
Saving the damsel in distress



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-11-2023, 11:37 PM

Kotori had learned the stranger's name was Ochitsuki right before she had passed out.  Did he need to get her a real healer or did she just need time to rest? Kotori had decided regardless it was time to move her to a safer location.  Kotori had Splash help get her on his back as gently as possible.  Kotori was sure he could have got her on but a rough tossing about wasn’t what she needed now.  Once she’d been put on his back Fang had even hopped, the little mongoose hands trying to keep her face well balanced as Kotori carried her back to pack land, noticing the light of day was starting to grow darker as the shadows of dusk were starting to creep its tendrils upon the land.

Kotori stopped at the base of the falls, near a wide pool where the water was hardly more than a puddle in height currently.  Again he had his companions help to lay her down more gently.  The white and black that mingled in her coat was a perfect sort of pattern and the parts he had cleaned off in what proved silky, fur that had been well cared for.  It wouldn’t have killed her had there been a bit more bouncing but Kotori found himself wanting to cause her no more pain than necessary.

He had wrapped bandages about the gash over her eye but as he gazed down at her face Kotori decided he’d have one of his healers bring something to help her heal faster and not leave a bad scar.  She wasn’t a member of the pack but it all went to there being something about a lady in distress.  He didn’t know her blood but surely she wasn’t of common stock?  There was something in the way her body curved, the contours of the jaws, and the set of her ears that spoke of better than some random wolf.  Well, he’d learn that later for now she got the treatment of assumed high-born.  

She was now safe on Valta land and if she woke up with the strength to move she’d be able to have a proper bath in a bit of water to rid herself of the remaining sand and salt.  He’d done what he could with a bucket of fresh water and cloths but this would be far better.  Kotori lay down next to her with his head facing the side of her head.  She would get help from one of his healers but after he got to talk with her some more unless she started to show signs of worsening.  Ochitsuki…Ochi.  What was her story?

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
03-24-2023, 11:03 AM

The world was a blur. One moment she was by the sea and then the scent of salt disappeared. Water was still present though. She could hear it thundering in the distance as it crashed down against stone. Where was she? Vaguely, the woman's memory pieced together a face. A wolf had been speaking to her. Had he taken her somewhere? Consciousness was tapping the woman between the eyes, urging her to wake, so she did.

Ochi could feel gentle paws move over her mottled fur and could both hear and feel water dripping around her. The fae opened her eyes- or, more appropriately, opened her eye. One was swollen shut from the wound that she could feel throbbing hotly above it. Ochitsuki's left eye, glacial blue in color, opened and looked upon the earthen colored face of a large brute. She met the man's turquoise gaze boldly and without flinching or looking elsewhere. Ochi held that eye contact and would not look away. Usually others looked away first due to her station, but this wolf wouldn't know who or what she was.

A grimace pulled at the woman's dark maw as she attempted to stand. Her whole body ached, but other than the cut above her eye, she wasn't too worse for wear. Lips peeled back to flash pristine, white teeth as the monochromatic fae rolled her shoulders and stretched her neck from side to side. She was a little too achy to shake the water from her fur, so she simply stood there in the small pool, water sluicing off of her damp pelt.

Delicate, pale ears shifted forward as the woman brought her attention back to the coffee colored brute once more. Her voice was clear and practiced, somehow both authoritative and soft all at once. "I am most grateful for your assistance," accented tones drifted between them. As she spoke, the fae's eye closed and she gracefully dipped her head in a bow, but not too low. The action made her head swim and her haunches folded. Ochi sat down hard in the pool with a gasp and another grimace. "It would seem as though I may have a concussion," One snowy paw rose to gently touch the bandage that covered her forehead and eye. "I will be fine if you've other duties to attend to. I'll not take more of your time."She had a mission to fulfill. A wolf to find.

"Ochitsuki Ishii"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-28-2023, 12:11 AM

Kotori rested easily where he was, listening to the gentle sounds of nature and watching the woman sleep.  Her black and white coat moved with each inhale and exhale of breath.  There were those little twitches of a closed eye or a sleeping muscle that bodies tend to make while asleep.  There was something peaceful about this time period of waiting.
An icy-blue eye opened and was looking at Kotori.  He met her gaze and gave a small grin at finally getting a hint of the real personality within.  There was a confidence in that gaze and considering her current state Kotori imagined that meant she was generally confident in herself.  He thought of being nice and looking aside and that thought lasted about as long as half a beat of his heart.  Nope, never.  He could compromise, however.

As she worked to stand up Kotori took the opening to do likewise, which should allow for both of them to refocus their gaze without truly being one to break their gaze first.  The larger wolf watched her stand, this time making it to her feet though the pain in doing so was obvious.  She refused to stay down regardless of pain which offered more hints of her character.  

This was no commoner wolf, not with the dip of her head nor the way she spoke.  Kotori watched her bow and was about to offer her a similar bow when her feet suddenly slipped out from under her.  Kotori had been standing still, relaxed and attentively listening up until she started to slip.  The brown-toned wolf lunged in a stride, pressing his weight against her back end in case she’d been about to fall farther.

His shoulder had been pressed near her haunches in case she’d needed a brace but seeing her appearing stable sitting Kotori stepped back further.  He looked the proud woman in the face, offering a bow similar to the one she had presented him, lowering his own head about to the same point she had.  If he was wrong about her being some form of nobility he’d regret this later but someone had taught her etiquette befitting that station.

“Ochitsuki, I am Kotori Fatalis, Sumatar, the leader, of the pack Valta.” Every pack loved having their individualized titles, so in case she didn’t know what rank Sumatar held, that should cover it.   “I can call my pack’s healer for that concussion.  I would like to know who it is I have rescued though.  Your speech and demeanor make me assume you are from a good lineage and high station.”  If she wasn’t it was a damned waste. “I’d also like to know what exactly happened, why I was you were even out in the ocean for this predicament.”

He also just wanted to spend more time with her.  She was beautiful, it was more apparent now or maybe it was just her demeanor that struck him.  That much certainly did resonate in him.  She was ready to leave right away but Kotori needed to know more about her.  Would she be interested in staying?  He wanted more time to get to know her.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
04-12-2023, 05:30 PM

The world swam less now that she was sitting down, but the woman's head still throbbed and she grimaced as one delicate paw came up to gently touch the gash on her forehead. As Ochitsuki pieced together the happenings of the past few weeks, the earthen brute began to speak. He introduced himself as Kotori Fatalis and it turned out that he was the leader of a pack. Fortunate for him to have stumbled upon her, she thought. Surely an alpha would have more knowledge than a common wolf. Pale ears shifted towards the horned man and she waited for him to finish his line of inquiry.

Kotori asked about what happened to her after he spoke of her supposed lineage. That was comical to the fae and the corner of her maw lifted ever so slightly. When he was finished, the fae decided to answer the question of what had happened first. "The ship that I booked passage upon was wrecked out at sea by a sudden storm." Was she the only survivor? Clinging to a piece of debris, Ochi had paddled for her life and, thanks to the lightning illuminating the sky, she had seen the outline of land on the horizon. She didn't remember reaching the beach, but she obviously had done so. She and her sword would be fine.

"As for who I am..." The woman took a deep breath before releasing a long exhale. "I am Ochitsuki Ishii, daughter to the Shogun and Princess of the Ishii province." Again she maintained that eye contact, her blue orb burning into those of the man across from her. "I've come to this land seeking Hattori Hanzo. Do you know him?" There was a hopeful look on the woman's face as she questioned the man.




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-12-2023, 11:13 PM

Kotori was a polite listener, remaining silent and his attention fully focused on her words.  She hadn’t complained about pain, even when her words were finished she seemed to be more interested in her quest to find Hanzo than resting her injuries.  She was earning Kotori’s respect for more than just lineage or beauty.  

“I met him only once.  He was once a member of the Ashen pack and he was giving a speech before a tournament between my father’s pack and their own.” The colorful horned wolf certainly stood out in appearance and Kotori recalled his proud appearance.  Still, he must have been a fool for leaving Ashen.  

“I believe he’s in Auster, across the Bifrost.” Kotori remained silent for a few seconds as if considering a matter before adding, “You’re injured and alone.  Princess Ochitsuki,” Kotori offered her a respectful bow but, his own eye was sure not to move from her even as his head dipped, “You are welcome to spend a few days on my pack's land.  It will give your wound time to heal and make for a safer and faster trip when you do leave.”

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
04-13-2023, 08:32 PM

Once more snowy ears shifted, catching the words of Kotori as he spoke of having met Hattori long ago. He seemed to know just where the multicolored koi wolf resided and went so far as to give her partial directions. Ochitsuki had learned what she could of this land from the various sailors upon the ship. She knew that the bifrost was south. Surely there would be other encounters where she could ask for directions. "Thank you," the mottled woman bowed her head gently, her lone glacial orb closing momentarily.

Kotori then surprised the woman by offering her shelter within his lands so that she might heal. A look of concern crossed the fae's features, the bandage pulling forward slightly. "I do not believe that my enemies will be following me, but there is always a chance," Ochitsuki warned the man. "I am the last living blood of the Ishii line. Only I have a claim to my father's stolen kingdom." The woman shook her head, but stopped abruptly as pain flared behind her eyes. She grimaced for a moment and waited for the wave of pain to pass. "I cannot put you and your pack in danger. I am nothing but a stranger."

Ochitsuki rose to her paws, her slender frame giving a little wobble as she did so. "It would be best if I left your lands for your own safety." Dexterous snowy paws stepped forward away from the water and the sudden shift in gravity brought a soft gasp from her. The world swam and her vision spun. In a very unprincessly manner, Ochitsuki lost her balance and fell face first against Kotori's thickly furred chest. Embarrassing...




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-17-2023, 10:51 PM

Alright, Kotori liked her.  Her way of speaking along with how she held herself even while weakened.  Her words were not trivial things but details of importance.  She was polite but with an air which was deserving of respect.  She was not a princess only by blood but showed it in all she did.

When Ochtisuki mentioned potential enemies Kotori seemed at first mildly surprised but that was replaced soon enough with a growing grin, “Well princess,” the title was given with respect before the jovial words came, “I would love for them to visit my little home.”

There were more words to say but then Ochitsuki was standing as if she’d leave right away, Kotori’s smile slipped, brow furrowing but no protest was needed apparently as the princess stumbled, her face landing against his chest.  “Princess,” Kotori’s voice was soft yet firm,  “Valta does not fear a fight, the tougher the opponents the more fun it would be.” The Sumatar added, “I’d be shaming my name and blood if I would not aid you right now.” Kotori lowered his head a bit to be on level with hers, “You are a proud and strong woman, leaving no doubt of your blood.  Even the strongest need rest.  It would be my honor to have you stay until you feel stronger.”  Besides, how far was she going to get anyway if she was staggering about?

“Lean on me princess, I’ll take you to a dryer spot where you can sleep.  At least get a good sleep here and I’ll keep watch.” He imagined her form up against his while she slept to help her dry off and warm up.  

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
04-27-2023, 07:23 PM

The earthen brute seemed excited at the prospect of war coming to his door. Ochi arched a brow in amusement. A war clan, was it? Well, wasn't that fortuitous? Fate had delivered her to a pack of fighters, if Kotori was to be believed. She had no doubt that the man knew little of the tactics and skill of the warriors of her homeland, but she also knew little of the ways of this land. It would be wrong of her to doubt the man's skill and she would do nothing to harm his pride, so the fae nodded in acceptance.

Kotori offered her refuge in his home and Ochitsuki's soft ears shifted towards him once more. She wasn't in very good shape and the knock to her head had really rattled her. A warrior in her own right, the fae knew that she needed rest and recuperation, especially if she was going to make the journey south to find Hattori Hanzo.

Another word from the horned man and Ochi found that she was rather amused by his ways. He called her by her title and was very respectful. The man offered to take her somewhere safer where she could be dry and rest. He even offered her a shoulder to lean on while they walked. It was a kindness that she hadn't been expecting, but it wasn't entirely unwelcome. The monochromatic woman bowed as deeply as she was able to. "Thank you, Kotorisama. I accept your offer of sanctuary." The woman then rose slowly to her paws and stepped closer to the larger wolf. She didn't lean on him as he offered, but she walked close, ready for him to catch her if she stumbled. Her pride demanded it.




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-30-2023, 11:33 PM

Kotori well-understood pride and could even respect her inner strength that she chose to walk by her own strength and balance regardless of her weakened state.  Kotori would move at a slow pace, making sure to not move faster than Ochi could handle currently.  Kotorisama?

He’d take her along an easy but upward-sloping path until they got to some grass and a scattering of trees.  “Valta is a fairly good sized territory, we claim the falls, the rapids upwards from here until the higher up cliff line you might have seen along the way in.  It goes west, to the farthest waterway before you’d cross to head towards the volcano.” The horned wolf offered landmark points that were tall enough to possibly offer some idea of their boundaries.  If she was going to rest in Valta for a few days she might as well have an idea of their area.  He had asked her questions so he might as well offer some information of his own.  

 Kotori headed to the nearest tree, stopping near its base.  She could use the tree to help support her if she chose to sit or wanted something to lean against while lying down.  “I imagine this is far enough for now.  A much nicer spot to rest.  The snow lasted a while into summer but now the grass is springing out.” The blades of grass were pleasantly soft and for the most part, Kotori doubted she wanted to hike all the way to his den if she could make it that far.  “If you want to sleep some more I could see about bringing you some food for when you awake.  I’ll see about one of our healers has anything to help your wound heal faster as well.”

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]

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1. Saving the damsel in distress Sunset Falls 11:37 PM, 03-11-2023 05:16 AM, 10-31-2023