
Trouble on the Way



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-16-2023, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2023, 03:28 PM by Aurelia. Edited 7 times in total.)

Even though the light of dawn was just beginning to trickle through the massive redwoods, she had still not yet surrendered to unconsciousness. The heaviness in her eyelids was ever present, threatening her resolve, and reminding her just how easy it would have been to check out. But when the first beam of morning sunlight filtered through the threshold of her ancient fallen log she had borrowed for her own, she granted herself surrender, allowing her cyan gaze to flutter shut for a final mediative moment. Taking a deep inhale, the euphoria of the smokey incense brought a new wave of peace and relaxation. Or perhaps it was simply the fulfillment of knowing these were the final moments of her vigil with the Pink Full Moon. Regardless, she rarely felt like she had some semblance of a centered mindset- and her observance of the previous night’s lunar event had granted her that. Or maybe she was just too exhausted to give a shit.

When she finally released her breath, her attention sought out the dim glow of embers tucked as far back from the entrance as she could get it- situated on a wide flat rock for protection. From where she sat in her sun salutation, she could see the haphazard stock of herbal remedies laid strewn about nearby. Today she would have to go out and recover some of her supplies, having nearly burned through what she had of her Holy Basil, Lavender, and Cannabis for the overnight practice. It had been her first time using that particular combination, and it would not be the last.

Feeling the urge to go out and greet the day, Aurelia left her smokey sanctuary- though the haze in her mind lingered after her departure. But after taking only a few strides out into the open forest, she anchored her hindquarters and slowly reached forward into a full body stretch- allowing her chest to touch the ground as she delighted in the pull of her back and shoulders. She was tempted to ask the universe what could possibly go wrong. But knew it was bad enough to think it, let alone say it out loud.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-16-2023, 11:59 AM

When Sephiran finally came to, it felt as if several days had passed him by. How long had he been asleep? He could hear the soft undertones of forest life around him, sunlight peering down onto his face as night transitioned into dawn. Songbirds sang their morning melodies, and in the canopy of redwood above him, squirrels were chattering amongst themselves. Intertwined with that, was the soft bubbling of a creek nearby, and the splashing of small fish eating bugs at the surface of the water. This type of setting should have brought a sense of tranquility. But for Sephiran, it just irritated him.

After opening his eyes, he had to blink a few times to correct the blurriness, until he was able to focus on the redwood towering over him. The pounding in his head brought out a low, guttural growl, and a huff of anger as he pulled himself up to a sitting position. His muscles ached, his sides ignited with searing pain every time he took a breath, and he could taste blood in his mouth. Guess the polar bear fucked him up more than he thought. Aresenn had departed sometime in the night, most likely to return home. But it didn’t bother Sephiran that he was alone again. His only concern was that he needed to find more herbs… something for pain, and another for inflammation and healing. With a gruff sigh, he rocked forward off his haunches to stand. He stood still for a few moments, shook his pelt, and made his way toward the direction of the creek. Seeing that a lot of herbs grew along creek banks, he figured it was a good place to start.

He weaved through the forest, slightly limping, as he tried to keep weight off the shoulder that took the brunt of the fall. Upon reaching the creek he decided to wade out into the shallow end, allowing the water to wash away the dried, matted blood as he leaned down to take a drink. The movement of his tongue was sloppy, water splashing out around him as he greedily lapped up water. He drank until his stomach felt full, and as he lifted his head his jaws parted and he panted, trying to catch his breath again.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-16-2023, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2023, 11:02 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

After a moment of indecisiveness that took longer to work through than it should have, Aurelia decided her first stop of the morning would be the nearby creek. It traced its way through the redwoods just on the other side of the ridge from where she was staying- just far enough to be at the edge of earshot. The subtle inhalation of smoke through the night had left her throat rather parched, a problem that was easily addressed- and perhaps the chill of spring water would help ward off the threat of sleep for a little while longer.

When she began her descent to the low point where the stream broke through the wood, her hazy attention was immediately drawn to the vibrant purple hue of a brute that gave her the impression of death warmed over. He was up walking at least- he had that going for him. But even in her clouded state, she could see that the injuries were relatively fresh- and were screaming for attention. Not that she had decided if she was going to offer it or not yet. Back to what she was doing.

Aurelia fumbled forward on uncoordinated limbs, making her way to the water’s edge. She lapped at its surface, sending an array of rings to spread across the slow-moving current. The sensation of chill spread from her tongue, to her throat, and into her chest, enticing a shudder of delight to encompass her. As she licked the leftover droplets from her lips, it was only then did she cast a sideways glance. “Rough night?” She asked, more curious about the boy’s injuries than anything else he might have to offer at the moment. “I was wondering what had the buzzards circling.”

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-19-2023, 01:33 PM

All of a sudden, Sephiran wasn’t alone. He smelt a change in the breeze before he heard the rustling of paws wading through underbrush. The smell was offsetting because it was unfamiliar to him. But it seemed like a mixture of multiple herbs, smoke, and the pheromones of a girl. Ears swiveled forward upon his skull, his gaze sweeping across the edge of the bank, anticipating the arrival of a stranger. And when she finally appeared, he couldn’t stop the impulsive smirk that pulled at the corner of his lips. Even in his disheveled state, the narcissistic boy felt compelled to make her attention fall on him. So he stood there, straightening up his posture, as his tail rose to align with his hips in a display of dominance.

He watched her stumble towards the creek, which made him wonder if something was wrong with her. If she were one of those types of wolves… overpowering her would be that much easier. And when she bent down to take a drink, his eyes fervently roved over her body, like a predator observing prey. He traced the curvature of her frame, his mind conjuring scenarios of where this encounter could lead them. Of the things he could do to her.

“Rough night?” She was the first to break the silence between them, her eyes lifting to cast him a sideways glance. They were a bit groggy, as if she had just woken up. But, despite that, they captivated him with their hue of cyan that matched the markings on her face and nape. “I was wondering what had the buzzard circling.” Snarky little thing. Sephiran started to walk towards her, splashing water in the wake of his stride. “They must have known you were going to run into me.” He retorted, attempting to stand at her side, to loom over her. The weird smell he had found earlier was rolling off her pelt in waves. Interesting. “But they can’t have you just yet.” Lips peeled back into another sneer, one that eerily revealed most of the teeth inside of his mouth, and served as a forewarning. He wouldn’t let her go just yet, and he wouldn’t let this turn into another pack girl and her dad situation.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-20-2023, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2023, 11:02 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

The brute from the other side of the creek was interesting to look at, she’d give him that. However, the intensity of the energy he put off wasn’t really her style, not that it mattered in that particular moment. It would have been difficult to cause a rise out of her big enough to overcome the smokey high and ruin her good mood.  

Instead of an immediate response, she was met with the sound of splashing as the stranger crossed the stream- though, she wouldn’t meet his dual-toned gaze. Her own, settling on her muted reflection before her as she made a half-attempt at hiding the smirk that threatened her resolve. Though when he made the comment of the buzzards waiting for their turn at herself, she couldn’t help the airy giggle that escaped her chest. As he moved in closer, it was then she grasped just how much larger he was. As he loomed over her head, she couldn’t help but gawk at the gaping wounds at his side. As much as she wanted to continue with the banter, she couldn’t even to begin to quell the desire to confront the challenge. Not that it would be all that challenging in its current state. Tilting her chin back a bit so she could look him in the face, she cleared her throat to speak. “So are you just going to stand there and bleed into the creek?” She asked hazily, looking through the sneer that she thought was supposed to be an intimidation tactic. “Or would you like something to take the edge off?”  Judging by what she thought were massive claw marks, they couldn’t feel good. Not that she cared if he suffered or not. This was for her benefit in order to satisfy the urge to play a game.

Leaning back down to the creek, she took another drink, before facing him once more. “Some Marigold, Ginseng Root, and Agrimony could do you some good ...” Aurelia taunted lightly. She was sure that he’d have no idea what any of those were for, but running through the treatment in her head was something that she just couldn’t help. Luckily for him, the wounds didn’t have an odor beyond blood yet. However, leaving them exposed to the open world was simply begging for death. “Wouldn’t want that to get infected.” She finished softly, flashing a grin of her own before glancing back across the creek.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-22-2023, 10:22 AM

Despite her eyes refusing to meet his again, Sephiran continued to peer down at her, observing her features in the reflection of the water. Cyan eyes, a slender face adorned in similar markings, and a stoic expression that looked like it could crack at any given moment. She may have laughed at his comment, but there was no denying the intensity of his presence, or the dangerous aura that cloaked him. As he loomed over her, Sephiran leaned in toward her, wanting to further invade her personal space. If she didn’t pull away, the tips of their fur would touch, igniting a small spark of electricity that would make his pelt bristle. The tension between them was building, and he found it to be enthralling. He just wanted a little taste.

Finally, she tilted her head back to peek up at him through hazy eyes, and taunted him with a smirk on her face. His tail rose higher, curling over his hips in an increasing display of supremacy. It served as another forewarning. He didn’t like to be taunted. "Are you offering yourself?” He countered, when she asked if he wanted something to take the edge of. She leaned back down to take another drink, and his head lowered with hers. He wanted to keep looking her in the eye.

And then she listed off some herbs; some he knew, and others he didn’t. Agrimony was something he had used before, but marigold and ginseng root didn’t ring a bell. But if this girl was willing to do all the work to patch him up, he wasn’t going to deny her. “Go on then,” He said with a smirk, motioning towards the other side of the creek with his muzzle. “Patch me up, and I’ll repay you with something better.” Of course, spilling some blood and fucking her wasn’t the best form of payment. But to him, it was better than anything.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-22-2023, 10:53 AM

Even in the depths of her partially sedated consciousness, she couldn’t deny feeling the charge of energy that transferred between them at the graze of a touch. Shifting her attention to where they had made contact a moment, she could see her own fur rising to attention, though her reaction time was far delayed. Instead she made no move, returning her attention to meet the hard-cut features of his face. It seemed that her new friend was a little sensitive when it came to the jeers at his expense. However, she made no move to to wipe the smirk from her own features. As he implied that she was offering herself, she chuckled once more before meeting the eye contact he was seeking. “It wouldn’t be an even trade.” She answered lightly, but this time with a little more weight than what she had been offering masked in her euphoric, ditsy state.

At the mention of herbs, however, even she wasn’t too ‘out-of-it’ to notice the peak in interest. He insisted that she Go on. But this was her game … and that’s not how the rules worked. “I’m not here to wait on you hand and foot.” Aurelia shot back, though her teasing smirk remained. In that moment she casually looked over her shoulder from the way she had came, before seeking out that dual-colored gaze of his. “If you want to be patched up, you’re going to have to come to the source.” After all, she wasn’t sure she could make it back to her den and back without falling over. And once she hit the ground, she was sure she’d pass out. At the mention of payment, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Saving you from blood poisoning is worth your life, and I just don’t think you can afford that price.” Chances are, his injuries wouldn’t succumb to that … but it wasn’t out of the question entirely, and he didn’t need to know the likelihood of the result. She was no stranger to exploiting favors for the sake of her benefit, and this seemed like a prime opportunity to do that. “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.” Aurelia finished, offering a wink as she righted herself to spin on her heels.

That was all the invite she was going to offer him. Just as suddenly as she arrived at the creek, she turned to leave. Hauling herself up the ridge and over the crest. After navigating around a thicket, her fallen log came into sight. The faint traces of smoke dancing out of the entrance and various other cracks in the ruined structure. “You can come inside, but don’t touch anything.” Aurelia warned as she crossed the threshold. She immediately went to the rock down the narrow  trunk where her incense was smoldering. What was left, still had some burn time, so she didn’t have to worry about replenishing it just yet. Satisfied, she then went to seek out the list of remedies that she could use. For the major wounds, as she had said before, Marigold, Agrimony, and Ginseng Root. Casting a look over her shoulder, there were quite a few minor scrapes that would likely be alright without major intervention. A simple Dandelion tea might take care of any impact trauma. Though, he could likely manage that one on his own. Grabbing her belongings, she returned to his side, setting them down within easy reach. “As I remove the debris and apply the salve, take deep breaths. Hold it in, and slowly exhale. It’ll help with the pain.” He could thank her later.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-22-2023, 10:56 AM

Another snarky comment, though he perceived it differently than she had meant it. Indeed, it wouldn’t be an even trade. The Saxe boy was a far better prize than herself, given his bloodline and skill set. But, he was willing to offer her a little taste in return for her services, which was awfully generous of him. Or so his grandiosity told him. So, even when she resorted back to teasing, peering up at him through hazy eyes and flashing him a coy smirk that was almost flirtatious, he decided to keep playing this little game. “I can afford more than you think.” He said with a smirk, ignoring her comment about blood poisoning. It wasn’t a concern to him, even if it was possible. Because the Saxe boy was far too tough to succumb to something so insignificant. More like too arrogant to consider it.

When she turned to leave, he didn’t hesitate to follow her. He fell in stride beside her, looming over her smaller frame as they weaved through the forest. A fallen log finally came into view, which must have been their destination because the girl slipped inside after inviting him in. He didn’t rush after her at first. Instead, he stood outside the opening for a few moments, noting the clouds of smoke billowing out from it. The smell was the same as what was on her pelt, which wasn’t surprising. He just thought the smoke itself was weird. After making the observation, he slipped inside, having to turn his shoulders to fit. The log was a good size for her to live in, but he barely fit inside of it with enough room to turn around.

A wave of smoke rolled over his face, burning his eyes and causing him to snort after taking a deep inhale of the incense. He traced her movement as she inspected a pile of herbs that was generating smoke, before moving to an organized storage of plants and other medicinal supplies. He took that moment to take in his surroundings, noting where things were in this little abode of hers. And then, with another snort and a cough, he carelessly flopped onto the ground and caused a small cloud of dirt and debris to rise into the air.

When she came to his injured side, he leaned his other side against the wall of the log, propping himself into a more comfortable position. His head was almost touching the roof, and he had to tip it down to look at her.  Even now, he still looked like a giant compared to her. When she gave him instructions, he said nothing. He just looked down at her with a stoic expression, expecting her to complete her task and meet his expectations. And, if she didn’t, well… there wasn’t much of an opportunity to escape him now, given their proximity.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-22-2023, 10:58 AM

It amused her that he didn’t follow her into her den right away- choosing to linger outside as he took in the peculiar sight of what might have appeared to be a smoldering log. However, when he did finally enter, his much larger frame blocked a lot of the natural light that filtered in through the entrance. His coughing brought a quiet chuckle to escape through her nose, though she didn’t turn to face him. Though divided, she racked her mind for anything else she wanted to add as she made her preparations. After a few moments of stillness, she pressed on with what she had. If she thought of something else to add, she would simply go and retrieve it. Though, just as she turned to face him, he settled a bit abruptly against the ground.

Aurelia didn’t wait to see if he would comply to her instructions or not. Instead, she set to work. Leaning in, she took a long and intense look at the slashes over the boy’s ribcage. He leaned away- against the wall rather. Which incidentally opened it up for more light. With a single claw, she gently stretched his skin downward so she could get a better look at the damage- which wasn’t so bad after all. However, there was definitely quite a bit of foreign matter lodged in each divet that clearly didn’t belong. It would have been better if she had thought to have him wash it out in the running water of the creek. However, she wasn’t going to suggest that they go all the way back now. She would simply have to work with what she had at her disposal in the log. Without thinking, she ran her tongue over the wound, taking a couple swipes before casting an amused look through her eyelashes.

Once satisfied that the open gashes were relatively clear of obstruction, she moved to collect samples of the various herbs she had brought to be readily used. The bitter earthy tastes of the combination of plants spread over her tongue- however, compared to other things, it wasn’t so bad. Once the consistency felt right in her mouth, she leaned in once more to pack the salve into the deepest parts of the injury site.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-22-2023, 10:59 AM

When she touched the wound, stretching the skin to reveal the depth of it, a low growl resonated from inside of him. It was in response to the searing tinge of pain that emerged after she touched it. But he knew it was part of the treatment, and would be worse when she started putting pressure on it. Whether it was him or someone else, it had to be done, because it wasn’t going to heal great on its own. It needed some type of herbal concoction, and if this girl wanted to use her supplies, treat it, and give him something for pain, he would allow it.

A sign slipped through the rumbling, his gaze having settled on her, to watch what she was doing. Because she hadn’t earned any of his trust yet. He didn’t look away as she leaned in closer, examining it more thoroughly. Then she licked him. His pelt bristled, a squirmy, tickling sensation igniting inside of his abdomen, before it spread up into his chest. It wasn’t just the pain that warranted the reaction. But it was also a wave of lust that coursed inside of him. He shifted slightly, straightening out his hind limb to reveal the part of him that would show his increasing arousal. If she noticed it, he couldn’t tell just yet. But if she played her cards right, he was going to give her that payment sooner than anticipated.

But then she moved away to gather more items, which left him irked. High and dry. His gaze shifted to follow her, and he noticed that his cognition was a bit slower than usual. The pain had also subsided a bit, but he assumed that was because she wasn’t touching it anymore. Was it the smoke? Once she gathered her supplies, she chewed it up, and started applying the salve. Another groan escaped him, intertwining with a growl. “Licking felt better.” He pestered, lips curling into a smirk. “You just need to go lower.” He stretched out his hind leg again, flashing her just where he wanted her to lick. He was so disgusting.  

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-22-2023, 11:03 AM

Once she got started, it seemed that there was more to pack than what she had originally thought. While there was no particular concerningly deep wound, there was a lot of scraped skin. As she gathered more herbs in her mouth to liquidity, the tone of his voice found her attention. A smirk tugged at her lip though she didn’t answer him right away. As she set to apply the next mouthful, she leaned back when she felt like she could speak clearly. “Your satisfaction is none of my concern.” Aurelia answered as she looked for more spots that needed attention.

When he exposed himself, her cyan gaze shifted down for a moment before popping back up. After a delayed moment of thought, she offered a forced rise in laughter. “Aww? Did it bite your dick off too? I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do for that.” She crooned to him in a mocking tone- her attention went to settle on his dual-colored gaze. Softening her expression the longer she lingered. Now, Aurelia had never been one to weigh consequences to her actions before. Her impulsivity had gotten her in a lot of trouble, and was one of the primary reasons she had been rejected from her circle. Now that she was on her own, why would she be any different? Without blinking, she aimed an uncoordinated shot at his unguarded manhood with an outstretched paw. Whether she made contact or not, she had her next quip on the edge of her tongue and ready to go. “Maybe everything is intact after all.” She sneered, searching his face for a reaction.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-22-2023, 12:03 PM

Sephiran believed himself to be cunning, persuasive, irresistible even. So he expected her to be enthralled by his command, swooning over the opportunity to pleasure him. He saw her cyan gaze trail down, taking in what he had to offer her. But, to his disliking, she didn’t respond how he assumed she would. She mocked him again, using that condescending tone he despised. When her gaze shifted to align with his, he shot daggers at her, eyes narrowing as they glazed over with anger. It was a sharp shift in emotions, which for him wasn’t abnormal, given his lability. But she didn’t know that just yet. “Keep mocking me girl. See what happens.” He seethed through bared fangs, giving her a single warning: do as he wanted, to face the consequences.

And given her reaction, she was prepared for the latter. Whether she was overtaken by impulsivity or disgust, it didn’t matter. God help her now. A snarl erupted from his jaws when her paw made contact, a jolt of pain scorching across his abdomen but he ignored it the best he could. It enraged him. He shifted rapidly, limbs tucking beneath him so he could use his strength to twist and shove himself towards her. With jaws splayed, he sought to grab her by her throat, and pin her against the wall of the tree trunk that was at her back. In sync, his right shoulder lurched forward, as he attempted to slam it against her body to assist in pinning her. She may have treated his wounds up until now, but Sephiran was an unforgiving man. And he was quick to teach her that.  

Sephiran vs Aurelia for dominance
Round 1/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bear leather bracers
Mutation 1: Saber teeth (Offensive)
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Healer

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-22-2023, 04:33 PM

While he was certainly looking for a rise out of her, it brought her a great sense of satisfaction that she was able to give him one that he hadn’t expected- nor appreciated for that matter. He returned her gaze with one of anger, a response that was laughable at best. What was likely meant as a verbal warning, ended up sounding a lot like a dare to her. And this boy had no idea how far she was willing to go.

Surprisingly, she was able to make contact with her kick. It brought her instant gratification that he had been served for his perversion, making any retaliation worth it in her incense-induced euphoria. The boy, on the other hand, was not nearly as far gone as herself. So when he leapt to his paws and grabbed her throat, she couldn’t help the surprised yelp. He threw her against the wall, using his shoulder to pin her there, which simultaneously forced the breath from her lungs for the moment. With a few wheezing breaths, she managed to find her voice.  “Aww … did I … hurt you?” Even with the stinging sensation of his teeth tearing the delicate skin at her neck, she couldn’t help but keep pushing.

With as much force as she could muster in her contorted position, she lashed out with her lips. Kicking at whatever part of him she could land with the intention of trying to deliver a blow to any of his existing injuries. “You’re going to … have to have … tougher skin than that.” She gasped, the mocking tone still present as she tried to find another cheap shot.

"Aurelia Veratti"
Aurelia vs Sephiran for Dominance
Round: 1/2
Age: > 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Beginner Healer


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-23-2023, 12:12 PM

Everything happened so quickly it seemed the girl had little time to react… or perhaps that was due to the fog still lingering inside her head. Whatever it was, Sephiran didn’t care. What brought him satisfaction was the warmth of her blood as it trickled onto his tongue, as his jaws closed around the most vulnerable part of her throat. The pressure behind his bite was enough to break skin and cause pain, his elongated fangs poking dangerously close to life-sustaining vessels and her windpipe. And, given his forward momentum and shoulder thrust, he had succeeded in throwing her against the log wall, pinning her there with his weight.

Despite this, the girl still wouldn’t back down, spewing more insults and kicking out her limbs to push him away. Her claws raked against his chest and underbelly, her teeth grabbing tufts of fur along his shoulder as she bit at whatever she could. In another attempt to subdue her, Sephiran would attempt to pull his head back, wanting to drag her with him given his hind around her throat. And then, the boy would attempt to use his strength and weight to slam her down against the ground, wanting to pin her beneath him and knock the wind from her lungs again.

Sephiran vs Aurelia for dominance
Round 2/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bear leather bracers
Mutation 1: Saber teeth (Offensive)
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Healer

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-24-2023, 10:13 AM

As she struggled against him, she felt the boy’s elongated canines slip further into her neck. It was then a small edge of panic cut through her clouded mind. She clenched her jaws, gritting her teeth in reflex to keep herself from crying out- she would fight hard to deny the brute that satisfaction. Even still, her hardened gaze remained unblinking, staring daggers in defiance as her body weakened beyond the point of retaliation. As the breath depleted from her lungs, she was vaguely aware of the sensation of being moved. She felt the shock of being thrown to the ground, however, she didn’t recognize an instance of pain as all other worldly sensations became dull. As her consciousness began to wane, even her murderous look became difficult to maintain. Her body willed her to fall into unconsciousness, but her stubborn tenacity wouldn’t allow such surrender. But very soon, she wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.

"Aurelia Veratti"
Aurelia vs Sephiran for Dominance
Round: 2/2
Age: > 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Beginner Healer

The Judge


07-11-2023, 11:22 AM

And the winner is...


Aurelia must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Sephiran :
Attack Roll: 19
Defense Roll: 73
Agility Roll: 47
Perception Roll: 85
Total: 224
Attack[19] + 10% Bonus[1.90]: 20.90
Defense[73] + 35% Bonus[25.55]: 98.55
Agility[47] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 47.00
Perception[85] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 85.00
Total[251.45] + 20% Bonus[50.29]: 301.74

Aurelia :
Attack Roll: 89
Defense Roll: 66
Agility Roll: 66
Perception Roll: 22
Total: 243
Attack[89] + 5% Bonus[4.45]: 93.45
Defense[66] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 66.00
Agility[66] + 5% Bonus[3.30]: 69.30
Perception[22] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 22.00
Total[250.75] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 250.75