
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-12-2023, 07:31 PM

It was time to call together the members of Ethne for a meeting. Bellamy wasn’t even sure if her members had all met with each other yet, or if they were passing ships in the same territory. There were changes that needed to be made and, hopefully, they would all be for the better. There were things she needed to share with her pack as their Leader and bring them up to speed. Promotions. Talk of activities, setting in expectations, the vision and endeavors that would be placed forward for Ethne’s futures. The pending plans for the pack with The Hollows and Elysium. Man… she felt tired already just thinking about all of that. She was still running around often, perhaps more than she needed to, but as time went by without another incident Bellamy found herself able to lower her guard just a little… and perhaps, if she actually listened to her mate, her Advisor, as she should have been all along, they could get things moving in the right direction.

Ethne was small, yes, but they were here. They existed, and they could climb up and become something greater than what they were now. Would they be the sort to conquer and expand their lands that way? No, never. But Bellamy wanted them to be self-sufficient, and ready for when trouble came. She was but one wolf, and while she would gladly do everything in her power to do everything for her pack, the fact of the matter was she couldn’t do it alone. A pack was not just the presence of the alpha. So it was time to express expectations, but keep them reasonable. There would be a lot to go over, and she hoped the pack would be able to bear with her.

Bellamy had picked a location near the falls in an open, grassy area where her members should be able to sit comfortably. There was no rock or stump to sit on - nothing but level ground. That was on purpose. They were equals here. All members would have the same expectations as any other. The woman’s gaze pulled to the flowers around her paws. The pack had… had been a blessing. Lazuli Falls had very quickly come to feel like home. Taking a breath the woman tipped her head back and called for her members.

…and after this meeting? She was going to take a much needed nap.


Mandatory for all current members. If you are having a time with life / are on absence just reach out to let me know. I can definitely be flexible because I know how life can be! If need be we'll work out an IC reason your character isn't present. Appreciate all of you! Trying to give folks plenty of time to post so I would like to ask for all members to be present for round one no later than 3/27!

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
03-12-2023, 07:38 PM

Dagrún tended to her shoulder, noting the progress of the healing. Where once had been open wounds were now thick red lines. There was still plenty of healing yet to be done but she was pleased with the progress and eager to get back to her full self. With Sperla's help she finished cleaning the wound and rewrapped the bandage.

Dag had just finished when she heard her alphess call them together for a meeting. Good timing. She got to her feet and slipped out of her den, heading down the rocky path to where the meeting was to be held. Sperla took to the air above her and Gunnar followed at her heals. She was delighted to be the first to arrive and shot a smile to Bellamy before settling down in the grassy area near the falls with her companions at her side.



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-15-2023, 11:58 AM

Dorian's ears perked up at the sound of his mother calling for the pack and he immediately hopped up to go attend the meeting. Of course it wasn't like he had very far to go considering he was just lingering around the pool at the base of the falls, but he still wanted to be prompt! When he got to the open, grassy area his mom had picked for them, he saw that Dagrún had only just barely beat him here and he gave the older woman a grin before he went over to his mom to reach up and kiss her cheek. He went and plopped down onto his haunches across from her to wait for his siblings and father to join him, his tail wagging gently back and forth across the grass.

"Dorian Kedieo"


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-16-2023, 09:32 PM
Haydée is wandering through the trees that border the falls, looking at the leaves that are in various stages of changing color and falling. It is beautiful and strange, wonderful and sad; and the young girl drinks it all in. This is the first autumn of her young life and, while she had seen it before when she traveled with her father and brother, this is… different. Maybe it is because it is happening to her home but it just feels extra special. Her mother’s call has the pup’s head snapping in the direction of the falls and her small paws halt mid-step while her head tilts slightly as she ponders what the meeting will be about.

Curious, she turns and quickly trots to where the meeting is being held with a huge smile on her lips. Her run in with the tiger has done little to dampen her spirits and, as she arrives, Haydée notices that her brother, Dorian, has already arrived. And there another pack member she has not yet met too! She flashes them both a bright, happy smile while moving to where her mother sits. The girl steals a hug from the woman before the official meeting starts and, once she is released, the little Haydée moves to join her brother. Sitting with him, the smaller pup entwines one of her forelegs around his while beaming a smile at him.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2023, 07:38 AM
"It all falls down like Confetti and you gotta let it."

He had successfully started his garden. It could be an explanation on his lack of appearance. It wasn't as if they hadn't seen him moving around the lands in search of herbs. Though Fenix had been doing quite a lot of thinking and he was happy to hear of a meeting up now. The deputy stretched his muscles shaking off his steel fur while he stared at the falls. His new life started here and he'd been waiting around? The garden was beginning to grow a variety of herbs that helped with mental to physical injuries. Later he could take inventory and get a full look at his inventory. He'd like to report it to Bellamy if he could, though no doubt many of the healers including her husband had already started to set up their gardens and what not.

He stretched his paws at the edge of the falls before he headed over to Bellamy's call. Silently the man dipped his head and sat not too far off. He didn't know what would be addressed this meeting and perhaps he should have asked, his brain had just been a little out of sorts he decided. Fenix was ready to get his paws to work.



03-26-2023, 10:56 PM
Nessie had been busy exploring anything and everything since they came to these lands. She had been MIA more often than not, however, and she realized she hadn't spent as much time getting to know her packmates let alone hanging out with her family. She frowned at the realization, and decided that she was gonna do better! Maybe if she stopped spreading herself so thin with all the exploring and training herself and all the other random bits of tasks she kept setting for herself, maybe she could do it! Or perhaps she also needed to stop day dreaming so much...whatever the case, she definitely wanted to figure something out. Maybe talking to Mother after the meeting would help her figure it out. There was just so much to do and learn and see that she wanted to do it all!

But not if it would cost her precious time with those she loved. But then how else would she become the fierce little warrior she wanted to be?

She bounced into the meeting, flashing a grin at her mom and siblings as she moves to sit with them. Of course, she glanced back to see her bear of a sister come charging in, too. The pair had been playing hide and seek (which Nessie had completely forgotten about the last few minutes) and shot an apologetic look to Saga before dropping into a playbow towards her siblings. "Heya! Wanna go play after this!?"



War Chief

Master Fighter (260)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
03-26-2023, 11:07 PM

She and Nessie were playing hide and seek, and Saga felt like she'd been waiting forever! Then she heard her mama's call for the pack, and Saga decided that after a few more minutes, she couldn't wait anymore. Maybe she had been way too good at hiding and Nessie couldn't find her! That meant she won, right? She headed towards where the meeting was, spotting Nessie with their other siblings and so she started to walk towards them. Nessie shot her an apologetic look, and Saga sighed when she realized that Nessie had forgotten about her! How rude! Oh well, maybe they could all play together after the meeting. She sat down with her siblings, practically dwarfing them at this point now that she was getting older and bigger. She was about 200 pounds of fluff, muscle, and blubber at this point and probably about half the height she would eventually reach.




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
03-27-2023, 06:41 PM
Riv tried to make sure everything about him was perfect. Well groomed fur, bushy tail? Check! Staring at his reflection in the river he flicked his long snow leopard tail back and forth. He was much older this season and far from the drowned rat that hed looked like when bellamy found him. "Dad, ma, wish me luck." he whispered into the water still staying a comfortable distance away.

He strutted into the meeting with a happy grin. Though trying to keep himself from excitedly running up to Bellamy. Hell he hadnt even met his step siblings yet. Quivering with excitement the odd tailed pup took a seat. Wait... was that a polar bear?



Expert Fighter (201)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-27-2023, 08:58 PM

Bae had been doing his normal, staying in cattail creek, fighting off mountain lions, being a nuisance for Luce. A call though from bells summoning the entire pack had him stopping in the center of his patrol and turning his head in that direction. Should he really go? Did he trust himself that much to have so many around him, so many that could take Lucy from him?

He shook the thought away. How stupid was he?

His paws started in the direction of the call. A bark as he passed Lucy and his den to let her know in case she was so absorbed in her herbs and settling things in that she hadn't heard her mother. Then he was running. A grin was on his face. His pixie had no way of keeping up with his longer legs.

As he made it closer his grin fell though and he slowed up. He broke into the meeting area and looked about, no luce or gave yet and a few pups, and was that a bear? A shift of his eyebrow but no one else seemed to be worried about the bear so he settled himself a distance away. He was close enough to hear everything but he made it a point to keep distance between himself and all the other members. A glance was thrown behind himself for his pixie but he soon threw his full attention on Bellamy as he waited for Luce to show up. He settled down, laying down so if anything went wrong he would be the slower, Bellamy would easily stop him, she would kill him he trusted if things fucked up. A nod was given to Bellamy as he waited though.

"Talk, 'Think.'

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
03-27-2023, 10:24 PM

At last Bellamy seemed to be listening to those around her. She even agreed to take a couple days for herself after the meeting, starting with a good, long rest. For that the tiny, winged man was grateful. He had prepared some herbs for her to take too, to help her regain her strength. Still a bit worried about Corbin, he urged their son to remain back at the den for now, and that he would fill him about the meeting details later. After he had lost his sight, with seemingly no reason why he should have, Gavroche was baffled. Sure it was back now but what if it happened again? He would arrive at the meeting as one of the last, quiet, moving to sit near his mate. Bellamy had grown since becoming the Leader of Ethne… and he was proud of her. She was trying so hard to do the right thing. He just hoped the rest of them saw that as much as he did.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-27-2023, 10:37 PM

They had gotten through to her mom. Bae-Syl was a member of Ethne and, as promised, he was doing his part in keeping curious predators out of the territory of Cattail Creek. Lucette had been busy, reorganizing the herbs she had moved over. With Bae, bless him, she was going to have her paws full. The rainbow-marked boy hadn’t changed at all in her eyes. Sweet. Dutiful. They had only gotten a bit older, that was all. He was still as reckless as ever, and though she worried about his antics,  Lucy couldn’t help but smile too. Deep down, he’d always be her Bae. No matter what darkness tried to snatch at his mind.

Hearing his bark Lucette jumped with a start. Huh? What? She frowned. She had indeed missed her mother’s call, so focused on her sorting that she had tuned it out. Slipping from the den she caught sight of his colorful tail tip in the distance moving towards the Lazuli Falls. Huh… what was he up to? She trailed after him only to come to… oh… a meeting? Her gaze shot to her mom. Well… she looked a little better than she had when she and Bae saw her last. She had definitely gotten at least some rest. Luce could smile at that. Sticking to the outer edge of the meeting she found her place at Bae-Syl’s right side, leaning into him with a grin.

“I hope you know sitting back here won’t discourage mom from introducing you.” She stuck her tongue out at him. She was happier again, more light, teasing. Just as she was when they were kids. He brought out the best in her.

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-27-2023, 10:45 PM
Ackkkk mom had called for a meeting and he was late! Keeneye flew above him, leading the way as the boy tore across the territory. Not that he had been outside of Ethne’s lands or anything! Okay… so maybe he had been. He had been curious, and Song had been in the middle of showing him where some tasty mushrooms grew. If he had known he’d be needed he wouldn’t have left Ethne at all! His ears fell to the sides. He had to be close to being late… would his mom be mad? Disappointed? She’d been working so hard ever since that tiger tried to grab Hay… it made him feel bad he wasn’t really able to do anything to help her. He was still just a kid, technically, right? He came skidding to a stop at the edge of the meeting, earning a look from an ashen cream male who seemed to have just arrived as well. Ah crap! Alex glanced around. Poor Song… he and Keeneye left her in the dust! Hopefully the badger would forgive him later!

Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-27-2023, 11:05 PM

A home… It felt nice to have one again. He had even offered to start helping out on patrols for Bellamy, seeing how worn the Leader had started to look. She seemed really appreciative of it. He hadn’t really got to meet the other members yet, though from what he noticed by scent and whatnot a good amount of them were younglings, even younger than he was. It made him feel happy to not be one of the youngest anymore. Like he was finally able to do his part. He had heard the call, and after making sure that Tan and the others would be comfortable without him he set off to see what it was about. He could always fill them in later, right? Maybe get a feel for the sort of wolves they were going to live with. He had just arrived, about to find a seat when a yearling came running in at full tilt. The kid skidded to a stop, breathing hard, as Beau glanced at him with a raised brow. Given the mane and his colors? Bellamy’s kid. Still, Beauregard couldn’t help but smile. There was an interesting mix of wolves here and even a polar bear! Huh, fancy that! Maybe Blind could connect with her, since they both preferred a colder world. He sat, tipping his head to Bells, and waited for the meeting to begin.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-02-2023, 03:33 PM

Ooc: First and foremost, everyone, apologies! I had hoped to give everyone plenty of time to respond to the meeting and then promptly respond with Bellamy… but it seems life had other plans. On an Ooc level, thank you to everyone who has attended! We had two exemptions with Corbin and Tanelan so everyone who was supposed to be here made it! Thank you! Without further ado, lets getting the fun underway, shall we?


Even as small as Ethne was as a pack, Bellamy saw the promise for the pack’s future. She would not let their ember die out before it had the chance to become a roaring flame. As members began to arrive, Bellamy would first tip her head to Dagrún. She had been a little saddened at Dag turning her offer down when they met alone yet, at the same time, she was glad that woman felt comfortable enough to be honest with her and the path she wanted in life. It was something that Bells could wholeheartedly appreciated, and while she might not have known the viking as she had some of her more direct family, her respect for the woman had grown that day. She was someone the Leader wanted to get to know better… it seemed that their were more similarities lurking within the members of her pack than she realized. She offered Dag a small smile and let her gaze shift to the next to arrive: Dorian.

Divinities above her children were growing so fast now! Yearlings… She wasn’t ready… it felt like yesterday they were only just starting to leave the den. Bellamy would return her son’s affections, nosing his cheek in response to the kiss. All of them were growing into fine youngsters. Growing up faster than she would have liked. Dorian and Hay, after that tiger attack, had seen a side of her that she hoped none of her children would see. To her relief they did not seem to fear her for it. Bellamy might not have been the greatest role model as a parent, but to be hated by the children she loved with all her heart would crush her in a way no wound ever would. Her son took his place and, heartbeats later, there was her little Hay.

Despite the events you would have never known Haydée had ever been through such a terrifying experience. Bellamy’s gaze softened as she looked on her daughter, without hesitation returning the hug her daughter hoped to steal before the meeting started. Bellamy would never deny any of her children affection, in front of the pack or not. She sincerely doubted any member would have qualms with it, and if they did? Too bad! Bells didn’t care how old her children got. They were her babies, her precious little gems, and more valuable to her than anything else in this world. Her family, her pack, was everything Bellamy could have ever wanted. It was hard, being an alpha, sure, but if it meant securing those she cared for a place where they should be able to be safe? Happy? It was worth every struggle. Bellamy wouldn’t trade it for anything.

The next to arrive was Fenix, Ethne’s Deputy. She had known of the man’s ambitions and yet, so focused on trying to shoulder everything on her own, had yet to make good on her word to help give him insight and experience to what he might need should he decide to continue with his endeavors of becoming an alpha one day. Bellamy dipped her head in greeting to him. Once she had her few days of rest after this, it was going to be time to hit new expectations for the pack hard and heavy. Ethne had been… stagnant. Here, but not progressing. She would need all of them to help change that. They could do it, if they worked together.

The next pair to arrive together were Nessie and Saga. Her tiny daughter and adopted cub had been spending time together, but for the most part Lyonesse had been more interested in exploring the territories they had. Which, after what happened to Hay, worried Bellamy greatly. Seeing both of the girls arrive safely was reassuring though. Saga was shooting up like a weed. The cub was a healthy size of some wolves she’d seen in Boreas and Auster… and she was only going to get bigger. Bellamy’s eyes looked over them proudly. She loved all of them as her own. Saga, despite being another species, was as much her baby as the rest of the pups, and Bellamy would fight for her with the same motherly instinct. The kids seemed to already be trying to make plans to play and Bellamy’s expression softened again. Yes, give them a bit more time to play. Before long, the time for such pleasantries would become harder to find. It was best to let them enjoy being children while she could.

Rivaxsaurus was the next to come in and, though Bellamy hadn’t exactly announced it to her other kids, she had brought up her feelings of attachment to Gavroche. The boy had been adopted into the family just as Saga had, and the woman offered him a warm smile too, giving an encouraging gesture with her muzzle for him to draw closer to the other kids. Bonds were what would make Ethne strong. Not just bonds of blood, but any and all bonds that brought them together as friends, family, and packmates. She would be a bit surprised to see Bae-Syl arrive, and before Lucy, too. The woman arched a brow but gave a nod of welcome to the rainbow-marked male. She was sure her daughter would be along any moment. Bae-Syl was built more like she was, after all, whereas Luce was more like her own mate, Gavroche… and if she’d learned anything about that sort of size difference, well, it could be easy to accidentally leave their smaller counterpart lagging behind.

Speaking of… Bellamy turned her head to see Gavroche settling near her. What’s this? No affection? The Leader grinned, scooting over to her tiny mate and scooping him over to her. Oops. Gavroche gave a small squeak of surprise, looking up at her as the Leader gave a wag of her tail. “That’s better.” The woman rumbled. She had one foreleg still wrapped around him, her mate’s head pressed against her sitting form. He sighed happily, but there was no protest. Good, there was no reason they should have to delay the meeting. Ahh, and as she looked up she saw her pixie of a daughter coming to sit by Bae-Syl. Good, good. That was just about everyone. Corbin wouldn’t be attending, and she didn’t expect Tanelan or Beauregard to show since they would likely still be settling in… but… hmm, where was Alexander? Bellamy looked around with a small frown. Surely her son wouldn’t put off a meeting…? She was sure she had raised him to respond to such things… right?

She waited a moment and, to her surprise, saw Beau coming to join them. What a pleasant surprise! She shifted, preparing to begin once he took his seat, but… ahh there was Alex! Her son came running into the area like there had been a fire under his tail. Bellamy couldn’t help but give a small snort. Silly kids… she hoped they would never change and lose that youthful innocence. But, with his arrival, there was no reason to delay any longer. Bellamy looked out over the gathered creatures of Ethne and drew a breath.

“Members of Ethne, welcome to our first official meeting as a pack. This meeting is long overdue, and I apologize, as there is much to discuss… but I hope that you will all be as excited about up and coming things as I am. As a pack, we have settled, getting comfortable, but now it is time to grow, and flourish; Together.” There was a fair bit of ground to cover, so first and foremost, did her members know of each other? Their ranks? That seemed like a good place to start… and that could lead into expected duties as well as mentor and apprentice pairings. She would nod to each member as she spoke of them.

“First and foremost, I would like to go around announcing our members. Dagrún Finnvi, was the first to meet with me as I lay hold to Ethne as a pack. She is a combatant of Ethne. This small bundle of feathers at my paws is my mate and our Advisor, Gavroche Kedieo.” Bellamy’s grin widened. “That monochrome gentleman touched with tan is Fenix Isokan, Ethne’s Deputy. He has joined the pack with his own ambitions, and should he still choose to branch out one day from us, it is with the hope of preparing future allies for our pack and his. And, should he choose to stay, I’d like to see his leadership skills and knowledge passed on to our youth.” A fair enough statement, right? Her gaze flicked to Bae-Syl.

“The rainbow-marked young man there is Bae-Syl Agatsuma, another combatant of Ethne. He is handling some personal things and may not approach many of you at this time but he is a member of our pack as well, to be treated with respect. It may be best to leave him primarily to Lucette and my company for now. He will primarily be found within the territory of Cattail Creek and has taken up patrolling the territory to ensure our borders do not get breached.” Without wanting to alarm her members, she laid out what was to be expected with Bae-Syl. In doing so, she hoped that there would be no accidents between her members. It wasn’t like he chose to have these things happen… and Bellamy was grateful for his aid.

“On that note, Lucette Kedieo, my eldest daughter, has come far enough in her training for a rank promotion of her own. We welcome her as the first Shaman of Ethne.” The woman was proud of her daughter. Lucy had come a long way. “We also welcomed two other members into Ethne. Tanelan and Beauregard Ravenwood. The latter of the two is the ashen cream lad over here, and Tanelan can be identified by his purple fur. Both are combatants of Ethne.” Bellamy drew in a breath.

“Although, Tanelan is different. Unique. Something that our pack prides ourselves in celebrating.” The woman’s eyes lit up. “Within Tanelan there is not the spirit of one wolf, but four. All of them share the same body. They are not dangerous, and each an individual. I hope you can welcome them as one of us. I have only met Benson, but Henry and Mika are here as well. I believe it is okay to ask which you are speaking with, at least until you become familiar with identifying their different personalities.” Bellamy gave a small nod. That covered their older members. Now…

“We have younger members too, all of which are old enough to become Fledglings. First, I’d like to welcome young Rivaxsaurus Walker. After unfortunate circumstance with his own family, and separation from his siblings, I brought him here to Ethne. After some further talk with Gav, we have decided to officially adopt him as one of our own. Never to replace any of our other children, but to continue to expand our family. I would like to ask if any adults of the pack come across children around his age with odd tails – those of other animals – to see if they are Walkers. Ideally, I would like to reunite them. Reaching the rank of Fledgling, it is time to assign a mentor to be the primary one responsible for Riv’s training. Beauregard, I will ask that that wolf be you.” One down. Her gaze flicked to Saga.

“Next up is my dearest Saga. I met Saga in the North, and while Auster is not the most ideal as far as conditions for her, I believe she is doing very well adjusting. She is older than the remaining kids and I hope she can be a good role model and big sister for them. Fenix, it will be your duty to pass on your knowledge and skill to Saga so that she can achieve this.” Her cub might not have been destined to become heir, but Bellamy felt she was capable of great things. All of her children had that potential, if it could be nurtured and nosed in the right direction.

“My son Corbin, the only of my children who was not able to join us, is best identified by his dark coat and orange ember-like markings. He has a sheep companion, Rocky, who is not prey of Ethne, but an ally. Under the suggestion of his father, Cor is back at the den and resting. Lucette, I believe you are more than capable of helping guide your brother as a mentor. I will leave his main training to you.

Alexander, my sweet Alex, has already shown promise as a hunter. I need someone with a lot of energy for such a spirited boy, and so, after consideration I have decided that your mentor will be Tanelan and those who are with him. Heed their wisdom and the different lessons they’ve to offer, my son.”
Goodness, they really did have quite the number of pups. There were still more to go through! Her gaze flicked to Nessie next.

“My little Lyonesse is next. One of my smallest children, but with a heart and ferocity to rival those far, far large than herself. Your distance has been noticed, my sweet child, but is not to be punished. I feel a mentor that can guide you in discipline and your inner strength would be most ideal. That is why I would like to ask that Dagrún take charge of that training. I know she will set you on the right path and build you into a better version of yourself. Speaking of a better you...” Bellamy grinned.

“My son Dorian is a bit of a unique one compared to the rest of his siblings. He has dipped a paw into both my world and that of his father, interested in both healing and fighting alike. I would like to encourage his training as a healer and, as such, his primary mentor will be Gavroche. To gain experience in fighting, however, I encourage him to join the lessons taught by any of our combatants and myself.” Bellamy’s gaze flicked to Hay. Her daughter didn’t know what was coming. None of them did. Not even Gavroche.

“As some of you know, a tiger crossed Ethne’s borders not that long ago. It attempted to take off with one of our own, my daughter, Haydée. While the beast was felled, and Hay rescued, it… really opened up my eyes to some problems that were going on within how the pack was being run. An alpha should always be the face of a pack, the most active of its members, but… an an alpha should also know when to ask their members for help, and be okay with delegating tasks. That’s why these ranks exist after all… As such, before I continue with promotions and mentors, I have some additional announcements.

First… I will be taking a few days for myself effective immediately after this meeting. I’m sure you can all clearly see my condition. I have been trying to shoulder as much as I could regarding the duties of the pack and running myself ragged. To prevent further issues, I will take this time to recover and regain my strength. As I mentioned previously, Cattail Creek is being patrolled and guarded by Bae-Syl. All combatants should be taking time to patrol our lands. You are welcome to discuss among yourselves preferred shifts, but in doing this, we will keep Ethne’s borders safer, and prevent incidents where predators get deep in our territory. If you find yourself face to face with a large predator, I strongly encourage you calling for back up. We have strong members here, but together, we are stronger. Do well to remember that. Fenix, as our Deputy, you will share those duties too. I know you also dabble in healing, so I strongly encourage you to meet with Gavroche and Lucette to discuss the state of our herb stores and figure out herb gathering patrols. We should be ready for the worst, and hope for the best.”
Bellamy drew a breath.

“Ethne has no Woodsmen, Fanciers, nor Tradesmen at this time. It will fall on all of the adults to help each other hunt, and pass that knowledge on to the younger ones as well. We will help each other. Gathering crafting materials for Ethne’s use and for trade will also be encouraged, when you have time or wish to change up your normal routines. Unless a member volunteers to visit another pack for the moment pack relations will be on my shoulders alone.” Bellamy flicked her gaze back to Hay, and her grin widened.

“But you know… I didn’t mention one of our new Fledglings, earlier. That is for a very special reason. She is not to be a Fledgling… I have decided that my daughter, Haydée Kedieo is to be the heir of Ethne, and as a result will be trained by myself as my chosen successor. Hay is a survivor, supportive, trustworthy, and level headed. I speak with confidence in my choice that she will become a great leader for Ethne.” The woman’s tail wagged behind her. “Gavroche and I are getting older, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to step down just yet. I intend to step down between ages nine and ten, to enjoy the last of my years with Gavroche and offer advice to my children as they continued to grow, and take on the pack. Hope you all won’t get too sick of my old mug.” The woman chuckled. That was one type of announcement handled.

“Next, I wish to touch base on current pack relations. There are a great many packs in Boreas and Auster, and knowing who it is safe to talk to and who to be wary around is crucial to your safety. First and foremost, are the packs Ethne has no official standing with. Ashen, a pack of the Empire, is one of them. While I’ve yet to meet with their alpha, it is fair to say we as a pack will have no intentions of making an enemy of them. At best, we would hope for a friendly stance between our packs and another possibility for trade. Valta, another pack lead by Kotori Fatalis, is a branch of the packs in the Empire. I met with him briefly during my endeavors to found Ethne. Valta is to be viewed as Ashen, just with a bit more knowledge in the regard I know the alpha. There is also a new pack that rose in place of Celeste’s pack in the desert. I was there at the challenge, and know of the victor, but do not know where she’ll stand when it comes to Ethne. When stances with these packs change, I will pass word around.” Two down.

“Next up is our relationship with the Armada. I would not call us friendly, but nor does either pack intend to make enemies of the other. We are not to be a burden to them, not that has ever been the intention of Ethne. We are self succinct, and what we lack we will trade for. On that note, however, the Armada has expressed interest in trading with us, and, with any luck, this can improve our relations slightly. That said, there is a pack I am uncertain of our relations on, and due to events I would like to urge our members to avoid confrontation. I don’t know the name of the pack, one in Western Boreas with a wall… I had initially intended to challenge its alpha during my endeavors to rise Ethne. I’m sure the alpha and his members remember and won’t take kindly. We do not desire to cause further conflict with them. Avoidance is encouraged.” The woman spoke of Valhalla.

“...Unfortunately, there are other packs that we are to consider enemies and dangerous. Insomnia, lead by a woman named Medusa, is one of them. While I sympathize with her in the sense of her being a former slave, and seeking retribution for time spent as such, I do not agree with her actions of enslaving the vast majority of the pack she was taken by. I sincerely doubt all of those wolves had anything to do with her imprisonment. The wolves of Insomnia are to be regarded with caution and assumed dangerous. Do not engage them unless they come at you first. And if Medusa shows at our borders, you are to call for me immediately and are not to allow her to leave.” The woman spoke firmly.

“The Pirates are also our enemies. Ignis Praetor took my daughter, Saga, and lead her away from Gavroche and the other pups when they were too young to have him step away from them while I was initiating the pack challenge. While Saga was not harmed, I have personal dealings with Ignis both in his time of Ethne and have heard tale of what he did to a dear friend, a merciful alpha by the name of Acere who once ruled Winterfell. Acere showed me compassion many would not have, and Ignis betraying him, his own flesh and blood, did not and still does not sit right with me. As much as I wish I could honor Acere and try to help Ignis… I believe he is beyond redemption. Those he runs with, according to other alphas I have spoken with, are not much better. They raid other packs, even those that are deemed peaceful, and are known troublemakers. I do not expect Ethne to escape their eyes. They are our enemies. When they come knocking, it will not be for a visit of peace. I want all of you to be ready and understand that danger.” Her heart gave a pang. She just prayed Saga would understand… what she saw, and what the pirates did, what they were capable of, were different things…

“But, on that note, we do have some friendly relations between packs as well and the three of them are potential trading partners. Avalon, Elysium, and a pack close enough to be our neighbors, The Hallows.” Some good news! “They are packs that I encourage you to mingle with should you meet their members. Furthermore, both Elysium and the Hallows have expressed interest in gathering our children together for training and meetings in the near future. We can also expect a visit from Artorias and his daughter to our lands as well. They are to be welcomed. Of all the alphas I have spoken with, I feel the most kinship and likeness to Artorias and his views and hopes of the Hallows. Goodness forbid, but if there is ever a time Ethne falls to ruin, I urge you all to seek the castle and the Hallows as safety. If you can make it to Boreas, seek out Corbie in Avalon. They are good wolves and would treat you well.” Okay, that was pack relations down. Bellamy drew a breath. This was getting… long.

“Alright… so we have what we’d expect of our ranks, mentors and apprentices, pack relations… so, where does Ethne go from here, right? Well, as I mentioned before, I’d like us to be self sufficient. So… I plan to take a page out of Avalon’s book and set up a farm of sorts. Whereas Avalon seems to specialize in sheep, and the Hallows in alpaca, I’d like us to focus on flightless fowl and, if we can find a way to prevent others from flying away without bringing them too much pain, other birds as well. Lucette has told me about chickens roaming southern Boreas, and I’ve seen wild turkey near Ethne lands… we’ll need to focus on enclosures and shelters for them first, but I think it can be manageable. We’d definitely have more than enough feathers for crafting and eggs at that point. With any luck we might even be able to figure out wrangling dik-dik as well for an additional supply of meat and hide. I intend to visit Corbie again soon and seek advice on how to go about this. I’d also like to attempt negotiations for another sheep or two, as companions for Rocky. Sheep are herd animals, after all, and I’m sure Corbin’s sheep is lonely… If anyone would like to accompany me and help me scout the chickens while we’re there, let me know.”

Bellamy held back a yawn. Yeah, there was that level of tired hitting again… “I’d like to see us all trying to do what we can around Ethne. We can’t move forward if we all don’t try. But, as a little incentive… I plan to get you each something special to help aid you. A companion, a weapon, armor… or even another accessory that might help you in your tasks or make you feel better about yourselves. You are my pack, my family, and I want to help give you the tools to succeed. I open the floor to you all, to request the gift you will, and speak what is on your minds.”


Ooc: Hi, yes, I quit meeting posts now.

TL;DR Highlights

-Character Introductions, Rank Promotions
-Heir announcement – Congrats, Haydée!!
-Mentor and Apprentice pairings – will be added to pack page
-Pack Relations IC, future training with Elysium and The Hallows, pending visit from Artorias and his daughter
-Future plans for Ethne – Raising fowl (Chickens, Turkey), maybe Dik-Dik
-Planned visit to Avalon to see about how to raise prey animals, attempt to get a sheep or two, and scope out chickens for once pens are up
-IC mention of activity ; See below for OOC expecations
-Gifts! Each member can choose one large companion, weapon, or armor piece to be paid for by me as a gift from Bellamy. If your character is fully tacked, choose another accessory that could benefit them or a cosmetic one for the character or their companion. I insist! Send via DM or in Ethne pack chat.
-Also, if you are a newer member or a fledgling it is time to update your den location. Please send me a description of your chosen den. Bellamy and Gavroche’s kids are welcome to choose little section of the cave behind the falls for their dens or find their own spot. Dens can be made in Lazuli Falls or Cattail Creek.


Pack Activity Checks

Very simple, very basic. Post three times with your character per season, preferably doing something in Ethne lands or a pack member. Other than that, I just want to see you’re alive. Mandatory meetings won’t count for this but any other type of pack activity like festivals, hunts, or training will. Checked every season. Because I adore you all, and am late myself, this will actually start in Summer, Year 19. You all got into the meeting on time, so I figure its the least I can do, right?

Fail an activity check, get a small IC punishment. Oops, guess you gotta clean out some dens or something! Not a huge a deal. This is to both add IC flavor and help you get activity for the next check.

Fail three activity checks in a row and uh… we’re going to have to have a talk. Very likely chance you’ll be kicked from the pack. I’m definitely not asking for much, so being that inactive is not really fair to any pack members. It is nothing personal. Your wolf will not be marked as a Defector or enemy, but may be frowned upon as being unreliable.

Exceptions: I get it, life can be a jerk. If I notice you fail multiple activity checks but are struggling to post your other characters I’m not going to be a dick. I take things like this, or multiple absences, into consideration. I can not and will not fault you for putting real life things before Ardent. I may reach out to see if we can come up with an IC reason for the inactivity, but you will not be penalized for it.

Activity checks will be checked manually by me per month. I will keep a private note of member activity and reach out to DMs about it rather than pack chat.

….and that’s everything! Thank you all so much for being awesome. Next round is due by the end of 4/17 and should be your last posts in the meeting. I believe I’ll only need one more Bells post to wrap things up. Thank you!!

"Speech" 'Thought.'



Expert Fighter (201)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

04-07-2023, 06:42 PM

If all of the kings

He was silent as he watched more and more filter in for the meeting. Truth be told he had never been part of a pack and had no idea what to even do at a meeting. Let alone he didn't really want to be noticed by anyone. Well save for by Lucette, who to his glee did come striding in after him. His tail began thumping almost too loudly for his comfort as she came over and leaned against his shoulder with a tease for him.

His grin turned to a devilish smirk as he made to pull her down to be laying with him now and half under him. "Well then i guess I'll just have to book it when she does and in the mean time hide behind you." his voice was hushed and teasing in nature as he aimed a long swipe of his tongue and a large glob of drool at her cheek. It wasn't enough to drench her but it would be enough for most girls to squeal about, but then again Lucette wasn't your typical girl.

He gave a chuckle missing the last few members trickling in as he tried to drool bomb Luce. But then her mom was talking and he turned his face to Bellamy. She started by introducing pack members, and Bae took in each one's face not expecting to be introduced yet to the members. But yet he was proved wrong, Bell's eyes fell on  him and he gulped as his ears pressed back. The discomfort of being in the spotlight was there for certain. She made sure to let everyone know he was dealing with his own mental state and he looked away.

In the moment he almost wanted to be anywhere but here.

But then Bellamy moved on like he hadn't been uncomfortable with being in the spotlight. Moving onto Lucy. His ear flung forward at the announcement and his blue eyes moved across the crowd. his chin dropping finally to land on Luce's head after it seemed the attention was off the pair of them. "Gratz, Luce." His voice was whispered for only her ears and a grin was back on his face while his tail gently thumped behind him. He kept listening to everything but alot of his attention turned to this Tanelan. He had multiple wolves living in his body? Strange. But then again so was seeing and hearing demons.

His eyes turned to Bellamy again and he sighed. This time in relief as Bell's didn't deem to give him an apprentice. Good he didn't trust himself yet either. Most of the rest of the meeting was political mumbo jumbo he didn't quite take interest in so he instead turned his attention to Lucy again allowing his rainbow colored tongue to loll out of his mouth right over luce's muzzle and drool to start dripping down his tongue hopefully landing on her snout if she wasn't aware of his intentions until it was too late.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Have their queens on the throne

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
04-08-2023, 10:15 AM

Dagrún smiled back at Bellamy then got herself settled for the meeting. The alphess started with introductions and Dag did her best to match names and faces, nodding a swift greeting to her fellow pack mates as she was introduced. Her brow quirked at the mention of Tanelan and the multiple spirits that inhabited the wolf's body. That sounded like something out of her mother's stories and she was curious how such a creature came to be but would restrain herself from prying to much.

Her ears perked up as she was assigned the mentor to Lyonesse. She nodded to the girl. They hadn't really interacted much but she made note to try and catch the girl after the meeting to arrange a training time. Bellamy then turned to the other orders of business, namely the borders. Dagrún nodded as her alphess spoke but kept silent for now, not wishing to interrupt. If Bae-syl was going to patrol the creek then Dag would focus more on the falls. She was also reasonably skilled at hunting and crafting, especially with Sperla's help.

The alphess then moved on to pack relations and again Dag took notes, in particular the Armada since she was debating trying to visit Gossamer again. She continued into packs they were to be careful around. Truthfully, Dagrún had no problem with slavery. Being brought up primarily by her viking mother within Fireside it had always been an accepted part of life. It had been one of the primary drivers for her interest in battle. Not to obtain slaves but that should she ever be captured she would be able to gain her freedom. Still, she knew Ethne's values and had no desire to contest them. She knew plenty of packs practiced slavery which meant Ethne would come into conflict eventually and she would have the opportunity to engage in honorable battle.

Dagrún figured they'd be raided by the pirates eventually. Only more incentive to get the younger members trained up and to keep an eye out for potential members to add to their ranks. After the discussion of pack relations it turned to raising livestock. While she was more a hunter than a farmer she did like the idea of having some tasty birds around and ready for slaughter, especially in the harder winter times. There was, of course, the risk that having a bunch of prey nearby would attract predators. More opportunity, though, to sharpen her skills.

Bellamy then offered to get a gift for each of them. Dagrún had to think for a moment on that. "I can take more focus on patrolling the falls if Bae-syl plans to take the creek." She was just one wolf so the odds of keeping the falls completely guarded was slim but she'd do her best. "I appreciate the gift. At the moment I have what I need armor and weapon rise. However, I wouldn't mind a small, silver hoop earring for one of my ears."

With that she got up and moved over to Lyonesse. "Hello, Lyonesse. If you like we can meet tomorrow morning at the base of the falls for a training session, after the sun fully lifts above the horizon. What goals do you have for yourself? What would you most like to learn?"



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-18-2023, 11:45 PM

Lucette gave a little squeak as Bae-Syl went down, pulling her down with him. Half-pinned beneath the rainbow-marked man she shot him a look. “Can’t hide behind me if you’re on me, doofus.” She teased him back. Their size difference was pretty comical though. They were almost a mirror image of her parents. She focused on the other members coming in, unaware that her bestie was planning an attack. Her gaze flicked around to the pups. Jeez, since when did her siblings get so big? And Saga, the polar bear… she was getting huge! Luce frowned a little, listening as her mom began, introducing everyone, going everyone and their place here. When she brought Bae-Syl up Luce moved her tiny paw closer to his. She knew he’d take it rough, but she didn’t think her mom was doing it to be mean. More of an indirect way of protecting everyone. Still… her ears fell a little.

But then she was the center of attention. Lucette blinked. Promotion? She hadn’t really thought about it. Had her healing skills truly come so far? She shuffled a little. That was embarrassing! She started to tune out after that, only briefly catching that she would be the mentor to her brother. Her, a teacher? Would she even really be a good choice for that? What could she show Corbin? He didn’t seem to be interested in herbs like Dorian was… hmm… maybe she could teach him about reading the lands and stars? Surely Ethne would have need for those who would travel to other packs at some point?

And then, just as her mother finished and Dag was speaking up she noticed the drool too late. A loud squeal and hopeless flailing of her forelimbs was seen as Lucette desperately tried to scramble from under Bae-Syl. “Baeee you butttttt!” The fact that there was a whole meeting going on didn’t matter anymore. He had slobbered on her! Yuck! She made a face. She was going to get him for this later!

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-18-2023, 11:46 PM

Despite needing sleep, Bellamy didn’t miss his arrival for even a moment. The woman scooted over to him and drew him close as he gave a small squeak of surprise. What was she doing? In front of everyone? The tiny healer felt his cheeks grow warm. He glanced up at her, but Bellamy seemed content to hold onto him even as she started the meeting. Well, guess he was stuck here then. He was quiet, listening as she went over each of their members. She had changed… more social than when they first met, taking up the mantle of leading the pack so they all had somewhere safe to lay down at night. Somewhere that was safer now that she was getting other members involved. It was a long meeting… they had managed to secure more members than he realized, even if about half of them were children.

Mentions of ranks, promotions, apprenticeships… he was assigned to continue Dorian’s training and as his son’s name was spoken Gav shot a small smile his way. He knew his boy was interested in both healing and fighting but he was already doing so well in his studies. Gav had no doubt that the pack would be in capable paws once all the kids were trained. Ahh, but then… he glanced at Bells and then to Hay with a big grin. So their heir was decided. He could see why Bellamy had made that decision. There was talk of pack relation as well, laying out who were safe to interact with and who they could potentially expect trade from. There were also plans for their future, and what packs they could expect some contact with in the near future.

There was something else too, and Gavroche frowned as he glanced at Bells again. He didn’t really fight… but he was sure his mate was up to something. "I won’t ask for anything specific. I’m sure you already have something in mind for me.” He told her, finally allowing himself to relax in Bellamy’s hold.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
04-19-2023, 09:56 AM

It wasn't too much longer till the rest of their small pack gathered around and his mother got to get the meeting underway, first starting with introductions and information about everyone in the pack. He sat quietly as she went one by one, glancing around as each name was mentioned. He already know most of the names, but there were a few that he knew the faces but not the names or vice versa so he tried to make sure that he was paying attention and memorizing them all. When she reached him and he was given his father as his official mentor he gave his dad a pleased grin. He was already constantly poking his dad for more information about herbs and healing so it'd be an easy fit. He did nod in agreement though to the mention of joining in on other training for fighting as well, knowing that being able to defend himself was just as important as being able to patch up everyone after a fight.

It hadn't really slipped past him that his mother hadn't mentioned Haydee in her speech–or at least not yet–and he glanced over to his sister with a questioning look as their mom seemingly began to move on to other maters, giving her foreleg a little squeeze while feeling confident that there had to be a reason for it. Sure enough, their mother did eventually circle back to Haydee... to announce that she would be their heir! His eyes widened with surprise and he looked to Haydee again with a proud grin. He leaned his shoulder into hers with a little nudge of silent congratulations, his tail wagging behind him against the grass, before he refocused his attention on their mother as she went on about some relations with other packs.

It wasn't really a topic he was familiar with or incredibly interested in since it all felt a bit over his head, but he did his best to listen and at least make note of which packs were okay to interact with and which ones weren't. The idea of getting to train with some of the wolves with these packs that they were friendly with was exciting since he was always eager to learn more and see different perspectives. He nodded along as he listened, doing his very best to not let his attention wander. It was a lot to listen to, but he was mostly successful in taking it all in. Eventually they seemed to reach the end with the surprise of an offered gift of whatever would help or benefit them, whether that was a companion or armor or the like. His ears perked up with interest and a grateful smile touched his lips. He hummed with thought for a bit while he considered, but eventually, after a few others spoke to his mom about what they would like, he spoke up and said, "A companion would be really nice... one that's small and could maybe climb into trees and bushes to help me gather herbs! But that could also help me out in a fight sometimes if I need it too." He didn't know exactly what kind of animal would be good for that, but his mother was smart. He was sure she'd think of something.

"Dorian Kedieo"



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-19-2023, 10:12 PM

His mom had a ton to talk about. Names, faces, ranks, promotions, relations… it made his head spin. There was no way he could follow all that political mumble jumbo if he was in charge. He sat, listening to everything Bellamy had to say, even shooting Hay a grin when she was announced as heir. Better her than him! He’d do anything he could to support her though. His mom shared visions, plans for the pack's future, and even offered something bold that caught his interest. Their pack would need to do a lot to get those things, wouldn’t they? But still, he could feel his mother’s determination, and he was glad to hear Dag speak up about helping patrol. “I’ll keep helping lots with the hunting, especially if the borders are being patrolled. It would be cool to have some armor though! Something I can wear around my torso, rather than a cape?” He suggested, speaking to his mother once when he could. He couldn’t help but smirk and roll his eyes at Lucette and Bae-Syl. Luce hadn’t said what she wanted, but he was sure their mom would get her something anyway.

Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.