

Leon I


11 Years
10-22-2013, 08:32 PM

The call was enough to pull the Adravendi forward. It was the only thing that pulled him away from the woman whom he confessed his love to. He would attend this war, it was his duty to protect his pack, even though he was of hunter rank, he still possessed the warrior skills from before he left. He had confessed his love to Ashtoreth at last, and the feelings that he had confessed as well as what she confessed fueled his mind. The discovery of the fact that she loved him back fueled his heart, renewing his strength to push forward. His heart pumped, legs carrying him to the field of battle as his blue gaze blazed with new determination. He promised to keep Ash safe at all costs, and that is exactly what he intended. He would keep his eyes open for any attempts of the enemy trying to delve deeper into their territory, and stop them as soon as possible.

He came onto the fields, the war had started and the fighting rolled out in front him. Many of his pack mates were already in the fray, others waiting on the sidelines to see where they would go now. His heart raced with adrenaline as he searched around for an opponent or an ally in need of help. He braced himself in case someone decided to jump him, ears flattened, hackles raised, head lowered to protect his neck, tail tucked, eyes narrowed, and weight evenly distributed with splayed toes. He would wait then to see where he would go.

Leon Vs?? for Seige or Maim

Round 1/∞


10-22-2013, 08:49 PM

She had waited, primed and ready to strike with no target yet presenting itself. Valhallans came and some attempted to leave, but all were occupied in due time. Finally one would stride forth and prepare himself, and it would be he that she chose out of all of them. There would be no indication until she charged forward. Defenses were still set, her eyes now narrowing to dangerous slits as her squared legs brought her bodice nearer and nearer to him. Ears lay stiffly against her cranium as her crown dipped down in line with her spine and tucked back toward her bosom to protect her throat. With ease her tail would flutter behind her, guiding her as she went in the form of an out-of-water propellor. Hackles would raise as her shoulders rolled forward in her charge, aiming to meet his right side and form a capital T shape with her body being the longer part of the T. Jaws would creep upward, momentarily dropping their tucked position to seek a grip along his scruff or surrounding area. Broad chest would attempt to barrel into him as she bit down in hopes of knocking him off balance or at least staggering the man. In a second attempt at compromising his balance, her left front paw would lift off of the ground, cross over her right, and swipe at his right front leg hoping to sweep it forward and off of the terrain and further offset his balance.

Sendoa v Leon
for siege



10-22-2013, 08:59 PM

Growls, snarls, barks, howls. Those sounds greeted the sultry shadow as she appeared on the battlefield, hungering for battle and the taste of blood on her tongue. Many wolves had already started fighting, included was her beloved Queen. Her long ebony tail swishing through the air behind her, she wandered about on the battlefield, head down and exotic eyes scanning the battling wolves for an available target. She wondered what she and her pack sister's were doing here, fighting a battle that wasn't theirs. The ally for which they fought cared little about Amenti, which made the obsidian bitch wonder what Canttina hoped to accomplish by fighting a foe who had yet to do anything wrong to her pack. The dark pelted fae held herself low to the ground, slinking along the ground like a snake as she searched out a victim. Her hackles were raised, an attempt to make herself look bigger, since she was one of the smallest wolves out there. Her canines bared, she kept her balance on her toes as she walked through the fray. Tucking her tail loosely between her legs, she guarded her underparts. Her defenses had been raised in case anyone decided to sneak attack her, though she hoped this would keep anyone from doing so.

Raven vs. ??? for seige


Hackles raised, weight balanced on toes, head lowered to be level with spine, tail half tucked.




6 Years
10-22-2013, 09:07 PM

Gitan was hard on Tidus? tail though as they approached the makeshift battlefield he split away veering to run a different direction, there were too many Glaciem and Amenti wolves for them to all gang up on one. The man would lope to the edges of the Valhalla boarder turning his back upon the pack lands, making it obvious which side he was on. A growl tore from his throat, a challenge for any who might want to take him on. Dull green eyes roved the battle, searching. No, he would wait for them to come. Ears laid flat against his skull. Knees bent, tail out for support. Gitan was ready for battle, all that was left was someone to bring it to him.
Tortuga had arrived and they were here to support Valhalla. His gaze fell upon the albino from before, the one who had brutally attacked Taurig. His lips curled back at the memory but he did not think himself good enough to fight the titan. So he would wait, eventually they would come.

Gitan vs. ??? for siege or maim
Round 1/∞




10-22-2013, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2013, 10:29 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The sounds of war would drag the woman from deep within the territory. Chrysanthe had known it would come, they all had, but it surprised her that it had come so soon and to her own front door. Silently the alpha would stand upon the edges of the battlefield, watching the fighting that took place. Among those fighting she took notice of Gael, and he was pitted against a skilled wench for what seemed to be his freedom.

Should he lose, she would win him back.

For moments that seemed too long, she had allowed this war to take place without her - but no longer. Her hackles raised in outright fury, and her eyes were narrowed, shielding azure pools ridden with hatred. Her muzzle crinkled as she lowered her head and truly entered the fray.

She would be careful, her eyes flicking over the field - until she spotted the dark lupine began closing in on her brother. His movement was sudden, and swiftly caught her attention."No!" The Adravendi would snarl, her pace becoming a sprint toward the Glaciem man. He would not lay a paw upon him, Chrysanthe knew her brother had plans for this war, and she would push to allow him to bring those to blossom.

Without a moments hesitation she would plow forward, cutting through the morning air with her target mere yards before her. She would find herself positioned behind and to the left of Sephiroth, and would grin as she saw him with the same plan in motion. Should he fail to bowl the bastard over, and even if he did not, she would throw herself at the dark brute, aiming to crash into the right side of his hips.

Her ears were pinned to her skull, her tail acting as a rudder for balance and her shoulders rolled to protect the sides of her neck. The alpha would lift her front paws off of the ground, leaping at the man, attempting to throw all one hundred and forty pounds of her own mass into the enemy, careful not to get in Sephiroth's way or slam into him as well.

If she did not manage to get to him before he got to Syrinx her plans would be no different - she would still set her sights for attempting to crash into the male's right hip. Hopefully she would distract, or even knock him to the ground where she would try to take full advantage of his position and cause him as much pain as he could. Her open jaws would target the brute's lower spine and attempt to rip into the flesh and bone there.

If he wanted to attack Syrinx, he had a couple of lupine to go through first.

Edit: Chrysanthe, Syrinx, Sephiroth vs Oddity for seige
Move 1 of infinite

Ooc: phone post, sorry, forgot the stuff at the bottom



10-22-2013, 11:07 PM

The voices of many carried towards him upon the winds. War was here, and Caerul would answer. To his families dismay of course, but other then them he had nothing to lose. Caerul would fight for his home, to prevent Glaciem and Amenti from taking their home. The white demon had gone far enough in attempting to claim one of their own, and then taking their alphas mate and yet they had still returned for Liberty. His patience with the wolves had run thin, and now it was time to show them that they had messed with the wrong pack. White paws carried him to the field of battle, green eyes alert with his other senses to make sure that nothing would try and ambush him on his way, though he was sure that they had not crossed any deeper into their territory. He would see bodies flickering between the trees as others made their way to the fray. Others were running back towards the main camp, on their way to seek refuge with Ash to go to Seracia. At last his large form stopped on the borders of his home, and as he crossed the barrier he saw not far from him that he emerged near a slain body, bloodied and broken. Caerul moved forward towards the body of a fallen comrade, and he nosed the fallen form of Lovatt. He whispered a condolence to the fallen warrior, knowing that he had gone out with a fight. Though he was sure the fight was unfair if he had been ambushed by Glaciems. Filthy insolent scum! Stooping to such low standards! Have they no honor!? His teeth bared in an angry snarl, ears flattened as his eyes filled with a hatred for the vile pack. He glanced about to see who he could recognize in the flurry of bodies. He recognized his pack mates, and he wondered if Alsander or his father would be out here. Cael he knew would not fight unless absolutely necessary, and he sure hoped his dear sister was not in the fray. Gods only knew what he would do if she got injured or killed.

The warrior cast about for an opponent, and not far from his position he saw a small black figure moving among the bodies. Swiftly he moved forward towards her, though his demeanor had become less angry at the sight of her. Caerul didn't like to fight those smaller then him, and it seemed that with all the larger wolves out here, she could get severely injured or worse...He stopped before her, blocking her path from moving forward. Narrowed green eyes fell on her, ears back enough to protect in case she decided to attack, though he assumed that if she did his ears would be out of reach for her small size. His head lowered over his throat, tail slightly tucked under his abdomen. He looked at the young black form, an eery calm about him...strange for one in the middle of a war. "You should not be out here little one, you might get severely injured...or worse. Return home and your life will be spared today." He threatened lightly, and hoped that for her sake she would heed his words. Though he figured that she wouldn't listen, sure that she was afraid of what her amenti queen would do to her if she ran. If she refused and attacked him, then Caerul would have no choice but to knock her out so that she wouldn't get hurt or killed by someone else. Sometimes he thought that his heart was too good...and in this case, he was glad that it was.

Caerul Vs. Raven for Knock-out/Seige

Round 1/∞

Defenses: teeth bared, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, head lowered over his throat

Attacks: None

Injuries: None



10-23-2013, 12:04 AM

Who would come out victorious? Valhalla had the numbers and two allies as opposed to Glaciem's one. But would sheer numbers be the determining factor in this war? How many of the wolves fighting on the side of Valhalla were trained warriors? It was hard to tell, but the Adravendi hoped that at least if they weren't skilled that they had the courage and determination to make up for it. Valhalla had heart. He just hoped that would be enough to see them through this.

His grasp towards her shoulders would be in vain as she would mimic his rearing, lifting herself up, her forelimbs reaching up to intertwine with his, ruining his intended grasp. The attack he had launched on her ear would be successful, though not really as successful as he hoped. His right fang would pierce through her right ear, tearing straight through the tip of it, which wasn't much of a win but he would take it. It was only after he had managed to slide through her ear that she would once again relinquish her hold on his chest only to take another aim towards his right shoulder again, looking to make the already bad wound even worse. But Gael wasn't having it. Ears would remain tucked against his skull, cerulean gems narrowed to slits as the Heir would quick drop downwards in an attempt to dodge her initial attack, his forehead gaining the brunt of her jaws, upper fangs digging into his forehead while lower ones sliced across the bridge of his muzzle, leaving deep gashes. But the young man would not be deterred.

With his chin tucked against his bleeding chest, Gael would attempt to tuck himself beneath his opponent, gaping jaws ready to snap towards her abdomen to deliver a debilitating bite while his right forepaw would extend towards her hind limbs, looking to possibly offset her balance with a swipe at the right ankle. Knees would bend in order to lower the man's body towards the ground, tail slightly tucked between his hocks to remain out of reach, shoulders rolled forward to keep the protection around his vitals. His remaining limbs would be tucked evenly beneath him, muscles taut and tense, ready to spring out from beneath the woman were she to decide and retaliate.

Gael vs. Canttina for himself

Round of 4/4

Defense: Ears would remain tucked against his skull, cerulean gems narrowed to slits. Knees would bend in order to lower the man's body towards the ground, tail slightly tucked between his hocks to remain out of reach, shoulders rolled forward to keep the protection around his vitals. Limbs would be tucked evenly beneath him, muscles taut and tense, ready to spring out from beneath the woman were she to decide and retaliate.

Attack:Gael would attempt to tuck himself beneath his opponent, gaping jaws ready to snap towards her abdomen to deliver a debilitating bite while his right forepaw would extend towards her hind limbs, looking to possibly offset her balance with a swipe at the right ankle.

Injuries: Bruised left shoulder, sever bite wound to upper chest on right side, bite wound to middle of chest, gashes along the bridge of his muzzle and forehead.


10-23-2013, 05:49 AM

A snarl ripped through splayed jaws as he sought to maim the woman who would stop his sister from fleeing this blood stained battle field. All his attention was focused on Ryu, but he noticed as his sister and his companion Tidus would try to come in from the corners of his eyes to asisst him. It wasn't long before Hansel's teeth were ripped free from the womans face as she threw her head up; The woman had realized she was outnumbered and was trying to flee. Hansel would let her go. He cared not about those he could fight at the moment, just wanted to get his sister and her younger companion out of there and straight to safety. As Ryu fled, however, her teeth would graze his shoulder. Hansel would pay no mind to it, as to him it would be nothing more then a scratch. He watched the woman flee, and he turned to Gretel and Avalon as quickly as he could. "Let's go, now!" he urged as he nosed his sister and the young she-wolf away from the thick of the fighting. From his travels, he had learned the layout of Alacritian lands, and it seemed that Seracia might be the closest place to Valhalla that he could map out in his mind. Hansel's senses were on high alert as he moved, Tidus of course right behind him. Once Hansel got them to safety, then he would return to the battle and seek out revenge on Amentians, if anything to let his rage out upon them for what they had done to his sister.

As he led the way, he kept some defenses in place out of habit during such a situation. Ears laid back, hackles raised, tail tucked, weight evenly distributed, head slightly lowered over his throat, shoulders rolled to protect his neck, and scruff bunched and his eyes narrowed into blue slits.

Defenses: Ears laid back, hackles raised, tail tucked, weight evenly distributed, head slightly lowered over his throat, shoulders rolled to protect his neck, and scruff bunched, eyes narrowed.

KO's/Defaults Won: 1/5

KO's/Defaults Lost: 0/5


OOC// Hansel has let Ryu go as agreed upon by both Sei and I, therefore winning by default.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-23-2013, 06:01 AM

Avalon nodded to her companion as she would move with her to flee. Just as they had tried, Ryu had appeared to stop them. Avalon cowered to the ground, a whimper escaping her as she hunkered near Gretel. Her eyes would widen with fear at what would happen, would Ryu turn on them and hurt them even more now? She tried to think of something to do, and then out of nowhere she saw a figure come between them and Ryu, an ally going straight for one of her hated enemies. Avalon's eyes widened in surprise, who was this? Just then she watched as Gretel would gain renewed determination and vigor as soon as she stranger had made his attack towards the Amenti woman. Looking at the pelt of the man, she realized that it was the brother Gretel had described many time. Avalon's heart regained hope, even more so when someone else jumped into the fray to aid the other two. She watched with hope as the fight went on, and then when Ryu had backed away to flee she would stand and find hidden strength. Ryu had given up on fighting for them, and now was their chance. She didn't need anymore urging from the male as she hobbled alongside them away from the fighting. Though she had injuries and wasn't in the best of conditions, Avalon had somehow managed to find some renewed vigor within herself. She was, after all, a Snow Rogue. Instilled with her Father's blood, and the family would always find strength within their souls and hope. And Avalon's hope had been restored. As quickly as her condition would allow, she would aid Gretel as they made their way off the fields of war. Hansel next to them, nudging and supporting them along.




If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



Extra small
10-23-2013, 08:05 AM

He did not approve of the little trollop that dared to come towards him and he was not pleased that she was slowing down his plans. A wicked snarl errupted from his lungs and the boy braced himself for impact. There were others coming towards her in an attempt to stop to her, and Syrinx would take a step back allowing her teeth to lightly grasp the fur and pull out enough to requite a bit of a grimace from him. Still, he was fairly null to pain and felt no reason that he should react in such a mediocre way. He would finish the boy and Syrinx had every intention of making him pay in the worst of ways. He deserved it.

Syrinx would pivot to his own right and aim to be facing head on with his opponent. Sephiroth and Chrysanthe were barreling towards the man's side, but Syrinx was not yet pleased even with their hard attempt.

Head lowered and jaws fell agape as she pulled his neck back a bit to more forcefully encumber his neck in fur, flesh, and fat. Shoulders would rise and hackles would bristle as his weight evenly positioned between each limb. Knees were bent and tail was struck out to act as a rudder while his eyes narrowed in and his ears pulled down. Spine was in perfect alignment and his head was covering his breast with his jaw tucked ever so slightly. He was pleasantly surprised and would immediately reach forward with snapping jaws.

Syrinx would advance towards Oddity while Sephiroth and Chrysanthe came to the side. Head on, of course, Syrinx would diverge slightly to his own right. Hopeful that Sephiroth and Chrysanthe would throw him to the ground. Hopeful that they were successful syrinx would aim to thrust his weight into the front of Oddity and would then proceed an attempt to slam his right shoulder into the center of Oddity's chest. Jaws would attempt to snap forward with the top set seeking Oddity's left eye, and the bottom set seeking his jaws; hopeful in succession he would squeeze his jaws together in an attempt that would hopefully blind Oddity. Should it not, his sights would change and he would make it his goal to take away the only thing that marked the boy a man.

Syrinx & Sephiroth & Chrysanthe vs. Oddity

For Blinding

Round one


10-23-2013, 09:19 AM

A darker wolf, the color of ash grey, came into sight as the woman drew closer to where her lover was killed. He was small, and young...much to young to be on the field of battle in her opinion. However, if he chose to stand in her way she would put him in his place.

The closer the ivory woman drew to the boy and Lovatt's body the more the boy readied himself to attack her. She knew the moment his ears lay against his skull that she would have to fight him. His defenses fell easily into place, but it didn't matter to her. She had just darted through a battlefield of fling claws and snapping jaws. Her defenses had been in place before she even ran into the mass of fur and blood.

Her tail was held low so and close so that no one would be able to grab it as she ran by. Ears held close to her skull as she already had one that was split in half from a previous battle. Her stance remained wide but she was always ready to dart out of the way. Her neck was scrunched up so that all her attackers would be able to get was fur and extra skin rather than a good hold.

She was more than ready to rip someone's face off if she needed to. The boy spoke first a question then a statement. She was five years his senior, she was larger than him, and she was more than pissed off. His words had no effect on her, and she spoke nothing back as it would have been a waist of her words. She would simply have to put him in his place.

He moved quickly and so did she. He would aim for her neck but would miss and dig teeth into the flesh of her shoulder just above her left leg. The space there was a flatter surface so it was harder for him to get a good grip. The only thing that pierced her skin was that of his four sharp canines. Instantly she would turn her jaws on him. Though at a small angle she intended to blind him so she aimed for his face but, would make quick adjustments if he moved. She was making sure she dug her teeth into something close to his eyes.

Morgan vs Vixe for knock out
Round 1 of ??

Attack: She turned her head and aimed her jaws at Vixe's face with the intention to blind him. If he moves she will make small adjustments so she will either dig her teeth into his muzzle or skull.

Defense: Her tail was held low so and close so that no one would be able to grab it as she ran by. Ears held close to her skull as she already had one that was split in half from a previous battle. Her stance remained wide but she was always ready to dart out of the way. Her neck was scrunched up so that all her attackers would be able to get was fur and extra skin rather than a good hold.

Injury: four puncture wounds in her left shoulder just above her left leg.




7 Years
10-23-2013, 10:52 AM

Surreal had been training. Hard, toned muscles rippled under her sleek pelt, all traces of puppy fat long burned away by growing up and hard work. She would be the best Beta Valhalla had ever known, second only to her own Uncle. He was her idol, the one she looked up to. Her mother, too, was someone she looked up to and wanted to emulate. And she would make damn sure that they survived this war to be with her as long as they could. She knew they wouldn?t live forever. No one did. But She wanted them to go, knowing the pack as safe. She was currently patrolling, taking in the scents and sounds. And then the wind brought a roar from Syrinx. A call to battle. Her paws were running before the call was done echoing through the land.

The fighting had broken out by the time she reached the area, and she dropped into her defenses, head aligning with her shoulders, chin tucking slightly, ears folding to lay flush with her fur, lessening the target. Paws fell into a ready, balanced stance, squarely settled, weight rocking slightly backward for frontal mobility, and added power for a charge if she made a first attack. Her tail dropped into position between her hocks, ready to be thrust any way she needed for added balance. She let the blank expression take over her face, as bodies twisted and fur flew about her. She spotted her cousin Caerul, facing off with a raven colored female. He could hold his own. A dark grey and black marked male was attacking one of the Seracians, and Surreal charged in, attempting to slam into the male, just as he reared up. If she hit, she would force her momentum upwards in an attempt to unbalance the male, and make an opening for Pontifex.

She aimed a snap for the male?s leg, aiming for the point just above the hock, hoping to latch on and pull him off balance, and maybe even damage his Achilles Tendon and cause him pain. Her ears continued to lay flat, eyes narrowed to protect them, neck scrunching to roll the skin and fur into a protective layer in case the male turned his attack to her instead. Her tail was thrust out, sweeping to follow her movements for balance, toes splaying and claws digging into the ground for traction and balance. Her hind legs were gathered beneath her haunches for pushing power and balance

Fight Stats

Surreal and Pontifex vs Jet for Maim(?)

Round: 1 of ???

Defenses: Beginning: Head aligned with shoulders, chin tucked to guard the throat, ears folding flush with her fur/neck to lessen the target size. Paws set into a squared, balanced stance, weight resting slightly on her hind legs for frontal maneuverability, and to give a charge extra strength. Tail unused as of yet. During Attack: Ears still pinned, neck scrunched to roll fur and scruff up over her neck, Eyes Narrowed for protection, Toes splaying, claws digging into the ground for traction and balance. Hind legs centered under her haunches for strength and balance, and tail thrusting out, sweeping for added balance.

Attacks: Charging into Jet as he rears up to attack Pontifex, with the intent of knocking him off balance. Attempting to bite and latch on around his hind leg, at the point above his hock joint, hoping to further unbalance him if the first attack lands, as well as possibly damaging the achilles tendon.

Injuries: None yet.

Out Of Character Notes: You have no clue how nervous I am. xD TALLY HO!

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


10-23-2013, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2013, 12:16 PM by Renesme.)

Once again Renesme was upon the battlefield- this time for one reason and one reason only, to serve our kingdom. It was only a matter of minutes as the first signs of blood would spill, the welcoming gesture for those to flood in at there pleasing. The war began under Isardis's rule- Ren couldn't deny it. But there was one thing, he did it for a purpose, to prove a point that Glaciem was something more then to be tread on like dirt. The horrific sounds of screams and sounds sent the oracle alert, her eyes scanning all around.

It was time- she looked for an oppoinment to target, her eyes slit and ears pinned preventing them from getting any serious marks. Her hackles would raise and the womans blood would boil all around her. Pain is what made wolves feel alive even if its the last thing they feel. And finally Renesme found what she was looking for, aiming directly to the man who tried to speak to an innocent woman. Raven. Oh how it infuriated her, already a few slaves had gone in fear and Renesme was not willing on letting another amenti flee due to convincing words.

The abdomen would tense, tail tucked, shoulders rolled back and weight evenly spread. The brood was directly behind the larger male a good distance away to get a running start. That is exactly what she did, her knees where bent slightly before running towards him like loosen hinges. Her speed increasing greatly. A growl would impact the air as the dame would attempt to pounce upon Caerul aiming to knock him down with her force and trying to get a secure grip onto the scruff and anker him down upon the floor while her front two paws attempts to dig into his belly to get a better chance of a successful fall.

Renesme and Raven Vs Caerul for knock out

Round- 1 of 3?

Defenses- Ears pinned, eyes slit, abdomen tensed, tail tucked shoulders rolled back, weight evenly spread.

Attacks- Aiming to get a firm grip on the males scruff as she pounced on top of him from behind to take him to the ground due to how fast she was running towards. While doing so Renesme was also aiming to get her front two paws to dig into his belly to cause pain and to get a better chance of him falling.

injuries- none.

Notes- sorry if theres any confusion I needed to get renesme in and I didn't have a lot of time to think through it, apologies<3

EDIT- to add in the rounds


10-23-2013, 12:33 PM

Lova was prepared for war, seeing as what her position was. The crackling of the fighting already reaching her ears, the large dame's cyan eyes darting from left to right to watch her surroundings. Her legs tensed as her pupils widened as she was charged by a male just about her size; his attempt to surprise her was distraught. Pulling her gums back, a menacing growl escape her throat, unexpected from a creature such as herself. She had been raised as a war weapon in the far north of Russia, the lady may seem to come off as a beautiful creature of the snow, but she could deal as much damage as any other full grown male. Given her prior defenses and shifting her weight slightly to the left, his attempt to grab her scruff was difficult. He would engulf nothing more than fur and skin not deep enough to bleed or lighten her muscles. As his weight battled into her, the lady made sure her left side was supporting her, center of gravity well into her side as she let the man have his fun; at least so he thought that.
Now that he was on her right side, in such a position that his chest was exposed to her. The lady splayed out her legs and toes, she attempted to push her shoulder into his neck to momentarily choke him or even throw him off. Tail whipping behind her in a fight for balance as she shifted her head towards his left side, attempting to latch those teeth of hers right below his left armpit. If the attempt was successful, she would push her teeth in further to try and thwart him off of her body. Her shoulders still tucked inward, as was her scruff scrunched, toes splayed out within the grasses cyan eyes narrowing on her opponent. This was a war Glaciem would have to use their strength in, for they didn't have the numbers the opposite side had. Lova made sure to finally attempt to throw her weight against him, with her bite, and shoulder near his neck.

1/∞ v Bronze For Siege

This wolf has had 0 knockouts out of 5

Attack:; Lova is trying to press her right shoulder into his neck to try to choke or throw him off. As she does this she tries to turn her head to his right shoulder trying to get as big of a grip as she could to throw him to the ground.

Defense:; Ears pinned to the back of her head and eyes narrowed. Limbs are spread out and toes splayed into the grasses. Her eyes locked on the target with tail at spine level. Her scruff scrunched, and her shoulders rolled inwards slightly before she tries to place her shoulder into his neck.

Injuries:; Missing fur on the right side of her scruff, irritation.





9 Years
10-23-2013, 12:43 PM
Alsander Grey

War was upon their borders. Glaciem had made the first move, and the Valhallan Gamma was charging toward the fight, pale silver form streaking through the territory toward the call. His family was being threatened. He leapt over a fallen tree, fallen leaves of fall scattering under his paws, lifted on the breeze from his passage. Fury rose up through his veins, a killing edge. With it came a chilling clarity, and he charged into the fight, choosing an opponent among the fighting. His brother was faced off with a small black female, and behind him, a white Glaciem lass with a brown ear was about to pounce. Alsander charged, hind legs driving against the earth to send him barreling forward.

He leapt for her as she pounced, aiming to slam his full weight and size into her side and knock her askew. He would follow his attack with lunge of his jaws for her scruff, hind legs driving into the ground as his front legs strove to wrap about her neck. His eyes were narrowed, ears flat to his neck, teeth bared. His tail thrust out, rudder-like, for balance, and his hind paws were squared under his haunches to add an upward pressure to his attack. The attack was made in silence, no warning unless she saw him from the peripheral view of her eyes. In war, there was no mercy.

Fight Stats

Alsander v Renesme for Knockout

Round: 1 of Infinite

Defenses: Ears flat, eyes narrowed for protection. Teeth bared. Tail thrust out for balance, hind legs and paws squarely stanced under his haunches for balance and power. Front legs/paws reaching forward in an attempt to wrap around her neck for added balance.

Attacks: Attempting to take Renesme by surprise from the side as she pounces for Caerul, and use his momentum and size/weight to knock her off balance or to the ground. Following his attempt, he lunges for her scruff, front legs attempting to wrap around her neck, an attempt to drive her to the ground.

Injuries: None

Out Of Character Notes:


10-23-2013, 01:05 PM

They were swarming around him now, the smaller man had three wolves trying to prevent him to get to this one man and for what? They could be concentrating on more important prey at the moment, but as soon as his teeth locked on Syrinx, the man was already happy. While both Seph and the alphess failed to knock him down, they did thwart him off his path slightly. To his dismay, Oddity dislodged his teeth from the position it was in; trying to back up in order to avoid his face being hit. A menacing growl parting his lips as he felt jaws aiming for his scruff from the other male that had tried to pummel him. Oddity spread his legs out equally, his defenses keeping the man from getting a full hold on him. Drawing a half inch deep wound as Oddity's eyes shifted towards Chrysanthe. Oddity attempted to rear up on his hind legs, in order to cause the two to not get a good hold on him. His eyes were mainly focused on the bastard Syrinx in front him. Syrinx's jaws pulled onto his left leg unlike he had hoped on his face from his moments. Oddity was limited to what he could do though with all these wolves on him.
Oddity shifted his weight fully forward, attempting to pull himself further to lock into an engage on Syrinx. Seph to his left, the alphess to the right and Syrinx fully in front of him. Oddity shifting his weight pulled his jaws forward attempting himself to get a hit on the mans head. Chrysanthe's attempt to latch her jaws onto his spine shifted to his right top of his back leg with his movements. Scratching in a downward motion as Oddity simply ignored the pain to get his attack in. His tail tucked between his legs to protect his genitals and toes splayed out in the grass as he landed on all four legs. Oddity rolled his shoulders inward shaking his body trying to violently make it difficult to latch onto him as he attempted to snatch his jaws across Syrinx's left eye. Even if this meant only buying time, Oddity was happily taking on three wolves at once. His eyes narrowed, and ears pinned to the back of his head.

1/∞ v Chrysanthe, Sephiroth and Syrinx For Syrinx Maim of an eye

This wolf has been knocked out 0 of 5 times

Attack:; Rearing up on his hind legs for a few moments, Oddity is attempting to slam into Syrinx in front of him with as much effort as he can. Jaws splayed to latch onto his left eye. Along with this trying to move his body from side to side to make it difficult to hold onto him.

Defense:; Tail tucked between his legs to protect genitals. Toes splayed into the dirt and weight distributed evenly shifting from side to side periodically. Ears pinned to the back of his head, shoulders slightly rolled inward.

Injuries:; Inch deep injury on left leg, half inch deep gash on left side of neck, and slight bruising on right hip. Gash on right leg two inches in length, half inch deep.



10-23-2013, 01:28 PM

It was a surprise, a sudden force hit her side as if it came from sudden air, no warnings on such a move. We should expect the unexpected. Renesme was just about to hit the man until being sweeped aside and sliding against the floor. A snarl would ripple into the air, eyes still slit and ears pinned as if it'd stay perminant. Right now Renesme was onto her back and yet alsander would charge into another attack aiming to grab her scruff. The dame had only a few seconds to react, barely any time at all. As the jaws widened to the scruff it was only her neck that was provided, alerted she'd turn her cranium 90 degrees to the left and tuck in her chin as his jaws would slightly skim the side of her neck/ scruff. Renesme would raise up the two front paws almost automatically- aiming for them both to grab the side of his face, around the cheeks bones and clench enough to cause excruciating pain.

That wasn't all, oh no. As his two legs lurk up to her neck she'd almost instantly aim to grab the left leg and brake it. Was Renesme done no? no. Once again her abdomen would tense and this was the move that would cause the most pain if successful, her teeth would bare and then she'd attempt the strike- aiming to kick her right leg in a males most precious yet delicate area, the balls


If the move was successful surely he'd move so there both standing, he was protecting a member as was she [or so she though lol] but now there defending thereselves, proving thereselves. It. Was. On. It wasn't only the two who where in this situation, nearly ever single wolf in the area where at it, to bad Renesme didn't have the chance to look, Her eyes would be constanly pinned on him, even at an angle.

Renesme VS Alsander for knock out

Round- 1 of ??

Defenses- Ears pinned, eyes slit, abdomen tensed, Head tilted, chin lowered to protect neck, teeth bared, eyes locked upon the oppoinment to ensure there would be no surprises.

Attacks- Renesme would raise up her front to claws and try and successfully clench down around his cheekbones for a release. As his legs come towards her neck she aims to try and brake his left leg. And finally she would aim to hit him in the delicate area

injuries- Bruising to the side and a faint bite wound to the side of her neck




9 Years
10-23-2013, 02:11 PM
Alsander Grey

His initial attack landed perfectly, and the female was driven to the ground, though his lunge for her scruff missed it?s full mark, only leaving a bite, instead of him being able to latch powerful jaws onto it to immobilize her slightly. Her paws reached for his face, and he was glad for this miss of his bite. It freed him to jerk back slightly, avoiding the main clawing, before he snapped his head to the side, aiming to clamp his teeth on the last joint of her foreleg, the left one. He felt the pain of claws digging into his cheek, though they glanced off, leaving only minor scratches. He felt her shift, her muscles tense, and instinctively jerked his hind end away. Her claws dragged through the front of his thigh, leaving a raking injury behind. He felt his blood run.

He felt teeth fasten around his left foreleg, and attempted to slam his weight into her jaws, intending to choke her out if lucky. Teeth sawed into his fur, but he didn?t let himself wince. Meanwhile, if his attempt for her leg landed, he would shake his head viciously, aiming to damage the muscles and force her to submit or pass out. Ears remained flattened to his head, eyes narrowed and alert. His weight was sent to press down upon Renesme?s chest, free leg curling up to add to the pressure. He wasn?t about to let her up if he could help it.

Fight Stats

Alsander v Renesme - For Knockout

Round: 2 of infinite

Defenses: Jerking back enough to avoid the worst of her front claws, Jerking his hind end away to preserve his genitalia, and ramming his weight down in an attempt to strangle her with his left foreleg in her throat.

Attacks: Attempting to bite down on her left foreleg and shake his head violently, attempting to damage her leg, perhaps snapping it from the force at worst, or damage the ligaments at least. Pressing his weight down on her chest/ribs, in an attempt to restrict her breathing and keep her pinned, attempting ram his left foreleg into her throat as she bites down.

Injuries: Scratches to the cheek from her front claws, gashes on his right hind thigh, to the front, from her hind claws. Deep gashes to the left front leg around the joint, from her teeth and ramming into her jaws.

Out Of Character Notes: Might want to leave out any giant words. It breaks up the post and distracts from it. ;) <33


10-23-2013, 03:24 PM

Most of her attacks weren't much of a success, the attacks to the face left minor scratches, the attempt to hit a males precious area pretty much failed and as she tried to bite down on his hind leg he decides to try and ram it down her throat. What could the woman do? only one thing came into her mind, bite it of. He tried to strangle her with it- As she had a firm grip onto it already Renesme would attempt to bite down further, and further until a chunk of flesh would peel of if he doesn't try to back away, her head shaking violently. Perhaps it was a maim, but this was a knock out and that's what she tried making him do. The male didn't hesitate to cut of her breathing. It was beginning to get hard to breathe and her breathe would become a lot heavier to keep up, the muscles would tense to try and support the heavy weight piling onto her.

Ears pinned, eyes slit. Tail would tuck to prevent injuries and then Alsander would attempt to grab her left forelimb. At the time it would be clear he was wanting to do serious damage, reluctantly Renesme would pull away from open jaws to only have him bite down slightly on the side of her thigh. It hurt, a lot. But as he had to lower to get a grip onto the thin yet delicate piece he now holds the dame would fight back the pain, the anger and lust. His neck area was badly exposed, lowering down to clamp at her leg left her at the slight advantage. With an ultimate push Renesme would release his leg and aim to grab the side of the neck left exposed, it was dangerous but he had to submit or perhaps suffer a lot more then she. After all whats worse, damage to the leg or the neck? His weight was still piling on her and with that her hind leg would lift up and attempt to slice [ perhaps that word sounds a bit violant] through his belly with her claws and then trying to push the razors further to give a little/big sting to back away. if any of these moves where successful it would surely cause great pain to back away, how can a wolf take so much pain?.

Renesme VS Alsander for knock out

Round- 3 of infinate

Defenses- Ears pinned, eyes slit, muscles tensed, tail tucked

Attacks- Attempting to get a chunk of flesh/ muscle from his leg that he tried to strangle her with, as he clamps down on her leg and shakes violently tearing of some of Renesmes own leg she attempts to give one big push and grab for the side of his neck to seriously injure and for him to back away due to the pain, and to try and decrease the pressure of him against her she lifts up a hind leg and tries to dig the claws as near as she can to his belly then tries pushing them in to try and hurt more

injuries- Bruising to the side and a faint bite wound to the side of her neck, a small chunk out of her front leg.


Pontifex I


10-23-2013, 03:45 PM

War was breaking out all around him, unfolding right in front of his golden gaze. Never in his life had the man thought he would be part of a war, and never one this large. The young male that had arrived after him was already engaged in his own battle. He appeared to be badly injured, but the young knight was holding his own. All around him bodies connected and teeth snapped against flesh. It was hell. And Pontifex was about to get his own taste of it. As his eyes danced across the enemy line, a particular figure, that of a male with dark coloration and ice like eyes caught his attention and it was moments after having spotted him that the man came charging towards him, looking to possibly keep him from returning home. But Pontifex wasn't about to go down so easily.

The grey and black brute would solidify his defenses, chin tucked against his chest, ears flat against his skull, eyes narrowed to slits, tail aligned with his spine, limbs spread out evenly, weight distributed equally, shoulders rolled forward for added protection to his vitals. Frame would tense with anticipation as he watched the man move towards him, looking to bring his equally sized mass and slam it into his own. He was nearly upon Pontifex when suddenly a grey figure would come out of nowhere to descend upon his attacker, looking to take a bite out of his back leg, possibly deflecting his original attack on the digamma. Hoping her attack would distract him, Pontifex would initiate his own attack, knees bending to lower his mass closer to the ground, haunches propelling the man forward, jaws agape, ready to snap at the man's right forelimb, shoulders rolling slightly more forward in order to better protect his vulnerable area.

Pontfiex and Surreal vs. Jet

Rounds 1/infinite

Defense:The grey and black brute would solidify his defenses, chin tucked against his chest, ears flat against his skull, eyes narrowed to slits, tail aligned with his spine, limbs spread out evenly, weight distributed equally, shoulders rolled forward for added protection to his vitals.

Attack: Pontifex would initiate his own attack, knees bending to lower his mass closer to the ground, haunches propelling the man forward, jaws agape, ready to snap at the man's right forelimb.

Injuries: none yet

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