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Dragon | Fighting Seasonal, Year 19



Novice Fighter (25)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
Extra large
04-04-2023, 09:23 PM

Valta had won their recent raid. A shame, but what could be done? Nirvana had returned with the rest, seeing many of the pack head to their den on the islands. They would be recovering, training… the albino woman had intentions of doing the latter herself so that, next time, she might join the fighting party. While she was happy to provide the support she could, Nirvana still felt the need to do more. It had bothered her most of the day while she slumbered in her den, and then, as night fell and she moved a hide to the rock above her den to gaze at the stars, she found it on her mind. She had plenty of time to think, to be with her companions who had, for the most part, moved to a nocturnal schedule with her. The femme drew in a breath, gaze up at the stars.

She had been here a little while now. Slowly finding her place. Nirvana didn’t regret coming to Elysium to be with her kin. She was definitely happier than when she was roaming. She had a home, comrades she could count on. But… she would be lying if she said she felt a kinship with them. The mission with Ricin, Cerberus, and Rusalka had made her feel awkward, truthfully. She couldn’t consider them friends… and if anything it seemed like maybe they all just tolerated one another being there. Not that she was sure close bonds were necessarily… wanted… but… Nirvana furrowed her brow and flicked her ears back.

What was she was hoping to acquire while being in Elysium? Skill? Friendship? A partner? Ha, that last one was laughable. Like she would find her soulmate here, after all her searching. They wouldn’t just be hiding in the pack under her nose. Nirvana rolled her eyes. It would be fine. She would continue to strive for improvement and betterment of herself. Her gaze flicked to Ridge, seeing the falcon preening herself on the branches of the tree limb she’d brought and secured for her. At some point they would need to consider adding to it somehow, to provide cover in bad weather… but it worked for now.

“Lady Nirvana… it seems your mind is a bit busy tonight. Maybe a hunt could soothe it?” Thomas spoke up beside her. The albino woman glanced at him, frowning, but gave a small nod. He was right, doing something to act as a distraction would be needed. Nirvana leapt from the rock, slipped into the den, and slipped on her cape and the sheath for her dagger. With any luck she might get some good hide to add to her collection.

Nirvana set off, but it seemed that as she moved through the night, something followed her. She picked up on the presence of them right away, three wild dogs that dared cross into Elysium territory. The woman wore a smirk, weaving them in and out of the rocks while she decided how she wanted to swing back and face her opponents.


Word Count: 509 Words
Total Word Count: 509 / 1,500 Words

"Talk," 'Think.'