
Sneaking Out



10-22-2013, 02:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her heart raced within her chest as she parted ways with Leon, refusing to cast even a single glance backward to acknowledge him again. Doing so would have been dangerous. She would have likely given up everything and raced after him to try and physically drag him back to their den so they could hide from the war, from the fighting, and make sure he would not throw himself into the fray to possibly become injured or worse. Instead Ashtoreth tried to focus on what she had decided, what she had realized needed to be done. Valhalla was no longer safe; they needed to leave.

The quick run from the stream back toward the pack's central camp took no time at all, though the eerie quietness told her that she had not been one of the only ones affected by the call. Many, she was sure, were either on their way or already there at the border to answer the first wave of Glaciem wolves, but she knew better than most that not all of Valhalla were fighters. They would be nothing but sitting ducks here, helpless victims if even a few of the invaders managed to make it past their defenses. Already her legs itched to be gone of the place, to sprint headlong for the border and seek shelter far from the fighting, but she had a duty here that needed to be done.

For fear of alerting the invaders to her plans, she did not howl, though her voice was raised as she approached the dens. "Guys, we got to go!" She hurriedly skidded to a stop and glanced around, noting the absence of many of the warriors and known fighters of the pack, as well as a few healers she was sure were close at hand to the fighting to ensure they could get to the injured fast enough. If things went as planned, she hoped not to need one here. "Glaciem is at the border, but there's enough room for us to sneak out, if we're careful. Those of us not fighting can go to Seracia. We'll be safe there." Though it was more of a hunch, Ashtoreth said the words with conviction. The plan had been mentioned vaguely at the meeting, and she hoped her leaders had made good on it.

OOC: Okay, posting in Seracia but the thread is actually starting in Valhalla. Any Valhallans not fighting - or too young to fight - should post here. Then the group will make the journey to Seracia's border and the thread can be opened to them. Stragglers can jump in at any time. Sound good? c:



10-22-2013, 08:56 PM

Perhaps a month ago she had thought this whole siege business would be much more glamorous and exciting than it actually was. Granted, it was exciting to see Valhalla clash with the Glaciem forces, but it was also something she hadn't imagined it would be - terrifying. With haste she would slither as far from the encroaching Glaciem army, hoping to go unseen for fear of falling under their clutches. She knew vaguely what they were about, and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. A voice slipped into the confines of the den she'd ducked into, and with reluctance the child would retreat from where she felt safe and into the open, bringing her form close to Ashtoreth at a rapid pace. ?I'm with ya,? she chided in a somewhat hushed voice. They ought to be quiet, she knew that much. Worry creased her brow for her mother, father, and sister, but she knew that her family would be fine.. they had to be. Guinevere would most likely join the retreating party, and the rest of them were adults and would probably stay behind. Not for the first time in her life, Solaine found it easy to think of herself first in a situation such as this. Bi-colored eyes swept to the huntress, wondering just how quickly they'd be getting out of the warfront.




6 Years
10-22-2013, 09:25 PM

Alamea had woken to the sound of a strangled howl, call for the start of war if there ever had been one. Her second worst fear suddenly realised. The girl had spent a lot of time alone, sulking and crying, trying to wash the fear from her mind and the disease from her body but whenever she closed her eyes she still saw him standing before her. The image of her brother etched into the very core of her mind. He was doomed to haunt her forever it seemed. How she had managed to escape him was beyond her, the notion that he had allowed it playing in the back of her mind.
Now however she wanted nothing more than to surround herself with those who could protect her but how could she be sure there weren?t enemies just beyond the den entrance waiting. Then a voice reached her, in that moment it was the most beautiful voice she had ever heard. The girl darted from her den, the sounds of battle already echoing across the horizon. The girl hopped from paw to paw, rose orbs wide and filled with fear. Gaze fell upon Ashtoreth and a shiver of relief went through her body.
There was child already there as well. Alamea forced herself to speak, voice hoarse from the tears she had shed recently. ?I?m going as well.? She managed. Shifting her weight again, anxious to be away.



10-22-2013, 09:26 PM

The angry sounds of battle could not be blocked out and Soleil was certain no matter how far away she got that she would smell blood. Ashtoreth had called the nonfighting wolves to leave the pack lands and head for Seracia. It was to be a sanctuary.

The petite, pale woman rushed for Ash with her blue eyes wide. Instantly she spotted one of her youngest there. Gael and Collision had already headed off to fight and Azalea... Azalea had been taken by the enemy already. A hard lump sat in her throat. "Ashtoreth!" Soleil didn't specifically need her attention, more notifying her that she was there.

Soleil swept up to the woman, momentarily ignoring her daughter. "I will not be going with you, I must stay here to help the wounded." She turned away to caress her child. "I came to see my girls off. Solaine, don't be afraid." She could see it in her eyes, the fear. Maybe others wouldn't notice but Soleil had brought those eyes into this world and seen them most every day since, she knew their ever emotion.

Vaguely Soleil felt like doing something crazy, like actually fighting. Valhalla had enough to worry about though, without her thrusting herself in a battle she could not win. She just wasn't a fighter.

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10-23-2013, 01:26 AM

The time had come. She had been dreading it to the point of having nightmares. But everytime she woke with Cael and Skyla nestled with them. Her mates task had her deeply worried but kept her jaws closed on the matter. She just had to pray he would be fine. Soon this war would be over with Valhalla hopefully winning. Then everything would be fine and they could sleep more peacefully. She had kept herself busy tending to Skyla and making sure all herbs for the war had been set aside. She would not stay here but go with the pups and Skyla to Seracia. She would do her best to keep everyone calm and safe.

Early morning sleep was broken by the cries of battle. At once the dark female was up. Head poked out of the small cave she shared with Cael, Skyla, and Cael's companion. Sky blue eyes would darken with the news that came with the cries. Silently she nuzzled her mate, whispering in hod ear what was happening. She lavished his face in kisses as if she would never see him again. Turning to Skyla she gently nuzzled her awake. "Come dear we have to leave. We must go to Seracia." She said softly. She lead the way out with Skyla at her side. She turned just to hear Soleil speak. Approaching the other healer she gently headbutted her shoulder. In a way she sought comfort in the other female. Blue eyes looked up with sorrow. "Please be safe. I'll be going with them to Seracia. I promise to protect your girls with my life." She said softly before looking at Ash, nodding to indicate she was ready to leave.



10-23-2013, 01:42 PM

It was upon them, and what annoyed the girl was the absence of those lose to her. Two of them were fighting like idiots and the other was nowhere to be found, Seraphine would give a low growl as she moved from where she had been sitting upon hearing her mentor's voice. "I will come, I am not experienced enough to help fight." Even if she could fight she wouldn't have anyway. She stood beside the woman, giving a small dip of her head before glancing at the few who had gathered. Hopefully the others would hurry up and join them so they could get a move on.




10 Years
Athena I
10-23-2013, 02:00 PM

The ivory brute blinked his eyes open at Imena's words, soon hearing the sounds of battle for himself. Imena's licks brought him fully awake and he returned the precious licks to her own face. Who knew what could happen today? He wanted to take advantage of every moment. He watched as his mate woke up Skyla and ushered her out of the den. Cael quickly nudged Elva awake and did the same for the little fox. Elva stumbled along behind them sleepily, her ears folded back and her sleepy gaze full of worry and fear. Cael was sure the same emotions showed in his own gold and sapphire gaze. He licked the top of his companion's head encouragingly and nudged her on with his nose, doing the same to the pup that he and Imena had pretty much adopted.

Once they arrived in the clearing, Cael heard Soleil's decision to stay here to watch after the wounded and after Imena had given Soleil her promise to keep her girls safe Cael nodded, making the same promise. Part of him wanted to stay here with Soleil, but he had given Syrinx his word that he would escort his pups to Seracia and he wouldn't dare leave his mate alone in this time of war. Besides that, looking around at the group that would be going to Seracia, he realized that the whole band so far was made up of healers, hunters, and pups. He was almost certain that they would avoid all the fighting, but in the off chance that they be ambushed on their way to their allies he wasn't sure who of them would be able to fight. He despised blood shed, but he had been trained to fight at one point in his life and could again if it came to it. So, he would go with them to The Range, and do his best to keep them safe in the process.

He looked around for Syrinx's pups, seeing that none of them had come yet. His brow creased with worry and he called out, Vyvienne? Meinx? Cynder? Sevan?" He padded around the clearing, peering into the trees around them, looking for the children. He couldn't leave without them.



10-23-2013, 02:25 PM

Mismatched paws would step into the heart of Valhalla as the brute nosed his sister and the young girl along in front of him. He never let them leave his sights, not for a moment as he brought them away from the war field. He heard word of a group getting ready to leave to Seracia, and that was just perfect for him to bring his sister and Avalon to. They could leave with them as a group, and seek refuge. He hoped then that the Seracia could hold onto them until he returned to take them to Tortuga. Though they still belonged to Amenti, he would plea and fight to keep them from going back. If he knew enough about the Seracian king, then he hoped that the royal man would aid in harboring the slaves that had been taken against their will. And possibly even challenge for them should the Amenti wenches come after them. Was it not the right thing to do? Freedom belonged to all living souls, and none had the right to take that away. Hell, if he couldn't take them to Tortuga until they were well enough, then he would try to stay within Seracia until they were better.

Blue eyes fell upon the gathering wolves, the ones he assumed would not be fighting. The majority it seemed were mostly pups and younger wolves not yet ready to fight. He approached them, his steel gaze no longer as hard as it was before. He stopped just a few feet away, head lowered in a sign that he wouldn't harm them, the two beaten women next to him. His eyes claimed a pleading look, hoping that they would allow them to journey with them. "My name is Hansel, a member of Tortuga. This is Gretel and Avalon...slaves of Amenti. Gretel is my sister, and I've come to try and free her from Amenti's clutches. I now seek to find refuge for them in Seracia, will you please allow them to journey with you? I will escort you should anyone decide to stop us. Please, we need your help." He would look around at them with pleading eyes. He would not let his sister and her friend go so easily. Avalon herself was still but a yearling, and what life was that for a kid?




10-23-2013, 03:26 PM

She had heard the call, heard the drums sounding for war. Since the last meeting the russet girl had not seen her family, not a trace of her sisters or her father. It just so happened that's she had been close enough to hear the soft bark of a woman coming to collect those who would not be fighting. Paws carried her closer, blue and silver eyes watching wolves appear from their dens, including the woman her father had made Omega. Silence followed her, a look of distaste tainting her features. She hung back towards the end of the group, searching for any signs of her sisters but they were nowhere to be found. Far off in the distance she could hear the howls of her fathers warrior fighting for their lives, battling against their enemies. Her name drifted to her ears, pulling her attention to a pale man she had never met before. A twitch of an ear was the only acknowledgement he would receive.



10-23-2013, 03:35 PM

The sounds of war pounded in her ears, the far off cries of battle and the wounded. A soft bark brought her to a clearing, where wolves who were not fighting had gathered to head to Seracia. Settling down the herbs she moved amongst the group stopping beside Soleil. "I will be staying to help the wounded as well." She spoke to Ashtoreth, before turning to pale healer beside her. "Ready?" She softly as the woman finished seeing her children go. Erani was no around, worry settled in her stomach but she knew the healer could defend herself well. Giving a soft bark of farewell the woman would turn and head towards the sounds of war.-exit-

"speech" thought



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-23-2013, 03:53 PM

Erani heard the roar of battle. She knew her family was out there, fighting. So it was time. She cast her eyes over the gathered herbs. For pain, for bleeding. Everything she needed. Then she glanced toward the alcove Coeus inhabited. She crossed to the opening, peering inside. Perhaps he would help guard the wounded. Her den was highly defensible, the entrance to the ravine only admitting two adult wolves. She gave a soft woof of greeting, before turning and padding toward the place those that would be escaping to Seracia would be.

She greeted her nephew and niece with a brush of her muzzle, before nodding to her healers. ?I will be staying here. If I must, I will fight. Rayne, my den will be the base for the wounded. It?s the most defensible place. Soleil, you are in charge of monitoring the wounded we bring there. Make sure they are comfortable.? Her voice was calm, gently giving instructions with calm authority. She gave a nod to the wolves who would be going to Seracia, and padded out beside Rayne, stride sure and strong. ?Walk safely, my friends.?


5 Years
Athena I
10-25-2013, 10:03 AM

The timber hued hunter padded forward to join the group with worry etched over her features. Every time she heard the sounds of war in the distance her heart twisted with worry. She knew Gael was out there fighting and it worried her to know end. She only wanted to know if he was okay and there was no way for her to know that. It was infuriating.

She silently walked over to stand by her friend, Ashtoreth, her teal gaze fixed on the ground as she attempted to pull herself together. She was failing badly and it took all she had to keep from running to the battlefield herself. She knew Gael would flip out if he saw her there however and the last thing she wanted was for him to be distracted from the task at hand so here she stayed. She would go to Seracia with the rest of the refugees and pray that her man came back to her safe and sound.




2 Years
10-25-2013, 12:31 PM

Sorry if im late?

The huntress came in screaming, panicked to wake us all up from our slumber. It was time, none of us where that dumb to think otherwise. There where whispers in the air of the event, soon most wolves in alacritis will know of it as it'll coax around there lobes. Meinx would stand cooly, almost without a care in the world as she straightens out. Her father was promoted to a king, and with that the youth would be proud, with him in the role we would be more secure. A sigh would push through the ebony lips as she departs from the mouth of the den to be greeted by opening light. Her eyes would stray to a squint, adjusting to the new lighting before following the small crowd on the journey. Her paws would kiss the ground as she treads forth, Meinx would set her gaze upon sevan and the other adravendi outta the lot- Solaine.

The breeze would softly press against the lean body, the crisp of autumn setting in with its blooming reds, oranges and deep ambers. Meinx would wonder about the others- if veyv and Cyn would join us all or walk later to seracia. Pushing the thought aside the dark pearl would shift to the side of Sevan, not even a smile forming. " Are you worried?" The soft, tune of the youth would come as a surprise, yet the words would feel empty, they always do. Out of the lot Meinx would stand probably the most level headed and neutral of the lot. Her father would be proud, his children where being raised into something of a magnificence for the future.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



10-25-2013, 03:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They came, and quickly, and for that Ashtoreth was grateful. She was worried about the fighting line and how it might change while they gathered, whether their chance to escape would still be there by the time they had made for the border. But it seemed those who were going remained close to the pack's camp so all it had taken was her call for them to come forward. If they were anything like her, they were likely relieved to have something to do, even if it was only getting away from the fighting taking place just on the outskirts of their homeland.

Pups, hunters, and healers came toward her, and she did her best to appear the strong, steady leader that they would need to get them to the Seracian borders. Inside, however, she fought the urge to shiver. Her gold and purple eyes skirted across the nervous faces of Solaine and Alamea, the healers Soleil and Imena, and Seraphine and Cael. Almost absently she caught the male's question, inquiring after the young wolves not present, but even as she glanced around she saw no sign of them and hoped as the group waited they would wander closer.

An unfamiliar face appeared in their midst, immediately setting the little grey hunter on edge. Beside him walked two others, females in very poor condition, and though the sight of their deteriorated states made her wish to ask a healer to inspect them the war right on their doorstep made her reluctant to openly offer aid to anyone without knowing anything about them. For all she knew, they could have been part of the enemy, feigning innocence in order to get close to those defenseless against the Glaciem warriors. The male spoke for the two females, professing to be from Tortuga and protecting these two runaways from Amenti, one of which being his sibling. Uncertainly, Ash glanced around at those present, trying to gauge other reactions, before she turned back and addressed them. "You picked a bad time to come asking for help," she answered tensely, sensing sincerity about the male and the two he was with but still too uneasy to commit to anything he suggested. "If you want sanctuary in Seracia, you'll have to ask for it yourself. Sorry." Whether he chose to have them follow or not was his choice; either way she intended to keep a close eye on him, for safety's sake, in case his words turned out to be false.

Another young wolf joined them - Sevan - along with Rayne and Erani to collect Soleil. Ashtoreth bid the healers farewell and good luck with a simple nod of her head, shifting a little in place with impatience. They needed to leave, and soon, or else risk being stuck behind the fighting line. Meili and Meinx appeared to join them, the younger moving to comfort her sister and the hunter falling in line with the rest. Shifting her attention to Cael, wondering if he had noticed the arrivals of two of the young wolves he had questioned about, Ash spoke to him, "Cael, if you don't mind hanging back a bit for the last of us, I'm going to start leading the way. We need to get going." And she really did hope they would not be long.

"Okay, stay with me. We're going to Seracia." The announcement was made to address them all, and with a still uncertain and somewhat suspicious glance toward Hansel and his party the grey hunter turned and began to lead the way, winding a course through the more densely forested areas of Valhalla in order to hide their escape and keeping well away from the plains in which most of the battles were likely to be taking place. She tried not to think of the fighting just out of sight, the losses they might take or the damage their home might face with the invaders so close; instead her focus was on following the path within her mind that led from her home to that of the Range, certainty in her steps even if she was still frightened about the events taking place.

She did not stop as they traveled, only slowed to encourage those who needed it, to keep their group together despite the ground they covered. It was only when they approached the borders of the pack's territory that she brought them to a stop, hesitating a moment before she howled quietly to those within Seracia, hoping one of them would be willing to give them a welcome to confirm the arrangements they had been told of and to point them in the right direction now that they had arrived.

OOC: I think almost everyone has posted - maybe or close to it? - so I figured we could keep things going. c: In Seracia now, so Seracians welcome!



10-25-2013, 04:31 PM

She had been waiting on the border for their arrival, herbs ready in case somebody was hurt. Somebody had to be there for them, guide them to where they would be staying till this calmed down. Before she new it she could see the first heads popping p, a group of Valhallans coming right for the Kingdom. Quickly she stood up, taking a few quick steps forward to greet the woman in the lead, Ashtoreth. "Is this the lot that will be staying here?" She would ask in that gentle tone, grey gaze running over the young wolves coming up behind the woman. So far none of them looked to be injured, jut a bit shaken from what was going on.


Awesome table by Briena <3



10-27-2013, 05:09 PM

She stood there next to Cael as he had follwed up behind her. She leaned into his side, seeking warmth and comfort. Yet her outer appearenace was calm and steady. She had to be for all the young ones here. Blue eyes turned to see Erani coming and nuzzled her mentor on the shoulder.If you need more herbs or more space to hold the wounded, you can use Cael and mine's den. Be careful.. She said softly. And just like that Erani and Rayne went to the battle to tend to the wounded. Cael's voice snap her head around. He was right, where were all of Syrinx's pups? But before she could respond, a male with two females in poor conditions approahed them.

She studied the two females with concern, it was obivious they needed to be tended to. The male, Hansel spoke of being a Tortugan, and scent comfirmed it. But it was Ashtoreth who spoke first. Ears laid back at her words towards Hansel and to Cael to stay behind. She turned to her mate and nuzzled him tenderly.I can take Elva with me if you want. But Ashtoreth needs another adult to help get everyone to Seracia safely. Be careful my love, may the winds grant you speed and the gods protect you. She whispered to him. It was nearly impossible for her to pull herself away to join the others. She nudged Skyla along with her, keeping the pup close to her.

Head turned back to Hansel."Follow me. If anything i'll see what i can do for them when we get to Seracia. I am Imena, a Valhallan healer. If you can provide us protection, im sure you and the two girls can wait in Seracia with us. She replied to him. She would bring up the rear of the group on the travels to make sure they werent being followed by enemies or that no one would fall behind. It would not take them too long to reach Seracia in their hast. A grey female would be there to greet them.There is another group to come. My mate Cael will be leading it. Also this is Hansel, from Tortuga. He has brought two Amenti slaves, one being his sister. They need tending to. If i may, i would like to have a look at them in the safety of Seracia." She replied from the rear of the group.




10-29-2013, 07:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Relief was immediate at finding someone already there and waiting for their group to arrive, allowing the first sincere smile to cross the hunter's face though its stay there was short lived. It was one less thing they needed to worry about and a huge weight taken off of Ashtoreth's shoulders after leading the group blindly along. The whole way there she had been harboring fears that Seracia would not be ready to accept them yet, or that they might have changed their mind and forsaken Epiphron's familial ties, but her worrying had been for nothing and for that she was incredibly grateful.

"Yeah," she answered Loccian's initial inquiry, "the Valhallan refugees. Those of us not fighting." She glanced over one shoulder and peered back at the group, small in numbers compared to those who stayed to fight and tend the wounded. She hoped Cael would be along soon with the last remaining individuals who they had been waiting for. From the back of their group, one of their numbers spoke up, and Ashtoreth peered toward the individual curiously. One of the healers - and mate to Cael it seemed - added that another group followed behind the first. No sooner had she made the statement, however, she was also speaking on behalf of the trio who had tagged along with the Valhallan wolves, a fact which caused the hunter to clench her jaws and hold her tongue. It was a healer's place to share their gifts with all, no matter the station of the injured, but Ashtoreth's primary concern rested with the wolves of her own pack; in her eyes, they could not afford generosity when it risked bringing harm upon them all.

She chose not to comment upon the trio led by the male, leaving it up to him to seek shelter for his group from the Seracian wolves, and instead allowed her focus to return to the grey wolf who had greeted them. "I don't suppose you guys have a spot picked out for us somewhere?" she asked, her tone both apologetic and hopeful. She knew the influx in numbers upon the Range likely would cause a little stir to the normal happenings of the pack, but at the same time with nowhere else to go she did hope they were prepared for the accommodations.


10-29-2013, 10:20 PM
OOC//New thread will open soon for all uninjured Seracians and refugees to respond to.

A call from the border would swing the man's attention from his work as he he began to make his way to it. He knew the Seracians would be harboring Valhallan refugees from the war, and he wondered if they had arrived yet. He had been patrolling the borders on a constant basis, spending his time ensuring the marks were strong so discourage rival packs or rogues that might want to trespass. He sure as hell wouldn't let an enemy behind his lines, and if he saw one then he would stop it at all costs. He disliked the idea of war to a high degree, but there was nothing he could do about the one that had initiated. Before, he had thought about offering himself to go with the small group that his King had sent off, but he thought twice about as instead he would stay behind to protect his pack...and Aeil. That much was worth a lot more then risking life and limb in battle. Although he had vowed to protect his pack with his life, he was smarter in doing so by staying with the ones he had come to love. If he was going to die someday, he would do it within his Seracian home...not slain in the field of some foreign battle.

At last the large beast would make his way into the view of others, padding up behind Loccian as his gentle red gaze fell upon the refugees. He had appeared to hear the words of a wolf whom he presumed to be the healer, asking if she could tend to the wounds of two slaves...his eyes fell upon the raggedy pair, his heart going out to them when he saw the poor conditions they were in. The male with them seemed to be healthy, and judging by the pelt of the boy and that of the other girl, it seemed to him that the pair might be twins. And the way they remained close together, they radiated a close bond that was different then the bond between him and Aeil. Glancing at Loccian for a brief moment, he'd turn back to the trio and nodded. "I will personally watch over the pair seeking refuge. If Valhalla does not feel safe and secure with them among them, then I will find a spot away from those who object. It would not be in our code to leave them out for the devil to claim, they clearly need help. And if they ran from their pack, I would not blame them...the conditions you are in are deplorable, and whoever has done this to you then I wish them the most painful death. He flicked his tail, seeing the looks in some of their eyes indicating that they felt uncomfortable with the Amentian slaves there. Inside he would feel ashamed of them. Because to him, even in the time of war, everyone should help each other even if they were on the enemy side. And just because they belonged to Amenti, didn't necessarily mean that they wanted to be there. There's always a story behind a reason, and he would be sure to get their story and hopefully speak to Maverick about it. He knew that packs such as Amenti would probably come looking for the runaways, and Dragon would do what he could to try and keep them away from such a life...especially when they were as young as the girl Avalon.

He looked to Loccian then, a look in his eyes that exerted his feelings about it. "I'll see to it that they are taken care of, since it appears that nobody else feels comfortable with them around." he murmured so only she could hear. Turning back to the ragged group, he'd motion to Imena, Avalon, and Gretel to move forth. "You'll come with me, and I'll get you what you need for wounds. Anyone else who needs tending to, feel free to follow." he barked gently as he turned away to head back to the main camp.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis



10-31-2013, 05:25 PM

The journey was long enough, but it certainly wasn't that tiring on the youthful girl. At half grown, Solaine was bubbling with energy and stamina, especially under the circumstances. She followed obediently, reluctantly leaving her mother and father behind. Guinevere was bound to be with them somewhere, and sooner or later she'd find her sister and they'd explore Seracia together - or she'd do it on her own if Guin wasn't up for it. When they arrived they were eagerly met. Words were exchanged, and the whole air of the situation seemed tense. Solaine's ears folded back as some wolves were turned away, only to be accepted by a Seracian man. Ashtoreth asked for a place to stay, and Solaine would step up beside her. She vaguely knew the woman, but she was certain she was trustworthy. ?So this is it,? she murmured, half in awe and half in surprise. It was beautiful, truly. In the distance she could see a large russet-brown colored structure. It stood up higher than anything she'd seen before save for a few trees. Oh boy, she would certainly have fun exploring that. With interest she would tear her vision away from the building, instead focusing it upon the grayish woman who had greeted them first - intent upon getting settled and then sneaking off from the group and exploring this new land.




10 Years
Athena I
10-31-2013, 10:05 PM

He didn't want to stay behind. He didn't want to watch his mate and his companion walk away, but he knew Ashtoreth needed him to do this so he nodded without complaint. He returned Imena's affectionate nuzzle, giving her a reassuring smile as she finished her speech. "Yes, my love, please take Elva with you. And be careful as well. I will follow you as soon as I can." He nudged his companion along toward the group and watched Elva follow along reluctantly.

Soon the whole group of them disappeared into the distance and the gentle healer had never felt so alone. He sighed and looked around the empty territory, his ears folding back against his skull as the sounds of war and fighting rose in the distance once more. He looked in the direction of where his aunt had left to take care of the wounded. Perhaps he should just stay, do his duty as a healer as well and take care of those who were fighting for their home... He looked around him again, not seeing a soul. The absence of Syrinx's other two pups worried him, but he did not have a clue where to look for them.

With renewed determination, he turned and strode forward toward his Aunt's den. If he was going to stay behind, he was going to make himself useful.

-exit Cael-

ooc: If there ends up being anyone with late comers, but post with them and I'll have Cael come back :3
