
unhinged, unbroken, unbent




7 Years
Extra small

04-01-2023, 02:48 AM

There are no plants on boats. There is an Atropos on a boat. There are no plants on boats. In order to grow plants on boats, you need dirt. Atropos needed dirt, but the right dirt. The last dirt had killed her plants. Had to be the dirt. Couldn't be that she'd neglected to water them. The dirt was to blame. Atropos? Not to blame. Never to blame. Had to be the dirt.

How was she supposed to carry the dirt home? Had to ask Lurid to find the help. Her older sister had the answers. Her older sister would fix it-- Lurid always fixed it. Lurid would capture them some help soon, hopefully. Not only did she need to find the dirt, she needed to find new plants to... plant. Find the plants to do the planting. It was spring. She needed to do spring things. Need to find mushrooms. Need to find plants. Need to find dirt. Why was her to-do list so long? Needed to ask Lurid to capture help. Too many things to do. Atropos was already tired.

Not too tired to rummage beneath the trees. Not too tired to hunt for mushrooms before going home. There would be good things hidden beneath the last drifts of snow. She scratched away at the base of a conifer. Spring was supposed to be warm. Why was it still cold? Why did the wind still make her shiver, make her shake? As the breeze kicked up, blew at her sides, the girl showed her teeth to it. Hissed. Cold. "Fuck off!" She snapped into it. Couldn't puff herself up enough to keep the chill out. Cold.

feelin like a freak on a leash
you wanna see the light

Warning: this character is unpredictable and prone to violence.  Interact at your own risk.  Reader discretion is advised.



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantWinnerSnake Eyes
04-02-2023, 03:57 PM
The day is cold; as so many of them have turned out to be in these northern lands. While Spring may be in the air, someone seems to have forgotten to tell this place that winter has passed. Steam pours from the male’s nostrils with every breath he takes and clouds the space in front of him as he attempts to gain his bearings. Violet eyes scan the tundra landscape that is dotted with trees as he searches for landmarks that he knows. Thoughts turn to the months he has spent up here and tries to remember what lays ahead.

Sorcerer had awoken up here, in the snow, some unknown amount of time back with little to no memory of the years past. Well, there are some things he remembers, like his name and who is family is but beyond that… nothing. Since he had awoken, Sore has wandered the frigid lands, trying to regain any sense of who he is. A sigh rolls out of his mouth and he pulls the polar bear cloak that he wears a little tighter around his frame. So far, all he has figured out is that he is good at hunting and fighting as evidenced by the bear cloak he wears.

Still, he yearns to know more. Paws delicately crunch the snow as his white form begins to move again and he slips quietly beneath the trees. An unfamiliar scent reaches his nose and the man pauses in his trek to investigate. He finds that the stranger bares the smell of the pack that lingers at the ship up north. While he has not gone up to the borders to meet anyone, the man has poked around the land so that he knows where the borders where.

Now intrigued, the man alters his path so that he can intercept the woman. Paws pull him toward the stranger, bringing him toward them while keeping himself is downwind. As he nears, Sorcerer hears the voice of a rather annoyed lady tell… someone to fuck off. Silently, he moves into view, finding a rather small woman snapping at… the air? Humor colors his voice and his brows lift in merriment, as he calls out, “My, my. Is that any way to greet the day?”

His voice is smooth and deep and a soft laugh easily falls from his lips. Sorcerer continues to draw closer to the woman. Maybe she would enjoy sharing his polar bear cloak? Violet eyes roam her frame as he realizes that she is the perfect size to snuggle with. A sly grin is on his dark lips as Sore draws closer before stopping, making sure to keep a respectful distance from the stranger… for now.

"Sorcerer Vyle-Klein"



7 Years
Extra small

04-07-2023, 06:19 PM

Alone? Not for long. Never for long. Never alone for long out here, and still here she is. There are footsteps in fresh-fallen snow. Footsteps. She can hear him. Atropos is acutely aware that he's here, and still... still she doesn't look. Won't look. Not until he's closer. She had digging to do, seeking out the mushrooms where they'd hopefully be beneath the snow. Seeking out the things that she can find beneath it, rummaging, searching. Sniffing. The more she sniffed at the damp earth, the more disappointed she was. Scowling at the cold and the damp. Hackles up. Hackles up to protect from the cold, hackles up as a display of her true annoyance at the dirt beneath her feet. At the wind that she'd just shouted into.

He speaks. Atropos's head comes up, and she turns slowly. A steady, appraising look at him. A look that seeks him out, and that seeks to see. Appraising. Taller than she is. Taller, longer legs. Even at a distance, she can tell that he's taller. Her head tilts to the side ever so slowly, and then to the other. Careful look. A careful look, piercing eye contact. Atropos was sizing him up. Considering. Considering for a long moment at first, and then a longer one. Handsome. Handsome creature. The laugh though, the laugh gets her. Opalescent eyes narrow. It's not a scowl necessarily, but there's something scornful at the heart of it. She was being laughed at.

Laughed with? Atropos doesn't necessarily understand the context, in this moment. Still, in only a heartbeat she's fixed her face. Atropos adjusts her posture, too, forepaws cleared of dirt in a patch of slush. "It's too cold and it's too windy." The complaints of a petulant child, maybe. It reflects the same way in her tone. While the girl is puffed up as best she can, there's not all that much of her. There's not all that much to speak of. Still, she can try to look big. Try being the operative word. "If this one fucks off maybe we can get a new one." Right. Why was she yelling at a strange man again? Hm. Didn't matter. Atropos would yell away.

feelin like a freak on a leash
you wanna see the light

Warning: this character is unpredictable and prone to violence.  Interact at your own risk.  Reader discretion is advised.



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantWinnerSnake Eyes
04-08-2023, 12:31 AM
Violet eyes watch the pretty little wolf as Sorcerer attempts to joke with her and is greeted with a glare. Brows lift as he watches her, the easily smile he wears faltering for a moment as he wonders if he had said something wrong. Her words have the man taking a closer look at her and finding small shivers racking her frame. As she continues to speak, loudly at him to boot, Sore begins to slowly move up to her. He keeps his posture relaxed and, despite being yelled at, he has no intention to be aggressive.

As he sidles up to her, Sorcerer undoes the clasp he has for his polar bear coat. Grabbing the thick fur that hangs over his shoulder, in one smooth motion, he pulls the fur off his back and settles it over the grumpy stranger’s back. It seems that she needs it more than him. Stepping away in case she tries to bite him, he says, “There. That should help with the cold.” Giving a nod, he looks at what the woman has been nosing at and asks, “You uh… need any help?”

Violet eyes trail back to the woman as he quirks a brow, reluctant to leave this new, pretty wolf. It is nice to have company, no matter grumpy they may be.

"Sorcerer Vyle-Klein"



7 Years
Extra small

04-13-2023, 07:46 AM

He remains relaxed and maybe even soft as he approaches the tiny creature. Though inherently aggressive, he doesn't fear her. Why wasn't he scared? Why was he... why was he still coming closer? Atropos would not allow herself to look softer, would not allow herself to drop the scowl, but she was intrigued. More than intrigued. The girl doesn't raise her lip, doesn't show her teeth when he's in striking distance. Instead, she all but holds her breath. "You smell nice." It's an out of pocket comment, spoken with the same grumpy scowl.

In truth, Atropos wants to bite him. His coat flung over her shoulders, she wants to reach out and just... chomp. But it's the same way a cat wants to bite someone who's just done them a kindness. A little thank you bite. The scowl melts into surprise, before she can think better of it. The girl is confused for a long moment, good confused. She's done nothing but yell at him and here he is being nice. If she was a rational sort of creature, she wouldn't trust it. Atropos is not rational. She burrows into the warmth of the oversized coat, the one that smells like the nice man. "Who are you?" Atropos would disregard his question for a moment.

"The north is shit, nothing good grows." Was that a response as to if she needed help? Maybe. Atropos needs help in a way that no one can give, but she's trying. Her complaints are about things outside her control. She wants to complain, complaining would help. She doesn't want him to go. "You are... northern?" He was dressed for the weather. If he was from here, then he had grown. Tall. Tall boy. Atropos shuffled closer to his side, making an attempt to look less menacing than she has until this point. Look a little softer. Just a little. Try, at least.

feelin like a freak on a leash
you wanna see the light

Warning: this character is unpredictable and prone to violence.  Interact at your own risk.  Reader discretion is advised.