



10-20-2013, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 12:18 AM by Isardis.)

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back

The sun had threatened to rise beneath the crowns of shuddering pines, the first glow of splintered red feeding beneath the structures of his kingdoms walls. He had gathered them there, instructing Sendoa to hang back with Canttina and guide the rest of the group a safe distance behind he and Argent. They had crawled silently downwind; claws sharpened by the blades of royalty, bodies armoured by the brilliant golds and steels of their imperial souls. Rounding a rivers edge Isardis had stood alone with a clear view of the isolated territory; his spine shuddering with the thrill that was to come. Behind him, Argent rested unseen, coiled beneath the extended stalks of the vast grasslands; and he having found a proud post atop the arrangement of an earthen rock. He would hover there for a few moments, awaiting a target, hoping to pick out a straggler and off them long before their existence was revealed.

It seemed they had been discovered; a man loitered alone, and Isardis had every intention of plucking his jugular from the shell of his gullet, unstrung cautiously like a disarmed bomb. Lips would tweak, a single hark flickered back to Argent, knowing she would remain concealed until the beast thought Isardis was unaccompanied. Ruby gaze would narrow as a nauseating whine would flow against the structures of his voice box; harmonic and angelic in it?s ever-so-tranquil tone, the summoning of a demon masked by the face of purity. No more than a near-silent attempt at grasping the creature?s attentions, attempting to draw the wolf nearer before The King would launch from his standing point; hind limbs pushing him an awe-striking distance until he would fall back to the earth, so effortlessly upon the form of the unaware monster, jaws ravenously sent hunting for the grasp of his scruff or throat.



Isardis and Argent have Dragon?s permission to kill Lovatt in order to initiate the Seige.

NO VALHALLAN?s, those allied with Valhalla, or Glaciem?s/Allies, other than Argent and Lovatt, are to reply until after Lovatt is killed and an ooc message has upgraded the thread to an official Siege.

Please note that the killing will be done in a time-frame that is very fast to ensure realism; presuming Valhalla would be quite quick off the mark to answer Lovatt?s distress call. By the time the first arrive, Lovatt will be dead.



10-20-2013, 05:44 PM
She thought it was suiting that she was the one to come ahead with her King. Argent had always accepted Isardis?s tendencies, if only because she knew that their bond transcended all the others. There was a reason she was his Queen, that she had had his pups first, that he had told her he loved her. The latter didn?t stand for all that much, for she didn?t doubt he?d spoken it to somebody else, but they weren?t his Queen. None had had a litter quite as large as hers either, and perhaps this bond, this feeling of being special, of being the favorite, that made her willing to stay for him, that made her unwilling to run into Taurig?s arms. Nonetheless, it thrilled her to be by his side, to be walking with him on the frontlines of war.
She lay in hiding, observing her King from his post. Her heart thrummed in her chest, a war drum that knew not how to cease. She observed the stranger up ahead, letting Isardis charge first before she came. Legs propelled her body forwards, body kept low to the ground, and the Duchess?s stride fell with the drums of war. She did not hold back, did not hesitate when she attempted to come behind the Valhallan scout. She leapt, hoping to land on his back with an incredible force, jaws snapping for his spine, claws hoping to find purchase upon his back to hold herself steady. No, he would not find escape.


10-20-2013, 09:40 PM

Lovatt had returned to the borders of Valhalla some time ago. He had returned to seek re-acceptance into his former home. With Morgan disappearing once again, he felt that the only other place to go was his former home among his former packmates. The giant brute moved slowly, taking his time to arrive at the borderlines. Each step back to old memories were painful, as his heart would remain here until Morgan returned...if she ever did. He loved her so much, but maybe she had other ideas? A sigh escaped his inky lips, all his attention focused on the thoughts that enveloped his mind and dulling his other senses. He had not detected the male who had approached as quietly as the whisper of the wind. It wasn't until he heard a soft sound that he finally turned, sapphire gaze falling upon the white beast. Alarmed, he wondered who it was...but before he could ask, the brute had leaped towards him. Lovatt snarled and yelped when he felt teeth close on the back of his neck. He tried to shake him off, tried to rip his scruff free from the jaws of his ambusher. He would whip his head around to try and grasp a leg or anything he could reach as he tried to rear up, though the momentum and weight of the other had forced his head down for a moment, giving him the disadvantage. His hackles rose and vicious snarls erupted from his chest as he pushed his body up to try and throw his attacker from him. As he did so, he felt a sharp drop of weight and pain upon his back. His body fell slightly to the ground as he whipped around to see another form attacking him. Panicked, his eyes were lit with fierce determination and a hint of fear...was he going to die today? He couldn't...he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his love. He howled then, a short but sharp call into the winds. His distress call would ring through the air, and he hoped that someone would arrive in time to help him...




10-20-2013, 09:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 10:12 PM by Isardis.)

The helpless beast would try so hard to keep his life, to contort his body in a way that would suggest an attempted attack at a forelimb. Isardis however, had managed to attain a secure hold on the left side of the tawny man?s scruff, using his weight in an attempt to hold his efforts back. For a moment he though the larger man could have some kind of advantage, however Argent would be quick to play her cards right, and quite frankly, this man was now outnumbered by two relentless and experienced fighters. Rubies would shift to Argent, coming to realise her efforts to slam down against the unsuspecting mans spine. The albino would adjust to her efforts, raising right forelimb to reach over the top of his nape and attempt to assist also in pushing him downwards. The monster was large, but he stood no chance against the unyielding northern duo. He would crash to the erath beneath them, coming to rest helplessly upon his abdomen, if Argent didn?t succeed in digging into the man?s spine, then surely this would finish him; ravenously jaws would release the scruff, attempting to get a clear shot beneath the gullet, loosely locating the mans pulsing jugular and wheezing pipes as canines would so hungrily seek to grasp his tender vitals, and to use the power of his jaws to constrict breathing or blood flow, to ensure the man drifted quickly into light-headedness or gasped beneath his last breaths.

ooc; permission given for powerplay.


10-20-2013, 11:01 PM

The slight fear that he had felt moments ago began to grow, enveloping his mind as the two wolves began to overpower him. Lovatt had never been one to fight unless absolutely necessary...but in this situation, he was struggling for his life. One on one, the gargantuan man would have been able to take on the fight...but in this case, he was outnumbered by one more. He would feel teeth dig into his flesh on his back, and Lovatt would try to whip around to grab hold of the womans foreleg, but before he could do so he felt more pressure upon his back as the Albino demon forced him to the ground. Lovatt tried to hold strong, to push against theit weight but the combined force was too much. His legs would buckle, and the man came to rest unwillingly on the ground that suddenly felt cold. He was going to die today...unless someone came to save him, though he doubted it. Nobody knew he was here, nobody knew that he was at the borders returning home again. Snarling, he felt the pressure release from his scruff, and as he tried to lift his head he felt teeth wrap around his throat. Lovatt let out a terrifed cry, his heart pounding wildly as he felt the constriction of teeth on his throat, and the tearing of muscle on his back. The much pain. Not only was his body hurting from the attackers mauling him...but his heart was hurting him, and hypothetically his heart would bleed at the desperate thoughts within his mind. His vision began to falter as he struggled to breath. His throat not allowing air to enter his lungs as the albino sucked the life from him. Was this how he was going to die? Caught unawares just when he thought his life couldn make a possible turn around and recuperate from losing everything...ah, how cruel fate could play with ones soul. His body weakened, his mind shutting down and his heart slowing as the life ebbed from his delicate soul. His final thoughts were of his love...of his adopted children...Morgan my love...I am so sorry that I can't be where you are...that I can't say....goodbye....I failed you...I'm so sorry darling...I...Love much...I that......please.......don't...forget...about me......I'll with you.....take care....of our......children.... Brown lids would begin to close over Sapphire eyes. The beat of his heart depleting as his life became snuffed out like a candle. He was happy at least to die on Valhallan grounds...and he hoped that even though he had chosen to leave, they would know that he had chosen to come back. Valhalla to him, was still his home...the Valhallans still his family. He hoped that they too, would remain safe. The last gasp of air escaped his lips..."M.....Morgan.....I' Love You.... At last, his life slipped away into the tombs of darkness as the cold took over. He died with the thoughts of the one he loved with everything he was. Knowing that somewhere out there, they would come together again in time...His eyes would close with his final breath...and as his soul slipped from his body, he would see the silhouette of the one he loved so much....Lovatt's life had come to an end...


The Judge


10-20-2013, 11:40 PM


Due to Glaciem?s intentions this thread is now upgraded to an official Siege, and all fights and challenges are to follow Siege Rules found HERE.


10-21-2013, 04:33 PM

the serpent moved onto the borders a fair way from Isardis and he watched as the man drained the life of the Valhallan. Would it be so easy? Disappointing. Eyes narrowed in on the empire before him and though he lacked the ability to take in those that would be amiable slaves he did have the ability to run down the competition. Daring them so hungrily to come and face their maker a snarl (albeit more of a roar) would withdraw from dangerous lips ad he would summon them to come for him as his defenses were draw into place and little speculation was needed given his knowledge. Shoulders rose up a bit and legs evenly positioned themselves as his weight fell into even distribution. His tail was out to act as a rudder and his head fell in alignment with his spine. It wasn't without flaw, but it was the only the beginning, and no one was judging him.

Cepheus vs. ???

For Siege




10-21-2013, 05:15 PM

The insane woman led her group across the plains and passages. She moved from the north to the Vericona Plains with ease. Her paws carried her, her body was nearly fully healed. Her left fore paw still annoyed her but she walked on it with ease. Her tail was still hurt but it was not a vital wound. Her shoulders were scarred, fur was missing, it was ugly, but healed enough. She stood with complete confidence. Her face was covered by a crimson stained mask. Her nose pointed up as she trotted along. The woman slithered closer and closer. She had no care. The calls of pain entered her sensitive ears. The behemoth puffed out her scarred hackles and let forth a rippling growl. She ran in, growing close to Isardis. She let forth an insane cackle before her snarl, raising her lips. The daemon looked down at the corpse and giggled some more. Canttina dipped down and nipped a piece of skin and flesh off before she devoured it. She groaned in delight. She looked back up, her eyes scanned the scenery. The bitch waited for the opposing side to approach, ready, confident, and excited.



the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun

Pontifex I


10-21-2013, 05:20 PM

He had been waiting anxiously in Valhalla's territory, waiting for the wolves of Glaciem to come marching at their borders. The newly promoted Digamma hadn't been able to sit still since his arrival in Valhalla. How could he when the Ice Pack was coming to tear down his pack's ally? It wasn't right, but it was what it was. There was no avoiding it and to not fight would surely mean that Valhalla would perish and that clearly wasn't going to be something that would be allowed so easily. A call of distress would snap the man from his thoughts, grey crown whipping around in the direction of the call, golden eyes steeling, jaws clenching. And so the war begins.

Not wanting to waste time, Pontifex would rush towards the borders of Valhalla, coming across a horrific scene. The body of a man lay strewn across the other side of the border, savagely torn apart, his throat missing. Standing close to the body were two wolves, one male and one female, the female donning a wolf's skull over her own. Immediately the digamma would settle himself into his defenses, knees bent, toes splayed, plume aligned with his spine for balance, chin tucked against his chest, ears flattened against his skull. Golden eyes would narrow to slits, dark lips peeling back against ivory daggers, a snarl rumbling inside of his chest. He didn't want to die, but he was willing to do so if it meant protecting his family.

Pontifex vs ???

For seige


Talk like this


10-21-2013, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 05:24 PM by Sendoa.)

Onward they would march, their Sentinel at the lead. With every ounce of her effort she would seek to preserve her energy as they neared the battlefield. Glaciem at her heels, all hell was surely about to break loose, but on whom? Their victims were nowhere to be found - at least not anywhere she could see them. A corpse lay at Isardis' feet and she knew it had begun. Patiently she slowed her pace to a halt, bringing her defenses into line and fine-tuning every inch of her bodice to prepare for war. Ears tucked back against her skull to the point that they were barely visible, whilst her tail flagged out in dominance and for balance. All four paws spread her weight out evenly as her legs bent slightly to lower her center of gravity. Head lowered to a plane parallel with her spine and tucked down and back toward her chest. Lips curled in a silent snarl.. and she waited.

Sendoa v ???
for siege
1 / ∞


ooc; edited to add in 1 / ∞ instead of 0 / ∞


10-21-2013, 05:33 PM

Lova followed behind the leaders, her back straightened and head held high. This was the time for war, and she was amazed with herself to see such action so young in her lifetime. She would not die, no, she had too much to do and see before she died. The lady simply seemed straight faced, until arriving, she became fairly prepared. Her hackles raised and head lowered to spine level. Her tail continued to keep her balance at spine level. Lova's weight was equally spread, toes splayed into the lands paws digging into the dirt. She rolled her shoulders inward and scrunched up her scruff to protect her vitals. They would come barreling growling but she was prepared. Pinning her ears against her head, making sure her center of gravity was low, and eyes narrowed waiting for the enemy.
Lova v ???

1/ ∞

For Siege



10-21-2013, 05:50 PM

The time was now, Oddity was sick and tired of losing, and this was his chance to prove himself worthy. His teeth barred sure signs of fighting throughout his life, body littered with scars the man wouldn't be pulled back by the thought of death. He wouldn't die, that was the one thing he refused to do, after all he still needed a certain woman to fall in love with him. Oddity raised his body, lowering his head to spine level. His legs spread to keep balance as he let a deep growl hackles raising with the slight excitement of war and the blood that would come with it. Ear pinned to the back of his head, he rolled his shoulders inward. Eyes locking on his surroundings as he waited for one of the opposing wolves to strike. He had killed valhallans before, ones that they thought vanished though. If they ever found out, perhaps they'd want to take revenge. The boy was ready, and he was not about to back down.
Oddity v ???

1/ ∞

For siege



10-21-2013, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 05:54 PM by Gael.)

They had taken his sister. They had taken his pack members. But that was there the line would be drawn. They would take no one else, not if the young Adravendi had any say in it. War. War. War. It was the beat that his heart had taken to since the meeting with his uncle. If it was that they wanted, then it was war that they would get. The distressed call of a man would slice the atmosphere across Valhalla, sending a spike of rage through the Heir. The call would be quickly cut off. Glaciem was here. They were at the borders and they wanted blood. A snarl, unlike the young Adravendi, twisted his ivory lips as they peeled back against his sharpened daggers, ears flattening against his skull. It was time to rumble.

The young Adravendi set out at a gallop towards the borders of him home, ceruleans narrowed to slits, the rage that had spike through his system now coursing through his system like the blood in his veins. He hated Glaciems and he would do everything in his power to see them fall for having taken his sister. Large form would come to a thundering halt as he reached the border, noticing that the Glaciems were arriving in force whereas the only one from his side was Pontifex. A nod would be given to his ally as he came to stand at the digamma's right side, leaving adequate room if the man was to be challenged for. Knees would bend slightly, toes spreading to evenly distribute his weight, plume curling dominantly over his hips, powerful shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the skin around his neck, chin tilting downwards to tuck against his throat. Syrinx's instructions echoed in his mind. You will war and defend anyone challenged for when Glaciem comes, you will not strike against them first. You will stand and wait. Will you defend Valhalla as heir? If I fail in what you will see me attempt, it is your duty to challenge for Azalea. It your responsibility to bring your sister home. He would make his family proud. He would bring Aza home if it was the last thing he did.


10-21-2013, 06:07 PM

War was upon them. It was beating at their doorstep, demanding that they answer. And Valhalla was going to do just that. They weren't to sit idly by while the wolves of Glaciem came and took whatever they wanted. They were going to stand up and fight, defend their people and their home. Demonio needed to fight, needed to get rid of these Glaciems to protect his daughter. They couldn't take her from him. They wouldn't take her. Not if he had anything to do about it. A call of distress would catch the man's attention, ivory crown moving towards the sound. War. It was here. Glaciem was here; it was now or never.

Features were wiped clean of emotion, pale lips curling back with a hint of a snarl. Audits would be pulled back against his skull, mismatched gems of fire and ice would be narrowed to slits as he arrived on the scene, noting that Pontifex and Gael had already arrived before him, though sadly they were the only ones from Valhalla to make an appearance. Where were the rest of the warriors? The white knight would pull himself up beside Pontifex, nodding to the man Pontifex as he turned to face the wolves of Glaciem, noticing that their numbers currently were greater than Val's. But the Calvary would come; or he so hoped. Powerful shoulders would roll forward to scrunch the scruff around his neck, knees bending slightly, toes splayed for even balance, plume aligned with his spine while he tucked his chin against his chest. Let them come.

Talk like this


10-21-2013, 06:16 PM
Paws would bring the man towards the commotion, Cyril would follow suit, flying above him.

"Cy, can you see what is going on from up there?" Thane asked in a concerned tone.

"Master Thane...I don't think you want to know what I see."

"What is it then?" he asked impatiently

"They've come...they're here" he would screech down.

White lined ears were pressed against his skull as the man rushed towards the others, he had to see for himself...

Coming up towards the others his aqua blue gaze would fixate on those on this side and the opposite. Both sides ready for battle; somewhere near the Glaciem's lay a body...a Valhallan... Thane could only look in horror which was quickly replaced by anger. He would waste no time! The man had to go and do as he was told!

"Come on!" he would say up to Cy

Turning his head he would glance back for a moment...hoping all of the wolves he had just seen would still be alive when this was all over...

"We must go inform Tortuga of this, and quickly!" he would say before the brute started into a run.

As Thane ran he would think many things...thoughts ran throughout his mind, whisking by or staying in one spot, pestering him. So many what if's... so many worries... He hoped his children would have enough sense to find somewhere safe in the territory, maybe even go somewhere safe during this time. Then again the male knew he had raised his children well until now, they would be fine. the only real worry he would have now would be for Ookami. heck, she wouldn't even know what was going on besides go with the whole thing. A sigh would leave Thane's lips as his aqua blue gaze was set forward as he ran. Hope and determination still flickered in his heart and soul; they would all pull through this...together...

-Exit Thane-



Extra small
10-21-2013, 06:35 PM

Wasn't that a pleasant noise to awake to? The Behemoth twisted his shoulders and shook out his body as he rose from his den. Eyes pressed across the distance and occasionally he would see a Valhallan sprinting to the borders. So, Isardis had come? Well, it wasn't what the russet king had been expecting in the slightest, but there was no room to back down. Syrinx rumbled a grunt of readiness and began his descent from the hills and to the borders. there was somethig eerily calm about his presence and with everything about him--it was known the moment he stepped forward for all of them to see. Shrugging his shoulders and locking his eyes on Isardis a smile popped across his lips, "Isardis! How nice to see you," he spoke as though they were long lost pals. The legion that surrounded him would receive as raise of the brow and he would then turn to see those of Valhalla that had come. It was not yet plentiful, but Syrinx was determined to offer them encouragement. body twisted around and he faced Valhalla and immediately a short howl followed by a tremorous roar jumped from his lungs. Eyes flashed back to Isardis; now fueled with pleasured pride and readiness. "What exactly do you want?" syrinx knew the answer--Isardis wanted to see their kingdom burn. He wanted to pat them out like a flame--piss on their society. Interesting enough Syrinx stood in wait; watching as though he wasn't going to make a move.


10-21-2013, 06:43 PM

The golden cat would find excitement in the tales of war, his eyes incredibly alight as he watched the canines depart. With one last glance at the gorgeous princess he would disappear into the night. Valhalla was a place he had once graced, a pup had found its way to the borders while he had been there. He remembered their smell from the prisoners that had been brought in. He knew where they would find themselves.
At his approach he was caught off guard by the peculiar behaviors of a raptor. It was much too early for them to be out and about at this hour.. right? It was enough for him to purse the thought. The large fowl would dip below the tree lines not far from where Vask had approached the territory. A few more steps and he could see the outline of bird and wolf. A sentry, the raptor had seen them! They were running away from the territory, surely for help. Vask would have to remedy that.
With only a few great bounds he would attempt to intercept the wolf, his golden abdomen tensing as an incredible growl would resonate through his chest. His ears would fall back as his jaws would open and heave a menacing hiss. Tail would fall behind him as his spine aligned, his hackles would rise as his already incredible size became larger. With his weight balanced evenly his great toes would unsheathe massive stone claws. Vask would tuck his gargantuan chin and roll mammoth shoulders to protect his muscular neck. Vhere are we going little pup? he would ask menacingly.
Vask vs. Thane for dominance/leaving

Bronze i


12 Years
10-21-2013, 07:06 PM

Slowly they would come, and their arrival would not go unnoticed for long as the intruders crept near the Valhallan territory. It was a fine morning, with the blood red sun creeping over the horrizon, and even as Bronze began to awaken he felt strength creep into his tired bones. His time here so far had been unsettling. He was away from his wife, from his children -- and he had little interest in meeting any of the wolves here, and yet he did not disregard him. For some reason, Syrinx had placed him at Beta for now, and though he was somewhat taken aback, he was also content that has strengths had been noted, despite his obvious age. Slowly, as the call to arms rang out across the lands, Bronze would push himself away and stretch his limbs wide.

There was little time for waiting, but he knew if he did not stretch properly he would find himself growing tired quickly. With as much speed as he could muster, the large brute carried himself toward the gathering. It was a surprising scene -- the Glaciem wolves looked no different to him than most of the Valhallans, but there was little ever much real difference in times of war in physical appearance. All that mattered was who one was loyal to. And he was loyal to Syrinx, even if temporarily; in gratitude to his Seracia for letting him seek shelter there and raise his family. His last litter of children.

As he approached, the male kept his shoulders hunched forward, head dropped low to the ground, even with his back. No moves had been made. The wolves seemed to be in limbo, waiting anxiously for the first move. Slinking forth quietly, his gaze swept over the gathering, taking in the scene. It seemed more fair than he was used to -- such polite enemies, intruding on their lands only to sit in wait, as though waiting for the Valhallans to make the first move! The tension was thick in the air, so thick he swore he could smell the stench of adrenaline coursing through the veins of every wolf. And yet he saw nothing impressive. A slight scowl formed on his lips. They would never win sitting still. He was used to dirty fighting, nothing quite so well-mannered and polite.

Desperately his brown eyes searched, finding the target quickly. A woman he thought might not expect his assault -- a medium-sized female with grey and white fur. Her defenses were solid, and he all but mirrored her as he examined the stranger, neck scrunched low and tail curling up to stiffen behind his frame. Paws shifted to evenly spread his weight, and his ears pinned back against his skull as his body rocked forward, as though getting himself amped up for what might come next.

And then he did it, with a great burst of courage and passion that was surprising for a male of his age; he barreled forward, attempting to collide with Lova, jaws splaying as his head swiveled sharply, attempting to twist around her right side and snatch the side of her neck, trying to grab her smaller body by the scruff and send her sprawling. His attack was accompanied by a gruff growl, a deep sound emanating from his throat, making his jowls quiver as his jaws snapped at her flesh. He was all too grateful his wife was not here, for he felt strange pleasure at rushing forth and attempting to destroy this stranger... and yet part of him felt nauseous and uncomfortable. He was not this man anymore, and yet he had to be. He only hoped relieving his past would not turn him into the same kind of creature again. And yet, in a way, he knew he had never changed -- there was no waiting for a command or signal for him, but raw passion as he burst forth and made the first move, regardless of whether it had been wanted or not.

Bronze vs. Lova for Siege :: Round one / ???

Attacks: attempting to snag the right side of her neck scruff and, if successful, yanking to send her sprawling

Defenses: ears pinned against skull, trying to keep his paws spread for balance as he rushed forward, tail straight out behind him, head lowered to back level and scrunched back to protect his throat

Injuries: n/a



5 Years
10-21-2013, 07:22 PM

Gretel wasn?t in the best of physical shape, her scars still healing and the pads on her paws only beginning to scab over. She was in no real shape for war, plain and simple. Why Canttina thought this would be a good idea she would not know but she had learnt never to question her mistresses orders. That she would be used as a shield she had no doubt, that was what her life valued to for the demoness. Still she padded silently behind her mistress trying her best to distance herself slowly. The longer it took for her to arrive the more likely no one was to attack the easy target.
The dual toned woman had to look away, suddenly seeing the corpse of an unknown male lying broken upon the ground. The slave held back a sob as she watched her mistress tear a stripe away and eat it gleefully. She shifter her weight from paw to paw, looking anxious. What her mistress knew no doubt was how much of a flight risk the girl was right now, though it still remained to be seen if fleeing would benefit her or only come back to bite her. The fighting broke out suddenly and sporadically and the woman shrunk back but forced herself not to run.

Gretel vs ???
For seige



10-21-2013, 07:49 PM

Oddity watched as they arrived, his hackles raising in fury. He could nearly laugh, if only he didn't have a small sense of dignity within him. Two different colored eyes watching the wolves as they came, picking targets; Oddity had other plans. There was one man who seemed so calm, so pulled out from the rest. The bastard was that confident in his strength? Well Oddity could easily change that, and in these moments at that. He concentrated on his chosen target, Syrinx. The bastard had the audacity to think he could win against the Armada blood line. Shooting forward the male kept his defenses in tact. Building up speed as he tried to catch him by surprise. Taking his jaws splaying them in order to attempt to sink his teeth into his right shoulder. Dirt flying behind the male as he straightened himself instantly locked, if he were to succeed he wanted to tear flesh off tear it and severe it from the man's shoulder.
Oddity's tail flailed behind him, as his toes splayed and stayed steady in the dirt. Making sure his center of gravity was pressed forward for balance throughout his body. Ears pinned to the back of his head narrowed eyes were locked on his target eagerly begging for bloodshed if he were able to land his attack. He wasn't just here to fight, he was here to maim, too destroy, and to gain some sense of dignity back into his scarred body. Oddity growled deeply, rolling his shoulders inward, trying to make it harder if he were to try and get him around his neck area. Hackles raised, this man was ready at any moment to push Syrinx to the ground if he could. Oddity tucked in his chin for further protection against whatever the brute would have to throw at him.

1/infinite FOR MAIM/EYE

Oddity v Syrinx

Attack:; Attempting to pummel into Syrinx in an element of surprise(attempt anyway). Splaying out his jaws to latch onto his right shoulder and if he succeeds to tear away flesh and fur, depending on how deep he gets.

Defense:; Eyes are narrowed, hackles raised. Toes are splayed and shoulders rolled inwards, ears pinned to the back of his head. Tail is level with spine for balance as well. Chin is tucked as well.

Injuries:; N/A
