
You've won an island vacation




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
03-30-2023, 10:29 PM

After a short visit to The Hallows to deliver his commission from Artorias, he knew he had to thank Keahi somehow for making the trip with him and helping him in the homestretch to finish his biggest order to date. The meeting room table for the Aegis had been his most ambitious project to date and he knew that it had dominated his time lately so now that it was done he was planning on taking his sweet time getting back to the Armada and using this trip as a mini get away for him and Keahi. Before they left The Hallows, he asked Artorias for a recommendation of a good island to visit while they were in the southern continent and thankfully got some food and supplies from the generous alpha, but he didn't tell Keahi exactly where they were heading next. Instead, as they set out toward the Wildberry Grove that would have brought them back to the Bifrost, he told her he wanted to check out something first and led her instead past a stretch of land dotted with beaver dams and brought her to the opposite Auster shore line where the island that Artorias had pointed him to could be seen in the distance.

He gave his companion a grin as they stood on the sandy beach where the waves were lapping at the shore in front of them and told her, "I know you said you came from somewhere that there's a lot of islands and I know this is just one island, but... I figured this is probably way better than any island we'd find up north." Chuckling softly he started looking for the ferry that Artorias had mentioned and trotted over to the floating platform. He tested the ropes first to make sure it still worked since the pack that had once lived here had been gone for a while, but sure enough it worked just fine so he climbed on and waited for Keahi to hop on beside him before he started pulling them across. "This will be my first time on an island like this so you'll have to show me what all the excitement is about," he told her as he glanced down with a grin. "Apparently there's some huts or something around the island too so we could stay here for a day or two if you wanted."
