early spring mushrooms. It was no secret that the woman liked to cook. Feeding others made the blue fae quite happy. Even feeding stubborn cuss's like Sirius made her happy. The first mushrooms of the year would be tasty, plus they brought good luck. The 'slave' woman could use all of the luck that she could get and so could her captor, lest she end up murdering him in his sleep.

Being out on her own, the cerulean woman's senses were on higher alert than if she'd been at the heart of pack lands. Dark ears swiveled, catching the sound of birds flitting between the trees and small creatures scurrying along the quickly melting snow. Rounding a tree, Isa found exactly what she was looking for. Turkey tails grew in rows on the dark side of a thick oak. The fae began peeling the striped mushrooms off of the bark, depositing them in a basket that she'd brought with her. That was when she smelled it.

Putrid rot mixed with vomit and old blood hit Isa in the nose and the woman instantly coughed, dark nares wrinkling as she brought a paw up to shield herself from the stench. It smelled as though something had died and rotted, which was odd, considering it was winter and there shouldn't have been any waste. Even if there was, there shouldn't be such a horrifying smell. The ground was still frozen. Isa turned and was ready to leave the area for the sake of her nose, but she heard the trees and bushes shake as a massive body pushed between them. Through the foliage, Isa could see dirty white fur and a hulking body. Mixed in with the scent of rot was the scent of bear. Right after that scent was the scent of Andromeda.

Skirting around the bear, Isa pushed into a clearing to see the purple child standing there, eyes wide, staring at the approaching ursine. The fae's head turned and she saw the mangled face of the bear. The rotten flesh that she'd smelled was coming from a gaping wound in the beasts face and side. As it turned to look at Andromeda, she could see the eyeball hanging by a thread, the action squeezing puss from the wound which then dripped onto the snow beneath.

The roar that the bear released shook the very earth and stole Isa's breath. She expected Andromeda to run, but the girl was frozen to the spot. Dropping her pack, the blue fae ran out into the clearing. With its attention focused on the pup, Isa leaped up, sinking her teeth into the side of the face opposite the oozing wound. The bear roared in fury and began to shake its head. Blood and puss flew, spattering both the ground and the trees that surrounded them. The action sent Isa flying, but thankfully she landed on her paws. "Andromeda, run!" She attempted to snap the girl out of her stupor. If she was still frozen in shock, Isa would continue to attack. There was no way that she could kill a creature this large on her own. Not even with the girl's help. For once, she wished that Sirius had followed her.


Andromeda- 581


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
03-08-2023, 02:40 AM

The dying creature is terrifying and the purple girl has a front row seat to the rotting, walking beast. Every ounce of pain it feels is etched with deep, thick lines into every inch of its face and Andy finds that she is mesmerized by it. It charges toward her and all she can do is stare as death comes to knock at her door. Jaw hangs open, the stench that permits the area rolls her stomach as times seems to slow, stretch to the point that it stands still. Suddenly, a flash of blue appears, leaping up and latching itself onto the uninjured side of the bear’s face. Time slowly spools up, the elongated moments, jumping and leaping until reality slams home. Isa is sent flying and her words help to break the spell that Andy is under.

Jaw swiftly snaps shut and her lips purse as she gives a short, sharp whistle. Without a sound, a small, pudgy form detaches itself from a nearby snow bank and leaps on top of the rotting polar bear. Leo, the girl’s snow leopard companion, hisses in anger and begins to rip deep grooves into the back of creature. Dead skin and puss are sent flying every which way as the feline attacks. In short order, the girl releases another set of two sharp whistles and a flash of color darts among the branches of the trees. Like a well-oiled machine, Andy launches forward, closing the distance between her and the bear as Aquila appears in a flash of feathers.

The eastern goshawk flares her wings, materializing from seemingly from nowhere, and begins to strike with deadly accuracy at the rotten part of the beast’s face. Talons dig into the bear’s flesh and release puss in gross, pungent waterfalls. The hawk manages to finish detaching the dead eye from its socket, sending the orb flying into the snow. It roars in pain, shaking the world with its fury and hate… and Andy is there to answer. Fear drives her on, not of the bear or for herself but for Isa’s safety. She tucks her chin and enters the polar bear’s space, black kudu horns aimed up and forward.

Partially blind and in an incredible amount of pain, the ursine does not see the lavender pup until it is too late. Purple head snaps up as the girl sends her kudu horns upward and buries them deep into the neck of the beast. She hits the artery that hides underneath and nicks the windpipe, causing a gurgling roar to fill the air. Death comes for the beast and, even though it is dying, the creature’s natural instinct to fight. Seeing the danger, Andy rips her horns out, giving a short whistle to tell her companions to back off and get out of the polar bear’s way. The girl darts out and away from the bear, pale blue eyes meeting Isa’s aqua gaze for the briefest of moments.

Relief floods her system at the sight of the woman, seemingly unharmed, and a relieved grin begins to pull at her lips. Yet, just when the girl thinks everything will be alright, she notices the fear that flashes across her friend’s face. The grin drops as worry pulls at her features, dread dropping a heavy weight in her stomach as she thinks that Isa is harboring a hidden injury. However, the fear becomes abundantly clear as she feels sharp claws catch her right hip. The bear has lunged toward her, swiping at her retreating hind end and hitting her in its dying rage.

The momentum sweeps her off her paws and sends her sideways as the lavender girl careens through the snow and over the thick roots of a nearby trees. Pain sheers her brain as her body rolls, blood painting the melting snow like some macabre painting as she passes. With a small ‘thunk’, Andy’s body comes to stop against a gnarled root, hot blood seeping into the snow and helping it melt around her hip. She is dazed and the world is spinning so the lavender girl decides to ride out the storm on her side while she attempts to figure out what she did wrong.

WC: 702
Total WC: 1833 / 1500

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
03-16-2023, 07:34 PM

The world slowed once more as a heavy paw lifted and swing, connecting with the girl's hip. Isa saw red. The blue woman launched herself at the bleeding bear as it stalked towards the downed pup. Jaws snapped into the side of the bears face, ridding it of the opposite eye with expertly placed precision. If the bear couldn't see the girl, it couldn't attack her. Head swinging from side to side, the cerulean fae took a chunk of the bears face with her when she pushed off.

Barely a minute after her paws touched down, Isa was airborne again. This time she bit into the sensitive, dark flesh of the bears nose. The beast groaned and shook its head, flinging her free, but she'd accomplished what she'd set out after. With the bears nose shredded, it couldn't smell them either. The hulking creature sneezed and wheezed, each breath bubbling from the holes in its throat. A beast like this wasn't easy to kill, but there was no denying that it was on the path to death.

Blind and nose-deaf, Isa turned to move towards Andromeda. With its last bit of consciousness and energy, the polar bear leaped towards the woman, its jaws wrapping around the thick fur of her scruff. With a snarl, the ursine shook the fae who squealed in its grasp, then released her. Isa went flying, crashing into one of the thick trees of the forest. As though this was its last ditch effort, the bear sank to the ground. Its body heaved for a few breaths, and then it stilled.

Isa clenched her teeth and pulled to her paws. There were punctures in the looser skin around her neck and she was bruised, but she would be fine. Once on her paws, she made her way to the young wolf's side, noting the scratches down her hip. Nosing the child, Isa helped her get to her paws. "Andy, are you alright?" Concern was etched deeply on the fae's bloodied face as she questioned the girl. They needed to make their way back home to see a healer, but if Andy couldn't walk, she would call Sirius.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-16-2023, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2023, 08:22 PM by Sirius. Edited 1 time in total.)

He had moved with all the speed he could manage, the moment Marshal had sounded the alarm. Tearing from First Light, and down the cliff with enough speed to gather bumps and bruises. More than once he lost his footing, sliding down crumbling points in the path. All of which only slowed him down, before he hit the floor of the Cole and took off into the woods.

With Marshal ahead of him, he was guided straight as flight towards his daughter. He arrived and found her on her side. Blood and gore around them, as well as the bear as it wheezed its last breath and lay still.

Sirius ignored everything except his daughter, and he didn’t stop until he was at her side. Skidding in the dirt beside her as he fell to his knees at her side. “Andy, Andy!” He said as his paws hovered over her for a moment. Then he was touching her shoulder, gentle as a feather, assessing her wounds. “I’m getting you to Halo” He said, before Bear began to awkwardly scoop the larger wolf up in her paws. Just enough to get her on the Warlords back and hold her there. “Bas, get Isa” He told his grandson as the towering Heir came into the scene a few steps behind him.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
03-16-2023, 08:15 PM

Basilisk saw his grandfather tear through the woods as if the devil himself was after him. He rose to his paws and looked in the direction Sirius had fled from - before realising the chances of Sirius running from danger was slim to none. With that realisation he finally started forward, falling into a ground eating run as his giant paws chased after his grandfather.

He arrived to find his Auntie on the floor, injured, and another pack wolf - Isa - at her side. Also looking worse for wear. Then his eyes moved to the Polar bear and his eyes flared in surprise for a moment. He might have stood there a few more moments, but his Grandfather saw him and began to issue commands. He moved to the white and blue womens side “What can I do?” He asked, voice pitched low as he offered the older wolf his shoulder.


[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
03-18-2023, 11:36 PM

From her spot on her side, Andy has a great view of Isa and the dying bear. In her dazed state, she watches the blue woman retaliates against the infected and dying creature easily removing its one good eye. It is a daring display of acrobatics and skill as the woman first blinds the polar bear and then shreds its nose. Feeling slowly seeps back into the pup, awaking all the aches and that rolling over gnarled roots and ground have caused. The world tilts on its axis as she shoves away the pain and sits up … just in time to see Isa get grabbed by her scruff and tossed away by the fading beast.

Instinctively, the pup springs up to her paws only to find that her right hind leg refuses to hold her weight and collapses underneath her. The world spins at a dizzying rate and her breath is pushed from her lungs as the pain from her hip slams into her brain which causes Andy’s butt to connect with the ground once more. She decides to stay there a moment as the bear finally stills and Isa approaches her. Her world slows its dizzying spin and the pup happily beams at her friend, grateful for her presence. If she had not been there, Andy knows that the bear would have killed her.

Despite the concern etched into her friend’s features, and the pain that the movement causes in her hindquarters, the purple girl joyfully thumps her tail on the ground. With a smile on her lips, the girl cheerily says, “I’m fine, thanks to you! That was really… scary.” The smile that had been tugging at her lips a moment before falters as she admits that she had actually been afraid. As Isa helps her stand and Andy gingerly tests her right hind leg, the purple girl spies the blood that coats her friend’s scruff and her ears lay back as worry tugs the lines of the face down.

With a gentle nudge to the side of her friend’s neck, she softly asks, “Are you okay?” She settles more of her weight into the injured hip and grimaces at the pain that flares but she is fairly certain that she can walk back to the Col. Just as she begins to walk with a slight hitch in her gait, the sound of thundering paws reaches the pair. A soft groan rolls past her lips as she knows who will arrive before his tall frame even graces the scene. Stopping, the girl’s hind end gives out and she sits heavily on the ground, just as her father arrives.

He moves to join her and the world tilts as he approaches forcing her to close her eyes and breath through the nausea that hits her. Andy hears his words and she can only nod as the nausea swells and her stomach flip-flops, forcing her to clamp her teeth shut in an attempt to keep her food in her stomach. She feels someone gathering her up and she lifts on eyelid to see that it is Bear. Helping as much as she can, the purple girl climbs onto her father’s back and settles in, thankful for the ride.

Giving him a gentle nuzzle on the side of his neck, she gentle whispers, “Isa saved my life. That… thing would have killed me.” A soft sigh is expelled as she buries her face in his fur in an attempt to block out the slowly spinning world. Had she knocked her head on one of the roots as she tumbled away? Honestly, she couldn’t remember but it wouldn’t surprise if she had. A headache is blooming behind her eyes and promises to be really bad.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.